9 General Description:
10 This bill modifies the Utah Construction Trades Licensing Act.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ modifies the continuing education requirements for certain contractor licensees.
14 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
15 None
16 Other Special Clauses:
17 None
18 Utah Code Sections Affected:
20 58-55-302.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 430
22 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
23 Section 1. Section 58-55-302.5 is amended to read:
24 58-55-302.5. Continuing education requirements of contractor licensees --
25 Continuing education courses.
26 (1) Each contractor licensee under a license issued under this chapter shall complete
27 six hours of approved continuing education during each two-year renewal cycle established by
28 rule under Subsection 58-55-303(1).
29 (2) (a) The commission shall, with the concurrence of the division, establish by rule a
30 program of approved continuing education for contractor licensees.
31 [
35 (b) The program shall allow as an approved continuing education course any course
36 related to the health, safety, or welfare of the public or of a licensee that is offered or approved
37 by one or more of the following organizations, or another organization as determined by
38 commission rule with the concurrence of the division:
39 (i) the Associated General Contractors of Utah;
40 (ii) the Home Builders Association of Utah;
41 (iii) the Utah Subcontractors Council;
42 (iv) the Utah Plumbing & Heating Contractors Association;
43 (v) the Independent Electrical Contractors of Utah; [
44 (vi) the Rocky Mountain Gas Association[
45 (vii) the American Institute of Architects; or
46 (viii) the International Code Council.
47 (3) The division may contract with a person to establish and maintain a continuing
48 education registry to include:
49 [
52 [
54 (a) a list of approved continuing education courses; and
55 [
56 (i) a contractor licensee has completed under the program of approved continuing
57 education; and
58 (ii) the licensee may access to monitor the licensee's compliance with the continuing
59 education requirement established under Subsection (1).
60 (4) The division may charge a fee, as established by the division under Section
61 63J-1-504, to administer the requirements of this section.
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-22-15 4:24 PM
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel