Members Present: Rep. Mike Noel, Chair
Rep. Doug Sagers, Vice Chair
Rep. Roger Barrus
Rep. Joel Briscoe
Rep. Mel Brown
Rep. Kay Christofferson
Rep. Susan Duckworth
Rep. Becky Edwards
Rep. Steve Handy
Rep. Ken Ivory
Rep. John Mathis
Rep. Mike McKell
Rep. Merrill Nelson
Rep. Ryan Wilcox
Rep. Larry Wiley
Members Absent: Rep. Jack Draxler
Staff Present: Mr. J Brian Allred, Policy Analyst
Ms. An Bradshaw, Committee Secretary
Note: A list of visitors and handouts are filed with committee minutes
Chair Noel called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m.
MOTION: Rep. Wiley moved to approve the minutes of February 28, 2013. The motion
passed unanimously with Rep. Barrus, Rep. Brown, Rep. Duckworth, Rep. Ivory,
Rep. Mathis, Rep. Nelson, and Rep. Wilcox absent for the vote.
H.J.R. 15 Joint Resolution on State and Political Subdivisions Jurisdiction (Rep. M.
Rep. Roberts introduced the resolution to the committee. A handout was provided.
Spoke in favor of the resolution: Mr. Mark Ward, Utah Association of Counties
Mr. Sterling Brown, Utah Farm Bureau
Spoke to the resolution: Mr. Steve Erickson, Utah Audubon Society
MOTION: Rep. Brown moved to move to the next item on the agenda.
H.B. 164 State and Political Subdivision Jurisdictional Amendments (Rep. M. Roberts)
Rep. Roberts introduced the bill to the committee. Mr. Mark Ward, Utah Association of
Counties, answered questions from the committee.
MOTION: Rep. Ivory moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep.
Briscoe, Rep. Edwards, and Rep. Wiley voting in opposition and Rep. Brown and
Rep. Nelson absent for the vote.
H.J.R. 15 Joint Resolution on State and Political Subdivisions Jurisdiction (Rep. M.
MOTION: Rep. Mathis moved to pass the resolution out favorably. The motion passed with
Rep. Briscoe and Rep. Wiley voting in opposition and Rep. Brown and Rep.
Nelson absent for the vote.
H.B. 365 Swine Amendments (Rep. J. Mathis)
Rep. Mathis introduced the bill to the committee with the assistance of Mr. Owen Garrett, Garrett
Hunting Services, and Mr. Mike Richens, Hunting Adventures, LLC.
MOTION: Rep. McKell moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page
1, Lines 11 through 13
This bill:
. amends provisions prohibiting the release of swine on public or private property
hunting purposes
; and
. requires the Department of Agriculture and Food to make rules relating to the
release of swine on private property for hunting purposes.
2. Page
1, Line 25
(1) (a)
A person may not release swine on public [or private] property for
hunting purposes.
(b) A person may release swine on private property for hunting purposes in
accordance with department rules made under Subsection (2).
(2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
the department shall make rules regulating the release of swine on private property
for hunting purposes.
The motion to amend passed with Rep. Barrus and Rep. Wilcox voting in opposition and Rep.
Briscoe, Rep. Brown, and Rep. Ivory absent for the vote.
Spoke in opposition to the bill: Dr. Bruce King, Utah State Veterinarian (handout)
Dr. Drew Allen, Utah Veterinary Medical Association
Spoke to the bill: Mr. Leonard Blackham, Utah Commissioner of Agriculture
and Food
Ms. Robin Cahoon, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
MOTION: Rep. Barrus moved to table the bill.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Ivory moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The
motion failed with Rep. Barrus, Rep. Briscoe, Rep. Duckworth,
Rep. Edwards, Rep. Handy, Rep. Nelson, Rep. Sagers, and Rep.
Wiley voting in opposition and Rep. Brown absent for the vote.
The committee returned to the original motion for discussion.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Mathis moved to move to the next item on the agenda. The
motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown absent for the vote.
