This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 11:16 AM by jeyring.
8 General Description:
9 This bill deals with horse tripping.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ defines terms;
13 ▸ modifies the duties of the Agricultural Advisory Board;
14 ▸ requires a venue that holds a horse event to report certain information to the
15 Department of Agriculture and Food;
16 ▸ authorizes the Department of Agriculture and Food, in consultation with
17 Agricultural Advisory Board, to make rules;
18 ▸ requires a report to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim
19 Committee; and
20 ▸ makes technical changes.
21 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
22 None
23 Other Special Clauses:
24 None
25 Utah Code Sections Affected:
27 4-2-7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 461
29 4-2-501, Utah Code Annotated 1953
30 4-2-502, Utah Code Annotated 1953
31 4-2-503, Utah Code Annotated 1953
32 4-2-504, Utah Code Annotated 1953
34 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
35 Section 1. Section 4-2-7 is amended to read:
36 4-2-7. Agricultural Advisory Board created -- Composition -- Responsibility --
37 Terms of office -- Compensation.
38 (1) There is created the Agricultural Advisory Board composed of 16 members, with
39 each member representing one of the following:
40 (a) Utah Farm Bureau Federation;
41 (b) Utah Farmers Union;
42 (c) Utah Cattlemen's Association;
43 (d) Utah Wool Growers' Association;
44 (e) Utah Dairymen's Association;
45 (f) Utah Pork Producer's Association;
46 (g) egg and poultry producers;
47 (h) Utah Veterinary Medical Association;
48 (i) Livestock Auction Marketing Association;
49 (j) Utah Association of Conservation Districts;
50 (k) the Utah horse industry;
51 (l) the food processing industry;
52 (m) the fruit and vegetable industry;
53 (n) the turkey industry;
54 (o) manufacturers of food supplements; and
55 (p) a consumer affairs group.
56 (2) (a) The Agricultural Advisory Board shall advise the commissioner regarding:
57 [
58 programs; and
59 [
60 including consideration of:
61 [
62 [
63 [
64 (b) The Agricultural Advisory Board shall fulfill the duties described in Title 4,
65 Chapter 2, Part 5, Horse Tripping Awareness.
66 (3) (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(c), members are appointed by the
67 commissioner to four-year terms of office.
68 (b) The commissioner shall appoint representatives of the organizations cited in
69 Subsections (1)(a) through (h) to the Agricultural Advisory Board from a list of nominees
70 submitted by each organization.
71 (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the commissioner shall, at
72 the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
73 board members are staggered so that approximately half of the board is appointed every two
74 years.
75 (d) Members may be removed at the discretion of the commissioner upon the request
76 of the group they represent.
77 (e) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
78 appointed for the unexpired term.
79 (4) The board shall elect one member to serve as chair of the Agricultural Advisory
80 Board for a term of one year.
81 (5) (a) The board shall meet four times annually, but may meet more often at the
82 discretion of the chair.
83 (b) Attendance of nine members at a duly called meeting constitutes a quorum for the
84 transaction of official business.
85 (6) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
86 may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
87 (a) Section 63A-3-106;
88 (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
89 (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
90 63A-3-107.
91 Section 2. Section 4-2-501 is enacted to read:
93 4-2-501. Title.
94 This part is known as "Horse Tripping Awareness."
95 Section 3. Section 4-2-502 is enacted to read:
96 4-2-502. Definitions.
97 As used in this part:
98 (1) "Board" means the Agricultural Advisory Board created in Section 4-2-7.
99 (2) "Horse event" means an event in which horses are roped or tripped for the purpose
100 of a specific event or contest.
101 (3) (a) "Horse tripping" means the lassoing or roping of the legs of an equine, or
102 otherwise tripping or causing an equine to fall by any means, for the purpose of entertainment,
103 sport, or contest, or practice for entertainment, sport, or contest.
104 (b) "Horse tripping" does not include accepted animal husbandry practices, customary
105 farming practices, or commonly accepted practices occurring in conjunction with a sanctioned
106 rodeo, animal race, or pulling contest.
107 Section 4. Section 4-2-503 is enacted to read:
108 4-2-503. Event reporting requirements.
109 (1) The owner of a venue holding a horse event shall:
110 (a) at least 30 days before the day on which the horse event is to be held, notify the
111 board of the date, time, and name of the horse Ĥ→ [
112 (b) no later than 30 days after the day on which the horse event is held, notify the board
113 of:
114 (i) the number and type of competitions held at the horse event;
115 (ii) the number of horses used;
116 (iii) whether horse tripping occurred, and if so, how many horses were used in horse
117 tripping and how many times each horse was tripped; and
118 (iv) whether a veterinarian was called during the horse event, and if so Ĥ→ [
118a (A) ←Ĥ the name and
119 contact information of the veterinarian Ĥ→ ; [
119a (B) ←Ĥ the outcome of the veterinarian's examination of a
120 horse Ĥ→ ; and
120a (C) all veterinarian charges incurred ←Ĥ .
121 (2) (a) The department shall compile all reports received pursuant to Subsection (1)
122 and provide the information to the board.
123 (b) The board shall, at a meeting described in Subsection 4-2-7(5)(a):
124 (i) review the information described in Subsection (2)(a); and
125 (ii) if necessary, make recommendations for rules or legislation designed to prohibit
126 horse tripping.
127 (3) The department shall fine the owner of a venue that fails to fulfill the duties
128 described in Subsection (1) $500 per violation.
129 (4) The department, in consultation with the board, shall make rules in accordance with
130 Title 63, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, as necessary to enforce this part.
131 Section 5. Section 4-2-504 is enacted to read:
132 4-2-504. Horse tripping education -- Reporting requirements.
133 (1) The department, in conjunction with the board, shall:
134 (a) send a letter, annually, to venues that host horse events:
135 (i) outlining the reporting requirements of Section 4-2-503; and
136 (ii) providing educational information on the negative effects of horse tripping; and
137 (b) promote, as funding allows, policies regarding the safety and welfare of horses
138 involved in horse events, such as horse roping and horse tripping.
139 (2) The department and the board shall, by November 30, 2015, report to the Natural
140 Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee about:
141 (a) reported incidents of horse tripping;
142 (b) any recommendations made by the board pursuant to Subsection 4-2-503(2)(b); and
143 (c) the progress made in educating the public under Subsection (1).