



Chief Sponsor: Aaron Osmond

House Sponsor: Rebecca P. Edwards


9     General Description:
10          This bill modifies statutory provisions related to the Governor's Office of Economic
11     Development (GOED).
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     creates Title 63N, Governor's Office of Economic Development;
15          ▸     recodifies statutory provisions related to GOED;
16          ▸     modifies the organization of GOED, the Board of Business and Economic
17     Development, and the Governor's Economic Development Coordinating Council;
18     and
19          ▸     makes technical changes.
20     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
21          None
22     Other Special Clauses:
23          None
24     Utah Code Sections Affected:
25     AMENDS:
26          17-31-9, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 429
27          26-18-14, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 383
28          26-18-18, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 477
29          31A-2-201.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 319

30          31A-2-212, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 341
31          31A-2-218, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 383
32          31A-22-613.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 279
33          31A-22-635, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 290 and 300
34          31A-22-726, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 278
35          31A-23a-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 319
36          31A-30-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 290 and 300
37          31A-30-116, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 279
38          31A-30-117, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 425
39          31A-30-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 68
40          31A-30-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter 68
41          31A-30-208, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 319 and 341
42          31A-30-302, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 425
43          35A-1-104.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 119
44          53A-1-410, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 372
45          59-7-610, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
46          59-7-614.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapters 246 and 410
47          59-7-614.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246
48           59-7-614.6, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 423
49          59-7-614.8, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 410
50          59-7-616, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 429
51          59-10-210, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 382 and 389
52          59-10-1007, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
53          59-10-1025, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 423
54          59-10-1030, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 410
55          59-10-1107, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapters 246 and 410
56          59-10-1108, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 246
57          59-10-1109, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 423

58          59-10-1110, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 429
59          59-12-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 380 and 429
60          59-12-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 369
61          63A-3-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 64 and 185
62          63E-1-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 320, 426, and 426
63          63F-1-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 196
64          63G-2-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 90 and 320
65          63G-6a-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 196
66          63G-6a-304, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 347
67          63G-6a-305, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 445
68          63G-6a-711, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter 445
69          63I-1-263, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 113, 189, 195, 211, 419,
70     429, and 435
71          63I-2-263, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 172, 423, and 427
72          63I-4a-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 320
73          63J-1-315, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 211
74          63J-1-602.4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 37, 186, and 189
75          63J-4-603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapters 101 and 337
76          63J-7-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 320
77          63M-2-101, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
78          79-4-1103, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 313
79     ENACTS:
80          63N-2-301, Utah Code Annotated 1953
81          63N-5-110, Utah Code Annotated 1953
82          63N-12-201, Utah Code Annotated 1953
84          63G-19-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1001, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
85     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)

86          63G-19-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1002, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
87     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
88          63G-19-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1003, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
89     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
90          63N-1-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-101, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
91     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
92          63N-1-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-102, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
93     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
94          63N-1-201, (Renumbered from 63M-1-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
95     Chapter 371)
96          63N-1-202, (Renumbered from 63M-1-202, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
97     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
98          63N-1-203, (Renumbered from 63M-1-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008,
99     Chapter 352 and renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
100          63N-1-204, (Renumbered from 63M-1-205, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
101     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
102          63N-1-301, (Renumbered from 63M-1-206, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
103     371)
104          63N-1-401, (Renumbered from 63M-1-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010,
105     Chapter 286)
106          63N-1-402, (Renumbered from 63M-1-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
107     Chapter 173)
108          63N-1-501, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1303, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter
109     236)
110          63N-1-502, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
111     Chapter 371)
112          63N-2-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2401, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter
113     372)

114          63N-2-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2402, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter
115     372)
116          63N-2-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010,
117     Chapters 104 and 164)
118          63N-2-104, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2404, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
119     Chapter 392)
120          63N-2-105, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2405, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
121     Chapter 392)
122          63N-2-106, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2406, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
123     Chapter 371)
124          63N-2-107, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2407, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
125     Chapter 310)
126          63N-2-108, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2409, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapter
127     164)
128          63N-2-201, (Renumbered from 63M-1-401, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
129     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
130          63N-2-202, (Renumbered from 63M-1-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
131     Chapter 84)
132          63N-2-203, (Renumbered from 63M-1-403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
133     Chapter 371)
134          63N-2-204, (Renumbered from 63M-1-404, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
135     Chapter 358)
136          63N-2-205, (Renumbered from 63M-1-405, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
137     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
138          63N-2-206, (Renumbered from 63M-1-406, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
139     Chapter 84)
140          63N-2-207, (Renumbered from 63M-1-407, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
141     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)

142          63N-2-208, (Renumbered from 63M-1-408, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
143     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
144          63N-2-209, (Renumbered from 63M-1-409, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
145     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
146          63N-2-210, (Renumbered from 63M-1-410, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
147     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
148          63N-2-211, (Renumbered from 63M-1-411, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
149     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
150          63N-2-212, (Renumbered from 63M-1-412, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
151     Chapter 84)
152          63N-2-213, (Renumbered from 63M-1-413, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
153     Chapter 259)
154          63N-2-214, (Renumbered from 63M-1-414, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
155     Chapter 84)
156          63N-2-215, (Renumbered from 63M-1-415, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008,
157     Chapter 114 and renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
158          63N-2-302, (Renumbered from 63M-1-501, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
159     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
160          63N-2-303, (Renumbered from 63M-1-502, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
161     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
162          63N-2-304, (Renumbered from 63M-1-503, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
163     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
164          63N-2-305, (Renumbered from 63M-1-504, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
165     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
166          63N-2-401, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1101, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
167     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
168          63N-2-402, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1102, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
169     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)

170          63N-2-403, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
171     Chapter 371)
172          63N-2-404, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1104, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009,
173     Chapter 183)
174          63N-2-405, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1105, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
175     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
176          63N-2-406, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1106, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
177     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
178          63N-2-407, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1107, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
179     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
180          63N-2-408, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1108, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
181     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
182          63N-2-409, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1109, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
183     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
184          63N-2-410, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1110, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
185     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
186          63N-2-411, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1111, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
187     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
188          63N-2-412, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1112, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
189     Chapter 392)
190          63N-2-501, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3401, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
191     429)
192          63N-2-502, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3402, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
193     429)
194          63N-2-503, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3403, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
195     429)
196          63N-2-504, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3404, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
197     429)

198          63N-2-505, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3405, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
199     429)
200          63N-2-506, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3406, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
201     429)
202          63N-2-507, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3407, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
203     429)
204          63N-2-508, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3408, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
205     429)
206          63N-2-509, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3409, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
207     429)
208          63N-2-510, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3410, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
209     429)
210          63N-2-511, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3411, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
211     429)
212          63N-2-512, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3412, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
213     429)
214          63N-2-513, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3413, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
215     429)
216          63N-2-601, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3501, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
217     435)
218          63N-2-602, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3502, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
219     435)
220          63N-2-603, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3503, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
221     435)
222          63N-2-604, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3504, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
223     435)
224          63N-2-605, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3505, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
225     435)

226          63N-2-606, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3506, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
227     435)
228          63N-2-607, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3507, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
229     435)
230          63N-2-608, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3508, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
231     435)
232          63N-2-609, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3509, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
233     435)
234          63N-2-610, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3510, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
235     435)
236          63N-2-611, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3511, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
237     435)
238          63N-2-612, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3512, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
239     435)
240          63N-2-701, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3101, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter
241     410)
242          63N-2-702, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3102, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter
243     410)
244          63N-2-703, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3103, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter
245     410)
246          63N-2-704, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3104, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter
247     410)
248          63N-2-705, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
249     Chapter 371)
250          63N-2-801, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2901, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter
251     306)
252          63N-2-802, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2902, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
253     Chapter 423)

254          63N-2-803, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2903, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
255     Chapter 423)
256          63N-2-804, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2904, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter
257     306)
258          63N-2-805, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2905, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
259     Chapter 423)
260          63N-2-806, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2906, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter
261     306)
262          63N-2-807, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2907, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter
263     306)
264          63N-2-808, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2908, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
265     Chapter 423)
266          63N-2-809, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2909, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
267     Chapter 423)
268          63N-2-810, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2910, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
269     Chapter 371)
270          63N-2-811, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2911, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
271     Chapter 310)
272          63N-3-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-901, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
273     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
274          63N-3-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-902, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010,
275     Chapters 245 and 278)
276          63N-3-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-903, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
277     Chapter 435)
278          63N-3-104, (Renumbered from 63M-1-904, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
279     Chapter 371)
280          63N-3-105, (Renumbered from 63M-1-906, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
281     Chapter 208)

282          63N-3-106, (Renumbered from 63M-1-905, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
283     Chapters 211 and 303)
284          63N-3-107, (Renumbered from 63M-1-907, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
285     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
286          63N-3-108, (Renumbered from 63M-1-908, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010,
287     Chapter 278)
288          63N-3-109, (Renumbered from 63M-1-909, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
289     Chapter 173)
290          63N-3-110, (Renumbered from 63M-1-909.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
291     Chapter 173)
292          63N-3-111, (Renumbered from 63M-1-910, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
293     Chapter 310)
294          63N-3-201, (Renumbered from 63M-1-701, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
295     Chapter 392)
296          63N-3-202, (Renumbered from 63M-1-702, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
297     Chapter 418)
298          63N-3-203, (Renumbered from 63M-1-703, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
299     Chapter 418)
300          63N-3-204, (Renumbered from 63M-1-704, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
301     Chapters 371, 418 and last amended by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2014,
302     Chapter 418)
303          63N-3-205, (Renumbered from 63M-1-705, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
304     Chapter 392)
305          63N-3-301, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2701, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter
306     50)
307          63N-3-302, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2702, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter
308     50)
309          63N-3-303, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2703, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter

310     50)
311          63N-3-304, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2704, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
312     Chapter 371)
313          63N-3-305, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2705, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter
314     50)
315          63N-3-306, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2706, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
316     Chapter 112)
317          63N-3-307, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2707, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
318     Chapter 112)
319          63N-3-401, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2201, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
320     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
321          63N-3-402, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2202, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
322     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
323          63N-3-403, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
324     Chapter 400)
325          63N-4-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1601, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
326     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
327          63N-4-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1602, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008,
328     Chapter 381 and renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
329          63N-4-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
330     Chapter 259)
331          63N-4-104, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1604, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
332     Chapter 259)
333          63N-4-105, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1605, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
334     Chapter 259)
335          63N-4-106, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1606, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
336     Chapter 371)
337          63N-4-201, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2001, as renumbered and amended by Laws of

338     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
339          63N-4-202, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2002, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
340     Chapter 203)
341          63N-4-203, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2004, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
342     Chapter 203)
343          63N-4-204, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2005, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
344     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
345          63N-4-205, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2006, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
346     Chapter 371)
347          63N-5-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3001, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
348     Utah 2011, Chapter 370)
349          63N-5-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3002, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
350     Utah 2011, Chapter 370)
351          63N-5-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3003, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
352     Utah 2011, Chapter 370)
353          63N-5-104, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3004, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
354     Utah 2011, Chapter 370)
355          63N-5-105, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3005, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
356     Utah 2011, Chapter 370)
357          63N-5-106, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3006, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
358     Utah 2011, Chapter 370)
359          63N-5-107, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3007, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
360     Utah 2011, Chapter 370)
361          63N-5-108, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3008, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
362     Utah 2011, Chapter 370)
363          63N-5-109, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3009, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
364     Utah 2011, Chapter 370)
365          63N-6-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1201, as renumbered and amended by Laws of

366     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
367          63N-6-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1202, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
368     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
369          63N-6-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
370     Chapter 334)
371          63N-6-201, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1204, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
372     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
373          63N-6-202, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
374     Chapter 334)
375          63N-6-203, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1206, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
376     Chapters 334, 371 and last amended by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2014,
377     Chapter 334)
378          63N-6-301, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1207, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
379     Chapter 342)
380          63N-6-302, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1208, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
381     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
382          63N-6-303, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1209, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
383     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
384          63N-6-304, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1210, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
385     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
386          63N-6-305, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1211, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010,
387     Chapter 278)
388          63N-6-306, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1212, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
389     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
390          63N-6-401, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1213, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008,
391     Chapter 18 and renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
392          63N-6-402, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1214, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
393     Chapter 334)

394          63N-6-403, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1215, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
395     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
396          63N-6-404, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1216, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008,
397     Chapter 18 and renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
398          63N-6-405, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1217, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
399     Chapter 334)
400          63N-6-406, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1218, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
401     Chapter 334)
402          63N-6-407, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1219, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
403     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
404          63N-6-408, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1220, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
405     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
406          63N-6-409, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1221, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
407     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
408          63N-6-410, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1222, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
409     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
410          63N-6-411, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1223, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
411     Chapter 73)
412          63N-6-412, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1224, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008,
413     Chapter 18 and renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
414          63N-7-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1401, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
415     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
416          63N-7-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010,
417     Chapter 286)
418          63N-7-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1403, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
419     Chapter 429)
420          63N-7-201, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1404, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
421     Chapter 371)

422          63N-7-202, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1405, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
423     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
424          63N-7-301, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1406, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
425     Chapter 423)
426          63N-8-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1801, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009,
427     Chapter 135)
428          63N-8-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1802, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
429     Chapter 338)
430          63N-8-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1803, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
431     Chapter 338)
432          63N-8-104, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1804, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
433     Chapter 338)
434          63N-8-105, (Renumbered from 63M-1-1805, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
435     Chapter 371)
436          63N-9-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3301, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter
437     25)
438          63N-9-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3302, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter
439     25)
440          63N-9-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3303, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter
441     25)
442          63N-9-104, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3304, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter
443     25)
444          63N-9-105, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3305, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013, Chapter
445     25)
446          63N-9-106, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3306, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
447     Utah 2014, Chapter 371)
448          63N-10-101, (Renumbered from 63C-11-101, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
449     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)

450          63N-10-102, (Renumbered from 63C-11-102, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
451     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
452          63N-10-201, (Renumbered from 63C-11-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010,
453     Chapter 286)
454          63N-10-202, (Renumbered from 63C-11-202, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
455     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
456          63N-10-203, (Renumbered from 63C-11-203, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009,
457     Chapter 369)
458          63N-10-204, (Renumbered from 63C-11-204, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009,
459     Chapter 369)
460          63N-10-205, (Renumbered from 63C-11-205, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2009,
461     Chapter 369)
462          63N-10-301, (Renumbered from 63C-11-301, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
463     Chapter 342)
464          63N-10-302, (Renumbered from 63C-11-302, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
465     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
466          63N-10-303, (Renumbered from 63C-11-303, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
467     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
468          63N-10-304, (Renumbered from 63C-11-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
469     Chapter 342)
470          63N-10-305, (Renumbered from 63C-11-305, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
471     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
472          63N-10-306, (Renumbered from 63C-11-306, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
473     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
474          63N-10-307, (Renumbered from 63C-11-307, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
475     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
476          63N-10-308, (Renumbered from 63C-11-308, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
477     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)

478          63N-10-309, (Renumbered from 63C-11-309, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
479     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
480          63N-10-310, (Renumbered from 63C-11-310, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
481     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
482          63N-10-311, (Renumbered from 63C-11-311, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
483     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
484          63N-10-312, (Renumbered from 63C-11-312, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
485     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
486          63N-10-313, (Renumbered from 63C-11-313, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
487     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
488          63N-10-314, (Renumbered from 63C-11-314, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
489     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
490          63N-10-315, (Renumbered from 63C-11-315, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
491     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
492          63N-10-316, (Renumbered from 63C-11-316, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
493     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
494          63N-10-317, (Renumbered from 63C-11-317, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
495     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
496          63N-10-318, (Renumbered from 63C-11-318, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of
497     Utah 2009, Chapter 369)
498          63N-11-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2501, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008,
499     Chapter 383)
500          63N-11-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2502, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008,
501     Chapter 383)
502          63N-11-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2503, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008,
503     Chapter 383)
504          63N-11-104, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2504, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
505     Chapters 371 and 425)

506          63N-11-105, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2505, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008,
507     Chapter 383)
508          63N-11-106, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2505.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah
509     2013, Chapter 341)
510          63N-11-107, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2506, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011,
511     Chapter 400)
512          63N-12-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-601, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
513     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
514          63N-12-102, (Renumbered from 63M-1-602, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
515     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
516          63N-12-103, (Renumbered from 63M-1-603, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
517     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
518          63N-12-104, (Renumbered from 63M-1-604, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
519     Chapter 212)
520          63N-12-105, (Renumbered from 63M-1-605, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
521     Chapter 371)
522          63N-12-106, (Renumbered from 63M-1-606, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
523     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
524          63N-12-107, (Renumbered from 63M-1-607, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
525     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
526          63N-12-108, (Renumbered from 63M-1-608, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
527     Chapter 336)
528          63N-12-202, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
529     Chapter 318)
530          63N-12-203, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
531     Chapter 318)
532          63N-12-204, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
533     Chapters 189 and 318)

534          63N-12-205, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
535     Chapters 63 and 318)
536          63N-12-206, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
537     Chapter 318)
538          63N-12-207, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3206, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2013,
539     Chapter 336)
540          63N-12-208, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3207, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014,
541     Chapters 318 and 371)
542          63N-12-209, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3208, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014,
543     Chapter 318)
544          63N-12-210, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3209, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014,
545     Chapter 318)
546          63N-12-211, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3210, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014,
547     Chapter 318)
548          63N-12-212, (Renumbered from 63M-1-3211, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014,
549     Chapter 318)
550          63N-13-101, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2101, as renumbered and amended by Laws of
551     Utah 2008, Chapter 382)
552          63N-13-201, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2601, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008,
553     Chapter 352)
554          63N-13-202, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2602, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
555     Chapter 347)
556          63N-13-203, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
557     Chapters 310 and 310)
558          63N-13-204, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2604, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008,
559     Chapter 352)
560          63N-13-205, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2605, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
561     Chapter 347)

562          63N-13-206, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2606, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
563     Chapters 310 and 310)
564          63N-13-207, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2607, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
565     Chapters 310 and 310)
566          63N-13-208, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2608, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
567     Chapter 347)
568          63N-13-209, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2609, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
569     Chapter 310)
570          63N-13-210, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2610, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2012,
571     Chapter 347)
572          63N-13-211, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2611, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010,
573     Chapter 286)
574          63N-13-212, (Renumbered from 63M-1-2612, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2013,
575     Chapters 310 and 400)
576     REPEALS:
577          63M-1-204, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
578          63M-1-207, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 427
579          63M-1-301, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
580          63M-1-304, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
581          63M-1-801, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
582          63M-1-802, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
583          63M-1-1301, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 236
584          63M-1-1302, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 236
585          63M-1-1901, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 371
586          63M-1-2408, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2010, Chapters 164, 323, and 391

588     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
589          Section 1. Section 17-31-9 is amended to read:

590          17-31-9. Payment to Stay Another Day and Bounce Back Fund and Hotel Impact
591     Mitigation Fund.
592          A county in which a qualified hotel, as defined in Section [63M-1-3402] 63N-2-502, is
593     located shall:
594          (1) make an annual payment to the Division of Finance:
595          (a) for deposit into the Stay Another Day and Bounce Back Fund, established in
596     Section [63M-1-3411] 63N-2-511;
597          (b) for any year in which the Governor's Office of Economic Development issues a tax
598     credit certificate, as defined in Section [63M-1-3402] 63N-2-502; and
599          (c) in the amount of 5% of the state portion, as defined in Section [63M-1-3402]
600     63N-2-502; and
601          (2) make payments to the Division of Finance:
602          (a) for deposit into the Hotel Impact Mitigation Fund, created in Section [63M-1-3412]
603     63N-2-512;
604          (b) for each year described in Subsection [63M-1-3412] 63N-2-512(5)(a)(ii) during
605     which the balance of the Hotel Impact Mitigation Fund, defined in Section [63M-1-3412]
606     63N-2-512, is less than $2,100,000 before any payment for that year under Subsection
607     [63M-1-3412] 63N-2-512(5)(a); and
608          (c) in the amount of the difference between $2,100,000 and the balance of the Hotel
609     Impact Mitigation Fund, defined in Section [63M-1-3412] 63N-2-512, before any payment for
610     that year under Subsection [63M-1-3412] 63N-2-512(5)(a).
611          Section 2. Section 26-18-14 is amended to read:
612          26-18-14. Strategic plan for health system reform -- Medicaid program.
613          The department, including the Division of Health Care Financing within the
614     department, shall:
615          (1) work with the Governor's Office of Economic Development, the Insurance
616     Department, the Department of Workforce Services, and the Legislature to develop health
617     system reform in accordance with the strategic plan described in Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1]

