House of Representatives
State of Utah
March 5, 2014
Madam Speaker:
The Education Committee reports a favorable recommendation on H.B. 419, CHARTER
SCHOOL REVISIONS, by Representative S. Eliason, with the following amendments:
Francis D. Gibson
Voting: 12-0-4
1. Page
2, Lines 34 through 35
Other Special Clauses:
This bill coordinates with S.B. 171, Student-Centered Learning
Pilot Program, by providing technical amendments.
2. Page
56, Line 1713
board to receive some or all of the services referred to in Subsection (3)(a).
3. Page
63, Line 1945
(10) The authority may create and establish other funds for its purposes.
If this H.B. 419 and S.B. 171, Student-Centered Learning Pilot Program, both pass
and become law, it is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative
Research and General Counsel in preparing the Utah Code database for publication,
modify Subsection 53A-1a-508(3) to read:
"(3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), a charter agreement may not be
modified except by mutual agreement between the charter school authorizer and the
governing board of the charter school.
(b) (i) Subject to Subsection (3)(c), at the request of the governing board of a
charter school that is selected to participate in the Student-Centered Learning Pilot
Program created in Section 53A-15-1403, the charter school's authorizer shall attach
an addendum to the school's charter indicating the charter is modified to be
consistent with the requirements of the Student-Centered Learning Pilot Program
and describing those modifications.
(ii) A charter school authorizer shall make the modifications described in
Subsection (3)(b)(i) without requiring the charter school to participate in a charter
amendment process.
(c) (i) If an increase in a charter school's enrollment capacity is required to
participate in the Student-Centered Learning Pilot Program, the charter school
shall submit a request for an increase in enrollment capacity to the State Board of
(ii) The State Board of Education may approve an increase in enrollment
capacity for the charter school subject to the availability of sufficient funds
appropriated under Section 53A-1a-513."
Committee Chair
3 HB0419.HC1.wpd 3/5/14 10:04 am csteffen/CCS TJN/CCS
Bill Number