


Chief Sponsor: Deidre M. Henderson

House Sponsor: Daniel McCay


8     General Description:
9          This bill repeals and amends provisions related to income taxes.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     repeals provisions related to corporate and individual income tax credits;
13          ▸     exempts a tax credit for a combat related death from certain provisions that require
14     the State Tax Commission to remove a tax credit from a tax return and prohibit a
15     taxpayer from claiming or carrying forward a tax credit;
16          ▸     repeals provisions related to individual income tax contributions; and
17          ▸     makes technical and conforming changes.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          None
20     Other Special Clauses:
21          This bill provides a special effective date.
22          This bill provides for retrospective operation.
23     Utah Code Sections Affected:
24     AMENDS:
25          23-14-13, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 278
26          59-7-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 6 and 198
27          59-7-106, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 273
28          59-7-614, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 407
29          59-10-1002.1, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 389

30          59-10-1304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 235 and 338
31          63M-1-1102, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
32     REPEALS:
33          59-7-602, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 366
34          59-7-603, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 169
35          59-7-608, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 198
36          59-7-614.3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 384
37          59-10-1011, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 366
38          59-10-1305, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 389

40     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
41          Section 1. Section 23-14-13 is amended to read:
42          23-14-13. Wildlife Resources Account.
43          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
44     "Wildlife Resources Account."
45          (2) The following money shall be deposited into the Wildlife Resources Account:
46          (a) revenue from the sale of licenses, permits, tags, and certificates of registration
47     issued under this title or a rule or proclamation of the Wildlife Board, except as otherwise
48     provided by this title;
49          (b) revenue from the sale, lease, rental, or other granting of rights of real or personal
50     property acquired with revenue specified in Subsection (2)(a);
51          (c) revenue from fines and forfeitures for violations of this title or any rule,
52     proclamation, or order of the Wildlife Board, minus court costs not to exceed the schedule
53     adopted by the Judicial Council;
54          (d) funds appropriated from the General Fund by the Legislature pursuant to Section
55     23-19-39;
56          (e) other money received by the division under any provision of this title, except as
57     otherwise provided by this title; and

58          [(f) contributions made in accordance with Section 59-10-1305; and]
59          [(g)] (f) interest, dividends, or other income earned on account money.
60          (3) Money in the Wildlife Resources Account shall be used for the administration of
61     this title.
62          Section 2. Section 59-7-105 is amended to read:
63          59-7-105. Additions to unadjusted income.
64          In computing adjusted income the following amounts shall be added to unadjusted
65     income:
66          (1) interest from bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness issued by any state
67     of the United States, including any agency and instrumentality of a state of the United States;
68          (2) the amount of any deduction taken on a corporation's federal return for taxes paid
69     by a corporation:
70          (a) to Utah for taxes imposed by this chapter; and
71          (b) to another state of the United States, a foreign country, a United States possession,
72     or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for taxes imposed for the privilege of doing business, or
73     exercising its corporate franchise, including income, franchise, corporate stock and business
74     and occupation taxes;
75          (3) the safe harbor lease adjustment required under Subsections 59-7-111(1)(a) and
76     (2)(a);
77          (4) capital losses that have been deducted on a Utah corporate return in previous years;
78          (5) any deduction on the federal return that has been previously deducted on the Utah
79     return;
80          [(6) the amount of contributions claimed as a tax credit pursuant to Section 59-7-602;]
81          [(7) the amount of the deduction taken pursuant to Section 59-7-603 for sophisticated
82     technological equipment;]
83          [(8)] (6) charitable contributions, to the extent deducted on the federal return when
84     determining federal taxable income;
85          [(9)] (7) the amount of gain or loss determined under Section 59-7-114 relating to a