618     11, [Part 25,] Health System Reform Act;
619          (2) develop and submit amendments and waivers for the state's Medicaid plan as
620     necessary to carry out the provisions of the Health System Reform Act;
621          (3) seek federal approval of an amendment to Utah's Premium Partnership for Health
622     Insurance that would allow the state's Medicaid program to subsidize the purchase of health
623     insurance by an individual who does not have access to employer sponsored health insurance;
624          (4) in coordination with the Department of Workforce Services:
625          (a) establish a Children's Health Insurance Program eligibility policy, consistent with
626     federal requirements and Subsection 26-40-105(1)(d), that prohibits enrollment of a child in the
627     program if the child's parent qualifies for assistance under Utah's Premium Partnership for
628     Health Insurance; and
629          (b) involve community partners, insurance agents and producers, community based
630     service organizations, and the education community to increase enrollment of eligible
631     employees and individuals in Utah's Premium Partnership for Health Insurance and the
632     Children's Health Insurance Program; and
633          (5) as funding permits, and in coordination with the department's adoption of standards
634     for the electronic exchange of clinical health data, help the private sector form an alliance of
635     employers, hospitals and other health care providers, patients, and health insurers to develop
636     and use evidence-based health care quality measures for the purpose of improving health care
637     decision making by health care providers, consumers, and third party payers.
638          Section 3. Section 26-18-18 is amended to read:
639          26-18-18. Optional Medicaid expansion.
640          (1) For purposes of this section PPACA is as defined in Section 31A-1-301.
641          (2) The department and the governor shall not expand the state's Medicaid program to
642     the optional population under PPACA unless:
643          (a) the Health Reform Task Force has completed a thorough analysis of a statewide
644     charity care system;
645          (b) the department and its contractors have:

646          (i) completed a thorough analysis of the impact to the state of expanding the state's
647     Medicaid program to optional populations under PPACA; and
648          (ii) made the analysis conducted under Subsection (2)(b)(i) available to the public;
649          (c) the governor or the governor's designee has reported the intention to expand the
650     state Medicaid program under PPACA to the Legislature in compliance with the legislative
651     review process in Sections [63M-1-2505.5] 63N-11-106 and 26-18-3; and
652          (d) notwithstanding Subsection 63J-5-103(2), the governor submits the request for
653     expansion of the Medicaid program for optional populations to the Legislature under the high
654     impact federal funds request process required by Section 63J-5-204, Legislative review and
655     approval of certain federal funds request.
656          Section 4. Section 31A-2-201.2 is amended to read:
657          31A-2-201.2. Evaluation of health insurance market.
658          (1) Each year the commissioner shall:
659          (a) conduct an evaluation of the state's health insurance market;
660          (b) report the findings of the evaluation to the Health and Human Services Interim
661     Committee before October 1 of each year; and
662          (c) publish the findings of the evaluation on the department website.
663          (2) The evaluation required by this section shall:
664          (a) analyze the effectiveness of the insurance regulations and statutes in promoting a
665     healthy, competitive health insurance market that meets the needs of the state, and includes an
666     analysis of:
667          (i) the availability and marketing of individual and group products;
668          (ii) rate changes;
669          (iii) coverage and demographic changes;
670          (iv) benefit trends;
671          (v) market share changes; and
672          (vi) accessibility;
673          (b) assess complaint ratios and trends within the health insurance market, which

674     assessment shall include complaint data from the Office of Consumer Health Assistance within
675     the department;
676          (c) contain recommendations for action to improve the overall effectiveness of the
677     health insurance market, administrative rules, and statutes; and
678          (d) include claims loss ratio data for each health insurance company doing business in
679     the state.
680          (3) When preparing the evaluation required by this section, the commissioner shall
681     include a report of:
682          (a) the types of health benefit plans sold in the Health Insurance Exchange created in
683     Section [63M-1-2504] 63N-11-104;
684          (b) the number of insurers participating in the defined contribution arrangement health
685     benefit plans in the Health Insurance Exchange; and
686          (c) the number of employers and covered lives in the defined contribution arrangement
687     market in the Health Insurance Exchange.
688          (4) When preparing the evaluation and report required by this section, the
689     commissioner may seek the input of insurers, employers, insured persons, providers, and others
690     with an interest in the health insurance market.
691          (5) The commissioner may adopt administrative rules for the purpose of collecting the
692     data required by this section, taking into account the business confidentiality of the insurers.
693          (6) Records submitted to the commissioner under this section shall be maintained by
694     the commissioner as protected records under Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records
695     Access and Management Act.
696          Section 5. Section 31A-2-212 is amended to read:
697          31A-2-212. Miscellaneous duties.
698          (1) Upon issuance of an order limiting, suspending, or revoking a person's authority to
699     do business in Utah, and when the commissioner begins a proceeding against an insurer under
700     Chapter 27a, Insurer Receivership Act, the commissioner:
701          (a) shall notify by mail the producers of the person or insurer of whom the

702     commissioner has record; and
703          (b) may publish notice of the order or proceeding in any manner the commissioner
704     considers necessary to protect the rights of the public.
705          (2) When required for evidence in a legal proceeding, the commissioner shall furnish a
706     certificate of authority of a licensee to transact the business of insurance in Utah on any
707     particular date. The court or other officer shall receive the certificate of authority in lieu of the
708     commissioner's testimony.
709          (3) (a) On the request of an insurer authorized to do a surety business, the
710     commissioner shall furnish a copy of the insurer's certificate of authority to a designated public
711     officer in this state who requires that certificate of authority before accepting a bond.
712          (b) The public officer described in Subsection (3)(a) shall file the certificate of
713     authority furnished under Subsection (3)(a).
714          (c) After a certified copy of a certificate of authority is furnished to a public officer, it
715     is not necessary, while the certificate of authority remains effective, to attach a copy of it to any
716     instrument of suretyship filed with that public officer.
717          (d) Whenever the commissioner revokes the certificate of authority or begins a
718     proceeding under Chapter 27a, Insurer Receivership Act, against an insurer authorized to do a
719     surety business, the commissioner shall immediately give notice of that action to each public
720     officer who is sent a certified copy under this Subsection (3).
721          (4) (a) The commissioner shall immediately notify every judge and clerk of the courts
722     of record in the state when:
723          (i) an authorized insurer doing a surety business:
724          (A) files a petition for receivership; or
725          (B) is in receivership; or
726          (ii) the commissioner has reason to believe that the authorized insurer doing surety
727     business:
728          (A) is in financial difficulty; or
729          (B) has unreasonably failed to carry out any of its contracts.

730          (b) Upon the receipt of the notice required by this Subsection (4), it is the duty of the
731     judges and clerks to notify and require a person that files with the court a bond on which the
732     authorized insurer doing surety business is surety to immediately file a new bond with a new
733     surety.
734          (5) (a) The commissioner shall report to the Legislature in accordance with Section
735     [63M-1-2505.5] 63N-11-106 prior to adopting a rule authorized by Subsection (5)(b).
736          (b) The commissioner shall require an insurer that issues, sells, renews, or offers health
737     insurance coverage in this state to comply with the provisions of PPACA and administrative
738     rules adopted by the commissioner related to regulation of health benefit plans, including:
739          (i) lifetime and annual limits;
740          (ii) prohibition of rescissions;
741          (iii) coverage of preventive health services;
742          (iv) coverage for a child or dependent;
743          (v) pre-existing condition coverage for children;
744          (vi) insurer transparency of consumer information including plan disclosures, uniform
745     coverage documents, and standard definitions;
746          (vii) premium rate reviews;
747          (viii) essential health benefits;
748          (ix) provider choice;
749          (x) waiting periods;
750          (xi) appeals processes;
751          (xii) rating restrictions;
752          (xiii) uniform applications and notice provisions; and
753          (xiv) certification and regulation of qualified health plans.
754          (c) The commissioner shall preserve state control over:
755          (i) the health insurance market in the state;
756          (ii) qualified health plans offered in the state; and
757          (iii) the conduct of navigators, producers, and in-person assisters operating in the state.

758          (d) If the state enters into an agreement with the United States Department of Health
759     and Human Services in which the state operates health insurance plan management, the
760     commissioner may:
761          (i) for fiscal year 2014, hire one temporary and two permanent full-time employees to
762     be funded through the department's existing budget; and
763          (ii) for fiscal year 2015, hire two permanent full-time employees funded through the
764     Insurance Department Restricted Account, subject to appropriations from the Legislature and
765     approval by the governor.
766          Section 6. Section 31A-2-218 is amended to read:
767          31A-2-218. Strategic plan for health system reform.
768          The commissioner and the department shall:
769          (1) work with the Governor's Office of Economic Development, the Department of
770     Health, the Department of Workforce Services, and the Legislature to develop health system
771     reform in accordance with the strategic plan described in Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 11,
772     [Part 25,] Health System Reform Act;
773          (2) work with health insurers in accordance with Section 31A-22-635 to develop
774     standards for health insurance applications and compatible electronic systems;
775          (3) facilitate a private sector method for the collection of health insurance premium
776     payments made for a single policy by multiple payers, including the policyholder, one or more
777     employers of one or more individuals covered by the policy, government programs, and others
778     by educating employers and insurers about collection services available through private
779     vendors, including financial institutions;
780          (4) encourage health insurers to develop products that:
781          (a) encourage health care providers to follow best practice protocols;
782          (b) incorporate other health care quality improvement mechanisms; and
783          (c) incorporate rewards and incentives for healthy lifestyles and behaviors as permitted
784     by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act;
785          (5) involve the Office of Consumer Health Assistance created in Section 31A-2-216, as

786     necessary, to accomplish the requirements of this section; and
787          (6) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
788     make rules, as necessary, to implement Subsections (2), (3), and (4).
789          Section 7. Section 31A-22-613.5 is amended to read:
790          31A-22-613.5. Price and value comparisons of health insurance.
791          (1) (a) This section applies to all health benefit plans.
792          (b) Subsection (2) applies to:
793          (i) all health benefit plans; and
794          (ii) coverage offered to state employees under Subsection 49-20-202(1)(a).
795          (2) (a) The commissioner shall promote informed consumer behavior and responsible
796     health benefit plans by requiring an insurer issuing a health benefit plan to:
797          (i) provide to all enrollees, prior to enrollment in the health benefit plan written
798     disclosure of:
799          (A) restrictions or limitations on prescription drugs and biologics including:
800          (I) the use of a formulary;
801          (II) co-payments and deductibles for prescription drugs; and
802          (III) requirements for generic substitution;
803          (B) coverage limits under the plan; and
804          (C) any limitation or exclusion of coverage including:
805          (I) a limitation or exclusion for a secondary medical condition related to a limitation or
806     exclusion from coverage; and
807          (II) easily understood examples of a limitation or exclusion of coverage for a secondary
808     medical condition; and
809          (ii) provide the commissioner with:
810          (A) the information described in Subsections 31A-22-635(5) through (7) in the
811     standardized electronic format required by Subsection [63M-1-2506] 63N-11-107(1); and
812          (B) information regarding insurer transparency in accordance with Subsection (4).
813          (b) An insurer shall provide the disclosure required by Subsection (2)(a)(i) in writing to

814     the commissioner:
815          (i) upon commencement of operations in the state; and
816          (ii) anytime the insurer amends any of the following described in Subsection (2)(a)(i):
817          (A) treatment policies;
818          (B) practice standards;
819          (C) restrictions;
820          (D) coverage limits of the insurer's health benefit plan or health insurance policy; or
821          (E) limitations or exclusions of coverage including a limitation or exclusion for a
822     secondary medical condition related to a limitation or exclusion of the insurer's health
823     insurance plan.
824          (c) An insurer shall provide the enrollee with notice of an increase in costs for
825     prescription drug coverage due to a change in benefit design under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A):
826          (i) either:
827          (A) in writing; or
828          (B) on the insurer's website; and
829          (ii) at least 30 days prior to the date of the implementation of the increase in cost, or as
830     soon as reasonably possible.
831          (d) If under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A) a formulary is used, the insurer shall make
832     available to prospective enrollees and maintain evidence of the fact of the disclosure of:
833          (i) the drugs included;
834          (ii) the patented drugs not included;
835          (iii) any conditions that exist as a precedent to coverage; and
836          (iv) any exclusion from coverage for secondary medical conditions that may result
837     from the use of an excluded drug.
838          (e) (i) The commissioner shall develop examples of limitations or exclusions of a
839     secondary medical condition that an insurer may use under Subsection (2)(a)(i)(C).
840          (ii) Examples of a limitation or exclusion of coverage provided under Subsection
841     (2)(a)(i)(C) or otherwise are for illustrative purposes only, and the failure of a particular fact

842     situation to fall within the description of an example does not, by itself, support a finding of
843     coverage.
844          (3) The commissioner:
845          (a) shall forward the information submitted by an insurer under Subsection (2)(a)(ii) to
846     the Health Insurance Exchange created under Section [63M-1-2504] 63N-11-104; and
847          (b) may request information from an insurer to verify the information submitted by the
848     insurer under this section.
849          (4) The commissioner shall:
850          (a) convene a group of insurers, a member representing the Public Employees' Benefit
851     and Insurance Program, consumers, and an organization that provides multipayer and
852     multiprovider quality assurance and data collection, to develop information for consumers to
853     compare health insurers and health benefit plans on the Health Insurance Exchange, which
854     shall include consideration of:
855          (i) the number and cost of an insurer's denied health claims;
856          (ii) the cost of denied claims that is transferred to providers;
857          (iii) the average out-of-pocket expenses incurred by participants in each health benefit
858     plan that is offered by an insurer in the Health Insurance Exchange;
859          (iv) the relative efficiency and quality of claims administration and other administrative
860     processes for each insurer offering plans in the Health Insurance Exchange; and
861          (v) consumer assessment of each insurer or health benefit plan;
862          (b) adopt an administrative rule that establishes:
863          (i) definition of terms;
864          (ii) the methodology for determining and comparing the insurer transparency
865     information;
866          (iii) the data, and format of the data, that an insurer shall submit to the commissioner in
867     order to facilitate the consumer comparison on the Health Insurance Exchange in accordance
868     with Section [63M-1-2506] 63N-11-107; and
869          (iv) the dates on which the insurer shall submit the data to the commissioner in order

870     for the commissioner to transmit the data to the Health Insurance Exchange in accordance with
871     Section [63M-1-2506] 63N-11-107; and
872          (c) implement the rules adopted under Subsection (4)(b) in a manner that protects the
873     business confidentiality of the insurer.
874          Section 8. Section 31A-22-635 is amended to read:
875          31A-22-635. Uniform application -- Uniform waiver of coverage -- Information
876     on Health Insurance Exchange.
877          (1) For purposes of this section, "insurer":
878          (a) is defined in Subsection 31A-22-634(1); and
879          (b) includes the state employee's risk pool under Section 49-20-202.
880          (2) (a) Insurers offering a health benefit plan to an individual or small employer shall
881     use a uniform application form.
882          (b) The uniform application form:
883          (i) may not include questions about an applicant's health history; and
884          (ii) shall be shortened and simplified in accordance with rules adopted by the
885     commissioner.
886          (c) Insurers offering a health benefit plan to a small employer shall use a uniform
887     waiver of coverage form, which may not include health status related questions, and is limited
888     to:
889          (i) information that identifies the employee;
890          (ii) proof of the employee's insurance coverage; and
891          (iii) a statement that the employee declines coverage with a particular employer group.
892          (3) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (2)(a), the uniform application and
893     uniform waiver of coverage forms may, if the combination or modification is approved by the
894     commissioner, be combined or modified to facilitate a more efficient and consumer friendly
895     experience for:
896          (a) enrollees using the Health Insurance Exchange; or
897          (b) insurers using electronic applications.

898          (4) The uniform application form, and uniform waiver form, shall be adopted and
899     approved by the commissioner in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
900     Rulemaking Act.
901          (5) (a) An insurer who offers a health benefit plan on the Health Insurance Exchange
902     created in Section [63M-1-2504] 63N-11-104, shall:
903          (i) accept and process an electronic submission of the uniform application or uniform
904     waiver from the Health Insurance Exchange using the electronic standards adopted pursuant to
905     Section [63M-1-2506] 63N-11-107;
906          (ii) if requested, provide the applicant with a copy of the completed application either
907     by mail or electronically;
908          (iii) post all health benefit plans offered by the insurer in the defined contribution
909     arrangement market on the Health Insurance Exchange; and
910          (iv) post the information required by Subsection (6) on the Health Insurance Exchange
911     for every health benefit plan the insurer offers on the Health Insurance Exchange.
912          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(c), an insurer who posts health benefit plans
913     on the Health Insurance Exchange may not directly or indirectly offer products on the Health
914     Insurance Exchange that are not health benefit plans.
915          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection (5)(b):
916          (i) an insurer may offer a health savings account on the Health Insurance Exchange;
917          (ii) an insurer may offer dental plans on the Health Insurance Exchange; and
918          (iii) the department may make administrative rules to regulate the offer of dental plans
919     on the Health Insurance Exchange.
920          (6) An insurer shall provide the commissioner and the Health Insurance Exchange with
921     the following information for each health benefit plan submitted to the Health Insurance
922     Exchange, in the electronic format required by Subsection [63M-1-2506] 63N-11-107(1):
923          (a) plan design, benefits, and options offered by the health benefit plan including state
924     mandates the plan does not cover;
925          (b) information and Internet address to online provider networks;

926          (c) wellness programs and incentives;
927          (d) descriptions of prescription drug benefits, exclusions, or limitations;
928          (e) the percentage of claims paid by the insurer within 30 days of the date a claim is
929     submitted to the insurer for the prior year; and
930          (f) the claims denial and insurer transparency information developed in accordance
931     with Subsection 31A-22-613.5(4).
932          (7) The department shall post on the Health Insurance Exchange the department's
933     solvency rating for each insurer who posts a health benefit plan on the Health Insurance
934     Exchange. The solvency rating for each insurer shall be based on methodology established by
935     the department by administrative rule and shall be updated each calendar year.
936          (8) (a) The commissioner may request information from an insurer under Section
937     31A-22-613.5 to verify the data submitted to the department and to the Health Insurance
938     Exchange.
939          (b) The commissioner shall regulate the fees charged by insurers to an enrollee for a
940     uniform application form or electronic submission of the application forms.
941          Section 9. Section 31A-22-726 is amended to read:
942          31A-22-726. Abortion coverage restriction in health benefit plan and on health
943     insurance exchange.
944          (1) As used in this section, "permitted abortion coverage" means coverage for abortion:
945          (a) that is necessary to avert:
946          (i) the death of the woman on whom the abortion is performed; or
947          (ii) a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function
948     of the woman on whom the abortion is performed;
949          (b) of a fetus that has a defect that is documented by a physician or physicians to be
950     uniformly diagnosable and uniformly lethal; or
951          (c) where the woman is pregnant as a result of:
952          (i) rape, as described in Section 76-5-402;
953          (ii) rape of a child, as described in Section 76-5-402.1; or

954          (iii) incest, as described in Subsection 76-5-406(10) or Section 76-7-102.
955          (2) A person may not offer coverage for an abortion in a health benefit plan, unless the
956     coverage is a type of permitted abortion coverage.
957          (3) A person may not offer a health benefit plan that provides coverage for an abortion
958     in a health insurance exchange created under Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 11, [Part 25,]
959     Health System Reform Act, unless the coverage is a type of permitted abortion coverage.
960          (4) A person may not offer a health benefit plan that provides coverage for an abortion
961     in a health insurance exchange created under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care
962     Act, 111 P.L. 148, unless the coverage is a type of permitted abortion coverage.
963          Section 10. Section 31A-23a-402 is amended to read:
964          31A-23a-402. Unfair marketing practices -- Communication -- Unfair
965     discrimination -- Coercion or intimidation -- Restriction on choice.
966          (1) (a) (i) Any of the following may not make or cause to be made any communication
967     that contains false or misleading information, relating to an insurance product or contract, any
968     insurer, or any licensee under this title, including information that is false or misleading
969     because it is incomplete:
970          (A) a person who is or should be licensed under this title;
971          (B) an employee or producer of a person described in Subsection (1)(a)(i)(A);
972          (C) a person whose primary interest is as a competitor of a person licensed under this
973     title; and
974          (D) a person on behalf of any of the persons listed in this Subsection (1)(a)(i).
975          (ii) As used in this Subsection (1), "false or misleading information" includes:
976          (A) assuring the nonobligatory payment of future dividends or refunds of unused
977     premiums in any specific or approximate amounts, but reporting fully and accurately past
978     experience is not false or misleading information; and
979          (B) with intent to deceive a person examining it:
980          (I) filing a report;
981          (II) making a false entry in a record; or

982          (III) wilfully refraining from making a proper entry in a record.
983          (iii) A licensee under this title may not:
984          (A) use any business name, slogan, emblem, or related device that is misleading or
985     likely to cause the insurer or other licensee to be mistaken for another insurer or other licensee
986     already in business; or
987          (B) use any advertisement or other insurance promotional material that would cause a
988     reasonable person to mistakenly believe that a state or federal government agency, including
989     the Health Insurance Exchange, also called the "Utah Health Exchange," created in Section
990     [63M-1-2504] 63N-11-104, the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool created in Chapter 29,
991     Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool Act, and the Children's Health Insurance Program
992     created in Title 26, Chapter 40, Utah Children's Health Insurance Act:
993          (I) is responsible for the insurance sales activities of the person;
994          (II) stands behind the credit of the person;
995          (III) guarantees any returns on insurance products of or sold by the person; or
996          (IV) is a source of payment of any insurance obligation of or sold by the person.
997          (iv) A person who is not an insurer may not assume or use any name that deceptively
998     implies or suggests that person is an insurer.
999          (v) A person other than persons licensed as health maintenance organizations under
1000     Chapter 8 may not use the term "Health Maintenance Organization" or "HMO" in referring to
1001     itself.
1002          (b) A licensee's violation creates a rebuttable presumption that the violation was also
1003     committed by the insurer if:
1004          (i) the licensee under this title distributes cards or documents, exhibits a sign, or
1005     publishes an advertisement that violates Subsection (1)(a), with reference to a particular
1006     insurer:
1007          (A) that the licensee represents; or
1008          (B) for whom the licensee processes claims; and
1009          (ii) the cards, documents, signs, or advertisements are supplied or approved by that

