



Chief Sponsor: Johnny Anderson

Senate Sponsor: Karen Mayne


9     General Description:
10          This bill authorizes a municipality or county to reimburse an eligible property owner for
11     certain costs if the owner transfers an eligible property's title to a single-family fee
12     simple ownership.
13     Highlighted Provisions:
14          This bill:
15          ▸     enacts Title 11, Chapter 53, Residential Property Reimbursement;
16          ▸     defines terms;
17          ▸     authorizes a municipality or county to establish a reimbursement fund;
18          ▸     authorizes a municipality or county to reimburse an eligible property owner for
19     certain costs if the owner transfers an eligible property's title to a single-family fee
20     simple ownership;
21          ▸     requires a municipality or county to adopt certain qualifications and limitations on a
22     reimbursement; and
23          ▸     provides a repeal date.
24     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
25          None
26     Other Special Clauses:
27          None

28     Utah Code Sections Affected:
29     ENACTS:
30          11-53-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
31          11-53-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
32          11-53-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
33          11-53-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953
34          11-53-203, Utah Code Annotated 1953
35          63I-2-211, Utah Code Annotated 1953

37     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
38          Section 1. Section 11-53-101 is enacted to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

41          11-53-101. Title.
42          This chapter is known as "Residential Property Reimbursement."
43          Section 2. Section 11-53-102 is enacted to read:
44          11-53-102. Definitions.
45          As used in this chapter:
46          (1) "Eligible property" means a residential property with a recorded title as a two-party,
47     multifamily condominium.
48          (2) "Eligible property owner" means an owner:
49          (a) of an eligible property; and
50          (b) that intends to subdivide the property and transfer title to a single-family fee simple
51     ownership.
52          (3) "Reimbursement fund" means a fund established in accordance with Section
53     11-53-201.
54          Section 3. Section 11-53-201 is enacted to read:
Part 2. Funding Authorization and Reimbursement Provisions

56          11-53-201. Establishment of reimbursement fund authorized.
57          (1) (a) In a county of the first class, a municipality or the county may provide funds to
58     reimburse an eligible property owner for all or a portion of the costs the eligible property owner

59     incurs if the owner transfers an eligible property title to a single-family fee simple ownership.
60          (b) The costs described in Subsection (1)(a) that a municipality or county may
61     reimburse in accordance with this chapter are limited to costs incurred by the eligible property
62     owner for the following:
63          (i) survey services;
64          (ii) platting fees; or
65          (iii) subdivision application fees.
66          (2) The municipality or county shall establish a reimbursement fund to account for the
67     funds described in Subsection (1).
68          Section 4. Section 11-53-202 is enacted to read:
69          11-53-202. Reimbursement to eligible property owner.
70          (1) An eligible property owner may apply for reimbursement from the municipality or
71     county in which the eligible property is located for all or a portion of the owner's costs, as
72     described in Section 11-53-201, to transfer the eligible property title to a single-family fee
73     simple ownership.
74          (2) The municipality or county may not reimburse the eligible property owner unless
75     each owner of a property located within the condominium complex whose title would be
76     affected if the eligible property's title is transferred agrees to and participates in the transfer.
77          (3) The county or municipality may limit reimbursement to eligible properties in a
78     specific development or properties that are identified in a list of residential properties.
79          Section 5. Section 11-53-203 is enacted to read:
80          11-53-203. Qualifications for reimbursement.
81          (1) Subject to Subsections (2) and (3), a municipality or county shall establish by
82     ordinance, or, in accordance with Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, in the
83     provisions of an interlocal cooperation agreement, specific standards, limitations, and
84     qualifications for reimbursement to an eligible property owner.
85          (2) A standard or qualification may not authorize a property owner other than an
86     eligible property owner to qualify for a reimbursement.
87          (3) In addition to other standards, the municipality or county shall adopt by ordinance
88     provisions, or, if applicable, parties to an interlocal agreement shall adopt agreement
89     provisions, governing the following:

90          (a) the amount of the financial contribution from each party to an interlocal agreement,
91     if applicable;
92          (b) the management of the reimbursement fund;
93          (c) the qualification of an eligible property owner in addition to qualifications
94     described in this chapter;
95          (d) the procedures and standards regarding the disbursement of funds;
96          (e) the costs listed in Section 11-53-201 that will be reimbursed;
97          (f) a maximum amount of reimbursement for each of those costs; and
98          (g) the method of repayment by the property owner of the reimbursement under
99     circumstances as set forth in ordinance or agreement provisions.
100          Section 6. Section 63I-2-211 is enacted to read:
101          63I-2-211. Repeal dates -- Title 11.
102          Title 11, Chapter 53, Residential Property Reimbursement, is repealed on January 1,
103     2020.

Legislative Review Note
     as of 6-3-14 9:44 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel