8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies and repeals provisions of the State Construction and Fire Codes Act.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ modifies the process by which the Legislature adopts new versions of the State
13 Construction Code and the State Fire Code;
14 ▸ addresses the ability of state and local entities to adopt a rule or ordinance that is
15 different from the State Construction Code or the State Fire Code;
16 ▸ adopts the 2014 National Electrical Code;
17 ▸ adds an amendment to the 2014 National Electrical Code that relates to certain
18 circuit breakers;
19 ▸ updates a reference to the International Fire Code;
20 ▸ repeals provisions relating to amendments to the International Building Code and
21 the International Residential Code that apply to the City of Farmington; and
22 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
23 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
24 None
25 Other Special Clauses:
26 This bill provides a special effective date.
27 Utah Code Sections Affected:
29 15A-1-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 178 and 189
30 15A-1-403, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 14
31 15A-2-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 279 and 297
32 15A-3-113, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 297
33 15A-3-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 297
34 15A-3-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 297
35 15A-4-107, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 14
37 15A-4-103, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 14
38 15A-4-203, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 14
40 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
41 Section 1. Section 15A-1-204 is amended to read:
42 15A-1-204. Adoption of State Construction Code -- Amendments by commission--
43 Approved codes -- Exemptions.
44 (1) (a) The State Construction Code is the construction codes adopted with any
45 modifications in accordance with this section that the state and each political subdivision of the
46 state shall follow.
47 (b) A person shall comply with the applicable provisions of the State Construction
48 Code when:
49 (i) new construction is involved; and
50 (ii) the owner of an existing building, or the owner's agent, is voluntarily engaged in:
51 (A) the repair, renovation, remodeling, alteration, enlargement, rehabilitation,
52 conservation, or reconstruction of the building; or
53 (B) changing the character or use of the building in a manner that increases the
54 occupancy loads, other demands, or safety risks of the building.
55 (c) On and after July 1, 2010, the State Construction Code is the State Construction
56 Code in effect on July 1, 2010, until in accordance with this section:
57 (i) a new State Construction Code is adopted; or
58 (ii) one or more provisions of the State Construction Code are amended or repealed in
59 accordance with this section.
60 (d) A provision of the State Construction Code may be applicable:
61 (i) to the entire state; or
62 (ii) within a county, city, or town.
63 (2) (a) The Legislature shall adopt a State Construction Code by enacting legislation
64 that adopts a nationally recognized construction code with any modifications.
65 (b) Legislation [
66 state that [
67 enacted, unless otherwise stated in the legislation.
68 (c) Subject to Subsection [
69 Legislature is the State Construction Code until, in accordance with this section, the Legislature
70 adopts a new State Construction Code by:
71 (i) adopting a new State Construction Code in its entirety; or
72 (ii) amending or repealing one or more provisions of the State Construction Code.
73 (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), for each update of a nationally
74 recognized construction code, the commission shall prepare a report described in Subsection
75 (4).
76 (b) For the provisions of a nationally recognized construction code that apply only to
77 detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories above
78 grade plane in height with separate means of egress and their accessory structures, the
79 commission shall prepare a report described in Subsection (4) in 2015 and, thereafter, for every
80 second update of the nationally recognized construction code.
81 (4) (a) By September 1 of the year in which an update described in Subsection (3) is
82 published, the commission shall prepare and submit a report to the Business and Labor Interim
83 Committee that:
84 (i) states whether the commission recommends the Legislature adopt the update with
85 any modifications; and
86 (ii) describes the costs and benefits of each recommended change in the update or in
87 any modification.
88 (b) After the Business and Labor Interim Committee receives the report described in
89 Subsection (4)(a), the Business and Labor Interim Committee shall:
90 (i) study the recommendations during the remainder of the interim; and
91 (ii) if the Business and Labor Interim Committee decides to recommend legislative
92 action to the Legislature, prepare legislation for consideration by the Legislature in the next
93 general session.
94 [
95 which the commission is not required to submit a report described in Subsection (4),
96 recommend in a report to the Business and Labor Interim Committee whether the Legislature
97 should[
98 [
100 (ii) As part of a recommendation described in Subsection (5)(a)(i), the commission
101 shall describe the costs and benefits of each proposed amendment or repeal.