1010     insurer.
1011          (2) (a) A title insurer, individual title insurance producer, or agency title insurance
1012     producer or any officer or employee of the title insurer, individual title insurance producer, or
1013     agency title insurance producer may not pay, allow, give, or offer to pay, allow, or give,
1014     directly or indirectly, as an inducement to obtaining any title insurance business:
1015          (i) any rebate, reduction, or abatement of any rate or charge made incident to the
1016     issuance of the title insurance;
1017          (ii) any special favor or advantage not generally available to others;
1018          (iii) any money or other consideration, except if approved under Section 31A-2-405; or
1019          (iv) material inducement.
1020          (b) "Charge made incident to the issuance of the title insurance" includes escrow
1021     charges, and any other services that are prescribed in rule by the Title and Escrow Commission
1022     after consultation with the commissioner and subject to Section 31A-2-404.
1023          (c) An insured or any other person connected, directly or indirectly, with the
1024     transaction may not knowingly receive or accept, directly or indirectly, any benefit referred to
1025     in Subsection (2)(a), including:
1026          (i) a person licensed under Title 61, Chapter 2c, Utah Residential Mortgage Practices
1027     and Licensing Act;
1028          (ii) a person licensed under Title 61, Chapter 2f, Real Estate Licensing and Practices
1029     Act;
1030          (iii) a builder;
1031          (iv) an attorney; or
1032          (v) an officer, employee, or agent of a person listed in this Subsection (2)(c)(iii).
1033          (3) (a) An insurer may not unfairly discriminate among policyholders by charging
1034     different premiums or by offering different terms of coverage, except on the basis of
1035     classifications related to the nature and the degree of the risk covered or the expenses involved.
1036          (b) Rates are not unfairly discriminatory if they are averaged broadly among persons
1037     insured under a group, blanket, or franchise policy, and the terms of those policies are not

1038     unfairly discriminatory merely because they are more favorable than in similar individual
1039     policies.
1040          (4) (a) This Subsection (4) applies to:
1041          (i) a person who is or should be licensed under this title;
1042          (ii) an employee of that licensee or person who should be licensed;
1043          (iii) a person whose primary interest is as a competitor of a person licensed under this
1044     title; and
1045          (iv) one acting on behalf of any person described in Subsections (4)(a)(i) through (iii).
1046          (b) A person described in Subsection (4)(a) may not commit or enter into any
1047     agreement to participate in any act of boycott, coercion, or intimidation that:
1048          (i) tends to produce:
1049          (A) an unreasonable restraint of the business of insurance; or
1050          (B) a monopoly in that business; or
1051          (ii) results in an applicant purchasing or replacing an insurance contract.
1052          (5) (a) (i) Subject to Subsection (5)(a)(ii), a person may not restrict in the choice of an
1053     insurer or licensee under this chapter, another person who is required to pay for insurance as a
1054     condition for the conclusion of a contract or other transaction or for the exercise of any right
1055     under a contract.
1056          (ii) A person requiring coverage may reserve the right to disapprove the insurer or the
1057     coverage selected on reasonable grounds.
1058          (b) The form of corporate organization of an insurer authorized to do business in this
1059     state is not a reasonable ground for disapproval, and the commissioner may by rule specify
1060     additional grounds that are not reasonable. This Subsection (5) does not bar an insurer from
1061     declining an application for insurance.
1062          (6) A person may not make any charge other than insurance premiums and premium
1063     financing charges for the protection of property or of a security interest in property, as a
1064     condition for obtaining, renewing, or continuing the financing of a purchase of the property or
1065     the lending of money on the security of an interest in the property.

1066          (7) (a) A licensee under this title may not refuse or fail to return promptly all indicia of
1067     agency to the principal on demand.
1068          (b) A licensee whose license is suspended, limited, or revoked under Section
1069     31A-2-308, 31A-23a-111, or 31A-23a-112 may not refuse or fail to return the license to the
1070     commissioner on demand.
1071          (8) (a) A person may not engage in an unfair method of competition or any other unfair
1072     or deceptive act or practice in the business of insurance, as defined by the commissioner by
1073     rule, after a finding that the method of competition, the act, or the practice:
1074          (i) is misleading;
1075          (ii) is deceptive;
1076          (iii) is unfairly discriminatory;
1077          (iv) provides an unfair inducement; or
1078          (v) unreasonably restrains competition.
1079          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (8)(a), for purpose of the title insurance industry, the
1080     Title and Escrow Commission shall make rules, subject to Section 31A-2-404, that define an
1081     unfair method of competition or unfair or deceptive act or practice after a finding that the
1082     method of competition, the act, or the practice:
1083          (i) is misleading;
1084          (ii) is deceptive;
1085          (iii) is unfairly discriminatory;
1086          (iv) provides an unfair inducement; or
1087          (v) unreasonably restrains competition.
1088          Section 11. Section 31A-30-102 is amended to read:
1089          31A-30-102. Purpose statement.
1090          The purpose of this chapter is to:
1091          (1) prevent abusive rating practices;
1092          (2) require disclosure of rating practices to purchasers;
1093          (3) establish rules regarding:

1094          (a) a universal individual and small group application; and
1095          (b) renewability of coverage;
1096          (4) improve the overall fairness and efficiency of the individual and small group
1097     insurance market;
1098          (5) provide increased access for individuals and small employers to health insurance;
1099     and
1100          (6) provide an employer with the opportunity to establish a defined contribution
1101     arrangement for an employee to purchase a health benefit plan through the Health Insurance
1102     Exchange created by Section [63M-1-2504] 63N-11-104.
1103          Section 12. Section 31A-30-116 is amended to read:
1104          31A-30-116. Essential health benefits.
1105          (1) For purposes of this section, the "Affordable Care Act" is as defined in Section
1106     31A-2-212 and includes federal rules related to the offering of essential health benefits.
1107          (2) The state chooses to designate its own essential health benefits rather than accept a
1108     federal determination of the essential health benefits required to be offered in the individual
1109     and small group market for plans renewed or offered on or after January 1, 2014.
1110          (3) (a) Subject to Subsections (3)(b) and (c), to the extent required by the Affordable
1111     Care Act, and after considering public testimony, the Legislature's Health System Reform Task
1112     Force shall recommend to the commissioner, no later than September 1, 2012, a benchmark
1113     plan for the state's essential health benefits based on:
1114          (i) the largest plan by enrollment in any of the three largest small employer group
1115     insurance products in the state's small employer group market;
1116          (ii) any of the largest three state employee health benefit plans by enrollment;
1117          (iii) the largest insured commercial non-Medicaid health maintenance organization
1118     operating in the state; or
1119          (iv) other benchmarks required or permitted by the Affordable Care Act.
1120          (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection [63M-1-2505.5] 63N-11-106(2),
1121     based on the recommendation of the task force under Subsection (3)(a), and within 30 days of

1122     the task force recommendation, the commissioner shall adopt an emergency administrative rule
1123     that designates the essential health benefits that shall be included in a plan offered or renewed
1124     on or after January 1, 2014, in the small employer group and individual markets.
1125          (c) The essential health benefit plan:
1126          (i) shall not include a state mandate if the inclusion of the state mandate would require
1127     the state to contribute to premium subsidies under the Affordable Care Act; and
1128          (ii) may add benefits in addition to the benefits included in a benchmark plan described
1129     in Subsection (3)(b) if the additional benefits are mandated under the Affordable Care Act.
1130          Section 13. Section 31A-30-117 is amended to read:
1131          31A-30-117. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- Market transition.
1132          (1) (a) After complying with the reporting requirements of Section [63M-1-2505.5]
1133     63N-11-106, the commissioner may adopt administrative rules that change the rating and
1134     underwriting requirements of this chapter as necessary to transition the insurance market to
1135     meet federal qualified health plan standards and rating practices under PPACA.
1136          (b) Administrative rules adopted by the commissioner under this section may include:
1137          (i) the regulation of health benefit plans as described in Subsections 31A-2-212(5)(a)
1138     and (b); and
1139          (ii) disclosure of records and information required by PPACA and state law.
1140          (c) (i) The commissioner shall establish by administrative rule one statewide open
1141     enrollment period that applies to the individual insurance market that is not on the PPACA
1142     certified individual exchange.
1143          (ii) The statewide open enrollment period:
1144          (A) may be shorter, but no longer than the open enrollment period established for the
1145     individual insurance market offered in the PPACA certified exchange; and
1146          (B) may not be extended beyond the dates of the open enrollment period established
1147     for the individual insurance market offered in the PPACA certified exchange.
1148          (2) A carrier that offers health benefit plans in the individual market that is not part of
1149     the individual PPACA certified exchange:

1150          (a) shall open enrollment:
1151          (i) during the statewide open enrollment period established in Subsection (1)(c); and
1152          (ii) at other times, for qualifying events, as determined by administrative rule adopted
1153     by the commissioner; and
1154          (b) may open enrollment at any time.
1155          (3) To the extent permitted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services policy,
1156     or federal regulation, the commissioner shall allow a health insurer to choose to continue
1157     coverage and individuals and small employers to choose to re-enroll in coverage in
1158     nongrandfathered health coverage that is not in compliance with market reforms required by
1159     PPACA.
1160          Section 14. Section 31A-30-202 is amended to read:
1161          31A-30-202. Definitions.
1162          For purposes of this part:
1163          (1) "Defined benefit plan" means an employer group health benefit plan in which:
1164          (a) the employer selects the health benefit plan or plans from a single insurer;
1165          (b) employees are not provided a choice of health benefit plans on the Health Insurance
1166     Exchange; and
1167          (c) the employer is subject to contribution requirements in Section 31A-30-112.
1168          (2) "Defined contribution arrangement":
1169          (a) means a defined contribution arrangement employer group health benefit plan that:
1170          (i) complies with this part; and
1171          (ii) is sold through the Health Insurance Exchange in accordance with Title [63M]
1172     63N, Chapter [1] 11, [Part 25,] Health System Reform Act; and
1173          (b) beginning January 1, 2011, includes an employer choice of either a defined
1174     contribution arrangement health benefit plan or a defined benefit plan offered through the
1175     Health Insurance Exchange.
1176          (3) "Health reimbursement arrangement" means an employer provided health
1177     reimbursement arrangement in which reimbursements for medical care expenses are excluded

1178     from an employee's gross income under the Internal Revenue Code.
1179          (4) "Producer" is as defined in Subsection 31A-23a-501(4)(a).
1180          (5) "Section 125 Cafeteria plan" means a flexible spending arrangement that qualifies
1181     under Section 125, Internal Revenue Code, which permits an employee to contribute pre-tax
1182     dollars to a health benefit plan.
1183          (6) "Small employer" is defined in Section 31A-1-301.
1184          Section 15. Section 31A-30-204 is amended to read:
1185          31A-30-204. Employer election -- Defined benefit -- Defined contribution
1186     arrangements -- Responsibilities.
1187          (1) (a) An employer participating in the defined contribution arrangement market on
1188     the Health Insurance Exchange shall make an initial election to offer its employees either a
1189     defined benefit plan or a defined contribution arrangement health benefit plan.
1190          (b) If an employer elects to offer a defined benefit plan:
1191          (i) the employer or the employer's producer shall enroll the employer in the Health
1192     Insurance Exchange;
1193          (ii) the employees shall submit the uniform application required for the Health
1194     Insurance Exchange; and
1195          (iii) the employer shall select the defined benefit plan in accordance with Section
1196     31A-30-208.
1197          (c) When an employer makes an election under Subsections (1)(a) and (b):
1198          (i) the employer may not offer its employees a defined contribution arrangement health
1199     benefit plan; and
1200          (ii) the employees may not select a defined contribution arrangement health benefit
1201     plan in the Health Insurance Exchange.
1202          (d) If an employer elects to offer its employees a defined contribution arrangement
1203     health benefit plan, the employer shall comply with the provisions of Subsections (2) through
1204     (5).
1205          (2) (a) (i) An employer that chooses to participate in a defined contribution

1206     arrangement health benefit plan may not offer to an employee a health benefit plan that is not a
1207     defined contribution arrangement health benefit plan in the Health Insurance Exchange.
1208          (ii) Subsection (2)(a)(i) does not prohibit the offer of supplemental or limited benefit
1209     policies such as dental or vision coverage, or other types of federally qualified savings accounts
1210     for health care expenses.
1211          (b) (i) To the extent permitted by Sections 31A-1-301, 31A-30-112, and 31A-30-206,
1212     and the risk adjustment plan adopted under Section 31A-42-204, the employer reserves the
1213     right to determine:
1214          (A) the criteria for employee eligibility, enrollment, and participation in the employer's
1215     health benefit plan; and
1216          (B) the amount of the employer's contribution to that plan.
1217          (ii) The determinations made under Subsection (2)(b) may only be changed during
1218     periods of open enrollment.
1219          (3) An employer that chooses to establish a defined contribution arrangement health
1220     benefit plan to provide a health benefit plan for its employees shall:
1221          (a) establish a mechanism for its employees to use pre-tax dollars to purchase a health
1222     benefit plan from the defined contribution arrangement market on the Health Insurance
1223     Exchange created in Section [63M-1-2504] 63N-11-104, which may include:
1224          (i) a health reimbursement arrangement;
1225          (ii) a Section 125 Cafeteria plan; or
1226          (iii) another plan or arrangement similar to Subsection (3)(a)(i) or (ii) which is
1227     excluded or deducted from gross income under the Internal Revenue Code;
1228          (b) before the employee's health benefit plan selection period:
1229          (i) inform each employee of the health benefit plan the employer has selected as the
1230     default health benefit plan for the employer group;
1231          (ii) offer each employee a choice of any of the defined contribution arrangement health
1232     benefit plans available through the defined contribution arrangement market on the Health
1233     Insurance Exchange; and

1234          (iii) notify the employee that the employee will be enrolled in the default health benefit
1235     plan selected by the employer and payroll deductions initiated for premium payments, unless
1236     the employee, before the employee's selection period ends:
1237          (A) selects a different defined contribution arrangement health benefit plan available in
1238     the Health Insurance Exchange;
1239          (B) provides proof of coverage from another health benefit plan; or
1240          (C) specifically declines coverage in a health benefit plan.
1241          (4) An employer shall enroll an employee in the default defined contribution
1242     arrangement health benefit plan selected by the employer if the employee does not make one of
1243     the choices described in Subsection (3)(b)(iii) before the end of the employee selection period,
1244     which may not be less than 14 calendar days.
1245          (5) The employer's notice to the employee under Subsection (3)(b)(iii) shall inform the
1246     employee that the failure to act under Subsections (3)(b)(iii)(A) through (C) is considered an
1247     affirmative election under pre-tax payroll deductions for the employer to begin payroll
1248     deductions for health benefit plan premiums.
1249          Section 16. Section 31A-30-208 is amended to read:
1250          31A-30-208. Enrollment for defined contribution arrangements.
1251          (1) An insurer offering a health benefit plan in the defined contribution arrangement
1252     market:
1253          (a) shall allow an employer to enroll in a small employer defined contribution
1254     arrangement plan; and
1255          (b) shall otherwise comply with the requirements of this part, Chapter 42, Defined
1256     Contribution Risk Adjuster Act, and Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 11, [Part 25,] Health System
1257     Reform Act.
1258          (2) (a) An insurer may enter or exit the defined contribution arrangement market on
1259     January 1 of each year.
1260          (b) An insurer may offer new or modify existing products in the defined contribution
1261     arrangement market:

1262          (i) on January 1 of each year;
1263          (ii) when required by changes in other law; and
1264          (iii) at other times as established by the risk adjuster board created in Section
1265     31A-42-201.
1266          (c) An insurer shall give the department, the Health Insurance Exchange, and the risk
1267     adjuster board 90 days' advance written notice of any event described in Subsection (2)(a) or
1268     (b).
1269          Section 17. Section 31A-30-302 is amended to read:
1270          31A-30-302. Creation of state risk adjustment program.
1271          (1) The commissioner shall convene a group of stakeholders and actuaries to assist the
1272     commissioner with the evaluation or the risk adjustment options described in Subsection (2). If
1273     the commissioner determines that a state-based risk adjustment program is in the best interest
1274     of the state, the commissioner shall establish an individual and small employer market risk
1275     adjustment program in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 18063 and this section.
1276          (2) The risk adjustment program adopted by the commissioner may include one of the
1277     following models:
1278          (a) continue the United States Department of Health and Human Services
1279     administration of the federal model for risk adjustment for the individual and small employer
1280     market in the state;
1281          (b) have the state administer the federal model for risk adjustment for the individual
1282     and small employer market in the state;
1283          (c) establish and operate a state-based risk adjustment program for the individual and
1284     small employer market in the state; or
1285          (d) another risk adjustment model developed by the commissioner under Subsection
1286     (1).
1287          (3) Before adopting one of the models described in Subsection (2), the commissioner:
1288          (a) may enter into contracts to carry out the services needed to evaluate and establish
1289     one of the risk adjustment options described in Subsection (2); and

1290          (b) shall, prior to October 30, 2014, comply with the reporting requirements of Section
1291     [63M-1-2505.5] 63N-11-106 regarding the commissioner's evaluation of the risk adjustment
1292     options described in Subsection (2).
1293          (4) The commissioner may:
1294          (a) adopt administrative rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
1295     Administrative Rulemaking Act, that require an insurer that is subject to the state-based risk
1296     adjustment program to submit data to the all payers claims database created under Section
1297     26-33a-106.1; and
1298          (b) establish fees in accordance with Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act,
1299     to cover the ongoing administrative cost of running the state-based risk adjustment program.
1300          Section 18. Section 35A-1-104.5 is amended to read:
1301          35A-1-104.5. Other department duties -- Strategic plan for health system reform
1302     -- Reporting suspected misuse of a Social Security number.
1303          (1) The department shall work with the Department of Health, the Insurance
1304     Department, the Governor's Office of Economic Development, and the Legislature to develop
1305     the health system reform in accordance with Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 11, [Part 25,] Health
1306     System Reform Act.
1307          (2) In the process of determining an individual's eligibility for a public benefit or
1308     service under this title or under federal law, if the department determines that a valid Social
1309     Security number is being used by an unauthorized individual, the department shall:
1310          (a) inform the individual who the department determines to be the likely actual owner
1311     of the Social Security number or, if the likely actual owner is a minor, the minor's parent or
1312     guardian, of the suspected misuse; and
1313          (b) subject to federal law, provide information of the suspected misuse to an
1314     appropriate law enforcement agency responsible for investigating identity fraud.
1315          (3) If the department learns or determines that providing information under Subsection
1316     (2)(b) is prohibited by federal law, the department shall notify the Legislative Management
1317     Committee.

