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Room 20, West Office Building

February 8, 2013

MEMBERS PRESENT:    Rep. Kay L. McIff, Chair
                Rep. Lee B. Perry,Vice Chair
                Rep. Patrice M. Arent                
                Rep. LaVar Christensen
                Rep. Brian M. Greene
                Rep. Craig Hall
                Rep. Brian S. King
                Rep. V. Lowry Snow                
MEMBERS ABSENT:    Rep. Eric K. Hutchings                
STAFF PRESENT:        Ms. Chelsea Lloyd, Policy Analyst
                Ms. Linda Black, Committee Secretary

NOTE:    A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Chair McIff called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Arent moved to approve the minutes of February 4, 2013, and February 6,         2013. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Christensen, Rep. King and         Rep. Perry absent for the vote.

H.B. 2861S    Disposition of Personal Property on Vacated Property (Rep. G. Froerer)

Rep. Froerer presented the bill to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Arent moved to replace 1st Substitute H.B. 286 with 2nd Substitute H.B. 286. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Christensen, Rep. King and Rep. Perry absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Arent moved to amend 2nd Substitute 286 as follows:

1.    Page 3, Line 78 :    

             78          (iv)
  documents pertaining to       receipt of public services; and

2.    Page 6, Line 175 :    

             175      calendar day limit described in Subsection (2)(b)(ii), to recover the

{   abandon   }        abandoned       property, if a

The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Christensen, Rep. King and Rep. Perry absent for the vote.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Ms. Karen Silver, Community Action Program
                Mr. Scott Quinney, Utah Realtors Association
                Ms. Tara Rollins, Utah Housing Coalition
                Mr. Paul Smith, Utah Apartment Association

MOTION:    Rep. Arent moved to pass the bill out favorably, as substituted and amended. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Christensen, Rep. King and Rep. Perry absent for the vote.

S.B. 125    District Court Judge Amendments (Sen. K. Van Tassell) (handout)

Sen. Van Tassell presented the bill to the committee with the assistance of Mr. Rick Schwermer.

Spoke to the bill:    Ms. Jackie de Gaston

MOTION:    Rep. Snow moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Christensen and Rep. Perry absent for the vote.

S.B. 127    Juvenile Court Judge Amendments (Sen. K. Van Tassell)

Sen. Van Tassell presented the bill to the committee with the assistance of Mr. Rick Schwermer.

MOTION:    Rep. Arent moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Christensen, and Rep. Perry absent for the vote.

S.B. 37    Time Period for Paying a Tax, Interest, or Penalties after a Judicial Decision
(Sen. D. Henderson)

Sen. Henderson presented the bill to the committee with the assistance of Sen. C. Bramble.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Mr. Michael Cragun, Utah State Tax Commission

MOTION:    Rep. Arent moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Arent moved to place S.B. 37 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously.

H.B. 309    Judicial Performance Evaluation Amendments (Rep. V. L. Snow)

Rep. Snow presented the bill to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Snow moved to replace H.B. 309 with 1st Substitute H.B. 309. The motion passed unanimously.

Spoke to the bill:    Ms. Joanne Slotnik, Executive Director, Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission

MOTION:    Rep. Arent moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 309 out favorably, as substituted. The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Arent moved to place 1st Substitute H.B. 309 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Perry moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Chair McIff adjourned the meeting at 3:05 p.m.


                        Kay L. McIff, Chair