86     target corporation under Section 338, Internal Revenue Code, unless such gain or loss has
87     already been included in the unadjusted income of the target corporation;
88          [(10)] (8) the amount of gain or loss determined under Section 59-7-115 relating to
89     corporations treated for federal purposes as having disposed of its assets under Section 336(e),
90     Internal Revenue Code, unless such gain or loss has already been included in the unadjusted
91     income of the target corporation;
92          [(11)] (9) adjustments to gains, losses, depreciation expense, amortization expense, and
93     similar items due to a difference between basis for federal purposes and basis as computed
94     under Section 59-7-107;
95          [(12)] (10) the amount withdrawn under Title 53B, Chapter 8a, Utah Educational
96     Savings Plan, from the account of a corporation that is an account owner as defined in Section
97     53B-8a-102, for the taxable year for which the amount is withdrawn, if that amount withdrawn
98     from the account of the corporation that is the account owner:
99          (a) is not expended for:
100          (i) higher education costs as defined in Section 53B-8a-102; or
101          (ii) a payment or distribution that qualifies as an exception to the additional tax for
102     distributions not used for educational expenses provided in Sections 529(c) and 530(d),
103     Internal Revenue Code; and
104          (b) is subtracted by the corporation:
105          (i) that is the account owner; and
106          (ii) in accordance with Subsection 59-7-106 (1)(r); and
107          [(13)] (11) the amount of the deduction for dividends paid, as defined in Section 561,
108     Internal Revenue Code, that is allowed under Section 857(b)(2)(B), Internal Revenue Code, in
109     computing the taxable income of a captive real estate investment trust, if that captive real estate
110     investment trust is subject to federal income taxation.
111          Section 3. Section 59-7-106 is amended to read:
112          59-7-106. Subtractions from unadjusted income.
113          (1) In computing adjusted income the following amounts shall be subtracted from

114     unadjusted income:
115          (a) the foreign dividend gross-up included in gross income for federal income tax
116     purposes under Section 78, Internal Revenue Code;
117          (b) subject to Subsection (2), the net capital loss, as defined for federal purposes, if the
118     taxpayer elects to deduct the net capital loss on the return filed under this chapter for the
119     taxable year for which the net capital loss is incurred;
120          (c) the decrease in salary expense deduction for federal income tax purposes due to
121     claiming the federal work opportunity credit under Section 51, Internal Revenue Code;
122          (d) the decrease in qualified research and basic research expense deduction for federal
123     income tax purposes due to claiming the federal credit for increasing research activities under
124     Section 41, Internal Revenue Code;
125          (e) the decrease in qualified clinical testing expense deduction for federal income tax
126     purposes due to claiming the federal credit for clinical testing expenses for certain drugs for
127     rare diseases or conditions under Section 45C, Internal Revenue Code;
128          (f) any decrease in any expense deduction for federal income tax purposes due to
129     claiming any other federal credit;
130          (g) the safe harbor lease adjustment required under Subsections 59-7-111(1)(b) and
131     (2)(b);
132          (h) any income on the federal corporation income tax return that has been previously
133     taxed by Utah;
134          (i) an amount included in federal taxable income that is due to a refund of a tax,
135     including a franchise tax, an income tax, a corporate stock and business tax, or an occupation
136     tax:
137          (i) if that tax is imposed for the privilege of:
138          (A) doing business; or
139          (B) exercising a corporate franchise;
140          (ii) if that tax is paid by the corporation to:
141          (A) Utah;

142          (B) another state of the United States;
143          (C) a foreign country;
144          (D) a United States possession; or
145          (E) the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; and
146          (iii) to the extent that tax was added to unadjusted income under Section 59-7-105;
147          (j) a charitable contribution, to the extent the charitable contribution is allowed as a
148     subtraction under Section 59-7-109;
149          (k) subject to Subsection (3), 50% of a dividend considered to be received or received
150     from a subsidiary that:
151          (i) is a member of the unitary group;
152          (ii) is organized or incorporated outside of the United States; and
153          (iii) is not included in a combined report under Section 59-7-402 or 59-7-403;
154          (l) subject to Subsection (4) and Section 59-7-401, 50% of the adjusted income of a
155     foreign operating company;
156          (m) the amount of gain or loss that is included in unadjusted income but not recognized
157     for federal purposes on stock sold or exchanged by a member of a selling consolidated group as
158     defined in Section 338, Internal Revenue Code, if an election has been made in accordance
159     with Section 338(h)(10), Internal Revenue Code;
160          (n) the amount of gain or loss that is included in unadjusted income but not recognized
161     for federal purposes on stock sold, exchanged, or distributed by a corporation in accordance
162     with Section 336(e), Internal Revenue Code, if an election under Section 336(e), Internal
163     Revenue Code, has been made for federal purposes;
164          (o) subject to Subsection (5), an adjustment to the following due to a difference
165     between basis for federal purposes and basis as computed under Section 59-7-107:
166          (i) an amortization expense;
167          (ii) a depreciation expense;
168          (iii) a gain;
169          (iv) a loss; or

