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Room 445, State Capitol
March 7, 2014
Members Present:
Rep. Ryan Wilcox, Chair
Rep. Jim Nielson, Vice Chair
Rep. Jake Anderegg
Rep. Joel Briscoe
Rep. Tim Cosgrove
Rep. Steve Eliason
Rep. Gage Froerer
Rep. Francis Gibson
Rep. Eric Hutchings
Rep. Brian King
Rep. John Knotwell
Rep. Kay McIff
Rep. Doug Sagers
Rep. Jon Stanard
Rep. Earl Tanner
Members Absent:
Rep. Mel Brown
Staff Present: Mr. Leif G. Elder, Policy Analyst
Ms. An Bradshaw, Secretary
NOTE: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Chair Wilcox called the meeting to order at 4:18 p.m.
MOTION: Rep. Stanard moved to approve the minutes of the March 4, 2014 and March 6,
2014 meetings. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Briscoe, Rep.
Cosgrove, Rep. Eliason, Rep. Hutchings, Rep. King, Rep. McIff, and Rep.
Nielson absent for the vote.
H.B. 188 Court Security Revisions (Rep. B. Dee)
Rep. Dee explained the bill to the committee.
Spoke for the bill: Brent Gardner, Utah Association of Counties
Spoke to the bill: Rick Schwermer, State Courts
MOTION: Rep. McIff moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously
with Rep. Eliason, Rep. Gibson, Rep. King, Rep. Knotwell, and Rep. Nielson
absent for the vote.
H.B. 161 Prohibition on Electronic Data Collection Assistance (Rep. M. Roberts)
Rep. Roberts explained the bill to the committee with the assistance of Connor Boyack, Libertas
Spoke for the bill: Ted Galovan, citizen
David Jones, citizen
MOTION: Rep. Cosgrove moved to send the bill to interim study. The motion passed with
Rep. Gibson voting in opposition and Rep. Froerer, Rep. McIff, and Rep. Nielson
absent for the vote.
S.B. 201 Expungement Modifications (Sen. S. Jenkins)
Sen. Jenkins explained the bill to the committee.
MOTION: Rep. Hutchings moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed
unanimously with Rep. Froerer and Rep. McIff absent for the vote.
1st Sub. S.B. 93 Internal Audit Amendments (Sen. H. Stephenson) (Rep. S. Eliason)
Rep. Eliason explained the bill to the committee.
Spoke for the bill: Deena King, Institute of Internal Auditors, provided "Memorandum for the
MOTION: Rep. Nielson moved to move to the next item on the agenda.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. Hutchings moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion
failed with Rep. Eliason, Rep. Hutchings, Rep. King, Rep.
Knotwell, Rep. Sagers, and Rep. Tanner voting in favor and Rep.
Froerer and Rep. McIff absent for the vote.
The original motion to move to the next item on the agenda passed with Rep. Eliason and Rep.
Sagers voting in opposition and Rep. Froerer and Rep. McIff absent for the vote.
S.B. 213 Compulsory Pooling Amendments (Sen. R. Okerlund)
Rep. Jenkins introduced the bill to the committee. Jeff Hartley, representing oil and gas
producers, answered questions from the committee.
MOTION: Rep. Anderegg moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep.
Cosgrove, Rep. King, Rep. Knotwell, and Rep. Tanner voting in opposition and
Rep. Froerer and Rep. McIff absent for the vote.
S.B. 224 Renewable Energy Tax Credit Amendments (Sen. R. Okerlund)
Rep. Jenkins explained the bill to the committee with the assistance of Shelly Teuscher, First
Wind Corporation.
Rep. Hutchings declared a conflict of interest.
MOTION: Rep. Gibson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep.
Knotwell voting in opposition and Rep. Froerer absent for the vote.
H.B. 434 Local Sales and Use Tax Amendments (Rep. J. Nielson)
Rep. Nielson explained the bill to the committee with the assistance of Roger Tew, Utah League
of Cities and Towns.
MOTION: Rep. Nielson moved to return the bill to the rules committee to be referred to
interim study. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Froerer absent for the
1st Sub. S.B. 233 Utah Small Business Jobs Act (Sen. J. Valentine)
Sen. Valentine introduced the bill to the committee and provided a handout, "Utah Small
Business Job Acts Summary." Ryan Dressler, Advantage Capital Partners, answered questions
from the committee.
MOTION: Rep. Anderegg moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed
unanimously with Rep. Froerer absent for the vote.
Committee members and staff expressed appreciation for Chair Wilcox and his leadership of the
committee and gave him a round of applause.
1st Sub. S.B. 93 Internal Audit Amendments (Sen. H. Stephenson) (Rep. S. Eliason)
MOTION: Rep. Gibson moved to reconsider the vote on 1st Sub. H.B. 93. The motion passed
with Rep. Nielson voting in opposition and Rep. Froerer absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Gibson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed
unanimously with Rep. Froerer and Rep. Nielson absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Knotwell moved to adjourn the meeting.
SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. McIff moved to adopt a resolution of commendation and
appreciation for committee staff and to adjourn the meeting. The
motion passed with Rep. Anderegg voting in opposition and Rep.
Froerer absent for the vote.
Chair Wilcox adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m.
Ryan D. Wilcox, chair