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Room 450 State Capitol

February 22, 2013

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Rep. Johnny Anderson, Chair
                    Rep. Val Peterson, Vice Chair                                
                    Rep. John Knotwell
                    Rep. David Lifferth
                    Rep. Dan McCay                
                    Rep. Carol Spackman Moss
                    Rep. Dixon Pitcher
                    Rep. Dean Sanpei
                    Rep. Earl Tanner        

MEMBERS EXCUSED:        Rep. Stewart E. Barlow
                    Rep. Janice M. Fisher
STAFF PRESENT:            Mr. Leif Elder, Policy Analyst
                    Ms. Karen Mitchell, Committee Secretary

Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes .

Rep. Anderson called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Peterson moved to approve the minutes of the February 20, 2013 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Knotwell, Rep. McCay, and Rep. Moss absent for the vote.

Rep. Anderson relinquished the Chair to Vice Chair Peterson.

H.B. 316    Traffic Amendments (Rep. Johnny Anderson)

Rep. Anderson introduced the bill to the committee with the assistance of Mr. Dan Fazzini, Citizen.

MOTION:    Rep. Anderson moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 8, Lines 216 through 217 :    

             216          (A) the traffic-control signal has not detected the operator's presence by waiting a
             217      reasonable period of time
  of not less than 90 seconds       at the intersection or stop line before entering the intersection;

The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Knotwell, Rep. McCay, and Rep. Moss absent for the vote.


Spoke in favor of the bill:    Mr. Stephen D. Thompson, ABATE of Utah
                Mr. Jay Brummett, Political Liaison Motorcycle Clubs, ABATE of Utah

Spoke in opposition to the bill:     Ms. Rolayne Fairclough, AAA

MOTION:    Rep. McCay moved to pass H.B. 316 out favorably as amended. The motion passed with Rep. Moss and Rep. Tanner voting in opposition.

S.B. 48    Special Group License Plate Revisions (Sen. P. Knudson) (Rep. S. Barlow)

Sen. Knudson introduced the bill to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Moss moved to pass S.B. 48 out favorably.

    Rep. McCay moved to hold the bill. The motion failed with Rep. Knotwell, Rep. Lifferth, and Rep. McCay voting in favor of the motion. Rep. Anderson was absent for the vote.

The original motion passed with Rep. Knotwell, Rep. Lifferth, and Rep. McCay voting in opposition. Rep. Anderson was absent for the vote.

S.B. 50    Department of Transportation Liability Amendments (Sen. L. Hillyard) (Rep. D. Brown)

This bill was not considered.

MOTION:    Rep. Sanpei moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Anderson absent for the vote.

Rep. Peterson adjourned the meeting at 9:34 a.m.

                            Rep. Johnny Anderson, Chair