170          (v) an item similar to Subsections (1)(o)(i) through (iv);
171          (p) an interest expense that is not deducted on a federal corporation income tax return
172     under Section 265(b) or 291(e), Internal Revenue Code;
173          (q) 100% of dividends received from a subsidiary that is an insurance company if that
174     subsidiary that is an insurance company is:
175          (i) exempt from this chapter under Subsection 59-7-102(1)(c); and
176          (ii) under common ownership;
177          (r) subject to Subsection 59-7-105[(12)](10), the amount of a qualified investment as
178     defined in Section 53B-8a-102 that:
179          (i) a corporation that is an account owner as defined in Section 53B-8a-102 makes
180     during the taxable year;
181          (ii) the corporation described in Subsection (1)(r)(i) does not deduct on a federal
182     corporation income tax return; and
183          (iii) does not exceed the maximum amount of the qualified investment that may be
184     subtracted from unadjusted income for a taxable year in accordance with Subsection
185     53B-8a-106(1);
186          (s) for purposes of income included in a combined report under Part 4, Combined
187     Reporting, the entire amount of the dividends a member of a unitary group receives or is
188     considered to receive from a captive real estate investment trust; and
189          (t) the increase in income for federal income tax purposes due to claiming a:
190          (i) qualified tax credit bond credit under Section 54A, Internal Revenue Code; or
191          (ii) qualified zone academy bond under Section 1397E, Internal Revenue Code.
192          (2) For purposes of Subsection (1)(b):
193          (a) the subtraction shall be made by claiming the subtraction on a return filed:
194          (i) under this chapter for the taxable year for which the net capital loss is incurred; and
195          (ii) by the due date of the return, including extensions; and
196          (b) a net capital loss for a taxable year shall be:
197          (i) subtracted for the taxable year for which the net capital loss is incurred; or

198          (ii) carried forward as provided in Sections 1212(a)(1)(B) and (C), Internal Revenue
199     Code.
200          (3) (a) For purposes of calculating the subtraction provided for in Subsection (1)(k), a
201     taxpayer shall first subtract from a dividend considered to be received or received an expense
202     directly attributable to that dividend.
203          (b) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a), the amount of an interest expense that is
204     considered to be directly attributable to a dividend is calculated by multiplying the interest
205     expense by a fraction:
206          (i) the numerator of which is the taxpayer's average investment in the dividend paying
207     subsidiaries; and
208          (ii) the denominator of which is the taxpayer's average total investment in assets.
209          (c) (i) For purposes of calculating the subtraction allowed by Subsection (1)(k), in
210     determining income apportionable to this state, a portion of the factors of a foreign subsidiary
211     that has dividends that are partially subtracted under Subsection (1)(k) shall be included in the
212     combined report factors as provided in this Subsection (3)(c).
213          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (3)(c)(i), the portion of the factors of a foreign
214     subsidiary that has dividends that are partially subtracted under Subsection (1)(k) that shall be
215     included in the combined report factors is calculated by multiplying each factor of the foreign
216     subsidiary by a fraction:
217          (A) not to exceed 100%; and
218          (B) (I) the numerator of which is the amount of the dividend paid by the foreign
219     subsidiary that is included in adjusted income; and
220          (II) the denominator of which is the current year earnings and profits of the foreign
221     subsidiary as determined under the Internal Revenue Code.
222          (4) (a) For purposes of Subsection (1)(l), a taxpayer may not make a subtraction under
223     Subsection (1)(l):
224          (i) if the taxpayer elects to file a worldwide combined report as provided in Section
225     59-7-403; or

226          (ii) for the following:
227          (A) income generated from intangible property; or
228          (B) a capital gain, dividend, interest, rent, royalty, or other similar item that is
229     generated from an asset held for investment and not from a regular business trading activity.
230          (b) In calculating the subtraction provided for in Subsection (1)(l), a foreign operating
231     company:
232          (i) may not subtract an amount provided for in Subsection (1)(k) or (l); and
233          (ii) prior to determining the subtraction under Subsection (1)(l), shall eliminate a
234     transaction that occurs between members of a unitary group.
235          (c) For purposes of the subtraction provided for in Subsection (1)(l), in determining
236     income apportionable to this state, the factors for a foreign operating company shall be
237     included in the combined report factors in the same percentages as the foreign operating
238     company's adjusted income is included in the combined adjusted income.
239          (d) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
240     commission may by rule define what constitutes:
241          (i) income generated from intangible property; or
242          (ii) a capital gain, dividend, interest, rent, royalty, or other similar item that is
243     generated from an asset held for investment and not from a regular business trading activity.
244          (5) (a) For purposes of the subtraction provided for in Subsection (1)(o), the amount of
245     a reduction in basis shall be allowed as an expense for the taxable year in which a federal tax
246     credit is claimed if:
247          (i) there is a reduction in federal basis for a federal tax credit; and
248          (ii) there is no corresponding tax credit allowed in this state.
249          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
250     commission may by rule define what constitutes an item similar to Subsections (1)(o)(i)
251     through (iv).
252          Section 4. Section 59-7-614 is amended to read:
253          59-7-614. Renewable energy systems tax credit -- Definitions -- Limitations --

254     Certification -- Rulemaking authority.
255          (1) As used in this section:
256          (a) "Active solar system":
257          (i) means a system of equipment capable of collecting and converting incident solar
258     radiation into thermal, mechanical, or electrical energy, and transferring these forms of energy
259     by a separate apparatus to storage or to the point of use; and
260          (ii) includes water heating, space heating or cooling, and electrical or mechanical
261     energy generation.
262          (b) "Biomass system" means any system of apparatus and equipment for use in
263     converting material into biomass energy, as defined in Section 59-12-102, and transporting that
264     energy by separate apparatus to the point of use or storage.
265          (c) "Business entity" means any sole proprietorship, estate, trust, partnership,
266     association, corporation, cooperative, or other entity under which business is conducted or
267     transacted.
268          (d) "Commercial energy system" means any active solar, passive solar, geothermal
269     electricity, direct-use geothermal, geothermal heat-pump system, wind, hydroenergy, or
270     biomass system used to supply energy to a commercial unit or as a commercial enterprise.
271          (e) "Commercial enterprise" means a business entity whose purpose is to produce
272     electrical, mechanical, or thermal energy for sale from a commercial energy system.
273          (f) (i) "Commercial unit" means any building or structure that a business entity uses to
274     transact its business.
275          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(f)(i):
276          (A) in the case of an active solar system used for agricultural water pumping or a wind
277     system, each individual energy generating device shall be a commercial unit; and
278          (B) if an energy system is the building or structure that a business entity uses to
279     transact its business, a commercial unit is the complete energy system itself.
280          (g) "Direct-use geothermal system" means a system of apparatus and equipment
281     enabling the direct use of thermal energy, generally between 100 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit,

