190 SEQUENCE #190 STATE OF UTAH HJR 20 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BY Fife, F. 2002 General Session of the 54th Legislature VOTE TABULATION Resolution Urging Hazardous Materials Not Be Transported by Train During the Olympics FEBRUARY 4, 2002 Stephens, M. 11:27:15 AM Resolution Urging SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Hazardous Materials YEAS - 22 Beck Dillree Jones Moss Becker Duckworth King Parker Beshear Fife Litvack Shurtliff Bourdeaux Hansen Mascaro Young Buffmire Hendrickson McCartney Daniels Hutchings, E. Morgan NAYS - 47 Aagard Buttars Hatch Siddoway Adair Clark, D. Hogue Snow, G. Alexander Clark, S. Johnson, B. Styler Allen, S. Cox, D. Lockhart Swallow Anderson Dayton Murray Thompson Barrus Donnelson Newbold Throckmorton Bennion Ferrin Pace Tyler Bigelow Ferry Peterson Ure Bowman Garn Philpot Urquhart Bradshaw Goodfellow Ray Wallace Bryson Gowans Saunders Stephens, M. Bush Harper Seitz ABSENT OR NOT VOTING - 6 Arent Curtis Way Biskupski Holdaway Winn