7 General Description:
8 This resolution amends House Rules regarding motions to lift legislation from a
9 standing committee or the House Rules Committee and limits who may make a motion
10 to uncircle legislation.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This resolution:
13 ▸ only permits the chief sponsor or the legislator designated by the chief sponsor to be
14 the House floor sponsor of the legislation to make a motion to uncircle the sponsor's
15 legislation; and
16 ▸ requires that a motion to lift legislation to the third reading calendar receive a vote
17 of two-thirds of those present if the legislation:
18 • was tabled by a standing committee; or
19 • failed to pass a standing committee motion recommending that the legislation be
20 read the second time and placed on the third reading calendar.
21 Special Clauses:
22 None
23 Legislative Rules Affected:
25 HR4-4-203
26 HR4-6-202
28 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
29 Section 1. HR4-4-203 is amended to read:
30 HR4-4-203. Motion to lift legislation from committee.
31 (1) A representative may make a motion to lift [
32 committee or the House Rules Committee and place it on the third reading calendar.
33 (2) [
36 from a standing committee or the House Rules Committee may be approved with a majority
37 vote of the members present.
38 (3) (a) A motion to lift legislation that was tabled by a standing committee requires a
39 vote of two-thirds of the members present.
40 (b) A motion to lift legislation that failed to pass a standing committee motion to send
41 the legislation to the second reading calendar requires a vote of two-thirds of the members
42 present.
43 [
44 annual general session, and during any special session, [
46 vote of two-thirds of the members present.
47 (5) If a motion to lift legislation is approved, the presiding officer shall direct that the
48 legislation be placed on the third reading calendar.
49 Section 2. HR4-6-202 is amended to read:
50 HR4-6-202. Motion to circle.
51 (1) A motion to circle [
52 calendar.
53 (2) (a) A motion to circle preserves all amendments to the legislation already adopted
54 by the House.
55 (b) A motion to circle extinguishes all amendments pending at the time that the motion
56 is made.
57 (3) Legislation that has been circled may only be uncircled by the:
58 (a) chief House sponsor of the legislation; or
59 (b) representative designated by the chief Senate sponsor to be the House floor sponsor
60 of the legislation.
61 [
62 (a) amendments already adopted by the House are part of the legislation; and
63 (b) any [
64 the legislation was circled are extinguished and a new motion to amend must be made in order
65 to revive them.