8 General Description:
9 This bill amends the privilege from arrest or citation exceptions for members of the
10 National Guard.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ limits the privilege from arrest by civil authorities during certain conditions
14 requiring a member of the National Guard's presence;
15 ▸ includes traveling to and from locations related to orders for a prompt response; and
16 ▸ modifies the penalties for which a member of the National Guard can be arrested or
17 cited when responding to orders for a prompt response.
18 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19 None
20 Other Special Clauses:
21 None
22 Utah Code Sections Affected:
24 39-1-54, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of Utah 1988, Chapter 210
26 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
27 Section 1. Section 39-1-54 is amended to read:
28 39-1-54. Privilege from arrest or citation -- Exceptions.
29 (1) [
30 citation by civil authorities [
32 (a) during military formations, exercises, mobilizations, or other duty when exigent,
33 perilous, emergency, or similar circumstances require the member's presence; and
34 (b) while traveling to and from military duty locations when exigent, perilous,
35 emergency, or similar circumstances require the member's presence.
36 (2) This privilege does not extend to arrest or citation for:
37 (a) treason;
38 (b) any class A misdemeanor or felony;
39 (c) breach of the peace; or
40 (d) operation of a vehicle in a reckless manner or while under the influence of any drug
41 or alcohol[
42 [