Members Present: Sen. David P. Hinkins, Chair Rep. Casey Snider, Chair Sen. Don L. Ipson Sen. Michael K. McKell Rep. Carl R. Albrecht Rep. Joel K. Briscoe Rep. Scott H. Chew Rep. Phil Lyman Rep. Doug Owens Cody Allred Steven Clyde Nathan Daugs Wade Garrett Jay Mark Humphrey Michael D. Larson Warren Peterson |
Members Absent: President J. Stuart Adams Sen. Jen Plumb Rep. Bridger Bolinder Rep. Keven J. Stratton Scott Paxman Zach Renstrom Gene Shawcroft David Ure Staff Present: Charley Hart, Policy Analyst Julie Humberstone, Policy Analyst Patricia Owen, Associate General Counsel Ryan C. Williams, Associate General Counsel Victoria Garcia, Administrative Assistant |
Note: A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found at
Chair Hinkins called the meeting to order at 11:36 a.m. |
1.Commission Business |
MOTION:Rep. Albrecht moved to approve the minutes.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-5. | |||
Yeas - 8 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 5 | |
Rep. C. Albrecht Rep. J. Briscoe Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. D. Ipson Rep. P. Lyman Sen. M. McKell Rep. D. Owens Rep. C. Snider | Sen. J. Adams Rep. B. Bolinder Rep. S. Chew Sen. J. Plumb Rep. K. Stratton |
2.2024 Passed Bills |
2a. 2024 Passed Legislation |
Julie Humberstone gave a presentation on recently passed legislation. |
3.Grand County Water Conservancy District |
Ben Musselman, Agency Manager, Grand Water & Sewer Service Agency, and Kevin Clyde, Board Member, Grand County Water Conservancy District, gave a presentation on a federally owned water pipeline located in Grand County. |
The commission asked questions of Ben Musselman and Kevin Clyde. |
MOTION:Rep. Albrecht moved to pass a resolution in support of the Grand County Water Conservancy District's efforts. The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-5. | |||
Yeas - 8 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 5 | |
Rep. C. Albrecht Rep. J. Briscoe Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. D. Ipson Rep. P. Lyman Sen. M. McKell Rep. D. Owens Rep. C. Snider | Sen. J. Adams Rep. B. Bolinder Rep. S. Chew Sen. J. Plumb Rep. K. Stratton |
MOTION:Rep. Albrecht moved to open a bill file to address the issue of the Grand County water pipeline.The motion passed with a vote of 8-0-5. | |||
Yeas - 8 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 5 | |
Rep. C. Albrecht Rep. J. Briscoe Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. D. Ipson Rep. P. Lyman Sen. M. McKell Rep. D. Owens Rep. C. Snider | Sen. J. Adams Rep. B. Bolinder Rep. S. Chew Sen. J. Plumb Rep. K. Stratton |
4.Water Forecast Report |
Candice Hasenyager, Director, Utah Division of Water Resources, presented a water forecast report. |
4a. Division of Water Resources - Water Supply |
The commission asked questions of Candice Hasenyager. |
5.Great Salt Lake Update |
Brian Steed, Great Salt Lake Commissioner, gave a presentation on the current state of the Great Salt Lake. |
The commission asked questions of Brian Steed. |
6.Ongoing Water Studies Update |
Candice Hasenyager gave a presentation on the division's current water studies. |
6a. Division of Water Resources - Current Studies |
The commission asked questions of Candice Hasenyager. |
Blake Bingham, Deputy State Engineer, Division of Water Rights, and Dr. Beth Neilson, Utah State University, presented a report on the Great Salt Lake Basin measurement infrastructure gap analysis. |
6b. Division of Water Rights - Great Sale Lake Basin Presentation |
The commission asked questions of Blake Bingham and Dr. Beth Neilson. |
Nathan Lunstad, Director, Division of Drinking Water, gave a presentation on the division's current water studies. |
6c. Division of Drinking Water Presentation |
The commission asked questions of Nathan Lunstad. |
6d. Division of Water Quality Update |
John Mackey, Director, Division of Water Quality, gave a presentation on the division's current water studies. |
The commission asked questions of John Mackey. |
7.Salton Sea/Yuma Arizona Tour |
7a. Salton Sea Tour Presentation |
Candice Hasenyager and Jamie Barnes, Director, Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands, gave a presentation on their recent tour of Yuma, Arizona and the Salton Sea. |
The commission asked questions of Candice Hasenyager and Jamie Barnes. |
8.Other Items/Adjourn |
MOTION:Rep. Albrecht moved to adjourn.The motion passed with a vote of 9-0-4. | |||
Yeas - 9 | Nays- 0 | Abs- 4 | |
Rep. C. Albrecht Rep. J. Briscoe Rep. S. Chew Sen. D. Hinkins Sen. D. Ipson Rep. P. Lyman Sen. M. McKell Rep. D. Owens Rep. C. Snider | Sen. J. Adams Rep. B. Bolinder Sen. J. Plumb Rep. K. Stratton |
Chair Hinkins adjourned the meeting at 1:59 p.m. |