102 (b) The commission may recommend legislative action related to the State
103 Construction Code:
104 (i) on its own initiative;
105 (ii) upon the recommendation of the division; or
106 (iii) upon the receipt of a request by one of the following that the commission
107 recommend legislative action related to the State Construction Code:
108 (A) a local regulator;
109 (B) a state regulator;
110 (C) a state agency involved with the construction and design of a building;
111 (D) the Construction Services Commission;
112 (E) the Electrician Licensing Board;
113 (F) the Plumbers Licensing Board; or
114 (G) a recognized construction-related association.
115 [
116 legislative action to the Legislature, the Business and Labor Interim Committee shall prepare
117 legislation for consideration by the Legislature in the next general session [
119 [
120 [
121 [
122 commission may, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
123 Act, amend the State Construction Code if the commission determines that waiting for
124 legislative action in the next general legislative session would:
125 (i) cause an imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare; or
126 (ii) place a person in violation of federal or other state law.
127 (b) If the commission amends the State Construction Code in accordance with this
128 Subsection [
129 (i) the text of the amendment to the State Construction Code; and
130 (ii) an analysis that includes the specific reasons and justifications for the commission's
131 findings.
132 (c) If the State Construction Code is amended under this Subsection [
133 division shall:
134 (i) publish the amendment to the State Construction Code in accordance with Section
135 15A-1-205; and
136 (ii) notify the Business and Labor Interim Committee of the amendment to the State
137 Construction Code, including a copy of the commission's analysis described in Subsection [
138 (6)(b).
139 (d) If not formally adopted by the Legislature at [
140 an amendment to the State Construction Code under this Subsection [
141 July 1 immediately following the next annual general session that follows the adoption of the
142 amendment.
143 [
144 adopting, one or more approved codes, including a specific edition of a construction code, for
145 use by a compliance agency.
146 (b) If the code adopted by a compliance agency is an approved code described in
147 Subsection [
148 (i) adopt an ordinance requiring removal, demolition, or repair of a building;
149 (ii) adopt, by ordinance or rule, a dangerous building code; or
150 (iii) adopt, by ordinance or rule, a building rehabilitation code.
151 (8) Except as provided in Subsections (6) and (7), a compliance agency may not adopt
152 a rule or ordinance that has the effect of changing the requirements of the State Construction
153 Code.
154 [
155 conjunction with agriculture use, and not for human occupancy, is exempt from the permit
156 requirements of the State Construction Code.
157 (b) (i) Unless exempted by a provision other than Subsection [
158 electrical, and mechanical permit may be required when that work is included in a structure
159 described in Subsection [
160 (ii) Unless located in whole or in part in an agricultural protection area created under
161 Title 17, Chapter 41, Agriculture and Industrial Protection Areas, a structure described in
162 Subsection [
163 land that is:
164 (A) within the boundaries of a city or town, and less than five contiguous acres; or
165 (B) within a subdivision for which the county has approved a subdivision plat under
166 Title 17, Chapter 27a, Part 6, Subdivisions, and less than two contiguous acres.
167 [
168 type of sales described in Subsection 59-12-104(20) is exempt from the permit requirements
169 described in:
170 (a) Chapter 2, Adoption of State Construction Code;
171 (b) Chapter 3, Statewide Amendments Incorporated as Part of State Construction
172 Code; and
173 (c) Chapter 4, Local Amendments Incorporated as Part of State Construction Code.
174 Section 2. Section 15A-1-403 is amended to read:
175 15A-1-403. Adoption of State Fire Code.
176 (1) (a) The State Fire Code is:
177 (i) a code promulgated by a nationally recognized code authority that is adopted by the
178 Legislature under this section with any modifications; and
179 (ii) a code to which cities, counties, fire protection districts, and the state shall adhere
180 in safeguarding life and property from the hazards of fire and explosion.
181 (b) On and after July 1, 2010, the State Fire Code is the State Fire Code in effect on
182 July 1, 2010, until in accordance with this section:
183 (i) a new State Fire Code is adopted; or
184 (ii) one or more provisions of the State Fire Code are amended or repealed in
185 accordance with this section.
