From: Kirk Robinson
To: Rep. McKell, M.,
Subject: No appropriations for fighting sage grouse, gray wolf, etc.
Date: 2014-02-13T01:55:44Z
I am absolutely opposed to any attempt by Utah to fight the federal government on Endangered Species Act listings/delistings, including any and all appropriations to support Utah’s crappy faux sage grouse “conservation” plan, to fight for national delisting of the gray wolf, or the Mexican gray wolf, for trying to keep the Bonneville cutthroat from ESA protection, etc.
It will be irresponsible of you to appropriate citizen tax money to fight against protections for wildlife that belongs to all citizens so that energy companies and other entrenched special interests can continue to subject our wildlife habitat, our wildlife, our watersheds, and our air quality to ruinous exploitation in pursuit of profit.
The State of Utah will not succeed in any of these efforts, so it will just be money and man hours wasted.  But even if it were to succeed, it would not be in the public interest.  That’s not the direction we need to go in to secure the best and brightest future for Utah.
Kirk Robinson
Executive Director
Western Wildlife Conservancy