Friday, February 24, 2023 • 8:00 a.m. • 210 Senate Building

Members Present:
Sen. John D. Johnson, Chair
Sen. Lincoln Fillmore
Sen. Keith Grover
Sen. David P. Hinkins
Sen. Kathleen A. Riebe

Members Absent:
President J. Stuart Adams
Sen. Michael K. McKell
Sen. Ann Millner
Sen. Jerry W. Stevenson

Staff Present:
Micah Ann Wixom, Policy Analyst
Tisha Gibby, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:26 a.m.
MOTION:Sen. Grover moved to approve the February 22, 2023 minutes.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
1.H.B. 421 School LAND Trust Program Amendments (Moss, J.)
Rep. Jefferson Moss presented the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Grover moved to pass H.B. 421 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
2.H.J.R. 18 Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution - State School Fund (Moss, J.)
Rep. Moss presented the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Riebe moved to pass H.J.R. 18 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
3.S.B. 275 Public Education Trust Fund Amendments (Riebe, K.)
MOTION:Sen. Riebe moved to amend S.B. 275 with Amendment #1.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-4.
Amendment 1
S.B. 275
1 .        Page 6, Lines 173 through 174 :  Page 6, Lines 173 through 174
173         expenditures, and investments; { and }
(f) after considering the recommendation of the advisory council, adopt a spending policy that includes a cap of 5% of the average market value of the trust fund over the past 20 consecutive quarters; and
174                 { (f) } (g) take any other action necessary to fulfill the state board's fiduciary obligations.

2 .        Page 6, Line 182 through Page 7, Line 187 :  Page 6, Line 182 through Page 7, Line 187
182                 { (10) With the primary goal of providing for stability, income, and growth of the
  183         principal, the state treasurer shall invest:
184                   (a) for fiscal years 2024 and 2025, up to 80% of the trust funds;
185                   (b) for fiscal years 2026 through 2030, up to 92% of the trust funds; and
186                   (c) for fiscal years after 2030, the principal of the trust fund. }
187                 { (11) } (10) (a) The state treasurer shall invest the trust fund money with the primary goal of

3 .        Page 7, Lines 208 through 211 :  Page 7, Lines 208 through 211
208                 {   (12) } (11) (a) The trust fund shall earn interest.
209                 (b) The treasurer shall deposit the interest or other income earned from investment of
210         the trust funds into the trust fund.
211                 {   (13) } (12) The state board shall annually report trust fund earnings and expenditures to the

Yeas - 5Nays- 0Abs- 4
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
Sen. Riebe presented the bill with the assistance of Marlo Oaks, State Treasurer.
Delene Jaques, Utah Education Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Grover moved to move to the next agenda item.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to place S.B. 275 on the interim study list .The substitute motion passed with a vote of 5-0-4.
Yeas - 5Nays- 0Abs- 4
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
4.3rd Sub. H.B. 203 Inmate Education Amendments (Ballard, M.G.)
2 HB 203
Rep. Melissa Ballard presented the bill.
Jim Behunin, citizen, spoke in favor of the bill.
Ryan Hogan, citizen, spoke in favor of the bill.
Paige Norton, citizen, spoke in favor of the bill.
Jared Haines, Senior Advisor, Utah System of Higher Education, spoke in favor of the bill.
Anndrea Parrish, Utah Department of Corrections, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to pass 3rd Substitute H.B. 203 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
5.H.B. 405 School Bus Owner Requirements (Brammer, B.)
Rep. Brady Brammer presented the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to pass H.B. 405 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
MOTION:Sen. Grover moved to place H.B. 405 on the Consent Calendar.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
6.H.B. 403 Student Mental Health Amendments (Eliason, S.)
Rep. Steve Eliason presented the bill.
Susan Edwards, Canyons School District, spoke in favor of the bill.
Linda Hanks, Utah School Board Association and Utah Superintendent Association, spoke in favor of the bill.
Delene Jaques, citizen, spoke in favor of the bill.
Taryn Hiatt, Area Director, Utah Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to amend H.B. 403 with Amendment #2.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Amendment 2
H.B. 403
1 .        Page 2, Lines 33 through 37 :  Page 2, Lines 33 through 37
33                 53F-2-522. Public education mental health screening.
34                 (1) As used in this section:
35                 (a) "Division" means the Division of { Substance Abuse and Mental Health } Integrated Healthcare .
36                 (b) "Non-participating LEA" means an LEA that does not administer an approved
37         mental health screening program described in this section.

Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to pass H.B. 403 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
7.2nd Sub. H.B. 175 School Fees Amendments (Strong, M.A.)
Rep. Mark Strong presented the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to replace 2nd Substitute H.B. 175 with 3rd Substitute H.B. 175.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
Angie Stallings, Deputy Superintendent, Utah State Board of Education, spoke to the bill.
Linda Hanks spoke against the bill.
Jay Blain, Director, Utah Education Association, spoke to the bill.
Jennie Earl, Vice-Chair, Utah State Board of Education, spoke to the bill.
Anna McNamer, teacher, spoke to the bill.
Aaryn Birchell, teacher, spoke to the bill.
Nichole Mason, President, Utah Parents United, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Grover moved to pass 3rd Substitute H.B. 175 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 3-1-5.
Yeas - 3Nays- 1Abs- 5
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
8.2nd Sub. H.B. 411 Student Behavioral Health Services Amendments (Peterson, K.)
Rep. Karen Peterson presented the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to pass 2nd Substitute H.B. 411 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to place 2nd Substitute H.B. 411 on the Consent Calendar.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
MOTION:Sen. Hinkins moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-5.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 5
Sen. K. Grover
Sen. D. Hinkins
Sen. J. Johnson
Sen. K. Riebe
Sen. J. Adams
Sen. L. Fillmore
Sen. M. McKell
Sen. A. Millner
Sen. J. Stevenson
Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:43 a.m.