1318          Section 19. Section 53A-1-410 is amended to read:
1319          53A-1-410. Utah Futures.
1320          (1) As used in this section:
1321          (a) "Education provider" means:
1322          (i) a Utah institution of higher education as defined in Section 53B-2-101; or
1323          (ii) a Utah provider of postsecondary education.
1324          (b) "Student user" means:
1325          (i) a Utah student in kindergarten through grade 12;
1326          (ii) a Utah post secondary education student;
1327          (iii) a parent or guardian of a Utah public education student; or
1328          (iv) a Utah potential post secondary education student.
1329          (c) "Utah Futures" means a career planning program developed and administered by
1330     the Department of Workforce Services, the State Board of Regents, and the State Board of
1331     Education.
1332          (d) "Utah Futures Steering Committee" means a committee of members designated by
1333     the governor to administer and manage Utah Futures in collaboration with the Department of
1334     Workforce Services, the State Board of Regents, and the State Board of Education.
1335          (2) The Utah Futures Steering Committee shall ensure, as funding allows and is
1336     feasible, that Utah Futures will:
1337          (a) allow a student user to:
1338          (i) access the student user's full academic record;
1339          (ii) electronically allow the student user to give access to the student user's academic
1340     record and related information to an education provider as allowed by law;
1341          (iii) access information about different career opportunities and understand the related
1342     educational requirements to enter that career;
1343          (iv) access information about education providers;
1344          (v) access up to date information about entrance requirements to education providers;
1345          (vi) apply for entrance to multiple schools without having to fully replicate the

1346     application process;
1347          (vii) apply for loans, scholarships, or grants from multiple education providers in one
1348     location without having to fully replicate the application process for multiple education
1349     providers; and
1350          (viii) research open jobs from different companies within the user's career interest and
1351     apply for those jobs without having to leave the website to do so;
1352          (b) allow all users to:
1353          (i) access information about different career opportunities and understand the related
1354     educational requirements to enter that career;
1355          (ii) access information about education providers;
1356          (iii) access up-to-date information about entrance requirements to education providers;
1357          (iv) apply for entrance to multiple schools without having to fully replicate the
1358     application process;
1359          (v) apply for loans, scholarships, or grants from multiple education providers in one
1360     location without having to fully replicate the application process for multiple education
1361     providers; and
1362          (vi) research open jobs from different companies within the user's career interest and
1363     apply for those jobs without having to leave the website to do so;
1364          (c) allow an education provider to:
1365          (i) research and find student users who are interested in various educational outcomes;
1366          (ii) promote the education provider's programs and schools to student users; and
1367          (iii) connect with student users within the Utah Futures website;
1368          (d) allow a Utah business to:
1369          (i) research and find student users who are pursuing educational outcomes that are
1370     consistent with jobs the Utah business is trying to fill now or in the future; and
1371          (ii) market jobs and communicate with student users through the Utah Futures website
1372     as allowed by law;
1373          (e) allow the Department of Workforce Services to analyze and report on student user

1374     interests, education paths, and behaviors within the education system so as to predictively
1375     determine appropriate career and educational outcomes and results; and
1376          (f) allow all users of the Utah Futures' system to communicate and interact through
1377     social networking tools within the Utah Futures website as allowed by law.
1378          (3) On or before October 1, 2014, the State Board of Education, after consulting with
1379     the Board of Business and Economic Development created in Section [63M-1-301] 63N-1-401,
1380     may select a technology provider, through a request for proposals process, to provide
1381     technology and support for Utah Futures.
1382          (4) In evaluating proposals under Subsection (3) in consultation with the Board of
1383     Business and Economic Development, the State Board of Education shall ensure that the
1384     technology provided by a proposer:
1385          (a) allows Utah Futures to license the selected service oriented architecture
1386     technologies;
1387          (b) allows Utah Futures to protect all user data within the system by leveraging role
1388     architecture;
1389          (c) allows Utah Futures to update the user interface, APIs, and web services software
1390     layers as needed;
1391          (d) provides the ability for a student user to have a secure profile and login to access
1392     and to store personal information related to the services listed in Subsection (2) via the
1393     Internet;
1394          (e) protects all user data within Utah Futures;
1395          (f) allows the State Board of Education to license the technology of the selected
1396     technology provider; and
1397          (g) provides technology able to support application programming interfaces to integrate
1398     technology of other third party providers, which may include cloud-based technology.
1399          (5) (a) On or before August 1, 2014, the evaluation panel described in Subsection
1400     (5)(b), using the criteria described in Subsection (5)(c), shall evaluate Utah Futures and
1401     determine whether any or all components of Utah Futures, as described in this section, should

1402     be outsourced to a private provider or built in-house by the participating state agencies.
1403          (b) The evaluation panel described in Subsection (5)(a) shall consist of the following
1404     members, appointed by the governor after consulting with the State Board of Education:
1405          (i) five members who represent business, including:
1406          (A) one member who has extensive knowledge and experience in information
1407     technology; and
1408          (B) one member who has extensive knowledge and experience in human resources;
1409          (ii) one member who is a user of the information provided by Utah Futures;
1410          (iii) one member who is a parent of a student who uses Utah Futures;
1411          (iv) one member who:
1412          (A) is an educator as defined in Section 53A-6-103; and
1413          (B) teaches students who use Utah Futures; and
1414          (v) one member who is a high school counselor licensed under Title 53A, Chapter 6,
1415     Educator Licensing and Professional Practices Act.
1416          (c) The evaluation panel described in Subsections (5)(a) and (b) shall consider at least
1417     the following criteria to make the determination described in Subsection (5)(a):
1418          (i) the complete functional capabilities of a private technology provider versus an
1419     in-house version;
1420          (ii) the cost of purchasing privately developed technology versus continuing to develop
1421     or build an in-house version;
1422          (iii) the data and security capabilities of a private technology provider versus an
1423     in-house version;
1424          (iv) the time frames to implementation; and
1425          (v) the best practices and examples of other states who have implemented a tool similar
1426     to Utah Futures.
1427          (d) On or before September 30, 2014, the evaluation panel shall report the
1428     determination to:
1429          (i) the State Board of Education;

1430          (ii) the Executive Appropriations Committee; and
1431          (iii) the Education Interim Committee.
1432          Section 20. Section 59-7-610 is amended to read:
1433          59-7-610. Recycling market development zones tax credit.
1434          (1) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1996, a business operating in a
1435     recycling market development zone as defined in Section [63M-1-1102] 63N-2-402 may claim
1436     a tax credit as provided in this section.
1437          (a) (i) There shall be allowed a nonrefundable tax credit of 5% of the purchase price
1438     paid for machinery and equipment used directly in:
1439          (A) commercial composting; or
1440          (B) manufacturing facilities or plant units that:
1441          (I) manufacture, process, compound, or produce recycled items of tangible personal
1442     property for sale; or
1443          (II) reduce or reuse postconsumer waste material.
1444          (ii) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall certify that the machinery
1445     and equipment described in Subsection (1)(a)(i) are integral to the composting or recycling
1446     process:
1447          (A) on a form provided by the commission; and
1448          (B) before a taxpayer is allowed a tax credit under this section.
1449          (iii) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall provide a taxpayer seeking
1450     to claim a tax credit under this section with a copy of the form described in Subsection
1451     (1)(a)(ii).
1452          (iv) The taxpayer described in Subsection (1)(a)(iii) shall retain a copy of the form
1453     received under Subsection (1)(a)(iii).
1454          (b) There shall be allowed a nonrefundable tax credit equal to 20% of net expenditures
1455     up to $10,000 to third parties for rent, wages, supplies, tools, test inventory, and utilities made
1456     by the taxpayer for establishing and operating recycling or composting technology in Utah,
1457     with an annual maximum tax credit of $2,000.

1458          (2) The total nonrefundable tax credit allowed under this section may not exceed 40%
1459     of the Utah income tax liability of the taxpayer prior to any tax credits in the taxable year of
1460     purchase prior to claiming the tax credit authorized by this section.
1461          (3) (a) Any tax credit not used for the taxable year in which the purchase price on
1462     composting or recycling machinery and equipment was paid may be carried over for credit
1463     against the business' income taxes in the three succeeding taxable years until the total tax credit
1464     amount is used.
1465          (b) Tax credits not claimed by a business on the business' state income tax return
1466     within three years are forfeited.
1467          (4) The commission shall make rules governing what information shall be filed with
1468     the commission to verify the entitlement to and amount of a tax credit.
1469          (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a), for taxable years beginning on or after
1470     January 1, 2001, a taxpayer may not claim or carry forward a tax credit described in Subsection
1471     (1)(a) in a taxable year during which the taxpayer claims or carries forward a tax credit under
1472     Section [63M-1-413] 63N-2-213.
1473          (b) For a taxable year other than a taxable year during which the taxpayer may not
1474     claim or carry forward a tax credit in accordance with Subsection (5)(a), a taxpayer may claim
1475     or carry forward a tax credit described in Subsection (1)(a):
1476          (i) if the taxpayer may claim or carry forward the tax credit in accordance with
1477     Subsections (1) and (2); and
1478          (ii) subject to Subsections (3) and (4).
1479          (6) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(b), for taxable years beginning on or after January
1480     1, 2001, a taxpayer may not claim a tax credit described in Subsection (1)(b) in a taxable year
1481     during which the taxpayer claims or carries forward a tax credit under Section [63M-1-413]
1482     63N-2-213.
1483          (7) A taxpayer may not claim or carry forward a tax credit available under this section
1484     for a taxable year during which the taxpayer has claimed the targeted business income tax
1485     credit available under Section [63M-1-504] 63N-2-305.

1486          Section 21. Section 59-7-614.2 is amended to read:
1487          59-7-614.2. Refundable economic development tax credit.
1488          (1) As used in this section:
1489          (a) "Business entity" means a taxpayer that meets the definition of "business entity" as
1490     defined in Section [63M-1-2403] 63N-2-103.
1491          (b) "Community development and renewal agency" is as defined in Section 17C-1-102.
1492          (c) "Local government entity" is as defined in Section [63M-1-2403] 63N-2-103.
1493          (d) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
1494          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a business entity, local government
1495     entity, or community development and renewal agency may claim a refundable tax credit for
1496     economic development.
1497          (3) The tax credit under this section is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on the
1498     tax credit certificate that the office issues to the business entity, local government entity, or
1499     community development and renewal agency for the taxable year.
1500          (4) A community development and renewal agency may claim a tax credit under this
1501     section only if a local government entity assigns the tax credit to the community development
1502     and renewal agency in accordance with Section [63M-1-2404] 63N-2-104.
1503          (5) (a) In accordance with any rules prescribed by the commission under Subsection
1504     (5)(b), the commission shall make a refund to the following that claim a tax credit under this
1505     section:
1506          (i) a local government entity;
1507          (ii) a community development and renewal agency; or
1508          (iii) a business entity if the amount of the tax credit exceeds the business entity's tax
1509     liability for a taxable year.
1510          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1511     commission may make rules providing procedures for making a refund to a business entity,
1512     local government entity, or community development and renewal agency as required by
1513     Subsection (5)(a).

1514          (6) (a) On or before October 1, 2013, and every five years after October 1, 2013, the
1515     Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall study the tax credit allowed by this section and
1516     make recommendations to the Legislative Management Committee concerning whether the tax
1517     credit should be continued, modified, or repealed.
1518          (b) For purposes of the study required by this Subsection (6), the office shall provide
1519     the following information to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee:
1520          (i) the amount of tax credit that the office grants to each business entity, local
1521     government entity, or community development and renewal agency for each calendar year;
1522          (ii) the criteria that the office uses in granting a tax credit;
1523          (iii) (A) for a business entity, the new state revenues generated by the business entity
1524     for the calendar year; or
1525          (B) for a local government entity, regardless of whether the local government entity
1526     assigns the tax credit in accordance with Section [63M-1-2404] 63N-2-104, the new state
1527     revenues generated as a result of a new commercial project within the local government entity
1528     for each calendar year;
1529          (iv) the information contained in the office's latest report to the Legislature under
1530     Section [63M-1-2406] 63N-2-106; and
1531          (v) any other information that the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee requests.
1532          (c) The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall ensure that its
1533     recommendations under Subsection (6)(a) include an evaluation of:
1534          (i) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
1535          (ii) the purpose and effectiveness of the tax credit; and
1536          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit.
1537          Section 22. Section 59-7-614.5 is amended to read:
1538          59-7-614.5. Refundable motion picture tax credit.
1539          (1) As used in this section:
1540          (a) "Motion picture company" means a taxpayer that meets the definition of a motion
1541     picture company under Section [63M-1-1802] 63N-8-102.

1542          (b) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
1543          (c) "State-approved production" has the same meaning as defined in Section
1544     [63M-1-1802] 63N-8-102.
1545          (2) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2009, a motion picture company
1546     may claim a refundable tax credit for a state-approved production.
1547          (3) The tax credit under this section is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on the
1548     tax credit certificate that the office issues to a motion picture company under Section
1549     [63M-1-1803] 63N-8-103 for the taxable year.
1550          (4) (a) In accordance with any rules prescribed by the commission under Subsection
1551     (4)(b), the commission shall make a refund to a motion picture company that claims a tax
1552     credit under this section if the amount of the tax credit exceeds the motion picture company's
1553     tax liability for a taxable year.
1554          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1555     commission may make rules providing procedures for making a refund to a motion picture
1556     company as required by Subsection (4)(a).
1557          (5) (a) On or before October 1, 2014, and every five years after October 1, 2014, the
1558     Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall study the tax credit allowed by this section and
1559     make recommendations to the Legislative Management Committee concerning whether the tax
1560     credit should be continued, modified, or repealed.
1561          (b) For purposes of the study required by this Subsection (5), the office shall provide
1562     the following information to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee:
1563          (i) the amount of tax credit that the office grants to each motion picture company for
1564     each calendar year;
1565          (ii) the criteria that the office uses in granting the tax credit;
1566          (iii) the dollars left in the state, as defined in Section [63M-1-1802] 63N-8-102, by
1567     each motion picture company for each calendar year;
1568          (iv) the information contained in the office's latest report to the Legislature under
1569     Section [63M-1-1805] 63N-8-105; and

1570          (v) any other information requested by the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee.
1571          (c) The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall ensure that its
1572     recommendations under Subsection (5)(a) include an evaluation of:
1573          (i) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
1574          (ii) the effectiveness of the tax credit; and
1575          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit.
1576          Section 23. Section 59-7-614.6 is amended to read:
1577          59-7-614.6. Refundable tax credit for certain business entities generating state tax
1578     revenue increases.
1579          (1) As used in this section:
1580          (a) "Eligible business entity" is as defined in Section [63M-1-2902] 63N-2-802.
1581          (b) "Eligible new state tax revenues" is as defined in Section [63M-1-2902]
1582     63N-2-802.
1583          (c) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
1584          (d) "Pass-through entity" is as defined in Section 59-10-1402.
1585          (e) "Pass-through entity taxpayer" is as defined in Section 59-10-1402.
1586          (f) "Qualifying agreement" means an agreement under [Subsection 63M-1-2908]
1587     Section 63N-2-808 that includes a provision for an eligible business entity to make new capital
1588     expenditures of at least $1,000,000,000 in the state.
1589          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, an eligible business entity may:
1590          (a) claim a refundable tax credit as provided in Subsection (3); or
1591          (b) if the eligible business entity is a pass-through entity, pass through to one or more
1592     pass-through entity taxpayers of the pass-through entity, in accordance with Chapter 10, Part
1593     14, Pass-through Entities and Pass-through Entity Taxpayers Act, a refundable tax credit that
1594     the eligible business entity could otherwise claim under this section.
1595          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), the amount of the tax credit an eligible
1596     business entity may claim or pass through is the amount listed on the tax credit certificate that
1597     the office issues to the eligible business entity for a taxable year in accordance with Section

1598     [63M-1-2908] 63N-2-808.
1599          (b) Subject to Subsection (3)(c), a tax credit under this section may not exceed the
1600     amount of eligible new state tax revenues generated by an eligible business entity for the
1601     taxable year for which the eligible business entity claims a tax credit under this section.
1602          (c) A tax credit under this section for an eligible business entity that enters into a
1603     qualifying agreement may not exceed:
1604          (i) for the taxable year in which the eligible business entity first generates eligible new
1605     state tax revenues and the two following years, the amount of eligible new state tax revenues
1606     generated by the eligible business entity; and
1607          (ii) for the seven taxable years following the last of the three taxable years described in
1608     Subsection (3)(c)(i), 75% of the amount of eligible new state tax revenues generated by the
1609     eligible business entity.
1610          (4) An eligible business entity may only claim or pass through a tax credit under this
1611     section for a taxable year for which the eligible business entity holds a tax credit certificate
1612     issued in accordance with Section [63M-1-2908] 63N-2-808.
1613          (5) An eligible business entity may not:
1614          (a) carry forward or carry back a tax credit under this section; or
1615          (b) claim or pass through a tax credit in an amount greater than the amount listed on a
1616     tax credit certificate issued in accordance with Section [63M-1-2908] 63N-2-808 for a taxable
1617     year.
1618          Section 24. Section 59-7-614.8 is amended to read:
1619          59-7-614.8. Nonrefundable alternative energy manufacturing tax credit.
1620          (1) As used in this section:
1621          (a) "Alternative energy entity" is as defined in Section [63M-1-3102] 63N-2-702.
1622          (b) "Alternative energy manufacturing project" is as defined in Section [63M-1-3102]
1623     63N-2-702.
1624          (c) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
1625          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, an alternative energy entity may

1626     claim a nonrefundable tax credit for alternative energy manufacturing as provided in this
1627     section.
1628          (3) The tax credit under this section is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on a
1629     tax credit certificate that the office issues under Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 2, Part [31] 7,
1630     Alternative Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit Act, to the alternative energy entity for the
1631     taxable year.
1632          (4) An alternative energy entity may carry forward a tax credit under this section for a
1633     period that does not exceed the next seven taxable years if:
1634          (a) the alternative energy entity is allowed to claim a tax credit under this section for a
1635     taxable year; and
1636          (b) the amount of the tax credit exceeds the alternative energy entity's tax liability
1637     under this chapter for that taxable year.
1638          (5) (a) On or before October 1, 2017, and every five years after October 1, 2017, the
1639     Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall study the tax credit allowed by this section and
1640     make recommendations to the Legislative Management Committee concerning whether the tax
1641     credit should be continued, modified, or repealed.
1642          (b) For purposes of the study required by this Subsection (5), the office shall provide
1643     the following information to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee:
1644          (i) the amount of tax credit that the office grants to each alternative energy entity for
1645     each taxable year;
1646          (ii) the new state revenues generated by each alternative energy manufacturing project;
1647          (iii) the information contained in the office's latest report to the Legislature under
1648     Section [63M-1-3105] 63N-2-705; and
1649          (iv) any other information that the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee requests.
1650          (c) The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall ensure that its
1651     recommendations under Subsection (5)(a) include an evaluation of:
1652          (i) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
1653          (ii) the purpose and effectiveness of the tax credit; and

1654          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit.
1655          Section 25. Section 59-7-616 is amended to read:
1656          59-7-616. Refundable tax credit for certain business entities.
1657          (1) As used in this section:
1658          (a) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
1659          (b) "Pass-through entity" has the same meaning as defined in Section 59-10-1402.
1660          (c) "Pass-through entity taxpayer" has the same meaning as defined in Section
1661     59-10-1402.
1662          (d) "Tax credit certificate" has the same meaning as defined in Section [63M-1-3402]
1663     63N-2-502.
1664          (e) "Tax credit recipient" has the same meaning as defined in Section [63M-1-3402]
1665     63N-2-502.
1666          (2) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a tax credit recipient that is a
1667     corporation may claim a refundable tax credit as provided in Subsection (3).
1668          (b) If the tax credit recipient is a pass-through entity, the pass-through entity shall pass
1669     through to one or more pass-through entity taxpayers of the pass-through entity, in accordance
1670     with Chapter 10, Part 14, Pass-Through Entities and Pass-Through Entity Taxpayers Act, a
1671     refundable tax credit that the tax credit recipient could otherwise claim under this section.
1672          (3) The amount of a tax credit is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on the tax
1673     credit certificate that the office issues to the tax credit recipient for the taxable year.
1674          (4) A tax credit recipient:
1675          (a) may claim or pass through a tax credit in a taxable year other than the taxable year
1676     during which the tax credit recipient has been issued a tax credit certificate; and
1677          (b) may not claim a tax credit under both this section and Section 59-10-1110.
1678          (5) (a) In accordance with any rules prescribed by the commission under Subsection
1679     (5)(b), the commission shall:
1680          (i) make a refund to a tax credit recipient that claims a tax credit under this section if
1681     the amount of the tax credit exceeds the tax credit recipient's tax liability under this chapter;

1682     and
1683          (ii) transfer at least annually from the General Fund into the Education Fund an amount
1684     equal to the amount of tax credit claimed under this section.
1685          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1686     commission may make rules providing procedures for making:
1687          (i) a refund to a tax credit recipient or pass-through entity taxpayer as required by
1688     Subsection (5)(a)(i); or
1689          (ii) transfers from the General Fund into the Education Fund as required by Subsection
1690     (5)(a)(ii).
1691          Section 26. Section 59-10-210 is amended to read:
1692          59-10-210. Fiduciary adjustments.
1693          (1) A share of the fiduciary adjustments described in Subsection (2) shall be added to
1694     or subtracted from unadjusted income:
1695          (a) of:
1696          (i) a resident or nonresident estate or trust; or
1697          (ii) a resident or nonresident beneficiary of a resident or nonresident estate or trust; and
1698          (b) as provided in this section.
1699          (2) For purposes of Subsection (1), the fiduciary adjustments are the following
1700     amounts:
1701          (a) the additions to and subtractions from unadjusted income of a resident or
1702     nonresident estate or trust required by Section 59-10-202; and
1703          (b) a tax credit claimed by a resident or nonresident estate or trust as allowed by:
1704          (i) Section 59-6-102;
1705          (ii) Part 10, Nonrefundable Tax Credit Act;
1706          (iii) Part 11, Refundable Tax Credit Act;
1707          (iv) Section 59-13-202;
1708          (v) Section [63M-1-413] 63N-2-213; or
1709          (vi) Section [63M-1-504] 63N-2-305.

