9 General Description:
10 This bill amends the Utah Children's Health Insurance Program.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ amends membership provisions of the Utah Children's Health Insurance Program
14 Advisory Council;
15 ▸ deletes obsolete provisions;
16 ▸ deletes a provision requiring the Department of Health to request bids for Utah
17 Children's Health Insurance Program benefits at least once every five years;
18 ▸ deletes provisions requiring the executive director of the Department of Health to
19 consult with the Utah Children's Health Insurance Program Advisory Council under
20 certain circumstances; and
21 ▸ makes technical changes.
22 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
23 None
24 Other Special Clauses:
25 None
26 Utah Code Sections Affected:
28 26-40-104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 286
29 26-40-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 279
30 26-40-110, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 103
31 26-40-115, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 400
32 49-20-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 130
34 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
35 Section 1. Section 26-40-104 is amended to read:
36 26-40-104. Utah Children's Health Insurance Program Advisory Council.
37 (1) There is created a Utah Children's Health Insurance Program Advisory Council
38 consisting of at least [
39 executive director of the department. The term of each appointment shall be three years. The
40 appointments shall be staggered at one-year intervals to ensure continuity of the advisory
41 council.
42 (2) The advisory council shall meet at least quarterly.
43 (3) The membership of the advisory council shall include at least one representative
44 from each of the following groups:
45 (a) child health care providers;
46 [
47 [
48 [
49 [
50 [
51 [
52 (4) The advisory council shall advise the department on:
53 (a) benefits design;
54 (b) eligibility criteria;
55 (c) outreach;
56 (d) evaluation; and
57 (e) special strategies for under-served populations.
58 (5) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
59 may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
60 (a) Section 63A-3-106;
61 (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
62 (c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections 63A-3-106 and
63 63A-3-107.
64 Section 2. Section 26-40-106 is amended to read:
65 26-40-106. Program benefits.
66 [
68 [
69 [
70 [
71 [
72 [
73 [
74 [
75 [
76 [
77 [
78 [
79 [
80 [
81 [
82 (4), medical program benefits shall be benchmarked, in accordance with 42 U.S.C. Sec.
83 1397cc, to be actuarially equivalent to a health benefit plan with the largest insured commercial
84 enrollment offered by a health maintenance organization in the state.
85 [
86 [
87 Subsection [
88 [
89 the benefit level described in Subsection [
90 [
91 Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009, to be equivalent to a dental
92 benefit plan that has the largest insured, commercial, non-Medicaid enrollment of covered lives
93 that is offered in the state, except that the utilization review mechanism for orthodontia shall be
94 based on medical necessity. Dental program benefits shall be adjusted on July 1, 2012, and on
95 July 1 every three years thereafter to meet the benefit level required by this Subsection [
96 (3).
97 [
98 poverty level are exempt from the benchmark requirements of Subsections [
99 (2)[
100 Section 3. Section 26-40-110 is amended to read:
101 26-40-110. Managed care -- Contracting for services.
102 (1) Program benefits provided to enrollees under the program, as described in Section
103 26-40-106, shall be delivered [
104 determines that adequate services are available where the enrollee lives or resides.
105 (2) [
106 program benefits. The department shall use the following criteria to evaluate [
108 (a) the managed care organization's:
109 (i) ability to manage medical expenses, including mental health costs;
110 (ii) proven ability to handle accident and health insurance;
111 (iii) efficiency of claim paying procedures;
112 (iv) proven ability for managed care and quality assurance;
113 (v) provider contracting and discounts;
114 (vi) pharmacy benefit management;
115 (vii) [
116 (viii) ability to administer the pool in a cost-efficient manner;
117 (ix) [
118 [
119 (x) [
120 primary care established by the department under Subsection 26-18-408(4); and
121 [
122 [
123 required by Section 26-40-106 [
124 [
128 [
129 program's benefits shall include risk sharing provisions in which the [
130 at least 75% of the risk for any difference between the department's premium payments per
131 client and actual medical expenditures.
132 [
134 [
136 [
137 [
139 [
140 Utah State Retirement Office to provide services under Subsection (1) if[
141 dental plan is willing to contract with the department or the department determines no other
142 plan meets the criteria established under Subsection (2).
143 [
145 [
147 [
148 [
149 [
150 Section 4. Section 26-40-115 is amended to read:
151 26-40-115. State contractor -- Employee and dependent health benefit plan
152 coverage.
153 For purposes of Sections 17B-2a-818.5, 19-1-206, 63A-5-205, 63C-9-403, 72-6-107.5,
154 and 79-2-404, "qualified health insurance coverage" means, at the time the contract is entered
155 into or renewed:
156 (1) a health benefit plan and employer contribution level with a combined actuarial
157 value at least actuarially equivalent to the combined actuarial value of the benchmark plan
158 determined by the [
159 26-40-106[
160 dependents of the employee who reside or work in the state, in which:
161 (a) the employer pays at least 50% of the premium for the employee and the
162 dependents of the employee who reside or work in the state; and
163 (b) for purposes of calculating actuarial equivalency under this Subsection (1)(b):
164 (i) rather [
165 out-of-pocket maximum based on income levels:
166 (A) the deductible is $1,000 per individual and $3,000 per family; and
167 (B) the out-of-pocket maximum is $3,000 per individual and $9,000 per family;
168 (ii) dental coverage is not required; and
169 (iii) other than Subsection 26-40-106[
170 do not apply; or
171 (2) a federally qualified high deductible health plan that, at a minimum:
172 (a) has a deductible that is either:
173 (i) the lowest deductible permitted for a federally qualified high deductible health plan;
174 or
175 (ii) a deductible that is higher than the lowest deductible permitted for a federally
176 qualified high deductible health plan, but includes an employer contribution to a health savings
177 account in a dollar amount at least equal to the dollar amount difference between the lowest
178 deductible permitted for a federally qualified high deductible plan and the deductible for the
179 employer offered federally qualified high deductible plan;
180 (b) has an out-of-pocket maximum that does not exceed three times the amount of the
181 annual deductible; and
182 (c) the employer pays 60% of the premium for the employee and the dependents of the
183 employee who work or reside in the state.
184 Section 5. Section 49-20-201 is amended to read:
185 49-20-201. Program participation -- Eligibility -- Optional for certain groups.
186 (1) (a) The state shall participate in the program on behalf of its employees.
187 (b) Other employers, including political subdivisions and educational institutions, are
188 eligible, but are not required, to participate in the program on behalf of their employees.
189 (2) (a) [
190 participate in the program for the purpose of providing health and dental benefits to children
191 enrolled in the Utah Children's Health Insurance Program created in Title 26, Chapter 40, Utah
192 Children's Health Insurance Act[
193 (b) If the Department of Health participates in the program under the provisions of this
194 Subsection (2), all insurance risk associated with the Utah Children's Health Insurance Program
195 shall be the responsibility of the Department of Health and not the program or the office.
196 (3) A covered individual shall be eligible for coverage after termination of employment
197 under rules adopted by the board.
198 (4) Only the following are eligible for Medicare supplement coverage under this
199 chapter upon becoming eligible for Medicare Part A and Part B coverage:
200 (a) retirees;
201 (b) members;
202 (c) participants;
203 (d) employees who have medical employee benefit plan coverage at the time of their
204 retirement; and
205 (e) current spouses of those who are eligible under Subsections (4)(a) through (d).