282     that is contained in the earth to meet energy needs, including heating a building, an industrial
283     process, and aquaculture.
284          (h) "Geothermal electricity" means energy contained in heat that continuously flows
285     outward from the earth that is used as a sole source of energy to produce electricity.
286          (i) "Geothermal heat-pump system" means a system of apparatus and equipment
287     enabling the use of thermal properties contained in the earth at temperatures well below 100
288     degrees Fahrenheit to help meet heating and cooling needs of a structure.
289          (j) "Hydroenergy system" means a system of apparatus and equipment capable of
290     intercepting and converting kinetic water energy into electrical or mechanical energy and
291     transferring this form of energy by separate apparatus to the point of use or storage.
292          (k) "Individual taxpayer" means any person who is a taxpayer as defined in Section
293     59-10-103 and an individual as defined in Section 59-10-103.
294          (l) "Office" means the Office of Energy Development created in Section 63M-4-401.
295          (m) "Passive solar system":
296          (i) means a direct thermal system that utilizes the structure of a building and its
297     operable components to provide for collection, storage, and distribution of heating or cooling
298     during the appropriate times of the year by utilizing the climate resources available at the site;
299     and
300          (ii) includes those portions and components of a building that are expressly designed
301     and required for the collection, storage, and distribution of solar energy.
302          (n) "Residential energy system" means any active solar, passive solar, biomass,
303     direct-use geothermal, geothermal heat-pump system, wind, or hydroenergy system used to
304     supply energy to or for any residential unit.
305          (o) "Residential unit" means any house, condominium, apartment, or similar dwelling
306     unit that serves as a dwelling for a person, group of persons, or a family but does not include
307     property subject to a fee under:
308          (i) Section 59-2-404;
309          (ii) Section 59-2-405;

310          (iii) Section 59-2-405.1;
311          (iv) Section 59-2-405.2; or
312          (v) Section 59-2-405.3.
313          (p) "Wind system" means a system of apparatus and equipment capable of intercepting
314     and converting wind energy into mechanical or electrical energy and transferring these forms of
315     energy by a separate apparatus to the point of use, sale, or storage.
316          (2) (a) (i) A business entity that purchases and completes or participates in the
317     financing of a residential energy system to supply all or part of the energy required for a
318     residential unit owned or used by the business entity and located in the state may claim a
319     nonrefundable tax credit as provided in this Subsection (2)(a).
320          (ii) (A) The tax credit is equal to 25% of the reasonable costs of each residential energy
321     system installed with respect to each residential unit the business entity owns or uses, including
322     installation costs, against any tax due under this chapter for the taxable year in which the
323     energy system is completed and placed in service.
324          (B) The total amount of each tax credit under this Subsection (2)(a) may not exceed
325     $2,000 per residential unit.
326          (C) The tax credit under this Subsection (2)(a) is allowed for any residential energy
327     system completed and placed in service on or after January 1, 2007.
328          (iii) If a business entity sells a residential unit to an individual taxpayer before making
329     a claim for the tax credit under this Subsection (2)(a), the business entity may:
330          (A) assign its right to this tax credit to the individual taxpayer; and
331          (B) if the business entity assigns its right to the tax credit to an individual taxpayer
332     under Subsection (2)(a)(iii)(A), the individual taxpayer may claim the tax credit as if the
333     individual taxpayer had completed or participated in the costs of the residential energy system
334     under Section 59-10-1014.
335          (b) (i) A business entity that purchases or participates in the financing of a commercial
336     energy system situated in Utah may claim a refundable tax credit as provided in this Subsection
337     (2)(b) if the commercial energy system does not use wind, geothermal electricity, solar, or

338     biomass equipment capable of producing a total of 660 or more kilowatts of electricity or if the
339     commercial energy system does not use solar equipment capable of producing 2,000 or more
340     kilowatts of electricity, and:
341          (A) the commercial energy system supplies all or part of the energy required by
342     commercial units owned or used by the business entity; or
343          (B) the business entity sells all or part of the energy produced by the commercial
344     energy system as a commercial enterprise.
345          (ii) (A) A business entity is entitled to a tax credit of up to 10% of the reasonable costs
346     of any commercial energy system installed, including installation costs, against any tax due
347     under this chapter for the taxable year in which the commercial energy system is completed and
348     placed in service.
349          (B) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(b)(ii)(A), the total amount of the tax credit under
350     this Subsection (2)(b) may not exceed $50,000 per commercial unit.
351          (C) The tax credit under this Subsection (2)(b) is allowed for any commercial energy
352     system completed and placed in service on or after January 1, 2007.
353          (iii) A business entity that leases a commercial energy system installed on a
354     commercial unit is eligible for the tax credit under this Subsection (2)(b) if the lessee can
355     confirm that the lessor irrevocably elects not to claim the tax credit.
356          (iv) Only the principal recovery portion of the lease payments, which is the cost
357     incurred by a business entity in acquiring a commercial energy system, excluding interest
358     charges and maintenance expenses, is eligible for the tax credit under this Subsection (2)(b).
359          (v) A business entity that leases a commercial energy system is eligible to use the tax
360     credit under this Subsection (2)(b) for a period no greater than seven years from the initiation
361     of the lease.
362          (vi) A tax credit allowed by this Subsection (2)(b) may not be carried forward or
363     carried back.
364          (c) (i) A business entity that owns a commercial energy system located in the state
365     using wind, geothermal electricity, or biomass equipment capable of producing a total of 660 or