1710          (3) (a) The respective shares of an estate or trust and its beneficiaries, including for the
1711     purpose of this allocation a nonresident beneficiary, in the state fiduciary adjustments, shall be
1712     allocated in proportion to their respective shares of federal distributable net income of the
1713     estate or trust.
1714          (b) If the estate or trust described in Subsection (3)(a) has no federal distributable net
1715     income for the taxable year, the share of each beneficiary in the fiduciary adjustments shall be
1716     allocated in proportion to that beneficiary's share of the estate or trust income for the taxable
1717     year that is, under state law or the governing instrument, required to be distributed currently
1718     plus any other amounts of that income distributed in that taxable year.
1719          (c) After making the allocations required by Subsections (3)(a) and (b), any balance of
1720     the fiduciary adjustments shall be allocated to the estate or trust.
1721          (4) (a) The commission shall allow a fiduciary to use a method for determining the
1722     allocation of the fiduciary adjustments described in Subsection (2) other than the method
1723     described in Subsection (3) if using the method described in Subsection (3) results in an
1724     inequity:
1725          (i) in allocating the fiduciary adjustments described in Subsection (2); and
1726          (ii) if the inequity is substantial:
1727          (A) in amount; and
1728          (B) in relation to the total amount of the fiduciary adjustments described in Subsection
1729     (2).
1730          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1731     commission may make rules authorizing a fiduciary to use a method for determining the
1732     allocation of the fiduciary adjustments described in Subsection (2) other than the method
1733     described in Subsection (3) if using the method described in Subsection (3) results in an
1734     inequity:
1735          (i) in allocating the fiduciary adjustments described in Subsection (2); and
1736          (ii) if the inequity is substantial:
1737          (A) in amount; and

1738          (B) in relation to the total amount of the fiduciary adjustments described in Subsection
1739     (2).
1740          Section 27. Section 59-10-1007 is amended to read:
1741          59-10-1007. Recycling market development zones tax credit.
1742          (1) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1996, a claimant, estate, or trust
1743     in a recycling market development zone as defined in Section [63M-1-1102] 63N-2-402 may
1744     claim a nonrefundable tax credit as provided in this section.
1745          (a) (i) There shall be allowed a tax credit of 5% of the purchase price paid for
1746     machinery and equipment used directly in:
1747          (A) commercial composting; or
1748          (B) manufacturing facilities or plant units that:
1749          (I) manufacture, process, compound, or produce recycled items of tangible personal
1750     property for sale; or
1751          (II) reduce or reuse postconsumer waste material.
1752          (ii) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall certify that the machinery
1753     and equipment described in Subsection (1)(a)(i) are integral to the composting or recycling
1754     process:
1755          (A) on a form provided by the commission; and
1756          (B) before a claimant, estate, or trust is allowed a tax credit under this section.
1757          (iii) The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall provide a claimant, estate,
1758     or trust seeking to claim a tax credit under this section with a copy of the form described in
1759     Subsection (1)(a)(ii).
1760          (iv) The claimant, estate, or trust described in Subsection (1)(a)(iii) shall retain a copy
1761     of the form received under Subsection (1)(a)(iii).
1762          (b) There shall be allowed a tax credit equal to 20% of net expenditures up to $10,000
1763     to third parties for rent, wages, supplies, tools, test inventory, and utilities made by the
1764     claimant, estate, or trust for establishing and operating recycling or composting technology in
1765     Utah, with an annual maximum tax credit of $2,000.

1766          (2) The total tax credit allowed under this section may not exceed 40% of the Utah
1767     income tax liability of the claimant, estate, or trust prior to any tax credits in the taxable year of
1768     purchase prior to claiming the tax credit authorized by this section.
1769          (3) (a) Any tax credit not used for the taxable year in which the purchase price on
1770     composting or recycling machinery and equipment was paid may be carried forward against the
1771     claimant's, estate's, or trusts's tax liability under this chapter in the three succeeding taxable
1772     years until the total tax credit amount is used.
1773          (b) Tax credits not claimed by a claimant, estate, or trust on the claimant's, estate's, or
1774     trust's tax return under this chapter within three years are forfeited.
1775          (4) The commission shall make rules governing what information shall be filed with
1776     the commission to verify the entitlement to and amount of a tax credit.
1777          (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a), for taxable years beginning on or after
1778     January 1, 2001, a claimant, estate, or trust may not claim or carry forward a tax credit
1779     described in Subsection (1)(a) in a taxable year during which the claimant, estate, or trust
1780     claims or carries forward a tax credit under Section [63M-1-413] 63N-2-213.
1781          (b) For a taxable year other than a taxable year during which the claimant, estate, or
1782     trust may not claim or carry forward a tax credit in accordance with Subsection (5)(a), a
1783     claimant, estate, or trust may claim or carry forward a tax credit described in Subsection (1)(a):
1784          (i) if the claimant, estate, or trust may claim or carry forward the tax credit in
1785     accordance with Subsections (1) and (2); and
1786          (ii) subject to Subsections (3) and (4).
1787          (6) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(b), for taxable years beginning on or after January
1788     1, 2001, a claimant, estate, or trust may not claim a tax credit described in Subsection (1)(b) in
1789     a taxable year during which the claimant, estate, or trust claims or carries forward a tax credit
1790     under Section [63M-1-413] 63N-2-213.
1791          (7) A claimant, estate, or trust may not claim or carry forward a tax credit available
1792     under this section for a taxable year during which the claimant, estate, or trust has claimed the
1793     targeted business income tax credit available under Section [63M-1-504] 63N-2-305.

1794          Section 28. Section 59-10-1025 is amended to read:
1795          59-10-1025. Nonrefundable tax credit for investment in certain life science
1796     establishments.
1797          (1) As used in this section:
1798          (a) "Commercial domicile" means the principal place from which the trade or business
1799     of a Utah small business corporation is directed or managed.
1800          (b) "Eligible claimant, estate, or trust" is as defined in Section [63M-1-2902]
1801     63N-2-802.
1802          (c) "Life science establishment" means an establishment described in one of the
1803     following NAICS codes of the 2007 North American Industry Classification System of the
1804     federal Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget:
1805          (i) NAICS Code 33911, Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing;
1806          (ii) NAICS Code 334510, Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus
1807     Manufacturing; or
1808          (iii) NAICS Code 334517, Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing.
1809          (d) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
1810          (e) "Pass-through entity" is as defined in Section 59-10-1402.
1811          (f) "Pass-through entity taxpayer" is as defined in Section 59-10-1402.
1812          (g) "Qualifying ownership interest" means an ownership interest that is:
1813          (i) (A) common stock;
1814          (B) preferred stock; or
1815          (C) an ownership interest in a pass-through entity;
1816          (ii) originally issued to:
1817          (A) an eligible claimant, estate, or trust; or
1818          (B) a pass-through entity if the eligible claimant, estate, or trust that claims a tax credit
1819     under this section was a pass-through entity taxpayer of the pass-through entity on the day on
1820     which the qualifying ownership interest was issued and remains a pass-through entity taxpayer
1821     of the pass-through entity until the last day of the taxable year for which the eligible claimant,

1822     estate, or trust claims a tax credit under this section; and
1823          (iii) issued:
1824          (A) by a Utah small business corporation;
1825          (B) on or after January 1, 2011; and
1826          (C) for money or other property, except for stock or securities.
1827          (h) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(h)(ii), "Utah small business corporation" is
1828     as defined in Section 59-10-1022.
1829          (ii) For purposes of this section, a corporation under Section 1244(c)(3)(A), Internal
1830     Revenue Code, is considered to include a pass-through entity.
1831          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, for a taxable year beginning on or
1832     after January 1, 2011, an eligible claimant, estate, or trust that holds a tax credit certificate
1833     issued to the eligible claimant, estate, or trust in accordance with Section [63M-1-2908]
1834     63N-2-808 for that taxable year may claim a nonrefundable tax credit in an amount up to 35%
1835     of the purchase price of a qualifying ownership interest in a Utah small business corporation by
1836     the claimant, estate, or trust if:
1837          (a) the qualifying ownership interest is issued by a Utah small business corporation that
1838     is a life science establishment;
1839          (b) the qualifying ownership interest in the Utah small business corporation is
1840     purchased for at least $25,000;
1841          (c) the eligible claimant, estate, or trust owned less than 30% of the qualifying
1842     ownership interest of the Utah small business corporation at the time of the purchase of the
1843     qualifying ownership interest; and
1844          (d) on each day of the taxable year of the purchase of the qualifying ownership interest,
1845     the Utah small business corporation described in Subsection (2)(a) has at least 50% of its
1846     employees in the state.
1847          (3) Subject to Subsection (4), the tax credit under Subsection (2):
1848          (a) may only be claimed by the eligible claimant, estate, or trust:
1849          (i) for a taxable year for which the eligible claimant, estate, or trust holds a tax credit

1850     certificate issued in accordance with Section [63M-1-2908] 63N-2-808; and
1851          (ii) subject to obtaining a tax credit certificate for each taxable year as required by
1852     Subsection (3)(a)(i), for a period of three taxable years as follows:
1853          (A) the tax credit in the taxable year of the purchase of the qualifying ownership
1854     interest may not exceed 10% of the purchase price of the qualifying ownership interest;
1855          (B) the tax credit in the taxable year after the taxable year described in Subsection
1856     (3)(a)(ii)(A) may not exceed 10% of the purchase price of the qualifying ownership interest;
1857     and
1858          (C) the tax credit in the taxable year two years after the taxable year described in
1859     Subsection (3)(a)(ii)(A) may not exceed 15% of the purchase price of the qualifying ownership
1860     interest; and
1861          (b) may not exceed the lesser of:
1862          (i) the amount listed on the tax credit certificate issued in accordance with Section
1863     [63M-1-2908] 63N-2-808; or
1864          (ii) $350,000 in a taxable year.
1865          (4) An eligible claimant, estate, or trust may not claim a tax credit under this section
1866     for a taxable year if the eligible claimant, estate, or trust:
1867          (a) has sold any of the qualifying ownership interest during the taxable year; or
1868          (b) does not hold a tax credit certificate for that taxable year that is issued to the
1869     eligible claimant, estate, or trust by the office in accordance with Section [63M-1-2908]
1870     63N-2-808.
1871          (5) If a Utah small business corporation in which an eligible claimant, estate, or trust
1872     purchases a qualifying ownership interest fails, dissolves, or otherwise goes out of business, the
1873     eligible claimant, estate, or trust may not claim both the tax credit provided in this section and
1874     a capital loss on the qualifying ownership interest.
1875          (6) If an eligible claimant is a pass-through entity taxpayer that files a return under
1876     Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes, the eligible claimant may claim the tax
1877     credit under this section on the return filed under Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income

1878     Taxes.
1879          (7) A claimant, estate, or trust may not carry forward or carry back a tax credit under
1880     this section.
1881          Section 29. Section 59-10-1030 is amended to read:
1882          59-10-1030. Nonrefundable alternative energy manufacturing tax credit.
1883          (1) As used in this section:
1884          (a) "Alternative energy entity" is as defined in Section [63M-1-3102] 63N-2-702.
1885          (b) "Alternative energy manufacturing project" is as defined in Section [63M-1-3102]
1886     63N-2-702.
1887          (c) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
1888          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, an alternative energy entity may
1889     claim a nonrefundable tax credit for alternative energy manufacturing as provided in this
1890     section.
1891          (3) The tax credit under this section is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on a
1892     tax credit certificate that the office issues under Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 2, Part [31] 7,
1893     Alternative Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit Act, to the alternative energy entity for the
1894     taxable year.
1895          (4) An alternative energy entity may carry forward a tax credit under this section for a
1896     period that does not exceed the next seven taxable years if:
1897          (a) the alternative energy entity is allowed to claim a tax credit under this section for a
1898     taxable year; and
1899          (b) the amount of the tax credit exceeds the alternative energy entity's tax liability
1900     under this chapter for that taxable year.
1901          (5) (a) On or before October 1, 2017, and every five years after October 1, 2017, the
1902     Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall study the tax credit allowed by this section and
1903     make recommendations to the Legislative Management Committee concerning whether the tax
1904     credit should be continued, modified, or repealed.
1905          (b) For purposes of the study required by this Subsection (5), the office shall provide

1906     the following information to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee:
1907          (i) the amount of tax credit that the office grants to each alternative energy entity for
1908     each taxable year;
1909          (ii) the new state revenues generated by each alternative energy manufacturing project;
1910          (iii) the information contained in the office's latest report to the Legislature under
1911     Section [63M-1-3105] 63N-2-705; and
1912          (iv) any other information that the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee requests.
1913          (c) The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall ensure that its
1914     recommendations under Subsection (5)(a) include an evaluation of:
1915          (i) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
1916          (ii) the purpose and effectiveness of the tax credit; and
1917          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit.
1918          Section 30. Section 59-10-1107 is amended to read:
1919          59-10-1107. Refundable economic development tax credit.
1920          (1) As used in this section:
1921          (a) "Business entity" means a claimant, estate, or trust that meets the definition of
1922     "business entity" as defined in Section [63M-1-2403] 63N-2-103.
1923          (b) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
1924          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a business entity may claim a
1925     refundable tax credit for economic development.
1926          (3) The tax credit under this section is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on the
1927     tax credit certificate that the office issues to the business entity for the taxable year.
1928          (4) (a) In accordance with any rules prescribed by the commission under Subsection
1929     (4)(b), the commission shall make a refund to a business entity that claims a tax credit under
1930     this section if the amount of the tax credit exceeds the business entity's tax liability for a
1931     taxable year.
1932          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1933     commission may make rules providing procedures for making a refund to a business entity as

1934     required by Subsection (4)(a).
1935          (5) (a) On or before October 1, 2013, and every five years after October 1, 2013, the
1936     Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall study the tax credit allowed by this section and
1937     make recommendations to the Legislative Management Committee concerning whether the tax
1938     credit should be continued, modified, or repealed.
1939          (b) For purposes of the study required by this Subsection (5), the office shall provide
1940     the following information to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee:
1941          (i) the amount of tax credit the office grants to each taxpayer for each calendar year;
1942          (ii) the criteria the office uses in granting a tax credit;
1943          (iii) the new state revenues generated by each taxpayer for each calendar year;
1944          (iv) the information contained in the office's latest report to the Legislature under
1945     Section [63M-1-2406] 63N-2-106; and
1946          (v) any other information that the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee requests.
1947          (c) The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall ensure that its
1948     recommendations under Subsection (5)(a) include an evaluation of:
1949          (i) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
1950          (ii) the purpose and effectiveness of the tax credit; and
1951          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit.
1952          Section 31. Section 59-10-1108 is amended to read:
1953          59-10-1108. Refundable motion picture tax credit.
1954          (1) As used in this section:
1955          (a) "Motion picture company" means a claimant, estate, or trust that meets the
1956     definition of a motion picture company under Section [63M-1-1802] 63N-8-102.
1957          (b) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
1958          (c) "State-approved production" has the same meaning as defined in Section
1959     [63M-1-1802] 63N-8-102.
1960          (2) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2009, a motion picture company
1961     may claim a refundable tax credit for a state-approved production.

1962          (3) The tax credit under this section is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on the
1963     tax credit certificate that the office issues to a motion picture company under Section
1964     [63M-1-1803] 63N-8-103 for the taxable year.
1965          (4) (a) In accordance with any rules prescribed by the commission under Subsection
1966     (4)(b), the commission shall make a refund to a motion picture company that claims a tax
1967     credit under this section if the amount of the tax credit exceeds the motion picture company's
1968     tax liability for the taxable year.
1969          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
1970     commission may make rules providing procedures for making a refund to a motion picture
1971     company as required by Subsection (4)(a).
1972          (5) (a) On or before October 1, 2014, and every five years after October 1, 2014, the
1973     Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall study the tax credit allowed by this section and
1974     make recommendations to the Legislative Management Committee concerning whether the tax
1975     credit should be continued, modified, or repealed.
1976          (b) For purposes of the study required by this Subsection (5), the office shall provide
1977     the following information to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee:
1978          (i) the amount of tax credit the office grants to each taxpayer for each calendar year;
1979          (ii) the criteria the office uses in granting a tax credit;
1980          (iii) the dollars left in the state, as defined in Section [63M-1-1802] 63N-8-102, by
1981     each motion picture company for each calendar year;
1982          (iv) the information contained in the office's latest report to the Legislature under
1983     Section [63M-1-1805] 63N-8-105; and
1984          (v) any other information requested by the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee.
1985          (c) The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall ensure that its
1986     recommendations under Subsection (5)(a) include an evaluation of:
1987          (i) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
1988          (ii) the effectiveness of the tax credit; and
1989          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit.

1990          Section 32. Section 59-10-1109 is amended to read:
1991          59-10-1109. Refundable tax credit for certain business entities generating state
1992     tax revenue increases.
1993          (1) As used in this section:
1994          (a) "Eligible business entity" is as defined in Section [63M-1-2902] 63N-2-802.
1995          (b) "Eligible new state tax revenues" is as defined in Section [63M-1-2902]
1996     63N-2-802.
1997          (c) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
1998          (d) "Pass-through entity" is as defined in Section 59-10-1402.
1999          (e) "Pass-through entity taxpayer" is as defined in Section 59-10-1402.
2000          (f) "Qualifying agreement" is as defined in Section 59-7-614.6.
2001          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, an eligible business entity may:
2002          (a) claim a refundable tax credit as provided in Subsection (3); or
2003          (b) if the eligible business entity is a pass-through entity, pass through to one or more
2004     pass-through entity taxpayers of the pass-through entity, in accordance with Chapter 10, Part
2005     14, Pass-through Entities and Pass-through Entity Taxpayers Act, a refundable tax credit that
2006     the eligible business entity could otherwise claim under this section.
2007          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), the amount of the tax credit is:
2008          (i) for an eligible business entity, an amount up to the amount listed on the tax credit
2009     certificate that the office issues to the eligible business entity for the taxable year in accordance
2010     with Section [63M-1-2908] 63N-2-808; or
2011          (ii) for a pass-through entity taxpayer, an amount up to the amount of a tax credit that
2012     an eligible business entity passes through to the pass-through entity taxpayer of the
2013     pass-through entity in accordance with Subsection (2)(b) or Subsection 59-7-614.6(2)(b).
2014          (b) Subject to Subsection (3)(c), a tax credit under this section may not exceed the
2015     amount of eligible new state tax revenues generated by an eligible business entity for the
2016     taxable year for which the eligible business entity claims a tax credit under this section.
2017          (c) A tax credit under this section for an eligible business entity that enters into a

2018     qualifying agreement may not exceed:
2019          (i) for the taxable year in which the eligible business entity first generates eligible new
2020     state tax revenues and the two following years, the amount of eligible new state tax revenues
2021     generated by the eligible business entity; and
2022          (ii) for the seven taxable years following the last of the three taxable years described in
2023     Subsection (3)(c)(i), 75% of the amount of eligible new state tax revenues generated by the
2024     eligible business entity.
2025          (4) An eligible business entity or pass-through entity taxpayer to which an eligible
2026     business entity passes through a tax credit in accordance with Subsection (2)(b) or Subsection
2027     59-7-614.6(2)(b) may only claim or pass through a tax credit under this section for a taxable
2028     year for which the eligible business entity holds a tax credit certificate issued in accordance
2029     with Section [63M-1-2908] 63N-2-808.
2030          (5) An eligible business entity or a pass-through entity taxpayer may not:
2031          (a) carry forward or carry back a tax credit under this section; or
2032          (b) claim a tax credit under both this section and Section 59-7-614.6.
2033          Section 33. Section 59-10-1110 is amended to read:
2034          59-10-1110. Refundable tax credit for certain business entities.
2035          (1) As used in this section:
2036          (a) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
2037          (b) "Pass-through entity" has the same meaning as defined in Section 59-10-1402.
2038          (c) "Pass-through entity taxpayer" has the same meaning as defined in Section
2039     59-10-1402.
2040          (d) "Tax credit certificate" has the same meaning as defined in Section [63M-1-3402]
2041     63N-2-502.
2042          (e) "Tax credit recipient" has the same meaning as defined in Section [63M-1-3402]
2043     63N-2-502.
2044          (2) (a) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a tax credit recipient may claim a
2045     refundable tax credit as provided in Subsection (3).