186 (c) A provision of the State Fire Code may be applicable:
187 (i) to the entire state; or
188 (ii) within a city, county, or fire protection district.
189 (2) (a) The Legislature shall adopt a State Fire Code by enacting legislation that adopts
190 a nationally recognized fire code with any modifications.
191 (b) Legislation [
192 the legislation takes effect on the July 1 after the day on which the legislation is enacted, unless
193 otherwise stated in the legislation.
194 (c) Subject to Subsection [
195 State Fire Code until in accordance with this section the Legislature adopts a new State Fire
196 Code by:
197 (i) adopting a new State Fire Code in its entirety; or
198 (ii) amending or repealing one or more provisions of the State Fire Code.
199 (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), for each update of a nationally
200 recognized fire code, the board shall prepare a report described in Subsection (4).
201 (b) For the provisions of a nationally recognized fire code that apply only to detached
202 one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories above grade plane
203 in height with separate means of egress and their accessory structures, the board shall prepare a
204 report described in Subsection (4) in 2015 and, thereafter, for every second update of the
205 nationally recognized fire code.
206 (4) (a) By September 1 of the year in which an update described in Subsection (3) is
207 published, the board shall prepare and submit a report to the Business and Labor Interim
208 Committee that:
209 (i) states whether the board recommends the Legislature adopt the update with any
210 modifications; and
211 (ii) describes the costs and benefits of each recommended change in the update or in
212 any modification.
213 (b) After the Business and Labor Interim Committee receives the report described in
214 Subsection (4)(a), the Business and Labor Interim Committee shall:
215 (i) study the recommendations during the remainder of the interim; and
216 (ii) if the Business and Labor Interim Committee decides to recommend legislative
217 action to the Legislature, prepare legislation for consideration by the Legislature in the next
218 general session.
219 [
220 board is not required to submit a report described in Subsection (4), recommend in a report to
221 the Business and Labor Interim Committee whether the Legislature should[
222 repeal one or more provisions of the State Fire Code[
223 [
225 (ii) As part of a recommendation described in Subsection (5)(a)(i), the board shall
226 describe the costs and benefits of each proposed amendment or repeal.
227 (b) The board may recommend legislative action related to the State Fire Code:
228 (i) on its own initiative; or
229 (ii) upon the receipt of a request by a city, county, or fire protection district that the
230 board recommend legislative action related to the State Fire Code.
231 (c) Within 45 days after [
232 under Subsection [
233 concerning the request.
234 (d) The board shall conduct a hearing under this section in accordance with the rules of
235 the board.
236 (e) The board shall decide whether to include the request in the report [
237 described in Subsection [
239 (f) (i) Within 15 days [
241 direct the division to notify the entity that made the request of the board's decision regarding
242 the request.
243 (ii) The division shall provide the notice:
244 [
245 [
246 [
247 legislative action to the Legislature, the Business and Labor Interim Committee shall prepare
248 legislation for consideration by the Legislature in the next general session that, if passed by the
249 Legislature, would[
250 or more provisions of the State Fire Code.
251 [
252 may, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, amend a
253 State Fire Code if the board determines that waiting for legislative action in the next general
254 legislative session would:
255 (i) cause an imminent peril to the public health, safety, or welfare; or
256 (ii) place a person in violation of federal or other state law.
257 (b) If the board amends a State Fire Code in accordance with this Subsection [
258 the board shall:
259 (i) publish the State Fire Code with the amendment; and
260 (ii) notify the Business and Labor Interim Committee of the adoption, including a copy
261 of an analysis by the board identifying specific reasons and justifications for its findings.
262 (c) If not formally adopted by the Legislature at [
263 amendment to a State Fire Code adopted under this Subsection [
264 1 immediately following the next annual general session that follows the adoption of the
265 amendment.
266 [
267 political subdivision may not enact an ordinance in the political subdivision's fire code that is
268 more restrictive [
269 (i) in order to meet a public safety need of the political subdivision; and
270 (ii) subject to the requirements of [
271 (b) A legislative body of a political subdivision may not enact an ordinance in the
272 political subdivision's fire code that:
273 (i) is more restrictive than the State Fire Code; and
274 (ii) applies to detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than
275 three stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress and their accessory
276 structures.
