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25 House Building, Utah State Capitol Complex

March 3, 2014

Members Present:    Rep. Paul Ray, Chair
    Rep. LaVar Christensen, Vice Chair
    Rep. Stewart Barlow
    Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck
    Rep. Tim M. Cosgrove
    Rep. Brian M. Greene
    Rep. Michael S. Kennedy
    Rep. Ronda Rudd Menlove
    Rep. Edward H. Redd

Staff Present:    Mr. Mark D. Andrews, Policy Analyst
    Ms. Linda Black, House Secretary

Note:    A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes .

Chair Ray called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Cosgrove moved to approve the minutes of the February 28, 2014 meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Barlow absent for the vote.

1st Sub. S.B. 137    Health Care Professional Truth in Advertising (Sen. T. Weiler) (Rep. R. Wilcox)

Rep. Ryan D. Wilcox explained the bill to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Kennedy moved to amend the bill as follows:

1.    Page 3, Lines 70 through 83
    Senate 3rd Reading Amendments
    2-19-2014 :

             70          (4) A health care provider is not required to wear identification:
             71          (a) if wearing identification would jeopardize the health care provider's safety; S. [and]
             71a      or .S
             72          (b) (i) in an office in which:
             73          (A) the license type and names of all health care providers working in the office are
             74      displayed on the office door;
{   and   }        or      

             75          (B) each health care provider working in the office has the health care provider's

             76      license posted prominently in the office and readily visible to a patient; and
             77          (ii) if the office is an office:
             78          (A) of a solo health care provider; S. or .S
             79          (B) of a single type of health care provider S. [; or] . .S
             80          S. [(C) with no more than two types of health care providers in which each patient is seen
             81      by only one health care provider in the office, a patient does not receive services from another
             82      health care provider in the office, and the health care providers do not provide cross coverage
             83      of services for the patients of other health care providers in the office.
] .S

The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Cosgrove, Rep. Menlove, and Rep. Redd absent for the vote.

Spoke to the bill:    Ms. Michelle McOmber, Utah Medical Association
            Mr. Mark Steinagel, Department of Professional Licensing

Spoke for the bill:    Dr. Steven K. Miller, President, Utah Medical Association
            Ms. Kathleen Kaufman, President, Utah Nurses Association

MOTION:    Rep. Kennedy moved to pass the bill out favorably as amended.The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Menlove and Rep. Redd absent for the vote.

MOTION:    Rep. Kennedy moved to place 1st Substitute S.B. 137 on the Consent Calendar.The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Redd absent for the vote.

1st Sub. S.B. 55    Pharmaceutical Dispensing Amendments (Sen. E. Vickers)

Sen. Vickers explained the bill to the committee.

MOTION:    Rep. Barlow moved to replace 1st Substitute S.B. 55 with 2nd Substitute S.B. 55, Pharmaceutical Dispensing Amendments.The motion passed unanimously.

Spoke to the bill:    Mr. Mark Steinagel, Department of Professional Licensing
Spoke for the bill:    Ms. Michelle McOmber, Utah Medical Association
            Mr. Lincoln Shurtz, on behalf of several large employers (not named)
Mr. Dave Davis, Utah Food Industry Association and Utah Retail         

            Merchants Association

MOTION:    Rep. Menlove moved to pass 2nd Substitute S.B. 55 out favorably.The motion passed unanimously.

S.B. 198    Law Enforcement Exemption for Medical Information (Sen. J.S. Adams)

Sen. Adams explained the bill to the committee.

Spoke to the bill:    Mr. Daniel Ditto, Senior Counsel, Intermountain Healthcare

    Rep. Christensen moved to pass the bill out favorably.The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Kennedy and Rep. Menlove absent for the vote.

H.B. 418    Rights of Relatives to Child Visitation (Rep. L. Christensen)

This bill was not considered.

H.B. 73    Living Wage Amendments (Rep. L. Hemingway)

Rep. Hemingway explained the bill to the committee.

Handout provided: "Increased Living Wage"

Spoke for the bill:        Ms. Tara Rollins, Executive Director, Utah Housing Coalition
                Mr. Art Sutherland, Coalition of Religious Communities

Spoke against the bill:    Ms. Kate Bradshaw, Vice President, Utah Food Industry Association and Utah Retail Merchants Association
                Mr. Brian Tarbert
                Ms. Candace Daly, National Federation of Independent Business

MOTION:    Rep. Cosgrove moved to pass the bill out favorably.

SUBSTITUTE MOTION:    Rep. Greene moved to return H.B. 73 to the Rules Committee for further study during the interim.The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION:    Rep. Chavez-Houck moved to adjourn the meeting.The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Barlow absent for the vote.

Chair Ray adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Paul Ray, Chair