From: Amy Roberts
To: Rep. Perry, L.,
Subject: Please pass Dana Layton's bill HB 342
Date: 2014-02-21T19:28:11Z

Dear Representative,

Please pass HB 342 "Powers and Duties of the State Board of Education" by Rep. Dana Layton.  This bill will enable Utah to create it's own standards for Math and English Language Arts.  If this bill is not passed, we will be beholden to other special interest groups who have used Federal bribery through Race to the Top, to get us to sign on to Common Core.  They do not have our best interest in mind.  The current Common Core for math is not even college or career ready, and the ELA standards are using informational texts instead classic literature to teach our children, which will not develop a love for reading.  Please, I urge you strongly, to pass HB 342, so that UTAH can choose what standards our children should have.

Thank you,

Amy Roberts