149 SEQUENCE #149 STATE OF UTAH HB 218 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BY Morgan, K. 2006 General Session of the 56th Legislature VOTE TABULATION Schools for the Deaf and Blind Salary Adjustment FEBRUARY 6, 2006 Curtis 11:34:03 AM Schools for the Deaf SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE and Blind Salary YEAS - 70 Aagard Donnelson Hunsaker Noel Adams Dougall Hutchings, E. Oda Alexander Duckworth Johnson, B. Painter Allen, S. Dunnigan Jones Ray Barrus Ferrin King Romero Bigelow Fisher, J. M. Kiser Shurtliff Biskupski Fisher, Julie Last Snow, G. Bowman Fowlke Lawrence Tilton Buttars Frank Litvack Ure Buxton Gibson Lockhart Urquhart Christensen Gowans Mascaro Walker Clark, D. Hansen Mathis Wallace Clark, S. Hardy McGee Wheatley Cosgrove Harper Morgan Wheeler Cox, D. Hendrickson Morley Wiley Daw Hogue Moss Wyatt Dayton Holdaway Murray Dee Hughes Newbold NAYS - 0 ABSENT OR NOT VOTING - 5 Becker Ferry Curtis Bourdeaux Menlove