Monday, February 26, 2024 • 4:00 p.m. • 120 Senate Building

Members Present:
Rep. James A. Dunnigan, Chair
Rep. Michael L. Kohler, Vice Chair
Rep. Gay Lynn Bennion
Rep. James Cobb
Rep. Paul A. Cutler
Rep. Matthew H. Gwynn
Rep. Marsha Judkins
Rep. Rosemary T. Lesser
Rep. R. Neil Walter

Members Absent:
Rep. Trevor Lee
Rep. Jordan D. Teuscher

Staff Present:
Nathan W. Brady, Policy Analyst
Linda Service, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

Chair Kohler called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m.
MOTION:Rep. Cutler moved to approve the minutes of the February 23, 2024 meeting.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-3.
Yeas - 8Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. G. Bennion
Rep. J. Cobb
Rep. P. Cutler
Rep. J. Dunnigan
Rep. M. Gwynn
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. R. Walter
Rep. T. Lee
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. J. Teuscher
1.2nd Sub. S.B. 204 Condominium and Community Association Amendments (Harper, W.)
Sen Harper introduced the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Judkins moved to pass 2nd Substitute S.B. 204 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-2.
Yeas - 9Nays- 0Abs- 2
Rep. G. Bennion
Rep. J. Cobb
Rep. P. Cutler
Rep. J. Dunnigan
Rep. M. Gwynn
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. R. Walter
Rep. T. Lee
Rep. J. Teuscher
2.S.B. 225 School District Boundary Amendments (Bramble, C.)
Sen. Bramble introduced the bill.
Jennie Earl, District 1, Utah State School Board, spoke in support of the bill.
MOTION:Rep. Walter moved to pass S.B. 225 out favorably.The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-2.
Yeas - 9Nays- 0Abs- 2
Rep. G. Bennion
Rep. J. Cobb
Rep. P. Cutler
Rep. J. Dunnigan
Rep. M. Gwynn
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. R. Walter
Rep. T. Lee
Rep. J. Teuscher
MOTION:Rep. Walter moved to place S.B. 225 on the Consent Calendar.The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-2.
Yeas - 9Nays- 0Abs- 2
Rep. G. Bennion
Rep. J. Cobb
Rep. P. Cutler
Rep. J. Dunnigan
Rep. M. Gwynn
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. R. Walter
Rep. T. Lee
Rep. J. Teuscher
MOTION:Rep. Lesser moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-2.
Yeas - 9Nays- 0Abs- 2
Rep. G. Bennion
Rep. J. Cobb
Rep. P. Cutler
Rep. J. Dunnigan
Rep. M. Gwynn
Rep. M. Judkins
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. R. Lesser
Rep. R. Walter
Rep. T. Lee
Rep. J. Teuscher
Chair Dunnigan adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m.