Tuesday, January 30, 2024 • 3:40 p.m. • 215 Senate Building

Members Present:
Sen. Michael S. Kennedy, Chair
Sen. David G. Buxton
Sen. Luz Escamilla
Sen. Jen Plumb
Sen. Evan J. Vickers
Sen. Chris H. Wilson

Members Absent:
Sen. Heidi Balderree

Staff Present:
Seth Anderson, Policy Analyst
Jackson Lewis, Committee Secretary
Lorna Wells, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Chair Kennedy called the meeting to order at 3:48 p.m.
1.S.B. 139 Competency Amendments (Pitcher, S.)
Sen. Stephanie Pitcher presented the bill with the assistance of Arnold Butcher, Chief Deputy, Davis County Sheriff's Office.
MOTION:Chair Kennedy moved to replace S.B. 139 with 1st Substitute S.B. 139.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-3.
Yeas - 4Nays- 0Abs- 3
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. M. Kennedy
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. C. Wilson
Sen. H. Balderree
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. J. Plumb
MOTION:Chair Kennedy moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 139 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-2.
Yeas - 5Nays- 0Abs- 2
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. M. Kennedy
Sen. J. Plumb
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. C. Wilson
Sen. H. Balderree
Sen. L. Escamilla
MOTION:Sen. Wilson moved to approve the minutes of January 25, 2024 meeting.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-2.
Yeas - 5Nays- 0Abs- 2
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. M. Kennedy
Sen. J. Plumb
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. C. Wilson
Sen. H. Balderree
Sen. L. Escamilla
2.S.B. 147 Adoption Revisions (Wilson, C.)
Sen. Chris Wilson presented the bill.
Ray Johnson, adoptive parent, spoke to the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Buxton moved to pass S.B. 147 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-1.
Yeas - 6Nays- 0Abs- 1
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. M. Kennedy
Sen. J. Plumb
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. C. Wilson
Sen. H. Balderree
3.S.B. 141 Family Health Services Amendments (Escamilla, L.)
Sen. Luz Escamilla presented the bill.
Nicholeen Peck, President, World Wide Organization for Women, spoke to the bill.
MOTION:Sen. Wilson moved to replace S.B. 141 with 1st Substitute S.B. 141.The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-1.
Yeas - 6Nays- 0Abs- 1
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. M. Kennedy
Sen. J. Plumb
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. C. Wilson
Sen. H. Balderree
MOTION:Sen. Escamilla moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 141 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-1.
Yeas - 6Nays- 0Abs- 1
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. M. Kennedy
Sen. J. Plumb
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. C. Wilson
Sen. H. Balderree
MOTION:Sen. Wilson moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-1.
Yeas - 6Nays- 0Abs- 1
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Escamilla
Sen. M. Kennedy
Sen. J. Plumb
Sen. E. Vickers
Sen. C. Wilson
Sen. H. Balderree
Chair Kennedy adjourned the meeting at 4:24 p.m.