Tuesday, February 13, 2024 • 8:00 a.m. • 30 House Building

Members Present:
Rep. Calvin R. Musselman, Chair
Rep. Michael J. Petersen, Vice Chair
Rep. Brady Brammer
Rep. Jennifer Dailey-Provost
Rep. Stephanie Gricius
Rep. Sahara Hayes
Rep. A. Cory Maloy
Rep. Candice B. Pierucci
Rep. Andrew Stoddard
Rep. Norman K Thurston
Rep. Douglas R. Welton

Members Absent:
Rep. Val L. Peterson
Speaker Mike Schultz

Staff Present:
Adam J. Sweet, Policy Analyst
Karen C. Allred, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Chair Musselman called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.
1.H.B. 252 State Employee Leave Amendments (Matthews, A.)
Chair Musselman announced that by request of the sponsor, this bill will not be heard today.
MOTION:Rep. Michael Petersen moved to approve the minutes of the February 9, 2024 meeting.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-5.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 5
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hayes
Rep. A. Maloy
Rep. C. Musselman
Rep. M. Petersen
Rep. N. Thurston
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. C. Pierucci
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. A. Stoddard
Rep. D. Welton
2.H.B. 290 Ranked Choice Voting Amendments (Hall, K.)
Rep. Katy Hall presented the bill.
RCV various speakers handouts
Jeff Silvestrini, Mayor, Millcreek City, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Brian McKenzie, Davis County Clerk, representing Clerks of the Sate of Utah, spoke to the bill.
Dan Dugan, Member, Salt Lake City Council, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Aaron Davidson, County Clerk, Utah County, spoke in favor of the bill.
Wendy Hart spoke in favor of the bill.
Kory Holdaway of Utah Ranked Choice Voting, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Stan Rasmussen, Vice President of Government Affairs, Sutherland Institute, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Cameron Diehl, Executive Director, Utah League of Cities and Towns, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Christy Henshaw spoke in favor of the bill.
Whit Cook, Legislative Director, Eagle Forum, spoke in favor of the bill.
Susan Baretta spoke to the bill.
Helene Potter of Utah Rank Choice Voting, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Katherine Biele, President, League of Women Voters of Utah, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Josh Daniels, Former Utah County Clerk and Auditor, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Marilyn Momeny, American Fork citizen, spoke in favor of the bill.
Eve Furse, Summit County Clerk, spoke in opposition to the bill.
Ameilia Powers Gardner, Utah County Commissioner, and former County Clerk, spoke in opposition to the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Brammer moved to pass H.B. 290 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 7-4-2.
Yeas - 7Nays- 4Abs- 2
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. A. Maloy
Rep. C. Musselman
Rep. M. Petersen
Rep. C. Pierucci
Rep. N. Thurston
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Hayes
Rep. A. Stoddard
Rep. D. Welton
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Schultz
3.H.B. 470 Federal Agency Regulatory Review Amendments (Snider, C.)
Rep. Casey Snider presented the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Welton moved to replace H.B. 470 with 1st Substitute H.B. 470.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-5.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 5
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Hayes
Rep. A. Maloy
Rep. C. Musselman
Rep. M. Petersen
Rep. C. Pierucci
Rep. N. Thurston
Rep. D. Welton
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. A. Stoddard
MOTION:Rep. Welton moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 470 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-5.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 5
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Hayes
Rep. A. Maloy
Rep. C. Musselman
Rep. M. Petersen
Rep. C. Pierucci
Rep. N. Thurston
Rep. D. Welton
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. A. Stoddard
MOTION:Rep. Michael Petersen moved to saunter.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-5.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 5
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Hayes
Rep. A. Maloy
Rep. C. Musselman
Rep. M. Petersen
Rep. C. Pierucci
Rep. N. Thurston
Rep. D. Welton
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. A. Stoddard
Chair Musselman reconvened the meeting.
4.2nd Sub. S.B. 98 Online Data Security and Privacy Amendments (Harper, W.)
Sen. Wayne A. Harper presented the bill.
Alan Fuller, Chief Information Officer, State of Utah, spoke in favor of the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Dailey-Provost moved to replace 2nd Substitute S.B. 98 with 3rd Substitute S.B. 98.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-5.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 5
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Hayes
Rep. A. Maloy
Rep. C. Musselman
Rep. M. Petersen
Rep. C. Pierucci
Rep. N. Thurston
Rep. D. Welton
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. A. Stoddard
MOTION:Rep. Dailey-Provost moved to amend 3rd Substitute S.B. 98 with Amendment #1.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-5.
Amendment 1
3rd Sub. S.B. 98
1 .        Page 8, Lines 217 through 218 :  Page 8, Lines 217 through 218
217                 (i) the date and time the data breach occurred;
218                 (ii) the date { and time } the data breach was discovered;

Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 5
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Hayes
Rep. A. Maloy
Rep. C. Musselman
Rep. M. Petersen
Rep. C. Pierucci
Rep. N. Thurston
Rep. D. Welton
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. A. Stoddard
MOTION:Rep. Dailey-Provost moved to pass 3rd Substitute S.B. 98 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-5.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 5
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Hayes
Rep. A. Maloy
Rep. C. Musselman
Rep. M. Petersen
Rep. C. Pierucci
Rep. N. Thurston
Rep. D. Welton
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. A. Stoddard
5.H.B. 465 Housing Affordability Revisions (Whyte, S.)
Rep. Whyte presented the bill with the assistance of Cameron Diehl, Executive Director, Utah League of Cities and Towns; Chris Gamvroulas, President, Ivory Development, Ivory Homes, also Commission Member, Housing Affordability representing, Home Builders Association and Property Rights Coalition; and Christina Oliver, Director Housing and Community Development, Department of Workforce Services.
MOTION:Rep. Gricius moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-4.
Yeas - 9Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. J. Dailey-Provost
Rep. S. Gricius
Rep. S. Hayes
Rep. A. Maloy
Rep. C. Musselman
Rep. M. Petersen
Rep. C. Pierucci
Rep. N. Thurston
Rep. D. Welton
Rep. B. Brammer
Rep. V. Peterson
Rep. M. Schultz
Rep. A. Stoddard
Chair Musselman adjourned the meeting at 9:59 a.m.