From: Christina Evans
To: Rep. Perry, L.,
Subject: Please Pass HB 342 on Powers and Duties of the State Board of Education
Date: 2014-02-21T18:14:37Z
I strongly urge you to pass HB 342 by Rep. Dana Layton. This bill will allow Utah to create its own high quality standards and the ability to change and improve the standards as needed.  The common core standards do not allow high end students to excel and will not adequately prepare students for many universities and STEM degrees.  It promotes our state's rights which we seem to be losing at an alarming rate.  We have proven from past experience that even with some of the lowest per student spending, we have had some of the highest test scores.   We have the resources in utah to help education succeed.   Common core is hurting, not helping the high end students and we can do better.

Thank you,

Christina Evans