366     more kilowatts of electricity may claim a refundable tax credit as provided in this Subsection
367     (2)(c) if:
368          (A) the commercial energy system supplies all or part of the energy required by
369     commercial units owned or used by the business entity; or
370          (B) the business entity sells all or part of the energy produced by the commercial
371     energy system as a commercial enterprise.
372          (ii) (A) A business entity may claim a tax credit under this section equal to the product
373     of:
374          (I) 0.35 cents; and
375          (II) the kilowatt hours of electricity produced and either used or sold during the taxable
376     year.
377          (B) (I) The tax credit calculated under Subsection (2)(c)(ii)(A) may be claimed for
378     production occurring during a period of 48 months beginning with the month in which the
379     commercial energy system is placed in commercial service.
380          (II) The tax credit allowed by this Subsection (2)(c) for each year may not be carried
381     forward or carried back.
382          (C) The tax credit under this Subsection (2)(c) is allowed for any commercial energy
383     system completed and placed in service on or after January 1, 2007.
384          (iii) A business entity that leases a commercial energy system installed on a
385     commercial unit is eligible for the tax credit under this Subsection (2)(c) if the lessee can
386     confirm that the lessor irrevocably elects not to claim the tax credit.
387          (d) (i) A tax credit under Subsection (2)(a) or (b) may be claimed for the taxable year
388     in which the energy system is completed and placed in service.
389          (ii) Additional energy systems or parts of energy systems may be claimed for
390     subsequent years.
391          (iii) If the amount of a tax credit under Subsection (2)(a) exceeds a business entity's tax
392     liability under this chapter for a taxable year, the amount of the tax credit exceeding the
393     liability may be carried forward for a period that does not exceed the next four taxable years.

394          (3) (a) A business entity that owns a commercial energy system located in the state that
395     uses solar equipment capable of producing a total of 660 or more kilowatts of electricity may
396     claim a refundable tax credit as provided in this Subsection (3) if:
397          (i) (A) the commercial energy system supplies all or part of the energy required by
398     commercial units owned or used by the business entity; or
399          (B) the business entity sells all or part of the energy produced by the commercial
400     energy system as a commercial enterprise; and
401          (ii) the business entity does not claim a tax credit under Subsection (2)(b).
402          (b) A business entity may claim a tax credit under this section equal to the product of:
403          (i) 0.35 cents; and
404          (ii) the kilowatt hours of electricity produced and either used or sold during the taxable
405     year.
406          (c) The tax credit under this Subsection (3) may be claimed for production occurring
407     during a period of 48 months beginning with the month in which the commercial energy
408     system is placed in commercial service.
409          (d) The tax credit under this Subsection (3) may not be carried forward or carried back.
410          (e) The tax credit under this Subsection (3) is allowed for a commercial energy system
411     completed and placed in service on or after January 1, 2015.
412          (f) A business entity that leases a commercial energy system installed on a commercial
413     unit may claim a tax credit under this Subsection (3) if the business entity that is the lessee can
414     confirm that the lessor irrevocably elects not to claim the tax credit.
415          (4) (a) [Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), the] The tax credits provided for
416     under Subsection (2) or (3) are in addition to any tax credits provided under the laws or rules
417     and regulations of the United States.
418          [(b) A purchaser of one or more solar units that claims a tax credit under Section
419     59-7-614.3 for the purchase of the one or more solar units may not claim a tax credit under this
420     section for that purchase.]
421          [(c)] (b) (i) The office may set standards for residential and commercial energy systems

