the family and the
if known,
information regarding the
testing requirements under Subsection (3) when providing results indicating that an infant
failed the newborn hearing screening test(s) under Subsection
The motion passed unanimously.
Spoke in favor of the bill: Ms. Sara Menlove Doutre
Mr. Will Doutre
Ms. Janelle Greenlee
Ms. Annie Culley
Ms. Diana Sagers
Ms. Sharon Caldwell
Ms. Charity Diven
Spoke to the bill: Dr. Albert Park, University of Utah Hospital, Primary Children's
Hospital (handout)
Dr. James Bale, MD
Dr. Karl White, Utah State University
Dr. Robert Rolfs, Deputy Director, Utah Department of Health
Spoke in opposition to
the bill: Ms. Jackie de Gaston
MOTION: Rep. Cosgrove moved to pass the bill out favorably as substituted and amended. The
motion passed unanimously.
H.B. 13 Protection of Children Riding in Motor Vehicles (Rep. P. Arent)
Rep. Arent presented the bill to the committee with the assistance of Rep. Lee B. Perry.
Spoke in favor of the bill: Dr. Kevin Nelson
Dr. Thomas Metcalf
Mr. Tyler Adams
Ms. Janet Brooks, Primary Children's Medical Center
Ms. Michelle McOmber, Utah Medical Association
Spoke in opposition to
the bill: Ms. Jackie de Gaston
Ms. Dalane England, Utah Eagle Forum
MOTION: Rep. Chavez-Houck moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with
Rep. Greene and Rep. Kennedy voting in opposition.
H.C.R. 2 Concurrent Resolution to Reduce Obesity in Utah (Rep. S. Barlow)
Rep. Barlow presented the resolution to the committee.
MOTION: Rep. Barlow moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page
3, Lines 64 through 71
WHEREAS, individuals from ages 2 to 28 consume 365 calories per day on average
from added sugars, more than double the discretionary calorie allowance in the 2010
Guidelines for Americans;
WHEREAS, sweetened beverages account for 22% of empty calories in
diets; and
WHEREAS, individual effort alone is insufficient to combat obesity's rising tide, and
significant societal and environmental changes are needed to support individual efforts to
healthy changes:
The motion passed unanimously.
Spoke in opposition to the bill: Ms. Jackie de Gaston
MOTION: Rep. Menlove moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion passed
unanimously, with Rep. Redd absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Barlow moved to place H.C.R. 2 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed
unanimously, with Rep. Redd absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Greene moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously, with
Rep. Redd absent for the vote.
Chair Ray adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m.
Rep. Paul Ray, Chair