2046          (b) If the tax credit recipient is a pass-through entity, the pass-through entity shall pass
2047     through to one or more pass-through entity taxpayers of the pass-through entity, in accordance
2048     with Chapter 10, Part 14, Pass-Through Entities and Pass-Through Entity Taxpayers Act, a
2049     refundable tax credit that the tax credit recipient could otherwise claim under this section.
2050          (3) The amount of a tax credit is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on the tax
2051     credit certificate that the office issues to the tax credit recipient for the taxable year.
2052          (4) A tax credit recipient:
2053          (a) may claim or pass through a tax credit in a taxable year other than the taxable year
2054     during which the tax credit recipient has been issued a tax credit certificate; and
2055          (b) may not claim a tax credit under both this section and Section 59-7-616.
2056          (5) (a) In accordance with any rules prescribed by the commission under Subsection
2057     (5)(b), the commission shall:
2058          (i) make a refund to a tax credit recipient that claims a tax credit under this section if
2059     the amount of the tax credit exceeds the tax credit recipient's tax liability under this chapter;
2060     and
2061          (ii) transfer at least annually from the General Fund into the Education Fund an amount
2062     equal to the amount of tax credit claimed under this section.
2063          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
2064     commission may make rules providing procedures for making:
2065          (i) a refund to a tax credit recipient or pass-through entity taxpayer as required by
2066     Subsection (5)(a)(i); or
2067          (ii) transfers from the General Fund into the Education Fund as required by Subsection
2068     (5)(a)(ii).
2069          Section 34. Section 59-12-103 is amended to read:
2070          59-12-103. Sales and use tax base -- Rates -- Effective dates -- Use of sales and use
2071     tax revenues.
2072          (1) A tax is imposed on the purchaser as provided in this part for amounts paid or
2073     charged for the following transactions:

2074          (a) retail sales of tangible personal property made within the state;
2075          (b) amounts paid for:
2076          (i) telecommunications service, other than mobile telecommunications service, that
2077     originates and terminates within the boundaries of this state;
2078          (ii) mobile telecommunications service that originates and terminates within the
2079     boundaries of one state only to the extent permitted by the Mobile Telecommunications
2080     Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. Sec. 116 et seq.; or
2081          (iii) an ancillary service associated with a:
2082          (A) telecommunications service described in Subsection (1)(b)(i); or
2083          (B) mobile telecommunications service described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii);
2084          (c) sales of the following for commercial use:
2085          (i) gas;
2086          (ii) electricity;
2087          (iii) heat;
2088          (iv) coal;
2089          (v) fuel oil; or
2090          (vi) other fuels;
2091          (d) sales of the following for residential use:
2092          (i) gas;
2093          (ii) electricity;
2094          (iii) heat;
2095          (iv) coal;
2096          (v) fuel oil; or
2097          (vi) other fuels;
2098          (e) sales of prepared food;
2099          (f) except as provided in Section 59-12-104, amounts paid or charged as admission or
2100     user fees for theaters, movies, operas, museums, planetariums, shows of any type or nature,
2101     exhibitions, concerts, carnivals, amusement parks, amusement rides, circuses, menageries,

2102     fairs, races, contests, sporting events, dances, boxing matches, wrestling matches, closed circuit
2103     television broadcasts, billiard parlors, pool parlors, bowling lanes, golf, miniature golf, golf
2104     driving ranges, batting cages, skating rinks, ski lifts, ski runs, ski trails, snowmobile trails,
2105     tennis courts, swimming pools, water slides, river runs, jeep tours, boat tours, scenic cruises,
2106     horseback rides, sports activities, or any other amusement, entertainment, recreation,
2107     exhibition, cultural, or athletic activity;
2108          (g) amounts paid or charged for services for repairs or renovations of tangible personal
2109     property, unless Section 59-12-104 provides for an exemption from sales and use tax for:
2110          (i) the tangible personal property; and
2111          (ii) parts used in the repairs or renovations of the tangible personal property described
2112     in Subsection (1)(g)(i), regardless of whether:
2113          (A) any parts are actually used in the repairs or renovations of that tangible personal
2114     property; or
2115          (B) the particular parts used in the repairs or renovations of that tangible personal
2116     property are exempt from a tax under this chapter;
2117          (h) except as provided in Subsection 59-12-104(7), amounts paid or charged for
2118     assisted cleaning or washing of tangible personal property;
2119          (i) amounts paid or charged for tourist home, hotel, motel, or trailer court
2120     accommodations and services that are regularly rented for less than 30 consecutive days;
2121          (j) amounts paid or charged for laundry or dry cleaning services;
2122          (k) amounts paid or charged for leases or rentals of tangible personal property if within
2123     this state the tangible personal property is:
2124          (i) stored;
2125          (ii) used; or
2126          (iii) otherwise consumed;
2127          (l) amounts paid or charged for tangible personal property if within this state the
2128     tangible personal property is:
2129          (i) stored;

2130          (ii) used; or
2131          (iii) consumed; and
2132          (m) amounts paid or charged for a sale:
2133          (i) (A) of a product transferred electronically; or
2134          (B) of a repair or renovation of a product transferred electronically; and
2135          (ii) regardless of whether the sale provides:
2136          (A) a right of permanent use of the product; or
2137          (B) a right to use the product that is less than a permanent use, including a right:
2138          (I) for a definite or specified length of time; and
2139          (II) that terminates upon the occurrence of a condition.
2140          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(b) through (e), a state tax and a local tax
2141     is imposed on a transaction described in Subsection (1) equal to the sum of:
2142          (i) a state tax imposed on the transaction at a tax rate equal to the sum of:
2143          (A) 4.70%; and
2144          (B) (I) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 18, Additional State Sales
2145     and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections 59-12-211
2146     through 59-12-215 is in a county in which the state imposes the tax under Part 18, Additional
2147     State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
2148          (II) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 20, Supplemental State Sales
2149     and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections 59-12-211
2150     through 59-12-215 is in a city, town, or the unincorporated area of a county in which the state
2151     imposes the tax under Part 20, Supplemental State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
2152          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
2153     transaction under this chapter other than this part.
2154          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(d) or (e), a state tax and a local tax is imposed
2155     on a transaction described in Subsection (1)(d) equal to the sum of:
2156          (i) a state tax imposed on the transaction at a tax rate of 2%; and
2157          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the

2158     transaction under this chapter other than this part.
2159          (c) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(d) or (e), a state tax and a local tax is imposed
2160     on amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients equal to the sum of:
2161          (i) a state tax imposed on the amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients at
2162     a tax rate of 1.75%; and
2163          (ii) a local tax equal to the sum of the tax rates a county, city, or town imposes on the
2164     amounts paid or charged for food and food ingredients under this chapter other than this part.
2165          (d) (i) For a bundled transaction that is attributable to food and food ingredients and
2166     tangible personal property other than food and food ingredients, a state tax and a local tax is
2167     imposed on the entire bundled transaction equal to the sum of:
2168          (A) a state tax imposed on the entire bundled transaction equal to the sum of:
2169          (I) the tax rate described in Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A); and
2170          (II) (Aa) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 18, Additional State
2171     Sales and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections
2172     59-12-211 through 59-12-215 is in a county in which the state imposes the tax under Part 18,
2173     Additional State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
2174          (Bb) the tax rate the state imposes in accordance with Part 20, Supplemental State
2175     Sales and Use Tax Act, if the location of the transaction as determined under Sections
2176     59-12-211 through 59-12-215 is in a city, town, or the unincorporated area of a county in which
2177     the state imposes the tax under Part 20, Supplemental State Sales and Use Tax Act; and
2178          (B) a local tax imposed on the entire bundled transaction at the sum of the tax rates
2179     described in Subsection (2)(a)(ii).
2180          (ii) If an optional computer software maintenance contract is a bundled transaction that
2181     consists of taxable and nontaxable products that are not separately itemized on an invoice or
2182     similar billing document, the purchase of the optional computer software maintenance contract
2183     is 40% taxable under this chapter and 60% nontaxable under this chapter.
2184          (iii) Subject to Subsection (2)(d)(iv), for a bundled transaction other than a bundled
2185     transaction described in Subsection (2)(d)(i) or (ii):

2186          (A) if the sales price of the bundled transaction is attributable to tangible personal
2187     property, a product, or a service that is subject to taxation under this chapter and tangible
2188     personal property, a product, or service that is not subject to taxation under this chapter, the
2189     entire bundled transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter unless:
2190          (I) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible
2191     personal property, product, or service that is not subject to taxation under this chapter from the
2192     books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business; or
2193          (II) state or federal law provides otherwise; or
2194          (B) if the sales price of a bundled transaction is attributable to two or more items of
2195     tangible personal property, products, or services that are subject to taxation under this chapter
2196     at different rates, the entire bundled transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter at the
2197     higher tax rate unless:
2198          (I) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible
2199     personal property, product, or service that is subject to taxation under this chapter at the lower
2200     tax rate from the books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business; or
2201          (II) state or federal law provides otherwise.
2202          (iv) For purposes of Subsection (2)(d)(iii), books and records that a seller keeps in the
2203     seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the regular
2204     course of business for nontax purposes.
2205          (e) (i) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and subject to Subsections (2)(e)(ii)
2206     and (iii), if a transaction consists of the sale, lease, or rental of tangible personal property, a
2207     product, or a service that is subject to taxation under this chapter, and the sale, lease, or rental
2208     of tangible personal property, other property, a product, or a service that is not subject to
2209     taxation under this chapter, the entire transaction is subject to taxation under this chapter unless
2210     the seller, at the time of the transaction:
2211          (A) separately states the portion of the transaction that is not subject to taxation under
2212     this chapter on an invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser; or
2213          (B) is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards, from the books and

2214     records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business, the portion of the transaction
2215     that is not subject to taxation under this chapter.
2216          (ii) A purchaser and a seller may correct the taxability of a transaction if:
2217          (A) after the transaction occurs, the purchaser and the seller discover that the portion of
2218     the transaction that is not subject to taxation under this chapter was not separately stated on an
2219     invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser because of an error or
2220     ignorance of the law; and
2221          (B) the seller is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards, from the books
2222     and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business, the portion of the
2223     transaction that is not subject to taxation under this chapter.
2224          (iii) For purposes of Subsections (2)(e)(i) and (ii), books and records that a seller keeps
2225     in the seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the
2226     regular course of business for nontax purposes.
2227          (f) (i) If the sales price of a transaction is attributable to two or more items of tangible
2228     personal property, products, or services that are subject to taxation under this chapter at
2229     different rates, the entire purchase is subject to taxation under this chapter at the higher tax rate
2230     unless the seller, at the time of the transaction:
2231          (A) separately states the items subject to taxation under this chapter at each of the
2232     different rates on an invoice, bill of sale, or similar document provided to the purchaser; or
2233          (B) is able to identify by reasonable and verifiable standards the tangible personal
2234     property, product, or service that is subject to taxation under this chapter at the lower tax rate
2235     from the books and records the seller keeps in the seller's regular course of business.
2236          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (2)(f)(i), books and records that a seller keeps in the
2237     seller's regular course of business includes books and records the seller keeps in the regular
2238     course of business for nontax purposes.
2239          (g) Subject to Subsections (2)(h) and (i), a tax rate repeal or tax rate change for a tax
2240     rate imposed under the following shall take effect on the first day of a calendar quarter:
2241          (i) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);

2242          (ii) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
2243          (iii) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
2244          (iv) Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
2245          (h) (i) A tax rate increase takes effect on the first day of the first billing period that
2246     begins on or after the effective date of the tax rate increase if the billing period for the
2247     transaction begins before the effective date of a tax rate increase imposed under:
2248          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
2249          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
2250          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
2251          (D) Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
2252          (ii) The repeal of a tax or a tax rate decrease applies to a billing period if the billing
2253     statement for the billing period is rendered on or after the effective date of the repeal of the tax
2254     or the tax rate decrease imposed under:
2255          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
2256          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
2257          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
2258          (D) Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
2259          (i) (i) For a tax rate described in Subsection (2)(i)(ii), if a tax due on a catalogue sale is
2260     computed on the basis of sales and use tax rates published in the catalogue, a tax rate repeal or
2261     change in a tax rate takes effect:
2262          (A) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
2263          (B) beginning 60 days after the effective date of the tax rate repeal or tax rate change.
2264          (ii) Subsection (2)(i)(i) applies to the tax rates described in the following:
2265          (A) Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
2266          (B) Subsection (2)(b)(i);
2267          (C) Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
2268          (D) Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
2269          (iii) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,

2270     the commission may by rule define the term "catalogue sale."
2271          (3) (a) The following state taxes shall be deposited into the General Fund:
2272          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
2273          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
2274          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); or
2275          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I).
2276          (b) The following local taxes shall be distributed to a county, city, or town as provided
2277     in this chapter:
2278          (i) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(ii);
2279          (ii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(ii);
2280          (iii) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(ii); and
2281          (iv) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d)(i)(B).
2282          (4) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
2283     2003, the lesser of the following amounts shall be expended as provided in Subsections (4)(b)
2284     through (g):
2285          (i) for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of tax revenue generated:
2286          (A) by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and
2287          (B) for the fiscal year; or
2288          (ii) $17,500,000.
2289          (b) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 14% of the amount
2290     described in Subsection (4)(a) shall be transferred each year as dedicated credits to the
2291     Department of Natural Resources to:
2292          (A) implement the measures described in Subsections 79-2-303(3)(a) through (d) to
2293     protect sensitive plant and animal species; or
2294          (B) award grants, up to the amount authorized by the Legislature in an appropriations
2295     act, to political subdivisions of the state to implement the measures described in Subsections
2296     79-2-303(3)(a) through (d) to protect sensitive plant and animal species.
2297          (ii) Money transferred to the Department of Natural Resources under Subsection

2298     (4)(b)(i) may not be used to assist the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or any other
2299     person to list or attempt to have listed a species as threatened or endangered under the
2300     Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. Sec. 1531 et seq.
2301          (iii) At the end of each fiscal year:
2302          (A) 50% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Water Resources
2303     Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24;
2304          (B) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Utah Wastewater Loan
2305     Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5; and
2306          (C) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Drinking Water Loan
2307     Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5.
2308          (c) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 3% of the amount described in
2309     Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited each year in the Agriculture Resource Development Fund
2310     created in Section 4-18-106.
2311          (d) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 1% of the amount described
2312     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be transferred each year as dedicated credits to the Division of Water
2313     Rights to cover the costs incurred in hiring legal and technical staff for the adjudication of
2314     water rights.
2315          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year:
2316          (A) 50% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Water Resources
2317     Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24;
2318          (B) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Utah Wastewater Loan
2319     Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5; and
2320          (C) 25% of any unexpended dedicated credits shall lapse to the Drinking Water Loan
2321     Program Subaccount created in Section 73-10c-5.
2322          (e) (i) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 41% of the amount described
2323     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited in the Water Resources Conservation and Development
2324     Fund created in Section 73-10-24 for use by the Division of Water Resources.
2325          (ii) In addition to the uses allowed of the Water Resources Conservation and

2326     Development Fund under Section 73-10-24, the Water Resources Conservation and
2327     Development Fund may also be used to:
2328          (A) conduct hydrologic and geotechnical investigations by the Division of Water
2329     Resources in a cooperative effort with other state, federal, or local entities, for the purpose of
2330     quantifying surface and ground water resources and describing the hydrologic systems of an
2331     area in sufficient detail so as to enable local and state resource managers to plan for and
2332     accommodate growth in water use without jeopardizing the resource;
2333          (B) fund state required dam safety improvements; and
2334          (C) protect the state's interest in interstate water compact allocations, including the
2335     hiring of technical and legal staff.
2336          (f) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 20.5% of the amount described
2337     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited in the Utah Wastewater Loan Program Subaccount
2338     created in Section 73-10c-5 for use by the Water Quality Board to fund wastewater projects.
2339          (g) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2003, 20.5% of the amount described
2340     in Subsection (4)(a) shall be deposited in the Drinking Water Loan Program Subaccount
2341     created in Section 73-10c-5 for use by the Division of Drinking Water to:
2342          (i) provide for the installation and repair of collection, treatment, storage, and
2343     distribution facilities for any public water system, as defined in Section 19-4-102;
2344          (ii) develop underground sources of water, including springs and wells; and
2345          (iii) develop surface water sources.
2346          (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
2347     2006, the difference between the following amounts shall be expended as provided in this
2348     Subsection (5), if that difference is greater than $1:
2349          (i) for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of tax revenue generated for the
2350     fiscal year by a 1/16% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1); and
2351          (ii) $17,500,000.
2352          (b) (i) The first $500,000 of the difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
2353          (A) transferred each fiscal year to the Department of Natural Resources as dedicated

2354     credits; and
2355          (B) expended by the Department of Natural Resources for watershed rehabilitation or
2356     restoration.
2357          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year, 100% of any unexpended dedicated credits described
2358     in Subsection (5)(b)(i) shall lapse to the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund
2359     created in Section 73-10-24.
2360          (c) (i) After making the transfer required by Subsection (5)(b)(i), $150,000 of the
2361     remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be:
2362          (A) transferred each fiscal year to the Division of Water Resources as dedicated
2363     credits; and
2364          (B) expended by the Division of Water Resources for cloud-seeding projects
2365     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 15, Modification of Weather.
2366          (ii) At the end of each fiscal year, 100% of any unexpended dedicated credits described
2367     in Subsection (5)(c)(i) shall lapse to the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund
2368     created in Section 73-10-24.
2369          (d) After making the transfers required by Subsections (5)(b) and (c), 94% of the
2370     remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be deposited into the Water
2371     Resources Conservation and Development Fund created in Section 73-10-24 for use by the
2372     Division of Water Resources for:
2373          (i) preconstruction costs:
2374          (A) as defined in Subsection 73-26-103(6) for projects authorized by Title 73, Chapter
2375     26, Bear River Development Act; and
2376          (B) as defined in Subsection 73-28-103(8) for the Lake Powell Pipeline project
2377     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 28, Lake Powell Pipeline Development Act;
2378          (ii) the cost of employing a civil engineer to oversee any project authorized by Title 73,
2379     Chapter 26, Bear River Development Act;
2380          (iii) the cost of employing a civil engineer to oversee the Lake Powell Pipeline project
2381     authorized by Title 73, Chapter 28, Lake Powell Pipeline Development Act; and

2382          (iv) other uses authorized under Sections 73-10-24, 73-10-25.1, 73-10-30, and
2383     Subsection (4)(e)(ii) after funding the uses specified in Subsections (5)(d)(i) through (iii).
2384          (e) After making the transfers required by Subsections (5)(b) and (c) and subject to
2385     Subsection (5)(f), 6% of the remaining difference described in Subsection (5)(a) shall be
2386     transferred each year as dedicated credits to the Division of Water Rights to cover the costs
2387     incurred for employing additional technical staff for the administration of water rights.
2388          (f) At the end of each fiscal year, any unexpended dedicated credits described in
2389     Subsection (5)(e) over $150,000 lapse to the Water Resources Conservation and Development
2390     Fund created in Section 73-10-24.
2391          (6) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
2392     2003, and for taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a), the amount of revenue generated by a 1/16%
2393     tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1) for the fiscal year shall be deposited in
2394     the Transportation Fund created by Section 72-2-102.
2395          (7) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), beginning on July 1, 2012, the Division of
2396     Finance shall deposit into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 created in Section
2397     72-2-124 a portion of the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) equal to the revenues generated
2398     by a 1/64% tax rate on the taxable transactions under Subsection (1).
2399          (8) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), in addition to the amounts deposited in
2400     Subsection (7), and subject to Subsection (8)(b), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1,
2401     2012, the Division of Finance shall deposit into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005
2402     created by Section 72-2-124:
2403          (i) a portion of the taxes listed under Subsection (3)(a) in an amount equal to 8.3% of
2404     the revenues collected from the following taxes, which represents a portion of the
2405     approximately 17% of sales and use tax revenues generated annually by the sales and use tax
2406     on vehicles and vehicle-related products:
2407          (A) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(a)(i)(A);
2408          (B) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(b)(i);
2409          (C) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(c)(i); and

2410          (D) the tax imposed by Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A)(I); plus
2411          (ii) an amount equal to 30% of the growth in the amount of revenues collected in the
2412     current fiscal year from the sales and use taxes described in Subsections (8)(a)(i)(A) through
2413     (D) that exceeds the amount collected from the sales and use taxes described in Subsections
2414     (8)(a)(i)(A) through (D) in the 2010-11 fiscal year.
2415          (b) (i) Subject to Subsections (8)(b)(ii) and (iii), in any fiscal year that the portion of
2416     the sales and use taxes deposited under Subsection (8)(a) represents an amount that is a total
2417     lower percentage of the sales and use taxes described in Subsections (8)(a)(i)(A) through (D)
2418     generated in the current fiscal year than the total percentage of sales and use taxes deposited in
2419     the previous fiscal year, the Division of Finance shall deposit an amount under Subsection
2420     (8)(a) equal to the product of:
2421          (A) the total percentage of sales and use taxes deposited under Subsection (8)(a) in the
2422     previous fiscal year; and
2423          (B) the total sales and use tax revenue generated by the taxes described in Subsections
2424     (8)(a)(i)(A) through (D) in the current fiscal year.
2425          (ii) In any fiscal year in which the portion of the sales and use taxes deposited under
2426     Subsection (8)(a) would exceed 17% of the revenues collected from the sales and use taxes
2427     described in Subsections (8)(a)(i)(A) through (D) in the current fiscal year, the Division of
2428     Finance shall deposit 17% of the revenues collected from the sales and use taxes described in
2429     Subsections (8)(a)(i)(A) through (D) for the current fiscal year under Subsection (8)(a).
2430          (iii) In all subsequent fiscal years after a year in which 17% of the revenues collected
2431     from the sales and use taxes described in Subsections (8)(a)(i)(A) through (D) was deposited
2432     under Subsection (8)(a), the Division of Finance shall annually deposit 17% of the revenues
2433     collected from the sales and use taxes described in Subsections (8)(a)(i)(A) through (D) in the
2434     current fiscal year under Subsection (8)(a).
2435          (9) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), and in addition to the amounts deposited under
2436     Subsections (7) and (8), for a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2012, the Division of
2437     Finance shall annually deposit $90,000,000 of the revenues generated by the taxes listed under

2438     Subsection (3)(a) into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 created by Section
2439     72-2-124.
2440          (10) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), for each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year
2441     2009-10, $533,750 shall be deposited into the Qualified Emergency Food Agencies Fund
2442     created by Section 35A-8-1009 and expended as provided in Section 35A-8-1009.
2443          (11) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), except as provided in Subsection (11)(b),
2444     and in addition to any amounts deposited under Subsections (7), (8), and (9), beginning on July
2445     1, 2012, the Division of Finance shall deposit into the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005
2446     created by Section 72-2-124 the amount of tax revenue generated by a .025% tax rate on the
2447     transactions described in Subsection (1).
2448          (b) For purposes of Subsection (11)(a), the Division of Finance may not deposit into
2449     the Transportation Investment Fund of 2005 any tax revenue generated by amounts paid or
2450     charged for food and food ingredients, except for tax revenue generated by a bundled
2451     transaction attributable to food and food ingredients and tangible personal property other than
2452     food and food ingredients described in Subsection (2)(d).
2453          (12) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), and except as provided in Subsection
2454     (12)(b), beginning on January 1, 2009, the Division of Finance shall deposit into the
2455     Transportation Fund created by Section 72-2-102 the amount of tax revenue generated by a
2456     .025% tax rate on the transactions described in Subsection (1) to be expended to address
2457     chokepoints in construction management.
2458          (b) For purposes of Subsection (12)(a), the Division of Finance may not deposit into
2459     the Transportation Fund any tax revenue generated by amounts paid or charged for food and
2460     food ingredients, except for tax revenue generated by a bundled transaction attributable to food
2461     and food ingredients and tangible personal property other than food and food ingredients
2462     described in Subsection (2)(d).
2463          (13) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), beginning the second fiscal year after the
2464     fiscal year during which the Division of Finance receives notice under Subsection
2465     [63M-1-3410] 63N-2-510(3) that construction on a qualified hotel, as defined in Section

