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Room 250, State Capitol

February 14, 2013

Members Present:        Sen. Mark B. Madsen, Committee Chair
                Sen. Patricia W. Jones
                Sen. Daniel W. Thatcher
                Sen. Stephen H. Urquhart
                Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard
                Sen. Todd Weiler

Members Excused:        Sen. Luz Robles

Staff Present:            Mr. Nathan W. Brady, Policy Analyst
                Ms. Nancy A. Skidmore, Committee Secretary

A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Chair Madsen called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m.
Approval of Minutes

MOTION:    Sen. Thatcher moved to amend the minutes of Feb. 6, 2013. Sen. Thatcher         wanted the minutes corrected to reflect his "no" vote on S.B. 98. The motion         passed unanimously with Sens. Jones, Urquhart, and Weiler absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Sen. Thatcher moved to approve the minutes of Feb. 6, 2013, as amended, and         Feb. 7, 2013. The motion passed unanimously, with Sens. Jones, Urquhart,         and Weiler absent for the vote.

S.B. 155     Open Adoption (L. Hillyard)

Sen. Hillyard moved to replace S.B. 155 with 1st Sub. S.B. 155. The motion         passed unanimously with Sens. Jones, Urquhart, and Weiler absent for the vote.

Sen. Hillyard presented and explained the bill.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Ms. Laura Bunker, United Families of Utah
                Ms. Jackie De Gaston, Attorney

Spoke against the bill:        Mr. Wes Hutchins, Attorney, President, Utah Council of Ethical                     Adoption Practices.
                Ms. Christina Miller, Adoptive Parent Representative, Utah                     Adoption Council

Spoke to the bill:        Mr. Kevin Broderick, President, Utah Adoption Council.
                Ms. Kimberly Neilson, Social Worker

Minutes of the Senate Judiciary, Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice Standing Committee Meeting
February 14, 2013
Page 2

Sen. Thatcher moved to pass 1st Sub. S.B. 155 out favorably. The motion passed         unanimously with Sen. Jones absent for the vote.     

S.B. 107 Public Shooting Ranges (A. Christensen)

Sen. Christensen introduced and explained the bill.

MOTION:    Sen. Weiler moved to replace S.B. 107 with 1st Sub. S.B. 107. The motion         passed unanimously with Sens. Hillyard, Jones, and Urquhart absent for the vote.

Spoke in favor of the bill:    Mr. Leonard Rogic
                Mr. Ronald Mortenson, Citizens for Tax Fairness

Spoke against the bill:        Ms. Roslyn Rainey, Salt Lake Police Association
                Mr. Matt Bryce, Lieutenant Colonel, Utah National Guard
Spoke to the bill:        Mr. Elwood Powell, President, Utah State Rifle and Pistol                          Association.    

MOTION:     Sen. Weiler moved to proceed to the next item on the agenda. The motion passed         unanimously with Sens. Hillyard and Urquhart absent for the vote.

H.B. 64    Felon's Right to Hold Office (C. Moss)

Rep. Moss introduced and explained the bill.

Spoke against the bill:     Richard Wagner Jones

:            Sen. Thatcher moved to proceed to the next item on the agenda.

SUBSTITUTE MOTION:    Sen. Urquhart moved to pass H.B. 64 out favorably. The motion                 passed with Sens. Madsen and Thatcher voting in opposition and                 Sen. Hillyard absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Sen. Weiler moved to adjourn the meeting. Sen. Madsen ruled the motion failed.                                                 
H.B. 282    Sexual Exploitation Amendments (R. Greenwood)

Rep. Greenwood introduced and explained the bill.

MOTION:     Sen. Thatcher moved to pass H.B. 282 out favorably. The motion passed                unanimously with Sens. Hillyard and Weiler absent for the vote.

S.B. 52    Game Fowl Fighting Amendments (G. Davis)

Sen. Davis introduced and explained the bill.

MOTION:    Sen. Jones moved to replace S.B. 52 with 1st Sub. S.B. 52. The motion passed         unanimously with Sens. Hillyard, and Weiler absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Sen. Thatcher moved to pass 1st Sub. S.B. 52 out favorably. The motion passed         unanimously with Sens. Hillyard and Weiler absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Sen. Thatcher moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously         with Sens. Hillyard and Weiler absent for the vote.

Chair Madsen adjourned the meeting at 5:57 p.m.    

Minutes reported by Nancy A. Skidmore, Secretary.

Sen. Mark B. Madsen, Committee Chair