This information updated at 17 February 1999, 5:42 PM. While we make every effort to keep the information current and accurate, it may be updated at any time. H.B. 192 Native American Remains and Historic Artifacts (Anderson, E.) 12/16/98 Numbered LRGC 12/22/98 Bill Distributed LRGC 01/05/99 House received from General Counsel HDOCKET 01/11/99 House received fiscal note from Fiscal HDOCKET 01/11/99 House bill to Legislative Printing HDOCKET 01/18/99 House read 1st time (Introduced) HSTRUL 01/18/99 House sent to standing committee HSTGOC 01/20/99 House comm report favorable/amended HSTGOC 01/20/99 House read 2nd time H3RDHB 01/26/99 House read 3rd time H3RDHB 01/26/99 House passed 3rd reading SINTRO 67 0 8 01/26/99 Senate/ received from House SINTRO 01/26/99 Senate/read 1st (Introduced) SSTRUL 01/29/99 Senate/to Standing Committee SSTENR 02/03/99 Senate/committee report favorable S2ND 02/09/99 Senate/read 2nd S2ND 02/11/99 Senate/pass 2nd S3RD 25 0 4 02/12/99 Senate/read 3rd S3RD 02/17/99 Senate/substitute SSUB