2466     [63M-1-3402] 63N-2-502, has begun, the Division of Finance shall, for two consecutive fiscal
2467     years, annually deposit $1,900,000 of the revenue generated by the taxes listed under
2468     Subsection (3)(a) into the Hotel Impact Mitigation Fund, created in Section [63M-1-3412]
2469     63N-2-512.
2470          (14) Notwithstanding Subsections (4) through (13), an amount required to be expended
2471     or deposited in accordance with Subsections (4) through (13) may not include an amount the
2472     Division of Finance deposits in accordance with Section 59-12-103.2.
2473          Section 35. Section 59-12-301 is amended to read:
2474          59-12-301. Transient room tax -- Rate -- Expenditure of revenues -- Enactment or
2475     repeal of tax -- Tax rate change -- Effective date -- Notice requirements.
2476          (1) (a) A county legislative body may impose a tax on charges for the accommodations
2477     and services described in Subsection 59-12-103(1)(i) at a rate of not to exceed 4.25%
2478     beginning on or after October 1, 2006.
2479          (b) Subject to Subsection (2), the revenues raised from the tax imposed under
2480     Subsection (1)(a) shall be used for the purposes listed in Section 17-31-2.
2481          (c) The tax imposed under Subsection (1)(a) shall be in addition to the tax imposed
2482     under Part 6, Tourism, Recreation, Cultural, Convention, and Airport Facilities Tax.
2483          (2) If a county legislative body of a county of the first class imposes a tax under this
2484     section, beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2027, each year the first 15% of the
2485     revenues collected from the tax authorized by Subsection (1)(a) within that county shall be:
2486          (a) deposited into the Transient Room Tax Fund created by Section [63M-1-2203]
2487     63N-3-403; and
2488          (b) expended as provided in Section [63M-1-2203] 63N-3-403.
2489          (3) Subject to Subsection (4), a county legislative body:
2490          (a) may increase or decrease the tax authorized under this part; and
2491          (b) shall regulate the tax authorized under this part by ordinance.
2492          (4) (a) For purposes of this Subsection (4):
2493          (i) "Annexation" means an annexation to a county under Title 17, Chapter 2, County

2494     Consolidations and Annexations.
2495          (ii) "Annexing area" means an area that is annexed into a county.
2496          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(c), if, on or after July 1, 2004, a county
2497     enacts or repeals a tax or changes the rate of a tax under this part, the enactment, repeal, or
2498     change shall take effect:
2499          (A) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
2500          (B) after a 90-day period beginning on the date the commission receives notice meeting
2501     the requirements of Subsection (4)(b)(ii) from the county.
2502          (ii) The notice described in Subsection (4)(b)(i)(B) shall state:
2503          (A) that the county will enact or repeal a tax or change the rate of a tax under this part;
2504          (B) the statutory authority for the tax described in Subsection (4)(b)(ii)(A);
2505          (C) the effective date of the tax described in Subsection (4)(b)(ii)(A); and
2506          (D) if the county enacts the tax or changes the rate of the tax described in Subsection
2507     (4)(b)(ii)(A), the rate of the tax.
2508          (c) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(b)(i), for a transaction described in Subsection
2509     (4)(c)(iii), the enactment of a tax or a tax rate increase shall take effect on the first day of the
2510     first billing period:
2511          (A) that begins after the effective date of the enactment of the tax or the tax rate
2512     increase; and
2513          (B) if the billing period for the transaction begins before the effective date of the
2514     enactment of the tax or the tax rate increase imposed under this section.
2515          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(b)(i), for a transaction described in Subsection
2516     (4)(c)(iii), the repeal of a tax or a tax rate decrease shall take effect on the first day of the last
2517     billing period:
2518          (A) that began before the effective date of the repeal of the tax or the tax rate decrease;
2519     and
2520          (B) if the billing period for the transaction begins before the effective date of the repeal
2521     of the tax or the tax rate decrease imposed under this section.

2522          (iii) Subsections (4)(c)(i) and (ii) apply to transactions subject to a tax under
2523     Subsection 59-12-103(1)(i).
2524          (d) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(e), if, for an annexation that occurs on or
2525     after July 1, 2004, the annexation will result in the enactment, repeal, or a change in the rate of
2526     a tax under this part for an annexing area, the enactment, repeal, or change shall take effect:
2527          (A) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
2528          (B) after a 90-day period beginning on the date the commission receives notice meeting
2529     the requirements of Subsection (4)(d)(ii) from the county that annexes the annexing area.
2530          (ii) The notice described in Subsection (4)(d)(i)(B) shall state:
2531          (A) that the annexation described in Subsection (4)(d)(i) will result in an enactment,
2532     repeal, or change in the rate of a tax under this part for the annexing area;
2533          (B) the statutory authority for the tax described in Subsection (4)(d)(ii)(A);
2534          (C) the effective date of the tax described in Subsection (4)(d)(ii)(A); and
2535          (D) if the county enacts the tax or changes the rate of the tax described in Subsection
2536     (4)(d)(ii)(A), the rate of the tax.
2537          (e) (i) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(d)(i), for a transaction described in Subsection
2538     (4)(e)(iii), the enactment of a tax or a tax rate increase shall take effect on the first day of the
2539     first billing period:
2540          (A) that begins after the effective date of the enactment of the tax or the tax rate
2541     increase; and
2542          (B) if the billing period for the transaction begins before the effective date of the
2543     enactment of the tax or the tax rate increase imposed under this section.
2544          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(d)(i), for a transaction described in Subsection
2545     (4)(e)(iii), the repeal of a tax or a tax rate decrease shall take effect on the first day of the last
2546     billing period:
2547          (A) that began before the effective date of the repeal of the tax or the tax rate decrease;
2548     and
2549          (B) if the billing period for the transaction begins before the effective date of the repeal

2550     of the tax or the tax rate decrease imposed under this section.
2551          (iii) Subsections (4)(e)(i) and (ii) apply to transactions subject to a tax under
2552     Subsection 59-12-103(1)(i).
2553          Section 36. Section 63A-3-402 is amended to read:
2554          63A-3-402. Utah Public Finance Website -- Establishment and administration --
2555     Records disclosure -- Exceptions.
2556          (1) There is created the Utah Public Finance Website to be administered by the
2557     Division of Finance with the technical assistance of the Department of Technology Services.
2558          (2) The Utah Public Finance Website shall:
2559          (a) permit Utah taxpayers to:
2560          (i) view, understand, and track the use of taxpayer dollars by making public financial
2561     information available on the Internet for participating state entities, independent entities, and
2562     participating local entities, using the Utah Public Finance Website; and
2563          (ii) link to websites administered by participating local entities or independent entities
2564     that do not use the Utah Public Finance Website for the purpose of providing participating
2565     local entities' or independent entities' public financial information as required by this part and
2566     by rule under Section 63A-3-404;
2567          (b) allow a person who has Internet access to use the website without paying a fee;
2568          (c) allow the public to search public financial information on the Utah Public Finance
2569     Website using criteria established by the board;
2570          (d) provide access to financial reports, financial audits, budgets, or other financial
2571     documents that are used to allocate, appropriate, spend, and account for government funds, as
2572     may be established by rule under Section 63A-3-404;
2573          (e) have a unique and simplified website address;
2574          (f) be directly accessible via a link from the main page of the official state website;
2575          (g) include other links, features, or functionality that will assist the public in obtaining
2576     and reviewing public financial information, as may be established by rule under Section
2577     63A-3-404; and

2578          (h) include a link to school report cards published on the State Board of Education's
2579     website pursuant to Section 53A-1-1112.
2580          (3) The division shall:
2581          (a) establish and maintain the website, including the provision of equipment, resources,
2582     and personnel as necessary;
2583          (b) maintain an archive of all information posted to the website;
2584          (c) coordinate and process the receipt and posting of public financial information from
2585     participating state entities;
2586          (d) coordinate and regulate the posting of public financial information by participating
2587     local entities and independent entities; and
2588          (e) provide staff support for the advisory committee.
2589          (4) (a) A participating state entity and each independent entity shall permit the public
2590     to view the entity's public financial information via the website, beginning with information
2591     that is generated not later than the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2008, except that public
2592     financial information for an:
2593          (i) institution of higher education shall be provided beginning with information
2594     generated for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009; and
2595          (ii) independent entity shall be provided beginning with information generated for the
2596     entity's fiscal year beginning in 2014.
2597          (b) No later than May 15, 2009, the website shall:
2598          (i) be operational; and
2599          (ii) permit public access to participating state entities' public financial information,
2600     except as provided in Subsections (4)(c) and (d).
2601          (c) An institution of higher education that is a participating state entity shall submit the
2602     entity's public financial information at a time allowing for inclusion on the website no later
2603     than May 15, 2010.
2604          (d) No later than the first full quarter after July 1, 2014, an independent entity shall
2605     submit the entity's public financial information for inclusion on the Utah Public Finance

2606     Website or via a link to its own website on the Utah Public Finance Website.
2607          (5) (a) The Utah Educational Savings Plan, created in Section 53B-8a-103, shall
2608     provide the following financial information to the division for posting on the Utah Public
2609     Finance Website:
2610          (i) administrative fund expense transactions from its general ledger accounting system;
2611     and
2612          (ii) employee compensation information.
2613          (b) The plan is not required to submit other financial information to the division,
2614     including:
2615          (i) revenue transactions;
2616          (ii) account owner transactions; and
2617          (iii) fiduciary or commercial information, as defined in Section 53B-12-102.
2618          (6) (a) The following independent entities shall each provide administrative expense
2619     transactions from its general ledger accounting system and employee compensation
2620     information to the division for posting on the Utah Public Finance Website or via a link to a
2621     website administered by the independent entity:
2622          (i) the Utah Capital Investment Corporation, created in Section [63M-1-1207]
2623     63N-6-301;
2624          (ii) the Utah Housing Corporation, created in Section 35A-8-704; and
2625          (iii) the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration, created in Section
2626     53C-1-201.
2627          (b) For purposes of this part, an independent entity described in Subsection (6)(a) is not
2628     required to submit to the division, or provide a link to, other financial information, including:
2629          (i) revenue transactions of a fund or account created in its enabling statute;
2630          (ii) fiduciary or commercial information related to any subject if the disclosure of the
2631     information:
2632          (A) would conflict with fiduciary obligations; or
2633          (B) is prohibited by insider trading provisions;

2634          (iii) information of a commercial nature, including information related to:
2635          (A) account owners, borrowers, and dependents;
2636          (B) demographic data;
2637          (C) contracts and related payments;
2638          (D) negotiations;
2639          (E) proposals or bids;
2640          (F) investments;
2641          (G) the investment and management of funds;
2642          (H) fees and charges;
2643          (I) plan and program design;
2644          (J) investment options and underlying investments offered to account owners;
2645          (K) marketing and outreach efforts;
2646          (L) lending criteria;
2647          (M) the structure and terms of bonding; and
2648          (N) financial plans or strategies; and
2649          (iv) information protected from public disclosure by federal law.
2650          (7) (a) As used in this Subsection (7):
2651          (i) "Local education agency" means a school district or a charter school.
2652          (ii) "New school building project" means the construction of a school that did not
2653     previously exist in a local education agency.
2654          (iii) "Significant school remodel" means the upgrading, changing, alteration,
2655     refurbishment, modification, or complete substitution of an existing school in a local education
2656     agency with a project cost equal to or in excess of $2,000,000.
2657          (b) For each new school building project or significant school remodel, the local
2658     education agency shall:
2659          (i) prepare an annual school plant capital outlay report; and
2660          (ii) submit the report:
2661          (A) to the division for publication on the Utah Public Finance Website; and

2662          (B) in a format, including any raw data or electronic formatting, prescribed by
2663     applicable division policy.
2664          (c) The local education agency shall include in the capital outlay report described in
2665     Subsection (7)(b)(i) the following information as applicable to each new school building
2666     project or significant school remodel:
2667          (i) the name and location of the project or remodel;
2668          (ii) construction and design costs, including:
2669          (A) the purchase price or lease terms of any real property acquired or leased for the
2670     project or remodel;
2671          (B) facility construction;
2672          (C) facility and landscape design;
2673          (D) applicable impact fees; and
2674          (E) furnishings and equipment;
2675          (iii) the gross square footage of the project or remodel;
2676          (iv) the year construction was completed; and
2677          (v) the final student capacity of the new school building project or, for a significant
2678     school remodel, the increase or decrease in student capacity created by the remodel.
2679          (d) (i) For a cost, fee, or other expense required to be reported under Subsection (7)(c),
2680     the local education agency shall report the actual cost, fee, or other expense.
2681          (ii) The division may require that a local education agency provide further itemized
2682     data on information listed in Subsection (7)(c).
2683          (e) (i) No later than May 15, 2015, a local education agency shall provide the division a
2684     school plant capital outlay report for each new school building project and significant school
2685     remodel completed on or after July 1, 2004, and before May 13, 2014.
2686          (ii) For a new school building project or significant school remodel completed after
2687     May 13, 2014, the local education agency shall provide the school plant capital outlay report
2688     described in this Subsection (7) to the division annually by a date designated by the division.
2689          (8) A person who negligently discloses a record that is classified as private, protected,

2690     or controlled by Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act, is
2691     not criminally or civilly liable for an improper disclosure of the record if the record is disclosed
2692     solely as a result of the preparation or publication of the Utah Public Finance Website.
2693          Section 37. Section 63E-1-102 is amended to read:
2694          63E-1-102. Definitions -- List of independent entities.
2695          As used in this title:
2696          (1) "Authorizing statute" means the statute creating an entity as an independent entity.
2697          (2) "Committee" means the Retirement and Independent Entities Committee created by
2698     Section 63E-1-201.
2699          (3) "Independent corporation" means a corporation incorporated in accordance with
2700     Chapter 2, Independent Corporations Act.
2701          (4) (a) "Independent entity" means an entity having a public purpose relating to the
2702     state or its citizens that is individually created by the state or is given by the state the right to
2703     exist and conduct its affairs as an:
2704          (i) independent state agency; or
2705          (ii) independent corporation.
2706          (b) "Independent entity" includes the:
2707          (i) Utah Dairy Commission created by Section 4-22-2;
2708          (ii) Heber Valley Historic Railroad Authority created by Section 63H-4-102;
2709          (iii) Utah State Railroad Museum Authority created by Section 63H-5-102;
2710          (iv) Utah Science Center Authority created by Section 63H-3-103;
2711          (v) Utah Housing Corporation created by Section 35A-8-704;
2712          (vi) Utah State Fair Corporation created by Section 63H-6-103;
2713          (vii) Workers' Compensation Fund created by Section 31A-33-102;
2714          (viii) Utah State Retirement Office created by Section 49-11-201;
2715          (ix) School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration created by Section
2716     53C-1-201;
2717          (x) School and Institutional Trust Fund Office created by Section 53D-1-201;

2718          (xi) Utah Communications Authority created in Section 63H-7-201;
2719          (xii) Utah Energy Infrastructure Authority created by Section 63H-2-201;
2720          (xiii) Utah Capital Investment Corporation created by Section [63M-1-1207]
2721     63N-6-301; and
2722          (xiv) Military Installation Development Authority created by Section 63H-1-201.
2723          (c) Notwithstanding this Subsection (4), "independent entity" does not include:
2724          (i) the Public Service Commission of Utah created by Section 54-1-1;
2725          (ii) an institution within the state system of higher education;
2726          (iii) a city, county, or town;
2727          (iv) a local school district;
2728          (v) a local district under Title 17B, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - Local
2729     Districts; or
2730          (vi) a special service district under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act.
2731          (5) "Independent state agency" means an entity that is created by the state, but is
2732     independent of the governor's direct supervisory control.
2733          (6) "Money held in trust" means money maintained for the benefit of:
2734          (a) one or more private individuals, including public employees;
2735          (b) one or more public or private entities; or
2736          (c) the owners of a quasi-public corporation.
2737          (7) "Public corporation" means an artificial person, public in ownership, individually
2738     created by the state as a body politic and corporate for the administration of a public purpose
2739     relating to the state or its citizens.
2740          (8) "Quasi-public corporation" means an artificial person, private in ownership,
2741     individually created as a corporation by the state which has accepted from the state the grant of
2742     a franchise or contract involving the performance of a public purpose relating to the state or its
2743     citizens.
2744          Section 38. Section 63F-1-205 is amended to read:
2745          63F-1-205. Approval of acquisitions of information technology.

2746          (1) (a) Except as provided in Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 13, Part [26] 2,
2747     Government Procurement Private Proposal Program, in accordance with Subsection (2), the
2748     chief information officer shall approve the acquisition by an executive branch agency of:
2749          (i) information technology equipment;
2750          (ii) telecommunications equipment;
2751          (iii) software;
2752          (iv) services related to the items listed in Subsections (1)(a)(i) through (iii); and
2753          (v) data acquisition.
2754          (b) The chief information officer may negotiate the purchase, lease, or rental of private
2755     or public information technology or telecommunication services or facilities in accordance with
2756     this section.
2757          (c) Where practical, efficient, and economically beneficial, the chief information
2758     officer shall use existing private and public information technology or telecommunication
2759     resources.
2760          (d) Notwithstanding another provision of this section, an acquisition authorized by this
2761     section shall comply with rules made by the applicable rulemaking authority under Title 63G,
2762     Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code.
2763          (2) Before negotiating a purchase, lease, or rental under Subsection (1) for an amount
2764     that exceeds the value established by the chief information officer by rule in accordance with
2765     Section 63F-1-206, the chief information officer shall:
2766          (a) conduct an analysis of the needs of executive branch agencies and subscribers of
2767     services and the ability of the proposed information technology or telecommunications services
2768     or supplies to meet those needs; and
2769          (b) for purchases, leases, or rentals not covered by an existing statewide contract,
2770     provide in writing to the chief procurement officer in the Division of Purchasing and General
2771     Services that:
2772          (i) the analysis required in Subsection (2)(a) was completed; and
2773          (ii) based on the analysis, the proposed purchase, lease, rental, or master contract of

2774     services, products, or supplies is practical, efficient, and economically beneficial to the state
2775     and the executive branch agency or subscriber of services.
2776          (3) In approving an acquisition described in Subsections (1) and (2), the chief
2777     information officer shall:
2778          (a) establish by administrative rule, in accordance with Section 63F-1-206, standards
2779     under which an agency must obtain approval from the chief information officer before
2780     acquiring the items listed in Subsections (1) and (2);
2781          (b) for those acquisitions requiring approval, determine whether the acquisition is in
2782     compliance with:
2783          (i) the executive branch strategic plan;
2784          (ii) the applicable agency information technology plan;
2785          (iii) the budget for the executive branch agency or department as adopted by the
2786     Legislature; and
2787          (iv) Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code; and
2788          (c) in accordance with Section 63F-1-207, require coordination of acquisitions between
2789     two or more executive branch agencies if it is in the best interests of the state.
2790          (4) (a) Each executive branch agency shall provide the chief information officer with
2791     complete access to all information technology records, documents, and reports:
2792          (i) at the request of the chief information officer; and
2793          (ii) related to the executive branch agency's acquisition of any item listed in Subsection
2794     (1).
2795          (b) Beginning July 1, 2006 and in accordance with administrative rules established by
2796     the department under Section 63F-1-206, no new technology projects may be initiated by an
2797     executive branch agency or the department unless the technology project is described in a
2798     formal project plan and the business case analysis has been approved by the chief information
2799     officer and agency head. The project plan and business case analysis required by this
2800     Subsection (4) shall be in the form required by the chief information officer, and shall include:
2801          (i) a statement of work to be done and existing work to be modified or displaced;

