


Chief Sponsor: James A. Dunnigan

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions governing municipal regulation of a residential rental
10     dwelling.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     prohibits a municipality from requiring:
14               •     that a rental dwelling be subject to inspection as a condition for licensure;
15               •     that a rental dwelling meet higher standards than standards for other residential
16     housing; and
17               •     that a landlord submit to a building inspection without cause and notice.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          None
20     Other Special Clauses:
21          None
22     Utah Code Sections Affected:
23     AMENDS:
24          10-1-203.5, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 289
25          10-8-85.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 289

27     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:

28          Section 1. Section 10-1-203.5 is amended to read:
29          10-1-203.5. Disproportionate rental fee -- Good landlord training program -- Fee
30     reduction.
31          (1) As used in this section:
32          (a) "Business" means the rental of one or more residential units within a municipality.
33          (b) "Disproportionate rental fee" means a fee adopted by a municipality to recover its
34     disproportionate costs of providing municipal services to residential rental units compared to
35     similarly-situated owner-occupied housing.
36          (c) "Disproportionate rental fee reduction" means a reduction of a disproportionate
37     rental fee as a condition of complying with the requirements of a good landlord training
38     program.
39          (d) "Exempt business" means the rental of a residential unit within a single structure
40     that contains:
41          (i) no more than four residential units; and
42          (ii) one unit occupied by the owner.
43          (e) "Exempt landlord" means a residential landlord who demonstrates to a
44     municipality:
45          (i) completion of any live good landlord training program offered by any other Utah
46     city that offers a good landlord program;
47          (ii) that the residential landlord has a current professional designation of "property
48     manager"; or
49          (iii) compliance with a requirement described in Subsection (4).
50          (f) "Good landlord training program" means a program offered by a municipality to
51     encourage business practices that are designed to reduce the disproportionate cost of municipal
52     services to residential rental units by offering a disproportionate rental fee reduction for any
53     landlord who:
54          (i) (A) completes a landlord training program provided by the municipality; or
55          (B) is an exempt landlord;
56          (ii) implements measures to reduce crime in rental housing as specified in a municipal
57     ordinance or policy; and
58          (iii) operates and manages rental housing in accordance with an applicable municipal

59     ordinance.
60          (g) "Municipal services" means:
61          (i) public utilities;
62          (ii) police;
63          (iii) fire;
64          (iv) code enforcement;
65          (v) storm water runoff;
66          (vi) traffic control;
67          (vii) parking;
68          (viii) transportation;
69          (ix) beautification; or
70          (x) snow removal.
71          (h) "Municipal services study" means a study of the cost of all municipal services to
72     rental housing that:
73          (i) are reasonably attributable to the rental housing; and
74          (ii) exceed the municipality's cost to serve similarly-situated, owner-occupied housing.
75          (2) The legislative body of a municipality may charge and collect a disproportionate
76     rental fee on a business that causes disproportionate costs to municipal services if the
77     municipality:
78          (a) has performed a municipal services study; and
79          (b) adopts a disproportionate rental fee that does not exceed the amount that is justified
80     by the municipal services study on a per residential rental unit basis.
81          (3) A municipality may not:
82          (a) impose a disproportionate rental fee on an exempt business;
83          (b) require a landlord to deny tenancy to an individual released from probation or
84     parole whose conviction date occurred more than four years before the date of tenancy; or
85          (c) without cause and notice, require a landlord to submit to a [random] building
86     inspection.
87          (4) In addition to a requirement or qualification described in Subsection (1)(e), a
88     municipality may recognize a landlord training described in its ordinance.
89          (5) (a) If a municipality adopts a good landlord program, the municipality shall provide

90     an appeal procedure affording due process of law to a landlord who is denied a
91     disproportionate rental fee reduction.
92          (b) A municipality may not adopt a new disproportionate rental fee unless the
93     municipality provides a disproportionate rental fee reduction.
94          Section 2. Section 10-8-85.5 is amended to read:
95          10-8-85.5. "Rental dwelling" defined -- Municipality may require a business
96     license or a regulatory business license and inspections -- Exception.
97          (1) As used in this section, "rental dwelling" means a building or portion of a building
98     that is:
99          (a) used or designated for use as a residence by one or more persons; and
100          (b) (i) available to be rented, loaned, leased, or hired out for a period of one month or
101     longer; or
102          (ii) arranged, designed, or built to be rented, loaned, leased, or hired out for a period of
103     one month or longer.
104          (2) (a) The legislative body of a municipality may by ordinance require the owner of a
105     rental dwelling located within the municipality:
106          (i) to obtain a business license pursuant to Section 10-1-203; or
107          (ii) (A) to obtain a regulatory business license to operate and maintain the rental
108     dwelling in accordance with Section 10-1-203.5; and
109          (B) to allow inspections of the rental dwelling if the rental dwelling contains more than
110     three units as a condition of obtaining a regulatory business license.
111          (b) A municipality may not require:
112          (i) an owner of multiple rental dwellings or multiple buildings containing rental
113     dwellings to obtain more than one regulatory business license for the operation and
114     maintenance of those rental dwellings[.];
115          (ii) an owner of a rental dwelling containing three or fewer units to submit to an
116     inspection of the rental dwelling as a condition of licensure; or
117          (iii) a rental dwelling to meet any standard that is stricter than a standard applied to
118     other residential housing in the municipality.
119          (c) A municipality may not charge a fee for the inspection of a rental dwelling.
120          (d) If a municipality's inspection of a rental dwelling, allowed under Subsection

121     (2)(a)(ii)(B), approves the rental dwelling for purposes of a regulatory business license, a
122     municipality may not inspect that rental dwelling except as provided for in Section 10-1-203.5.
123          (3) A municipality may not:
124          (a) interfere with the ability of an owner of a rental dwelling to contract with a tenant
125     concerning the payment of the cost of a utility or municipal service provided to the rental
126     dwelling; or
127          (b) except as required under the State Construction Code or an approved code under
128     Title 15A, State Construction and Fire Codes Act, for a structural change to the rental dwelling,
129     or as required in an ordinance adopted before January 1, 2008, require the owner of a rental
130     dwelling to retrofit the rental dwelling with or install in the rental dwelling a safety feature that
131     was not required when the rental dwelling was constructed.
132          (4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the rights and duties established
133     under Title 57, Chapter 22, Utah Fit Premises Act, or to restrict a municipality's ability to
134     enforce its generally applicable health ordinances or building code, a local health department's
135     authority under Title 26A, Chapter 1, Local Health Departments, or the Utah Department of
136     Health's authority under Title 26, Utah Health Code.

Legislative Review Note
     as of 12-12-14 1:48 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel