Wednesday, February 7, 2024 • 8:00 a.m. • 210 Senate Building

Members Present:
Sen. Scott D. Sandall, Chair
Rep. Stewart E. Barlow, House Chair
Sen. Nate Blouin
Sen. David G. Buxton
Sen. Lincoln Fillmore
Sen. Daniel McCay
Sen. Ronald M. Winterton
Rep. Carl R. Albrecht
Rep. Tim Jimenez
Rep. Brian S. King
Rep. Michael L. Kohler
Rep. Steven J. Lund
Rep. Phil Lyman
Rep. Doug Owens
Rep. Casey Snider
Rep. Ryan D. Wilcox

Members Absent:
Rep. Scott H. Chew, House Vice Chair

Staff Present:
Ivan D. Djambov, Finance Manager
Lacey K. Moore, Finance Officer
An Bradshaw, Committee Secretary
Tisha Gibby, Committee Secretary

Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at www.le.utah.gov.

1.Call to Order
Chair Sandall called the meeting to order at 8:09 a.m.
Chair Sandall expressed thanks to members of the committee and staff.
2.Approval of Minutes
No minutes were voted on.
3) NRAEQ Voting Results (2024 General Session)
MOTION:Rep. Barlow moved to approve the fees for the agencies in this subcommittee, as posted on the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Appropriations Subcommittee related links in the document titled "2024 General Session - NRAEQ Fee Schedule." The motion passed with a vote of 12-0-5.
Yeas - 12Nays- 0Abs- 5
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Sen. L. Fillmore
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
MOTION:Rep. Barlow moved to approve the Federal Funds for the agencies in this subcommittee, as posted on the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental Quality Appropriations Subcommittee webpage unde related links in the document titled "NRAEQ Federal Funds Requests (2024 General Session)."The motion passed with a vote of 13-0-4.
Yeas - 13Nays- 0Abs- 4
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Fillmore
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
MOTION:Rep. Albrecht moved to approve the legislative intent language as listed under Item 3 of the Voting Packet with the following changes: The Legislature intends that the $840,000 one-time funding from the Off-highway Vehicle Account provided by this item be used for trail development and other infrastructure improvements benefitting off-highway vehicles in proximity to the Butch Cassidy State Monument.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION:Rep. Snider moved to approve the legislative intent language as listed under item 3 of the voting packet with the following changes: add "The Legislature intends that the $840,000 one-time funding from the Off-highway Vehicle Account provided by this item be used for trail development and other infrastructure improvements benefitting off-highway vehicles in proximity to the Butch Cassidy State Monument." Add items 72 (State Management of Wolves) and 73 (Atlantis Foundation) with the following intent language for each: "The Legislature intends that the Division of Finance shall not disperse the funding provided by this item until a comprehensive financial audit of past expenditures of state funds has been presented to and reviewed by the National Resources, Agriculture and Environmental Quality Appropriations Subcommittee. Further, funding provided by this item shall only be paid on a reimbursement basis; all requested documentation related to reimbursement shall be free of redaction."The substitute motion passed with a vote of 14-0-3.
Yeas - 14Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Fillmore
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
MOTION:Rep. Barlow moved to approve the technical changes and budget reallocations as listed under Item 4 of the Voting Packet.The motion passed with a vote of 14-0-3.
Yeas - 14Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Fillmore
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
MOTION:Rep. Barlow moved to approve the one-time internally funded items as listed under Item 5 of the Voting Packet.The motion passed with a vote of 14-0-3.
Yeas - 14Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Fillmore
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
MOTION:Rep. Barlow moved to approve the ongoing internally funded items as listed under Item 6 of the Voting Packet.The motion passed with a vote of 14-0-3.
Yeas - 14Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Fillmore
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
Sen. Winterton requested clarification on a funding item and Chair Sandall responded.
MOTION:Rep. Barlow moved to approve the requests from non-General Fund sources as listed under Item 7 of the Voting Packet.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION:Rep. Albrecht moved to approve the requests from non-General Fund sources as listed under Item 7 of the Voting Packet, along with the following intent language: "In addition to the intent language in H.B. 5, Item 28, the Legislature intends that $70,000 of the $4,600,000 for Water Rights Measurement / Data Enhancement be used for telemetering of the Vermillion Dam on the Sevier River."
Chair Sandall ruled the substitute motion as not applicable to the underlying motion.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION:Rep. Albrecht moved to approve the requests from non-General Fund sources as listed under Item 7 of the Voting Packet with the following change: add an item to the bottom of the list for $840,000 one-time from the Off-Highway Vehicle Restricted Account for Butch Cassidy State Monument Trails.The substitute motion passed with a vote of 14-0-3.
Yeas - 14Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Fillmore
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Sen. D. McCay
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
MOTION:Rep. Albrecht moved to add the following intent language: "In addition to the intent language passed in H.B. 5, Item 28, the Legislature intends that $70,000 of the $4,600,000 for Water Rights Measurement / Data Enhancement be used for telemetering of the Vermillion Dam on the Sevier River."The motion passed with a vote of 14-0-3.
Yeas - 14Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Fillmore
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Sen. D. McCay
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
MOTION:Rep. Barlow moved to approve the priority list for one-time General Fund requests as listed under Item 8 of the Voting Packet.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION:Rep. Jimenez moved to approve the requests from one-time General Fund as listed under Item 8 of the Voting Packet with the following change: add DAQ Ozone Modeling for $250,000 one-time, ranked as priority number 5.
Rep. Snider requested clarification on the DAQ Ozone funding request and Lacey Moore responded.
Rep. Jimenez withdrew his substitute motion.
There was further committee discussion on funding.
MOTION:Rep. Barlow moved to saunter.The motion passed with a vote of 14-0-3.
Yeas - 14Nays- 0Abs- 3
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Sen. L. Fillmore
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Sen. D. McCay
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
Chair Sandall called the meeting back to order at 8:41 a.m.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION:Rep. Wilcox moved to approve the priority list for one-time General Fund requests as listed under Item 8 of the Voting Packet with the following changes: remove Item 1 "Utah Energy Act Amendments" and add an additional item to the bottom of the list "Division of Wildlife Resources Land Purchase".The substitute motion passed with a vote of 15-0-2.
Yeas - 15Nays- 0Abs- 2
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Sen. L. Fillmore
MOTION:Rep. Barlow moved to approve the priority list for ongoing General Fund requests as listed under Item 9 of the Voting Packet.The motion passed with a vote of 15-0-2.
Yeas - 15Nays- 0Abs- 2
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Sen. L. Fillmore
Chair Sandall clarified an item on the Ongoing reallocation list and Sen. Winterton responded.
There was further committee discussion.
MOTION:Sen. Winterton moved to eliminate row 5 "Water Rights Measurement Engineer" and row 8 "Office of Energy Development additional staff" on Item 6, Internally Funded Items, Ongoing.
There was committee discussion to the motion.
Rep. Snider spoke in opposition to the motion.
Sen. Winterton withdrew his motion.
MOTION:Sen. Winterton moved to add the following item to the bottom of Item 9, New Requests for Ongoing General Fund: "Office of Energy Development additional staff" for $236,000.The motion passed with a vote of 15-0-2.
Yeas - 15Nays- 0Abs- 2
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Sen. L. Fillmore
MOTION:Rep. Jimenez moved to replace the legislative intent language on on page 12 of the Voting Packet, item 51 Environmental Quality - Division of Air Quality with the following: "Notwithstanding intent language passed in H.B. 5, 2024 General Session, the legislature intends that of the funding for Woodstove Replacement, $626,500 be used instead for two-stroke yard and garden equipment incentives and that $250,000 be used for DAQ Ozone Modeling."
Sen. Blouin asked for clarification and spoke in opposition to the motion.
Rep. King spoke in opposition to the motion.
The motion passed with a vote 12-3-2.
Yeas - 12Nays- 3Abs- 2
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. D. Buxton
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Sen. N. Blouin
Rep. B. King
Rep. D. Owens
Rep. S. Chew
Sen. L. Fillmore
MOTION:Rep. Albrecht moved to replace the legislative intent language for item 70, Professional Services - Public Lands Issues on page 5 of the Voting Packet with the following: The Legislature intends that $650,000 from the General Fund provided by this item be used by the Utah Public Lands Policy Coordinating office (PLPCO) to procure the professional services of a private or nonprofit Utah corporation to provide legal counsel and representation to the following five disadvantaged rural counties in southern Utah: Beaver, Garfield, Kane, Piute, and Wayne, in public lands NEPA related matters and other public lands related controversies.The motion passed with a vote of 15-0-2.
Yeas - 15Nays- 0Abs- 2
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Sen. L. Fillmore
Rep. Lyman asked for clarification and Rep. Albrecht and Chair Sandall responded.
4.2024 Interim Accountable Budget Process
4) 2024 Interim Accountable Budget Process
Lacey Moore presented the 2024 Accountable Budget Process.
5.Other Business
Chair Sandall and Rep. Barlow expressed appreciation to the committee and staff for their work.
MOTION:Sen. Buxton moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 15-0-2.
Yeas - 15Nays- 0Abs- 2
Rep. C. Albrecht
Rep. S. Barlow
Sen. N. Blouin
Sen. D. Buxton
Rep. T. Jimenez
Rep. B. King
Rep. M. Kohler
Rep. S. Lund
Rep. P. Lyman
Sen. D. McCay
Rep. D. Owens
Sen. S. Sandall
Rep. C. Snider
Rep. R. Wilcox
Sen. R. Winterton
Rep. S. Chew
Sen. L. Fillmore
Chair Sandall adjourned the meeting at 9:08 a.m.