Members Present: Sen. John D. Johnson, Chair Sen. Lincoln Fillmore Sen. Keith Grover Sen. David P. Hinkins Sen. Ann Millner Sen. Kathleen A. Riebe | Members Absent: President J. S. Adams Sen. Michael K. McKell Sen. Jerry W. Stevenson Staff Present: Micah Ann Wixom, Policy Analyst Tisha Gibby, Committee Secretary |
Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at
Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:49 p.m. |
MOTION:Sen. Fillmore moved to approve the Jan. 23 and Jan. 26 committee meeting minutes at 3:49 p.m.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-4. | |||
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. J. Johnson Sen. A. Millner Sen. K. Riebe | Sen. J. Adams Sen. K. Grover Sen. M. McKell Sen. J. Stevenson |
1.S.B. 143 Public School District Resource Sharing Agreements and Student Transportation Amendments (Anderegg, J.) |
Sen. Jacob Anderegg explained 1st Sub. S.B. 143. |
MOTION:Sen. Riebe moved to replace S.B. 143 with 1st Substitute S.B. 143 at 3:51 p.m.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-4. | |||
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. J. Johnson Sen. A. Millner Sen. K. Riebe | Sen. J. Adams Sen. K. Grover Sen. M. McKell Sen. J. Stevenson |
Sen. Anderegg presented the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Millner moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 143 out favorably at 4:01 p.m.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-4. | |||
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. J. Johnson Sen. A. Millner Sen. K. Riebe | Sen. J. Adams Sen. K. Grover Sen. M. McKell Sen. J. Stevenson |
2.S.B. 145 Higher Education for Incarcerated Youth Program Amendments (Riebe, K.) |
Sen. Riebe presented the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Fillmore moved to pass S.B. 145 out favorably at 4:05 p.m.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-4. | |||
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. J. Johnson Sen. A. Millner Sen. K. Riebe | Sen. J. Adams Sen. K. Grover Sen. M. McKell Sen. J. Stevenson |
3.S.B. 146 Higher Education Governance Amendments (Millner, A.) |
Sen. Millner explained 1st Sub. S.B. 146. |
MOTION:Sen. Millner moved to replace S.B. 146 with 1st Substitute S.B. 146 at 4:08 p.m.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-4. | |||
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. J. Johnson Sen. A. Millner Sen. K. Riebe | Sen. J. Adams Sen. K. Grover Sen. M. McKell Sen. J. Stevenson |
Sen. Millner presented the bill. |
Dave Woolstenhulme, Commissioner, Utah System of Higher Education, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Lisa Church, Chair, Utah System of Higher Education, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Brad Asay, President, American Federation of Teachers Utah, spoke to the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Riebe moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 146 out favorably at 4:27 p.m.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5. | |||
Yeas - 4 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 5 | |
Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. J. Johnson Sen. A. Millner Sen. K. Riebe | Sen. J. Adams Sen. K. Grover Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. M. McKell Sen. J. Stevenson |
4.S.B. 149 Teacher Evaluation Amendments (Riebe, K.) |
Sen. Riebe presented the bill. |
Nichole Mason, President, Utah Parents United, spoke to the bill. |
Brad Asay spoke in favor of the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Riebe moved to pass S.B. 149 out favorably at 4:33 p.m.The motion passed with a vote of 4-1-4. | |||
Yeas - 4 | Nays- 1 | Abs- 4 | |
Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. A. Millner Sen. K. Riebe | Sen. J. Johnson | Sen. J. Adams Sen. K. Grover Sen. M. McKell Sen. J. Stevenson |
5.S.B. 150 School Employee Licensing Amendments (Riebe, K.) |
Sen. Riebe presented the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to pass S.B. 150 out favorably at 4:41 p.m.The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-3. | |||
Yeas - 6 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 3 | |
Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. K. Grover Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. J. Johnson Sen. A. Millner Sen. K. Riebe | Sen. J. Adams Sen. M. McKell Sen. J. Stevenson |
MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to adjourn at 4:41 p.m.The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-3. | |||
Yeas - 6 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 3 | |
Sen. L. Fillmore Sen. K. Grover Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. J. Johnson Sen. A. Millner Sen. K. Riebe | Sen. J. Adams Sen. M. McKell Sen. J. Stevenson |
Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 4:41 p.m. |