From: Tres Wangsgaard
To: Rep. Perry, L.,
Subject: Vote YES on HB37, but first we need to get it into subcommittee!
Date: 2014-02-05T23:41:49Z

Dear Lee,

I am writing to you on behalf of the thousands of kayakers, fishermen, canoers, white water rafters, and water recreationalists of the great state of Utah.

We are respectfully asking you to lift HB37 into subcommittee where this very important issue can be further discussed and debated.

This compromise is based on an Idaho law that allows for recreational access to the rivers and streams that belong to all persons of Utah.

This issue is important to us as citizens of Utah, and we want our voices to be heard.

The first step in returning public waters to the public begins with lifting HB37 into subcommittee.

On behalf of those same thousands of kayakers, fishermen, canoers, white water rafters, and water recreationalists, thank you for your time, and your service to the state of Utah.


Tres Wangsgaard