422     claiming a tax credit under Subsections (2)(a) and (b) that cover the safety, reliability,
423     efficiency, leasing, and technical feasibility of the systems to ensure that the systems eligible
424     for the tax credit use the state's renewable and nonrenewable energy resources in an appropriate
425     and economic manner.
426          (ii) The office may set standards for residential and commercial energy systems that
427     establish the reasonable costs of an energy system, as used in Subsections (2)(a)(ii)(A) and
428     (2)(b)(ii)(A), as an amount per unit of energy production.
429          (iii) A tax credit may not be taken under Subsection (2) or (3) until the office has
430     certified that the energy system has been completely installed and is a viable system for saving
431     or production of energy from renewable resources.
432          [(d)] (c) The office and the commission may make rules in accordance with Title 63G,
433     Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, that are necessary to implement this section.
434          (5) (a) On or before October 1, 2012, and every five years thereafter, the Revenue and
435     Taxation Interim Committee shall review each tax credit provided by this section and report its
436     recommendations to the Legislative Management Committee concerning whether the tax credit
437     should be continued, modified, or repealed.
438          (b) The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee's report under Subsection (5)(a)
439     shall include information concerning the cost of the tax credit, the purpose and effectiveness of
440     the tax credit, and the state's benefit from the tax credit.
441          Section 5. Section 59-10-1002.1 is amended to read:
442          59-10-1002.1. Removal of tax credit from tax return and prohibition on claiming
443     or carrying forward a tax credit -- Conditions for removal and prohibition on claiming or
444     carrying forward a tax credit -- Exception -- Commission reporting requirements.
445          (1) As used in this section, "tax return" means a tax return filed in accordance with this
446     chapter.
447          (2) [Beginning] Except as provided in Subsection (4), beginning two taxable years
448     after the requirements of Subsection (3) are met:
449          (a) the commission shall remove a tax credit allowed under this part from each tax

450     return on which the tax credit appears; and
451          (b) a claimant, estate, or trust filing a tax return may not claim or carry forward the tax
452     credit.
453          (3) [The] Except as provided in Subsection (4), the commission shall remove a tax
454     credit allowed under this part from a tax return and a claimant, estate, or trust filing a tax return
455     may not claim or carry forward the tax credit as provided in Subsection (2) if:
456          (a) the total amount of the tax credit claimed or carried forward by all claimants,
457     estates, or trusts filing tax returns is less than $10,000 per year for three consecutive taxable
458     years beginning on or after January 1, 2002; and
459          (b) less than 10 claimants, estates, and trusts per year for the three consecutive taxable
460     years described in Subsection (3)(a), file a tax return claiming or carrying forward the tax
461     credit.
462          (4) This section does not apply to a tax credit under Section 59-10-1027.
463          [(4)] (5) The commission shall, on or before the November interim meeting of the year
464     after the taxable year in which the requirements of Subsection (3) are met:
465          (a) report to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee that in accordance with this
466     section:
467          (i) the commission is required to remove a tax credit from each tax return on which the
468     tax credit appears; and
469          (ii) a claimant, estate, or trust filing a tax return may not claim or carry forward the tax
470     credit; and
471          (b) notify each state agency required by statute to assist in the administration of the tax
472     credit that in accordance with this section:
473          (i) the commission is required to remove a tax credit from each tax return on which the
474     tax credit appears; and
475          (ii) a claimant, estate, or trust filing a tax return may not claim or carry forward the tax
476     credit.
477          Section 6. Section 59-10-1304 is amended to read:

