Members Present: Rep. Jon Hawkins, Chair Rep. Nelson T. Abbott, Vice Chair Rep. Cheryl K. Acton Rep. Kera Birkeland Rep. Tyler Clancy Rep. Brian S. King Rep. Karianne Lisonbee Rep. Anthony E. Loubet | Rep. Judy Weeks Rohner Rep. Rex P. Shipp Rep. Christine F. Watkins Members Absent: Rep. Mark A. Wheatley Staff Present: Jonathan Adams, Policy Analyst Tisha Gibby, Committee Secretary |
Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at
Chair Hawkins called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. |
1.H.B. 405 Medical Student Vaccine Amendments (Birkeland, K.) |
Rep. Birkeland presented the bill with the assistance of Kristen Chevrier, Director, Your Health Freedom Utah. |
Maryann Martindale, Executive Director, Utah Academy of Family Physicians, spoke against the bill. |
Ellie Brownstein, President, Utah Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, spoke to the bill. |
Lyssa De La O, registered nurse, spoke in favor of the bill. |
MOTION:Rep. Birkeland moved to replace H.B. 405 with 1st Substitute H.B. 405.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4. | |||
Yeas - 8 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. J. Hawkins Rep. B. King Rep. J. Rohner Rep. R. Shipp Rep. C. Watkins | Rep. T. Clancy Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. A. Loubet Rep. M. Wheatley |
MOTION:Rep. Shipp moved to amend 1st Substitute H.B. 405 with Amendment #1.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-4. | |||
Amendment 1
1st Sub. H.B. 405 610 { 611 at an institution of higher education if the institution of higher education provides the student the same rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to seek an exemption from a vaccination mandate or face covering mandate as the institution of higher education provides to a health care professional employed by the institution of higher education . { |
Yeas - 8 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. J. Hawkins Rep. B. King Rep. J. Rohner Rep. R. Shipp Rep. C. Watkins | Rep. T. Clancy Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. A. Loubet Rep. M. Wheatley |
MOTION:Rep. Shipp moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 405 out favorably as amended.The motion passed with a vote of 8-1-3. | |||
Yeas - 8 | Nays- 1 | Abs- 3 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. J. Hawkins Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. J. Rohner Rep. R. Shipp Rep. C. Watkins | Rep. B. King | Rep. T. Clancy Rep. A. Loubet Rep. M. Wheatley |
MOTION:Rep. Shipp moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-3. | |||
Yeas - 9 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 3 | |
Rep. N. Abbott Rep. C. Acton Rep. K. Birkeland Rep. J. Hawkins Rep. B. King Rep. K. Lisonbee Rep. J. Rohner Rep. R. Shipp Rep. C. Watkins | Rep. T. Clancy Rep. A. Loubet Rep. M. Wheatley |
Chair Hawkins adjourned the meeting at 6:33 p.m. |