S.B. 61 Hunting Permit Amendments (Sen. A. Christensen) (Rep. C. Oda)
Sen. Christensen introduced the bill to the committee with the assistance of Ms. Robin Cahoon,
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.
Spoke in favor of the bill: Mr. Byron Bateman, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife
MOTION: Rep. Wilcox moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed
unanimously with Rep. Brown absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Wilcox moved to place SB61 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed
unanimously with Rep. Brown absent for the vote.
H.B. 357 Waste Management Facilities Siting Amendments (Rep. R. Menlove)
Rep. Menlove introduced the bill to the committee with the assistance of Mr. Nathan Whiting,
citizen, and Mr. Scott Anderson, Utah Department of Environmental Quality.
Spoke to the bill: Mr. Nathan Rich, Executive Director, Wasatch Integrated Management
District MOTION: Rep. Sagers moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed favorably
with Rep. Ivory voting in opposition and Rep. Brown absent for the vote.
Chair Noel relinquished the chair to Vice Chair Sagers.
H.B. 382 Escalante Region Grazing Zone (Rep. M. Noel)
MOTION: Rep. Noel moved to amend the bill as follows:
1. Page
2, Lines 41 through 44
(5) "Escalante Region Grazing Zone" means BLM
, and SITLA
situated in the following townships in Garfield and Kane Counties, as more fully
illustrated in
the map jointly prepared by the Garfield
and Kane
in February
entitled "Escalante Region Grazing Zone":
2. Page
14, Line 423 through Page 15, Line 444
(3) The state finds that:
(a) grazing on the lands comprising the Escalante Region Grazing Zone has
provided a
significant contribution to the history, customs, culture, and values of the area for more
100 years;
(b) abundant natural and vegetative resources exist within the Escalante Region
Grazing Zone to support and expand continued, responsible grazing activities;
(c) grazing and its associated historic resources, its long and dignified human
its shaping of human endeavors in the American West, its variety of cultural resources,
affiliation, type and distribution, its landmarks, structures, and other objects of historic or
scientific interest are worthy of and have been recognized for protection by local, state,
federal governments;
(d) the highest management priorities for lands within the Escalante Region Grazing
Zone are responsible management, enhancement, and development of existing and future
grazing resources in order to provide protection for the resources, objects, customs,
culture, and
values identified above;
(e) responsible development of abundant deposits of energy and mineral resources,
including oil, natural gas, oil shale, oil sands, coal, phosphate, gold, uranium, and copper,
well as areas with high wind and solar energy potential, are compatible with grazing
in the Escalante Region Grazing Zone; and
(f) responsible development of abundant recreation resources,
campgrounds, water resources, trails, OHV use, sightseeing, canyoneering,
and hiking are
compatible with grazing activities in the Escalante Region Grazing Zone.
3. Page
15, Lines 445 through 450
(4) The state supports:
(a) efficient and responsible full development
of all permitted existing and
grazing resources in the Escalante Region Grazing Zone; and
, within the
Escalante Region Grazing Zone, of:
(i) all permitted existing and future grazing resources; and
(ii) other uses compatible with grazing activities; and
(b) a cooperative management approach by federal agencies, the state of Utah, and
local governments to achieve broadly supported management plans for the full
all grazing resources within the Escalante Region Grazing Zone.
, within the
Escalante Region Grazing Zone, of:
(i) all grazing resources; and
(ii) other uses compatible with grazing activities.
The motion to amend passed unanimously with Rep. Briscoe and Rep. Brown absent for the vote.
Rep. Noel introduced the bill to the committee with the assistance of Mr. Mark Ward, Utah
Association of Counties.
Spoke in favor of the bill: Mr. Sterling Brown, Utah Farm Bureau
MOTION: Rep. Ivory moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended. The motion passed
unanimously with Rep. Briscoe, Rep. Brown, and Rep. Mathis absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Christofferson moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed
unanimously with Rep. Briscoe, Rep. Brown, and Rep. Mathis absent for the vote.
Vice Chair Sagers adjourned the meeting at 9:57 a.m.