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Room 25 House Building
February 5, 2014

MEMBERS PRESENT:    Rep. Becky Edwards, Chair
                Rep. Rich Cunningham, Vice Chair
                Rep. Richard A. Greenwood
                Rep. Lynn N. Hemingway
                Rep. Bradley G. Last
                Rep. Merrill F. Nelson
                Rep. Curt Oda
                Rep. Angela Romero
                Rep. Brad R. Wilson

MEMBERS ABSENT:    Rep. Jim Bird
                Rep. Rhonda Rudd Menlove

STAFF PRESENT:        Ben Christensen, Policy Analyst
                Rosemary Young, Committee Secretary

A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Vice Chair Cunningham called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Oda moved to approve the minutes of the February 4, 2014 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Edwards, Rep. Nelson, and Rep. Hemingway absent for the vote.

H.J.R. 10    Joint Rules Resolution Regarding a Long-Term Planning Conference (Rep. B. Wilson)

MOTION:    Rep. Wilson moved to amend HJR 10 as follows:

1.    Page 1, Lines 18 through 19 :    

             18          .    describes the purposes of the Long-Term Planning Conference;
{   and   }

             19          .    provides for conference staffing
{   .   }        ; and

    . requires interim committees to devote the May interim committee meeting to long-term planning.  

2.    Page 1, Lines 23 through 26 :    

             23      ENACTS:
             24           JR3-3-101

             25           JR3-3-102
             26           JR3-3-103

3.    Page 3, Lines 62 through 63 :    

             62          (3) The agenda described in Subsection (1) may include a variety of presenters,
             63      including representatives of education, government, business, and the private sector.

IR2-2-103. Interim committees -- Long-term planning emphasis.
(1)    Each interim committee shall devote its May interim meeting to long-term planning for the areas over which the committee has jurisdiction.
(2)    For each area over which the committee has jurisdiction, as part of the meeting, the committee shall:
    (a)    review economic and demographic trends and other applicable data;
    (b)    identify current, emerging, and future issues and challenges; and
    (c)    develop an action plan to address the issues and challenges identified.
(3)    The action plan under Subsection (2)(c) may include plans to:
    (a)    perform additional research into specific issues and challenges;
    (b)    develop options to address specific issues and challenges; and
    (c)    prepare legislation
to address specific issues and challenges.
(4)    The cochairs of each interim committee are encouraged to seek information, ideas, and assistance from state agencies, local government, education, business, industry, and interest groups in preparing for the meeting, providing presentations for the meeting, and making assignments related to an action plan.  

The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Nelson and Rep. Hemingway absent for the vote.

Rep. Wilson explained the bill to the committee

MOTION:    Rep. Greenwood moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Nelson and Rep. Hemingway absent for the vote.    

H.B. 95    Applied Technology College Governance Amendments (Rep. D. Ipson)

Rep. Ipson explained the bill to the committee.

Spoke for the bill:        Todd Bingham, Utah Mining Association
                Dave Buhler, Commissioner of Education
                Rob Brems, President, Utah College of Applied                          Technology
                 Mike Buwhuis, Campus President, Davis College of                      Applied Technology

MOTION:    Rep. Oda moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Last moved to place the bill on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Wilson absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Oda moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. Vice Chair Cunningham adjourned the meeting at 4:40 p.m                    

Rep. Becky Edwards, Chair