277 [
278 [
279 (i) notify the board in writing at least 30 days before the day on which the legislative
280 body enacts the ordinance and include in the notice a statement as to the proposed subject
281 matter of the ordinance; and
282 (ii) after the legislative body enacts the ordinance, report to the board before the board
283 makes the report required under Subsection [
284 (A) a copy of the ordinance enacted under this Subsection [
285 (B) a description of the public safety need that is the basis of enacting the ordinance.
286 [
287 year with the recommendations submitted in accordance with Subsection [
288 (i) a list of the ordinances enacted under this Subsection [
289 immediately proceeding the report; and
290 (ii) recommendations, if any, for legislative action related to an ordinance enacted
291 under this Subsection [
292 [
293 under this Subsection [
294 (ii) The state fire marshal shall make a copy of an ordinance enacted under this
295 Subsection [
296 [
297 Administrative Rulemaking Act, to establish procedures for a legislative body of a political
298 subdivision to follow to provide the notice and report required under this Subsection [
299 (8) A state agency may not adopt a rule that:
300 (a) has the effect of changing a requirement of the State Fire Code; and
301 (b) applies to detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than
302 three stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress and their accessory
303 structures.
304 Section 3. Section 15A-2-103 is amended to read:
305 15A-2-103. Specific editions adopted of construction code of a nationally
306 recognized code authority.
307 (1) Subject to the other provisions of this part, the following construction codes are
308 incorporated by reference, and together with the amendments specified in Chapter 3, Statewide
309 Amendments [
310 Code, and Chapter 4, Local Amendments Incorporated as Part of State Construction Code, are
311 the construction standards to be applied to building construction, alteration, remodeling, and
312 repair, and in the regulation of building construction, alteration, remodeling, and repair in the
313 state:
314 (a) the 2012 edition of the International Building Code, including Appendix J, issued
315 by the International Code Council;
316 (b) the 2012 edition of the International Residential Code, issued by the International
317 Code Council;
318 (c) the 2012 edition of the International Plumbing Code, issued by the International
319 Code Council;
320 (d) the 2012 edition of the International Mechanical Code, issued by the International
321 Code Council;
322 (e) the 2012 edition of the International Fuel Gas Code, issued by the International
323 Code Council;
324 (f) the [
325 Protection Association;
326 (g) the 2012 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code, issued by the
327 International Code Council;
328 (h) subject to Subsection 15A-2-104(2), the HUD Code;
329 (i) subject to Subsection 15A-2-104(1), Appendix E of the 2012 edition of the
330 International Residential Code, issued by the International Code Council; and
331 (j) subject to Subsection 15A-2-104(1), the 2005 edition of the NFPA 225 Model
332 Manufactured Home Installation Standard, issued by the National Fire Protection Association.
333 (2) Consistent with Title 65A, Chapter 8, Management of Forest Lands and Fire
334 Control, the Legislature adopts the 2006 edition of the Utah Wildland Urban Interface Code,
335 issued by the International Code Council, with the alternatives or amendments approved by the
336 Utah Division of Forestry, as a construction code that may be adopted by a local compliance
337 agency by local ordinance or other similar action as a local amendment to the codes listed in
338 this section.
339 Section 4. Section 15A-3-113 is amended to read:
340 15A-3-113. Amendments to Chapters 32 through 35 of IBC.
341 (1) A new section IBC, Section 3401.7, is added as follows: "3401.7 Parapet bracing,
342 wall anchors, and other appendages. Until June 30, 2014, a building constructed before 1975
343 shall have parapet bracing, wall anchors, and appendages such as cornices, spires, towers,
344 tanks, signs, statuary, etc. evaluated by a licensed engineer when the building is undergoing
345 structural alterations, which may include structural sheathing replacement of 10% or greater, or
346 other structural repairs. Reroofing or water membrane replacement may not be considered a
347 structural alteration or repair for purposes of this section. Beginning July 1, 2014, a building
348 constructed before 1975 shall have parapet bracing, wall anchors, and appendages such as
349 cornices, spires, towers, tanks, signs, statuary, etc. evaluated by a licensed engineer when the
350 building is undergoing a total reroofing. Parapet bracing, wall anchors, and appendages
351 required by this section shall be evaluated in accordance with 75% of the seismic forces as
352 specified in Section 1613. When allowed by the local building official, alternate methods of
353 equivalent strength as referenced in an approved code under Utah Code, Subsection
354 15A-1-204[
355 details, and calculations. When found to be deficient because of design or deteriorated
356 condition, the engineer's recommendations to anchor, brace, reinforce, or remove the deficient
357 feature shall be implemented.
