House of Representatives
State of Utah
February 10, 2014
Madam Speaker:
The Government Operations Committee recommends S.B. 21, STATE CONSTRUCTION CODE
AMENDMENTS, by Senator M. Dayton, be replaced, reports a favorable recommendation on 1st Sub.
S.B. 21, STATE CONSTRUCTION CODE AMENDMENTS, with the following amendments, and, due
to unknown fiscal impact, recommends the substitute be referred to the Rules Committee pending
completion of a fiscal note.
Jack R. Draxler
Voting: 7-0-2
1. Page
5, Line 122
(8) A structure that is no more than
square feet and is used
solely for the type of
Committee Chair
7NA SB0021.HC1.wpd 2/10/14 4:09 pm bbean/BJB CRG/TAS
Bill Number