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Room 215, Senate Building
February 15, 2013
Members Present:    Sen. Aaron Osmond, Chair
            Sen. Patricia W. Jones
            Sen. Peter C. Knudson
            Sen. Karen Mayne
            Sen. Ralph Okerlund
            Sen. Stuart C. Reid
            Sen. Jerry Stevenson
Staff Present:    Mr. Ben Christensen, Policy Analyst
            Ms. Karen Allred, Committee Secretary

A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Chair Osmond called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
Approval of Minutes    

MOTION: Sen. Mayne moved to adopt the minutes of the February 8, 2013 meeting. The              motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Knudson and Sen. Stevenson absent for the              vote.

S.B. 66 Referendum Revisions (S. Reid)

Sen Reid introduced and explained the bill assisted by Jodi Hoffman, Utah League of Cities and Towns.

MOTION: Sen. Reid moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 5, Lines 142 through 144 :    

             142          (3) If the local legislative body repeals a law described in Subsection (1) before the
             143      election day on which the law will otherwise be submitted to a vote of the people
{   ,   }        :

the law may

             144      not be submitted to a vote of the people
{   .   }        ; and

(b) any votes cast for or against the referendum may not be counted.  

2.    Page 7, Line 213 through Page 8, Line 214 :    

{   (e) The Supreme Court shall certify to the clerk or recorder of the local government a

             214      written estimate that complies with the requirements of this section.  

The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Knudson and Sen. Stevenson absent for the vote.

MOTION: Sen. Reid moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 5, Lines 121 through 123 :    

             121          (b) obtain legal signatures of individuals who are registered to vote in the area subject
             122      to the jurisdiction of the local government in which the law applies in
  each voting precinct or subprecinct in       an amount equal to or

             123      greater than:

The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Knudson and Sen. Stevenson absent for the vote.

Spoke in favor of the bill: Michael Ostermiller, Attorney, Lobbyist

MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to transmit S.B. 66 favorably. The motion passed unanimously.
            With Sen. Stevenson absent for the vote.

Sen. Osmond relinquished the Chair to Sen. Reid.

S.B. 71 Results-Based Financing for Early Childhood Education (A. Osmond)

Sen. Osmond introduced and explained the bill, presented a video and answered questions from the committee.

Spoke in favor of the bill: Allen Alexander, Vice Chair, United Way
                Janis Dubno, Senior Policy Analyst, Voices for Utah Children
                Joan Nichol, Children's Express Child Care
                Kory Holdaway, Special Education Teacher
                Patrick Marino, Lit'l Scholars Child Development Center                     
Spoke in opposition to the bill: Cherilyn Eager, Project Director, World Class Education and                          Research
                     Cherie Rawlings, Teacher, Title 1 Schools; Eagle Forum
                     Peter Cannon, Davis School Board
                     Joseph Sorenson, (read statement from Mother)
                 Joyce Mitchell, Mother, Early Head Start Participant

MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to transmit S.B. 71 favorably. The motion passed with Sen. Reid          voting in opposition.

Sen. Osmond resumed the Chair.

S.B. 147 Workers' Compensation and Occupational Safety Amendments (K. Mayne)

Sen. Mayne introduced and explained the bill.

MOTION: Sen. Mayne moved to adopt 1st Sub. S.B.147. The motion passed unanimously.

Allen Hennibold, Deputy Commissioner, Utah Labor Commission, further clarified the bill.

MOTION: Sen. Jones moved to transmit 1st Sub. S.B. 147 favorably. The motion passed          unanimously.

MOTION: Sen. Knudson moved to place 1st Sub. S.B. 147 on the Consent Calendar. The              motion passed unanimously.

    Sen. Okerlund moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.     Chair Osmond adjourned the meeting at 3:40 p.m.


Sen. Aaron Osmond, Committee Chair