


Chief Sponsor: Merrill F. Nelson

Senate Sponsor: David P. Hinkins

6     Cosponsors:
7     Melvin R. Brown
Scott H. Chew
Gage Froerer
Douglas V. Sagers
Scott D. Sandall

10     General Description:
11          This bill modifies the Utah Criminal Code regarding destruction of livestock.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     establishes a guideline for a court when ordering a person convicted of wanton
15     destruction of livestock to pay restitution for cattle and sheep that are destroyed.
16     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17          None
18     Other Special Clauses:
19          None
20     Utah Code Sections Affected:
21     AMENDS:
22          76-6-111, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 193

24     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
25          Section 1. Section 76-6-111 is amended to read:
26          76-6-111. Wanton destruction of livestock -- Penalties -- Restitution criteria --
27     Seizure and disposition of property.

28          (1) As used in this section:
29          (a) "Law enforcement officer" [is as] means the same as that term is defined in Section
30     53-13-103.
31          (b) "Livestock" means a domestic animal or fur bearer raised or kept for profit,
32     including:
33          (i) cattle;
34          (ii) sheep;
35          (iii) goats;
36          (iv) swine;
37          (v) horses;
38          (vi) mules;
39          (vii) poultry; and
40          (viii) domesticated elk as defined in Section 4-39-102.
41          (2) Unless authorized by Section 4-25-4, 4-25-5, 4-25-14, 4-39-401, or 18-1-3, a
42     person is guilty of wanton destruction of livestock if that person:
43          (a) injures, physically alters, releases, or causes the death of livestock; and
44          (b) does so:
45          (i) intentionally or knowingly; and
46          (ii) without the permission of the owner of the livestock.
47          (3) Wanton destruction of livestock is punishable as a:
48          (a) class B misdemeanor if the aggregate value of the livestock is $500 or less;
49          (b) class A misdemeanor if the aggregate value of the livestock is more than $500, but
50     does not exceed $1,500;
51          (c) third degree felony if the aggregate value of the livestock is more than $1,500, but
52     does not exceed $5,000; and
53          (d) second degree felony if the aggregate value of the livestock is more than $5,000.
54          (4) When a court orders a person who is convicted of wanton destruction of livestock
55     to pay restitution under Title 77, Chapter 38a, Crime Victims Restitution Act, the court shall

56     consider, in addition to the restitution criteria in Section 77-38a-302, the restitution guidelines
57     in Subsection (5) when setting the amount.
58          (5) The minimum restitution value for cattle and sheep is the sum of the following,
59     unless the court states on the record why it finds the sum to be inappropriate:
60          (a) the fair market value of the animal, using as a guide the market information
61     obtained from the Department of Agriculture and Food created under Section 4-2-1; and
62          (b) 10 years times the average annual value of offspring, for which average annual
63     value is determined using data obtained from the National Agricultural Statistics Service within
64     the United States Department of Agriculture, for the most recent 10-year period available.
65          [(4)] (6) A material, device, or vehicle used in violation of Subsection (2) is subject to
66     forfeiture under the procedures and substantive protections established in Title 24, [Chapter 1,
67     Utah Uniform Forfeiture Procedures Act] Forfeiture and Disposition of Property Act.
68          [(5)] (7) A peace officer may seize a material, device, or vehicle used in violation of
69     Subsection (2):
70          (a) upon notice and service of process issued by a court having jurisdiction over the
71     property; or
72          (b) without notice and service of process if:
73          (i) the seizure is incident to an arrest under:
74          (A) a search warrant; or
75          (B) an inspection under an administrative inspection warrant;
76          (ii) the material, device, or vehicle has been the subject of a prior judgment in favor of
77     the state in a criminal injunction or forfeiture proceeding under this section; or
78          (iii) the peace officer has probable cause to believe that the property has been used in
79     violation of Subsection (2).
80          [(6)] (8) (a) A material, device, or vehicle seized under this section is not repleviable
81     but is in custody of the law enforcement agency making the seizure, subject only to the orders
82     and decrees of a court or official having jurisdiction.
83          (b) A peace officer who seizes a material, device, or vehicle under this section may:

84          (i) place the property under seal;
85          (ii) remove the property to a place designated by the warrant under which it was seized;
86     or
87          (iii) take custody of the property and remove it to an appropriate location for
88     disposition in accordance with law.