Representatives Seal

Revised Fiscal Note

S.B. 63

2018 General Session

Charity Registration Amendments

by Hemmert, D

Senate Seal
General, Education, and Uniform School FundsJR4-5-101
Net GF/EF/USF (rev.-exp.)$(24,200)$0$(24,200)

State GovernmentUCA36-12-13(2)(b)

Enactment of this legislation could reduce Commerce Service Account revenue by $28,800 annually beginning in FY 2019. This revenue loss, combined with the Commerce Service Account cost savings below, could decrease annual transfers to the General Fund by $24,200 annually.

RevenuesFY 2018FY 2019FY 2020
General Fund $0 $(24,200) $(24,200)
Commerce Service Fund $0 $(4,600) $(4,600)
Total Revenues $0 $(28,800) $(28,800)

Enactment of this legislation could save the Department of Commerce $4,600 annually beginning in FY 2019 from the Commerce Service Account in staff time for application processing and investigations. Spending from the Commerce Service Account impacts year-end transfers to the General Fund.

ExpendituresFY 2018FY 2019FY 2020
Commerce Service Fund $0 $(4,600) $(4,600)
Total Expenditures $0 $(4,600) $(4,600)
Net All Funds (rev-exp) $0 $(24,200) $(24,200)
Local GovernmentUCA36-12-13(2)(c)

Enactment of this legislation likely will not result in direct, measurable costs for local governments.

Individuals & BusinessesUCA36-12-13(2)(d)

Enactment of this legislation could save 115 professional fundraiser firms meeting the exemption criteria a $250 annual fee for aggregate savings of $28,800 annually.

Regulatory Impact
Enactment of this legislation could result in a medium reduction in the regulatory burden for Utah residents or businesses.
Performance NoteJR4-2-404

No performance note required for this bill