478          59-10-1304. Removal of designation and prohibitions on collection for certain
479     contributions on income tax return -- Conditions for removal and prohibitions on
480     collection -- Commission reporting requirements.
481          (1) (a) If a contribution or combination of contributions described in Subsection (1)(b)
482     generate less than $30,000 per year for three consecutive years, the commission shall remove
483     the designation for the contribution from the individual income tax return and may not collect
484     the contribution from a resident or nonresident individual beginning two taxable years after the
485     three-year period for which the contribution generates less than $30,000 per year.
486          (b) The following contributions apply to Subsection (1)(a):
487          [(i) the contribution provided for in Section 59-10-1305;]
488          [(ii)] (i) the contribution provided for in Section 59-10-1306;
489          [(iii)] (ii) the sum of the contributions provided for in Subsection 59-10-1307(1);
490          [(iv)] (iii) the contribution provided for in Section 59-10-1308;
491          [(v)] (iv) the contribution provided for in Section 59-10-1310;
492          [(vi)] (v) the contribution provided for in Section 59-10-1315;
493          [(vii)] (vi) the sum of the contributions provided for in:
494          (A) Section 59-10-1316; and
495          (B) Section 59-10-1317; or
496          [(viii)] (vii) the contribution provided for in Section 59-10-1318.
497          (2) If the commission removes the designation for a contribution under Subsection (1),
498     the commission shall report to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee that the
499     commission removed the designation on or before the November interim meeting of the year in
500     which the commission determines to remove the designation.
501          Section 7. Section 63M-1-1102 is amended to read:
502          63M-1-1102. Definitions.
503          As used in this part:
504          (1) "Composting" means the controlled decay of landscape waste or sewage sludge and
505     organic industrial waste, or a mixture of these, by the action of bacteria, fungi, molds, and other

506     organisms.
507          (2) "Postconsumer waste material" means any product generated by a business or
508     consumer that has served its intended end use, and that has been separated from solid waste for
509     the purposes of collection, recycling, and disposition and that does not include secondary waste
510     material.
511          (3) (a) "Recovered materials" means waste materials and by-products that have been
512     recovered or diverted from solid waste.
513          (b) "Recovered materials" does not include those materials and by-products generated
514     from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process.
515          (4) (a) "Recycling" means the diversion of materials from the solid waste stream and
516     the beneficial use of the materials and includes a series of activities by which materials that
517     would become or otherwise remain waste are diverted from the waste stream for collection,
518     separation, and processing, and are used as raw materials or feedstocks in lieu of or in addition
519     to virgin materials in the manufacture of goods sold or distributed in commerce or the reuse of
520     the materials as substitutes for goods made from virgin materials.
521          (b) "Recycling" does not include burning municipal solid waste for energy recovery.
522          (5) "Recycling market development zone" or "zone" means an area designated by the
523     office as meeting the requirements of this part.
524          (6) (a) "Secondary waste material" means industrial by-products that go to disposal
525     facilities and waste generated after completion of a manufacturing process.
526          (b) "Secondary waste material" does not include internally generated scrap commonly
527     returned to industrial or manufacturing processes, such as home scrap and mill broke.
528          (7) ["State tax incentives," "tax incentives," or "tax benefits"] "Tax incentive" means
529     [the] a nonrefundable tax [credits] credit available under [Sections 59-7-608 and] Section
530     59-7-610 or 59-10-1007.
531          Section 8. Repealer.
532          This bill repeals:
533          Section 59-7-602, Credit for cash contributions to sheltered workshops.

534          Section 59-7-603, Credit for sophisticated technological equipment donated to
535     schools.
536          Section 59-7-608, Targeted jobs tax credit.
537          Section 59-7-614.3, Nonrefundable tax credit for qualifying solar projects.
538          Section 59-10-1011, Tutoring tax credits for dependents with a disability.
539          Section 59-10-1305, Nongame wildlife contribution -- Credit to Wildlife Resources
540     Account.
541          Section 9. Effective date.
542          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this bill takes effect on May 12, 2015.
543          (2) The actions affecting the following have retrospective operation for a taxable year
544     beginning on or after January 1, 2015:
545          (a) Section 59-7-105;
546          (b) Section 59-7-106;
547          (c) Section 59-7-602;
548          (d) Section 59-7-603;
549          (e) Section 59-7-608;
550          (f) Section 59-7-614;
551          (g) Section 59-7-614.3;
552          (h) Section 59-10-1002.1;
553          (i) Section 59-10-1011;
554          (j) Section 59-10-1304;
555          (k) Section 59-10-1305; and
556          (l) Section 63M-1-1102.