358 Exceptions:
359 1. Group R-3 and U occupancies.
360 2. Unreinforced masonry parapets need not be braced according to the above stated provisions
361 provided that the maximum height of an unreinforced masonry parapet above the level of the
362 diaphragm tension anchors or above the parapet braces shall not exceed one and one-half times
363 the thickness of the parapet wall. The parapet height may be a maximum of two and one-half
364 times its thickness in other than Seismic Design Categories D, E, or F."
365 (2) IBC, Section 3408.4, is deleted and replaced with the following: "3408.4 Seismic.
366 When a change in occupancy results in a structure being reclassified to a higher Risk Category
367 (as defined in Table 1604.5), or when such change of occupancy results in a design occupant
368 load increase of 100% or more, the structure shall conform to the seismic requirements for a
369 new structure.
370 Exceptions:
371 1. Specific seismic detailing requirements of this code or ASCE 7 for a new structure shall not
372 be required to be met where it can be shown that the level of performance and seismic safety is
373 equivalent to that of a new structure. A demonstration of equivalence analysis shall consider
374 the regularity, overstrength, redundancy, and ductility of the structure. Alternatively, the
375 building official may allow the structure to be upgraded in accordance with referenced sections
376 as found in an approved code under Utah Code, Subsection 15A-1-204[
377 2. When a change of use results in a structure being reclassified from Risk Category I or II to
378 Risk Category III and the structure is located in a seismic map area where SDS is less than
379 0.33, compliance with the seismic requirements of this code and ASCE 7 are not required.
380 3. Where design occupant load increase is less than 25 occupants and the Risk Category does
381 not change."
382 (3) In IBC, Chapter 35, the referenced standard ICCA117.1-09, Section 606.2,
383 Exception 1 is modified to include the following sentence at the end of the exception:
384 "The minimum clear floor space shall be centered on the sink assembly."
385 (4) The following referenced standard is added under UL in IBC, Chapter 35:
386 | "Number | Title | Referenced in code section number |
387 | 2034-2008 | Standard of Single- and Multiple-station Carbon Monoxide Alarms | 907.9" |
388 Section 5. Section 15A-3-303 is amended to read:
389 15A-3-303. Amendments to Chapter 3 of IPC.
390 (1) In IPC, Section 303.4, the following exception is added:
391 "Exception: Third-party certification for backflow prevention assemblies will consist of any
392 combination of two certifications, laboratory or field. Acceptable third party laboratory
393 certifying agencies are ASSE, IAPMO, and USC-FCCCHR. USC-FCCCHR currently
394 provides the only field testing of backflow protection assemblies. Also see
395 www.drinkingwater.utah.gov and Division of Drinking Water Rule, Utah Administrative Code,
396 R309-305-6."
397 (2) IPC, Section 304.3, Meter Boxes, is deleted.
398 (3) IPC, Section 311.1, is deleted.
399 (4) In IPC, Section 312.3, the following is added at the end of the paragraph:
400 "Where water is not available at the construction site or where freezing conditions limit
401 the use of water on the construction site, plastic drainage and vent pipe may be permitted to be
402 tested with air. The following procedures shall be followed:
403 1. Contractor shall recognize that plastic is extremely brittle at lower temperatures and can
404 explode, causing serious injury or death.
405 2. Contractor assumes all liability for injury or death to persons or damage to property or for
406 claims for labor and/or material arising from any alleged failure of the system during testing
407 with air or compressed gasses.
408 3. Proper personal protective equipment, including safety eyewear and protective headgear,
409 should be worn by all individuals in any area where an air or gas test is being conducted.
410 4. Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to limit the pressure within the plastic piping.
411 5. No [
412 by accurate gauges graduated to no more than three times the test pressure.
413 6. The pressure gauge shall be monitored during the test period, which should not exceed 15
414 minutes.
