57 SEQUENCE #57 STATE OF UTAH HJR 5 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BY Newbold, M. 2007 General Session of the 57th Legislature VOTE TABULATION Resolution Approving Compensation of In-session Employees JANUARY 24, 2007 Curtis 11:32:50 AM Resolution Approving SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Compensation of YEAS - 67 Aagard Dougall Herrod Neusenschwander Allen, S. Draxler Hunsaker Newbold Andersen Duckworth Hutchings, E. Noel Barrus Dunnigan Johnson Oda Becker Ferry King Painter Bigelow Fisher, Janice Kiser Sandstrom Bird Fisher, Julie Last Seelig Biskupski Fowlke Litvack Snow, G. Bowman Frank Lockhart Tilton Brown Garn Mascaro Urquhart Buxton Gibson Mathis Walker Clark, D. Gowans McGee Wheatley Clark, S. Grover McIff Wiley Cosgrove Hansen Menlove Wimmer Daw Harper Morgan Wyatt Dee Hemingway Morley Curtis Donnelson Hendrickson Moss NAYS - 0 ABSENT OR NOT VOTING - 8 Froerer Hughes Riesen Sumsion Holdaway Ray Shurtliff Wheeler