Members Present: Sen. Curtis S. Bramble, Chair Sen. Nate Blouin Sen. Kirk A. Cullimore Sen. Karen Kwan Sen. Daniel McCay Sen. Scott D. Sandall | Sen. Todd D. Weiler Members Absent: Sen. Don L. Ipson Staff Present: Robert Wood, Policy Analyst Nancy Skidmore, Committee Secretary |
Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at
Chair Bramble called the meeting to order at 4:19 p.m. |
MOTION:Sen. Cullimore moved to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2024 meeting.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-3. |
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 3 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. K. Kwan Sen. S. Sandall | Sen. D. Ipson Sen. D. McCay Sen. T. Weiler |
1.S.B. 194 Social Media Regulation Amendments (McKell, M.) |
Sen. McKell presented the bill with the assistance of Zach Rausch, Serge Jorgensen, Dr. Johnathan Rothwell, Iain Corby, Liddy Johnson, Corinne Johnson, Karl and Britney Obray. |
MOTION:Sen. McCay moved to replace S.B. 194 with 1st Substitute S.B. 194.The motion passed with a vote of 6-0-2. |
Yeas - 6 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 2 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. K. Kwan Sen. D. McCay Sen. S. Sandall | Sen. D. Ipson Sen. T. Weiler |
Zach Rausch, Associate Research Scientist, New York University-Stern School of Business. |
SLIDES - Affects of Social Media on Adolescents |
Sen. Cullimore assumed the chair. |
Serge Jorgensen, Partner, Sylint Group. |
Sen. Bramble resumed the chair. |
Dr. Jonathan Rothwell, Research & Principle Economist, Gallup. |
Iain Corby, Executive Director, Age Verification Providers Association. |
Liddy Johnson, 15-year-old student, Northridge High School. |
Corinne Johnson, President, Utah Parents United. |
Britney and Karl Obray, Utah Parents. |
Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General, recorded a message for the hearing. |
RECORDING - U.S. Attorney General, Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy |
Maryann Christensen, Executive Director, Utah Legislative Watch, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Holly Rawlings, citizen, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Sheri Mattle, Safety Commissioner, Utah PTA, spoke in favor of the bill. |
Michelle Hofmann, Executive Medical Director, Utah Department of Health and Human Services, spoke in favor of the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Sandall moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 194 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 7-0-1. |
Yeas - 7 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 1 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. K. Kwan Sen. D. McCay Sen. S. Sandall Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. D. Ipson |
2.S.B. 222 Egg Production Amendments (McKell, M.) |
Sen. McKell presented the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Sandall moved to amend S.B. 222 with Amendment #1.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-3. |
Amendment 1
S.B. 222 28 4-4a-103. Prohibitions. 29 Beginning on January 1, [ 30 confine an egg-laying hen in an enclosure: 31 (1) that is not a cage-free housing system; or 32 (2) that has less than the amount of usable floor space per hen as required by the 2017 33 edition of the United Egg Producers' Animal Husbandry Guidelines for U.S. Egg-Laying 34 Flocks: Guidelines for Cage-Free Housing. 35 Section 2. Section 4-4a-107 is amended to read: 36 4-4a-107. Report. 37 (1) The department shall provide a report on this chapter to the Business and Labor 38 Interim Committee [ 39 meeting in { |
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 3 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Kwan Sen. S. Sandall Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. D. Ipson Sen. D. McCay |
MOTION:Sen. Sandall moved to pass S.B. 222 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-4. |
Yeas - 4 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Kwan Sen. S. Sandall | Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. D. Ipson Sen. D. McCay Sen. T. Weiler |
Sen. Blouin assumed the chair. |
3.H.B. 216 Eliminating Minimum Time Requirements for Professional Training (Thurston, N.) |
Sen. Bramble presented the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Bramble moved to pass H.B. 216 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-3. |
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 3 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Kwan Sen. S. Sandall Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. D. Ipson Sen. D. McCay |
MOTION:Sen. Bramble moved to place H.B. 216 on the Consent Calendar.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-3. |
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 3 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Kwan Sen. S. Sandall Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. D. Ipson Sen. D. McCay |
Sen. Bramble resumed the chair. |
4.H.B. 319 Exchange of Clinical Health Information Amendments (Johnson, D.N.) |
Rep. Johnson presented the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Blouin moved to pass H.B. 319 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-3. |
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 3 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Kwan Sen. S. Sandall Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. D. Ipson Sen. D. McCay |
5.H.B. 392 Nursing Care Facility Modifications (Whyte, S.) |
Rep. White presented the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Kwan moved to pass H.B. 392 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 4-0-4. |
Yeas - 4 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Kwan Sen. S. Sandall | Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. D. Ipson Sen. D. McCay Sen. T. Weiler |
6.H.B. 443 Utah Consumer Sales Practices Act Amendments (Cobb, J.) |
Rep. Cobb presented the bill. |
Megha Kundra, Attorney, Dorsey and Whitney, Fin Tech Utah, spoke in favor of the bill. |
MOTION:Sen. Weiler moved to pass H.B. 443 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-3. |
Yeas - 5 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 3 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Kwan Sen. S. Sandall Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. D. Ipson Sen. D. McCay |
7.2nd Sub. H.B. 289 Property Rights Ombudsman Amendments (Birkeland, K.) |
Rep. Birkeland presented the bill. |
H.B. 289 Property Rights Ombudsman Amendments |
MOTION:Sen. Sandall moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 4-1-3. |
Yeas - 4 | Nays- 1 | Abs- 3 | |
Sen. N. Blouin Sen. C. Bramble Sen. K. Kwan Sen. S. Sandall | Sen. T. Weiler | Sen. K. Cullimore Sen. D. Ipson Sen. D. McCay |
Chair Bramble adjourned the meeting at 5:59 p.m. |