FY 1997 Appropriations Report - Table 2

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FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1996 FY 1997 Percent
Program Operating Budgets Estimated Supplemental Revised Appropriated Change
Legislature $10,156,300 $177,950 $10,334,250 $10,922,700 5.69%
Elected Officials 23,441,400 28,000 23,469,400 24,559,900 4.65%
State Courts 66,736,000 (163,400) 66,572,600 68,402,750 2.75%
Corrections 154,740,400 154,740,400 171,209,300 10.64%
Public Safety 30,701,700 56,000 30,757,700 33,331,400 8.37%
Administrative Services 17,870,000 17,870,000 18,567,000 3.90%
Debt Service 76,207,700 784,800 76,992,500 81,496,700 5.85%
Capital Facilities 12,518,200 12,518,200 50,474,800 303.21%
Human Services 193,759,500 2,734,500 196,494,000 211,399,600 7.59%
Health 153,499,800 153,499,800 162,068,800 5.58%
Public Education - Agencies 38,739,300 100,000 38,839,300 46,000,600 18.44%
Minimum School Program 1,143,887,676 12,423,400 1,156,311,076 1,303,734,448 12.75%
School Building Program 13,874,400 572,800 14,447,200 26,358,000 82.44%
Higher Education 377,738,900 377,738,900 406,832,700 7.70%
Applied Technology - Public Eduction 59,361,000 250,000 59,611,000 70,776,283 18.73%
Applied Technology - Higher Eduction 47,158,300 47,158,300 50,682,100 7.47%
Natural Resources 38,248,100 1,430,000 39,678,100 48,682,400 22.69%
Commerce and Revenue 44,928,400 49,000 44,977,400 46,395,400 3.15%
Economic Develop. & Human Resources 38,233,400 1,500,000 39,733,400 46,037,700 15.87%
National Guard and CEM 3,042,000 3,042,000 3,241,300 6.55%
Environmental Quality 9,132,700 9,132,700 11,450,100 25.37%
Transportation 31,679,000 31,679,000 112,234,700 254.29%
Circuit Breaker 5,100,000 5,100,000 5,500,000 7.84%
Grand Total $2,590,754,176 $19,943,050 $2,610,697,226 $3,010,358,681 15.31%

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