415 7. At the conclusion of the test, the system shall be depressurized gradually, all trapped air or
416 gases should be vented, and test balls and plugs should be removed with caution."
417 (5) In IPC, Section 312.5, the following is added at the end of the paragraph:
418 "Where water is not available at the construction site or where freezing conditions limit
419 the use of water on the construction site, plastic water pipes may be permitted to be tested with
420 air. The following procedures shall be followed:
421 1. Contractor shall recognize that plastic is extremely brittle at lower temperatures and can
422 explode, causing serious injury or death.
423 2. Contractor assumes all liability for injury or death to persons or damage to property or for
424 claims for labor and/or material arising from any alleged failure of the system during testing
425 with air or compressed gasses.
426 3. Proper personal protective equipment, including safety eyewear and protective headgear,
427 should be worn by all individuals in any area where an air or gas test is being conducted.
428 4. Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to limit the pressure within the plastic piping.
429 5. Water supply systems shall be pressure tested to a minimum of 50 psi but not more than 80
430 psi as measured by accurate gauges graduated to no more than three times the test pressure.
431 6. The pressure gauge shall be monitored during the test period, which should not exceed 15
432 minutes.
433 7. At the conclusion of the test, the system shall be depressurized gradually, all trapped air or
434 gases should be vented, and test balls and plugs should be removed with caution."
435 (6) A new IPC, Section 312.10.3, is added as follows: "312.10.3 Tester Qualifications.
436 Testing shall be performed by a Utah Certified Backflow Preventer Assembly Tester in
437 accordance with Utah Administrative Code, R309-305."
438 Section 6. Section 15A-3-601 is amended to read:
439 15A-3-601. General provisions.
440 The following are adopted as amendments to the NEC to be applicable statewide:
441 (1) The IRC provisions are adopted as the residential electrical standards applicable to
442 installations applicable under the IRC. All other installations shall comply with the adopted
443 NEC.
444 [
447 (2) In NEC, Section 240.87(B), the following is added as an additional approved
448 equivalent means:
449 "6. An instantaneous trip function set at or below the available fault current."
450 Section 7. Section 15A-4-107 is amended to read:
451 15A-4-107. Amendments to IBC applicable to Sandy City.
452 The following amendments are adopted as amendments to the IBC for Sandy City:
453 (1) A new IBC, Section (F)903.2.13, is added as follows: "(F)903.2.13 An automatic
454 sprinkler system shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 throughout buildings
455 containing all occupancies where fire flow exceeds 2,000 gallons per minute, based on Table
456 B105.1 of the [
457 903. are allowed.
458 Exception: Automatic fire sprinklers are not required in buildings used solely for worship,
459 Group R Division 3, Group U occupancies and buildings complying with the International
460 Residential Code unless otherwise required by the International Fire Code.
461 (2) A new IBC, Appendix L, is added and adopted as follows: "Appendix L
464 AL 101.1 General. Buildings and structures constructed in areas designated as Wildland-Urban
465 Interface Areas by Sandy City shall be constructed using ignition resistant construction as
466 determined by the Fire Marshal. Section 502 of the 2006 International Wildland-Urban
467 Interface Code (IWUIC), as promulgated by the International Code Council, shall be used to
468 determine Fire Hazard Severity. The provisions listed in Chapter 5 of the 2006 International
469 Wildland-Urban Interface Code, as modified herein, shall be used to determine the
470 requirements for Ignition Resistant Construction.
471 (i) In Section 504 of the IWUIC Class I IGNITION-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION a new
472 Section 504.1.1 is added as follows: "504.1.1 General. Subsections 504.5, 504.6, and 504.7
473 shall only be required on the exposure side of the structure, as determined by the Fire Marshal,
474 where defensible space is less than 50 feet as defined in Section 603 of the 2006 International
475 Wildland-Urban Interface Code.
476 (ii) In Section 505 of the IWUIC Class 2 IGNITION-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION
477 Subsections 505.5 and 505.7 are deleted."
478 Section 8. Repealer.
479 This bill repeals:
480 Section 15A-4-103, Amendments to IBC applicable to City of Farmington.
481 Section 15A-4-203, Amendments to IRC applicable to City of Farmington.
482 Section 9. Effective date.
483 This bill takes effect on July 1, 2015.