2802          (ii) total cost of system development and conversion effort, including system analysis
2803     and programming costs, establishment of master files, testing, documentation, special
2804     equipment cost and all other costs, including overhead;
2805          (iii) savings or added operating costs that will result after conversion;
2806          (iv) other advantages or reasons that justify the work;
2807          (v) source of funding of the work, including ongoing costs;
2808          (vi) consistency with budget submissions and planning components of budgets; and
2809          (vii) whether the work is within the scope of projects or initiatives envisioned when the
2810     current fiscal year budget was approved.
2811          (5) (a) The chief information officer and the Division of Purchasing and General
2812     Services shall work cooperatively to establish procedures under which the chief information
2813     officer shall monitor and approve acquisitions as provided in this section.
2814          (b) The procedures established under this section shall include at least the written
2815     certification required by Subsection 63G-6a-303(1)(e).
2816          Section 39. Section 63G-2-305 is amended to read:
2817          63G-2-305. Protected records.
2818          The following records are protected if properly classified by a governmental entity:
2819          (1) trade secrets as defined in Section 13-24-2 if the person submitting the trade secret
2820     has provided the governmental entity with the information specified in Section 63G-2-309;
2821          (2) commercial information or nonindividual financial information obtained from a
2822     person if:
2823          (a) disclosure of the information could reasonably be expected to result in unfair
2824     competitive injury to the person submitting the information or would impair the ability of the
2825     governmental entity to obtain necessary information in the future;
2826          (b) the person submitting the information has a greater interest in prohibiting access
2827     than the public in obtaining access; and
2828          (c) the person submitting the information has provided the governmental entity with
2829     the information specified in Section 63G-2-309;

2830          (3) commercial or financial information acquired or prepared by a governmental entity
2831     to the extent that disclosure would lead to financial speculations in currencies, securities, or
2832     commodities that will interfere with a planned transaction by the governmental entity or cause
2833     substantial financial injury to the governmental entity or state economy;
2834          (4) records, the disclosure of which could cause commercial injury to, or confer a
2835     competitive advantage upon a potential or actual competitor of, a commercial project entity as
2836     defined in Subsection 11-13-103(4);
2837          (5) test questions and answers to be used in future license, certification, registration,
2838     employment, or academic examinations;
2839          (6) records, the disclosure of which would impair governmental procurement
2840     proceedings or give an unfair advantage to any person proposing to enter into a contract or
2841     agreement with a governmental entity, except, subject to Subsections (1) and (2), that this
2842     Subsection (6) does not restrict the right of a person to have access to, after the contract or
2843     grant has been awarded and signed by all parties, a bid, proposal, application, or other
2844     information submitted to or by a governmental entity in response to:
2845          (a) an invitation for bids;
2846          (b) a request for proposals;
2847          (c) a request for quotes;
2848          (d) a grant; or
2849          (e) other similar document;
2850          (7) information submitted to or by a governmental entity in response to a request for
2851     information, except, subject to Subsections (1) and (2), that this Subsection (7) does not restrict
2852     the right of a person to have access to the information, after:
2853          (a) a contract directly relating to the subject of the request for information has been
2854     awarded and signed by all parties; or
2855          (b) (i) a final determination is made not to enter into a contract that relates to the
2856     subject of the request for information; and
2857          (ii) at least two years have passed after the day on which the request for information is

2858     issued;
2859          (8) records that would identify real property or the appraisal or estimated value of real
2860     or personal property, including intellectual property, under consideration for public acquisition
2861     before any rights to the property are acquired unless:
2862          (a) public interest in obtaining access to the information is greater than or equal to the
2863     governmental entity's need to acquire the property on the best terms possible;
2864          (b) the information has already been disclosed to persons not employed by or under a
2865     duty of confidentiality to the entity;
2866          (c) in the case of records that would identify property, potential sellers of the described
2867     property have already learned of the governmental entity's plans to acquire the property;
2868          (d) in the case of records that would identify the appraisal or estimated value of
2869     property, the potential sellers have already learned of the governmental entity's estimated value
2870     of the property; or
2871          (e) the property under consideration for public acquisition is a single family residence
2872     and the governmental entity seeking to acquire the property has initiated negotiations to acquire
2873     the property as required under Section 78B-6-505;
2874          (9) records prepared in contemplation of sale, exchange, lease, rental, or other
2875     compensated transaction of real or personal property including intellectual property, which, if
2876     disclosed prior to completion of the transaction, would reveal the appraisal or estimated value
2877     of the subject property, unless:
2878          (a) the public interest in access is greater than or equal to the interests in restricting
2879     access, including the governmental entity's interest in maximizing the financial benefit of the
2880     transaction; or
2881          (b) when prepared by or on behalf of a governmental entity, appraisals or estimates of
2882     the value of the subject property have already been disclosed to persons not employed by or
2883     under a duty of confidentiality to the entity;
2884          (10) records created or maintained for civil, criminal, or administrative enforcement
2885     purposes or audit purposes, or for discipline, licensing, certification, or registration purposes, if

2886     release of the records:
2887          (a) reasonably could be expected to interfere with investigations undertaken for
2888     enforcement, discipline, licensing, certification, or registration purposes;
2889          (b) reasonably could be expected to interfere with audits, disciplinary, or enforcement
2890     proceedings;
2891          (c) would create a danger of depriving a person of a right to a fair trial or impartial
2892     hearing;
2893          (d) reasonably could be expected to disclose the identity of a source who is not
2894     generally known outside of government and, in the case of a record compiled in the course of
2895     an investigation, disclose information furnished by a source not generally known outside of
2896     government if disclosure would compromise the source; or
2897          (e) reasonably could be expected to disclose investigative or audit techniques,
2898     procedures, policies, or orders not generally known outside of government if disclosure would
2899     interfere with enforcement or audit efforts;
2900          (11) records the disclosure of which would jeopardize the life or safety of an
2901     individual;
2902          (12) records the disclosure of which would jeopardize the security of governmental
2903     property, governmental programs, or governmental recordkeeping systems from damage, theft,
2904     or other appropriation or use contrary to law or public policy;
2905          (13) records that, if disclosed, would jeopardize the security or safety of a correctional
2906     facility, or records relating to incarceration, treatment, probation, or parole, that would interfere
2907     with the control and supervision of an offender's incarceration, treatment, probation, or parole;
2908          (14) records that, if disclosed, would reveal recommendations made to the Board of
2909     Pardons and Parole by an employee of or contractor for the Department of Corrections, the
2910     Board of Pardons and Parole, or the Department of Human Services that are based on the
2911     employee's or contractor's supervision, diagnosis, or treatment of any person within the board's
2912     jurisdiction;
2913          (15) records and audit workpapers that identify audit, collection, and operational

2914     procedures and methods used by the State Tax Commission, if disclosure would interfere with
2915     audits or collections;
2916          (16) records of a governmental audit agency relating to an ongoing or planned audit
2917     until the final audit is released;
2918          (17) records that are subject to the attorney client privilege;
2919          (18) records prepared for or by an attorney, consultant, surety, indemnitor, insurer,
2920     employee, or agent of a governmental entity for, or in anticipation of, litigation or a judicial,
2921     quasi-judicial, or administrative proceeding;
2922          (19) (a) (i) personal files of a state legislator, including personal correspondence to or
2923     from a member of the Legislature; and
2924          (ii) notwithstanding Subsection (19)(a)(i), correspondence that gives notice of
2925     legislative action or policy may not be classified as protected under this section; and
2926          (b) (i) an internal communication that is part of the deliberative process in connection
2927     with the preparation of legislation between:
2928          (A) members of a legislative body;
2929          (B) a member of a legislative body and a member of the legislative body's staff; or
2930          (C) members of a legislative body's staff; and
2931          (ii) notwithstanding Subsection (19)(b)(i), a communication that gives notice of
2932     legislative action or policy may not be classified as protected under this section;
2933          (20) (a) records in the custody or control of the Office of Legislative Research and
2934     General Counsel, that, if disclosed, would reveal a particular legislator's contemplated
2935     legislation or contemplated course of action before the legislator has elected to support the
2936     legislation or course of action, or made the legislation or course of action public; and
2937          (b) notwithstanding Subsection (20)(a), the form to request legislation submitted to the
2938     Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel is a public document unless a legislator
2939     asks that the records requesting the legislation be maintained as protected records until such
2940     time as the legislator elects to make the legislation or course of action public;
2941          (21) research requests from legislators to the Office of Legislative Research and

2942     General Counsel or the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and research findings prepared
2943     in response to these requests;
2944          (22) drafts, unless otherwise classified as public;
2945          (23) records concerning a governmental entity's strategy about:
2946          (a) collective bargaining; or
2947          (b) imminent or pending litigation;
2948          (24) records of investigations of loss occurrences and analyses of loss occurrences that
2949     may be covered by the Risk Management Fund, the Employers' Reinsurance Fund, the
2950     Uninsured Employers' Fund, or similar divisions in other governmental entities;
2951          (25) records, other than personnel evaluations, that contain a personal recommendation
2952     concerning an individual if disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of
2953     personal privacy, or disclosure is not in the public interest;
2954          (26) records that reveal the location of historic, prehistoric, paleontological, or
2955     biological resources that if known would jeopardize the security of those resources or of
2956     valuable historic, scientific, educational, or cultural information;
2957          (27) records of independent state agencies if the disclosure of the records would
2958     conflict with the fiduciary obligations of the agency;
2959          (28) records of an institution within the state system of higher education defined in
2960     Section 53B-1-102 regarding tenure evaluations, appointments, applications for admissions,
2961     retention decisions, and promotions, which could be properly discussed in a meeting closed in
2962     accordance with Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act, provided that records of
2963     the final decisions about tenure, appointments, retention, promotions, or those students
2964     admitted, may not be classified as protected under this section;
2965          (29) records of the governor's office, including budget recommendations, legislative
2966     proposals, and policy statements, that if disclosed would reveal the governor's contemplated
2967     policies or contemplated courses of action before the governor has implemented or rejected
2968     those policies or courses of action or made them public;
2969          (30) records of the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst relating to budget analysis,

2970     revenue estimates, and fiscal notes of proposed legislation before issuance of the final
2971     recommendations in these areas;
2972          (31) records provided by the United States or by a government entity outside the state
2973     that are given to the governmental entity with a requirement that they be managed as protected
2974     records if the providing entity certifies that the record would not be subject to public disclosure
2975     if retained by it;
2976          (32) transcripts, minutes, or reports of the closed portion of a meeting of a public body
2977     except as provided in Section 52-4-206;
2978          (33) records that would reveal the contents of settlement negotiations but not including
2979     final settlements or empirical data to the extent that they are not otherwise exempt from
2980     disclosure;
2981          (34) memoranda prepared by staff and used in the decision-making process by an
2982     administrative law judge, a member of the Board of Pardons and Parole, or a member of any
2983     other body charged by law with performing a quasi-judicial function;
2984          (35) records that would reveal negotiations regarding assistance or incentives offered
2985     by or requested from a governmental entity for the purpose of encouraging a person to expand
2986     or locate a business in Utah, but only if disclosure would result in actual economic harm to the
2987     person or place the governmental entity at a competitive disadvantage, but this section may not
2988     be used to restrict access to a record evidencing a final contract;
2989          (36) materials to which access must be limited for purposes of securing or maintaining
2990     the governmental entity's proprietary protection of intellectual property rights including patents,
2991     copyrights, and trade secrets;
2992          (37) the name of a donor or a prospective donor to a governmental entity, including an
2993     institution within the state system of higher education defined in Section 53B-1-102, and other
2994     information concerning the donation that could reasonably be expected to reveal the identity of
2995     the donor, provided that:
2996          (a) the donor requests anonymity in writing;
2997          (b) any terms, conditions, restrictions, or privileges relating to the donation may not be

2998     classified protected by the governmental entity under this Subsection (37); and
2999          (c) except for an institution within the state system of higher education defined in
3000     Section 53B-1-102, the governmental unit to which the donation is made is primarily engaged
3001     in educational, charitable, or artistic endeavors, and has no regulatory or legislative authority
3002     over the donor, a member of the donor's immediate family, or any entity owned or controlled
3003     by the donor or the donor's immediate family;
3004          (38) accident reports, except as provided in Sections 41-6a-404, 41-12a-202, and
3005     73-18-13;
3006          (39) a notification of workers' compensation insurance coverage described in Section
3007     34A-2-205;
3008          (40) (a) the following records of an institution within the state system of higher
3009     education defined in Section 53B-1-102, which have been developed, discovered, disclosed to,
3010     or received by or on behalf of faculty, staff, employees, or students of the institution:
3011          (i) unpublished lecture notes;
3012          (ii) unpublished notes, data, and information:
3013          (A) relating to research; and
3014          (B) of:
3015          (I) the institution within the state system of higher education defined in Section
3016     53B-1-102; or
3017          (II) a sponsor of sponsored research;
3018          (iii) unpublished manuscripts;
3019          (iv) creative works in process;
3020          (v) scholarly correspondence; and
3021          (vi) confidential information contained in research proposals;
3022          (b) Subsection (40)(a) may not be construed to prohibit disclosure of public
3023     information required pursuant to Subsection 53B-16-302(2)(a) or (b); and
3024          (c) Subsection (40)(a) may not be construed to affect the ownership of a record;
3025          (41) (a) records in the custody or control of the Office of Legislative Auditor General

3026     that would reveal the name of a particular legislator who requests a legislative audit prior to the
3027     date that audit is completed and made public; and
3028          (b) notwithstanding Subsection (41)(a), a request for a legislative audit submitted to the
3029     Office of the Legislative Auditor General is a public document unless the legislator asks that
3030     the records in the custody or control of the Office of Legislative Auditor General that would
3031     reveal the name of a particular legislator who requests a legislative audit be maintained as
3032     protected records until the audit is completed and made public;
3033          (42) records that provide detail as to the location of an explosive, including a map or
3034     other document that indicates the location of:
3035          (a) a production facility; or
3036          (b) a magazine;
3037          (43) information:
3038          (a) contained in the statewide database of the Division of Aging and Adult Services
3039     created by Section 62A-3-311.1; or
3040          (b) received or maintained in relation to the Identity Theft Reporting Information
3041     System (IRIS) established under Section 67-5-22;
3042          (44) information contained in the Management Information System and Licensing
3043     Information System described in Title 62A, Chapter 4a, Child and Family Services;
3044          (45) information regarding National Guard operations or activities in support of the
3045     National Guard's federal mission;
3046          (46) records provided by any pawn or secondhand business to a law enforcement
3047     agency or to the central database in compliance with Title 13, Chapter 32a, Pawnshop and
3048     Secondhand Merchandise Transaction Information Act;
3049          (47) information regarding food security, risk, and vulnerability assessments performed
3050     by the Department of Agriculture and Food;
3051          (48) except to the extent that the record is exempt from this chapter pursuant to Section
3052     63G-2-106, records related to an emergency plan or program, a copy of which is provided to or
3053     prepared or maintained by the Division of Emergency Management, and the disclosure of

3054     which would jeopardize:
3055          (a) the safety of the general public; or
3056          (b) the security of:
3057          (i) governmental property;
3058          (ii) governmental programs; or
3059          (iii) the property of a private person who provides the Division of Emergency
3060     Management information;
3061          (49) records of the Department of Agriculture and Food that provides for the
3062     identification, tracing, or control of livestock diseases, including any program established under
3063     Title 4, Chapter 24, Utah Livestock Brand and Anti-theft Act or Title 4, Chapter 31, Control of
3064     Animal Disease;
3065          (50) as provided in Section 26-39-501:
3066          (a) information or records held by the Department of Health related to a complaint
3067     regarding a child care program or residential child care which the department is unable to
3068     substantiate; and
3069          (b) information or records related to a complaint received by the Department of Health
3070     from an anonymous complainant regarding a child care program or residential child care;
3071          (51) unless otherwise classified as public under Section 63G-2-301 and except as
3072     provided under Section 41-1a-116, an individual's home address, home telephone number, or
3073     personal mobile phone number, if:
3074          (a) the individual is required to provide the information in order to comply with a law,
3075     ordinance, rule, or order of a government entity; and
3076          (b) the subject of the record has a reasonable expectation that this information will be
3077     kept confidential due to:
3078          (i) the nature of the law, ordinance, rule, or order; and
3079          (ii) the individual complying with the law, ordinance, rule, or order;
3080          (52) the name, home address, work addresses, and telephone numbers of an individual
3081     that is engaged in, or that provides goods or services for, medical or scientific research that is:

3082          (a) conducted within the state system of higher education, as defined in Section
3083     53B-1-102; and
3084          (b) conducted using animals;
3085          (53) an initial proposal under Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 13, Part [26] 2,
3086     Government Procurement Private Proposal Program, to the extent not made public by rules
3087     made under that chapter;
3088          (54) in accordance with Section 78A-12-203, any record of the Judicial Performance
3089     Evaluation Commission concerning an individual commissioner's vote on whether or not to
3090     recommend that the voters retain a judge;
3091          (55) information collected and a report prepared by the Judicial Performance
3092     Evaluation Commission concerning a judge, unless Section 20A-7-702 or Title 78A, Chapter
3093     12, Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission Act, requires disclosure of, or makes public,
3094     the information or report;
3095          (56) records contained in the Management Information System created in Section
3096     62A-4a-1003;
3097          (57) records provided or received by the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office in
3098     furtherance of any contract or other agreement made in accordance with Section 63J-4-603;
3099          (58) information requested by and provided to the Utah State 911 Committee under
3100     Section 63H-7-303;
3101          (59) in accordance with Section 73-10-33:
3102          (a) a management plan for a water conveyance facility in the possession of the Division
3103     of Water Resources or the Board of Water Resources; or
3104          (b) an outline of an emergency response plan in possession of the state or a county or
3105     municipality;
3106          (60) the following records in the custody or control of the Office of Inspector General
3107     of Medicaid Services, created in Section 63A-13-201:
3108          (a) records that would disclose information relating to allegations of personal
3109     misconduct, gross mismanagement, or illegal activity of a person if the information or

3110     allegation cannot be corroborated by the Office of Inspector General of Medicaid Services
3111     through other documents or evidence, and the records relating to the allegation are not relied
3112     upon by the Office of Inspector General of Medicaid Services in preparing a final investigation
3113     report or final audit report;
3114          (b) records and audit workpapers to the extent they would disclose the identity of a
3115     person who, during the course of an investigation or audit, communicated the existence of any
3116     Medicaid fraud, waste, or abuse, or a violation or suspected violation of a law, rule, or
3117     regulation adopted under the laws of this state, a political subdivision of the state, or any
3118     recognized entity of the United States, if the information was disclosed on the condition that
3119     the identity of the person be protected;
3120          (c) before the time that an investigation or audit is completed and the final
3121     investigation or final audit report is released, records or drafts circulated to a person who is not
3122     an employee or head of a governmental entity for the person's response or information;
3123          (d) records that would disclose an outline or part of any investigation, audit survey
3124     plan, or audit program; or
3125          (e) requests for an investigation or audit, if disclosure would risk circumvention of an
3126     investigation or audit;
3127          (61) records that reveal methods used by the Office of Inspector General of Medicaid
3128     Services, the fraud unit, or the Department of Health, to discover Medicaid fraud, waste, or
3129     abuse;
3130          (62) information provided to the Department of Health or the Division of Occupational
3131     and Professional Licensing under Subsection 58-68-304(3) or (4);
3132          (63) a record described in Section 63G-12-210; and
3133          (64) captured plate data that is obtained through an automatic license plate reader
3134     system used by a governmental entity as authorized in Section 41-6a-2003.
3135          Section 40. Section 63G-6a-303 is amended to read:
3136          63G-6a-303. Duties and authority of chief procurement officer.
3137          (1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the chief procurement

3138     officer serves as the central procurement officer of the state and shall:
3139          (a) adopt office policies governing the internal functions of the division;
3140          (b) procure or supervise each procurement over which the chief procurement officer
3141     has authority;
3142          (c) establish and maintain programs for the inspection, testing, and acceptance of each
3143     procurement item over which the chief procurement officer has authority;
3144          (d) prepare statistical data concerning each procurement and procurement usage of a
3145     state procurement unit;
3146          (e) ensure that:
3147          (i) before approving a procurement not covered by an existing statewide contract for
3148     information technology or telecommunications supplies or services, the chief information
3149     officer and the agency have stated in writing to the division that the needs analysis required in
3150     Section 63F-1-205 was completed, unless the procurement is approved in accordance with
3151     Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 13, Part [26] 2, Government Procurement Private Proposal
3152     Program; and
3153          (ii) the oversight authority required by Subsection (5)(a) is not delegated outside the
3154     division;
3155          (f) provide training to procurement units and to persons who do business with
3156     procurement units;
3157          (g) if the chief procurement officer determines that a procurement over which the chief
3158     procurement officer has authority is out of compliance with this chapter or board rules:
3159          (i) correct or amend the procurement to bring it into compliance; or
3160          (ii) cancel the procurement, if:
3161          (A) it is not feasible to bring the procurement into compliance; or
3162          (B) the chief procurement officer determines that it is in the best interest of the state to
3163     cancel the procurement; and
3164          (h) if the chief procurement officer determines that a contract over which the chief
3165     procurement officer has authority is out of compliance with this chapter or board rules, correct

3166     or amend the contract to bring it into compliance or cancel the contract:
3167          (i) if the chief procurement officer determines that correcting, amending, or canceling
3168     the contract is in the best interest of the state; and
3169          (ii) after consultation with the attorney general's office.
3170          (2) The chief procurement officer may:
3171          (a) correct, amend, or cancel a procurement as provided in Subsection (1)(g) at any
3172     stage of the procurement process; and
3173          (b) correct, amend, or cancel a contract as provided in Subsection (1)(h) at any time
3174     during the term of the contract.
3175          Section 41. Section 63G-6a-304 is amended to read:
3176          63G-6a-304. Delegation of authority.
3177          (1) In accordance with rules made by the board, the chief procurement officer may
3178     delegate authority to designees or to any department, agency, or official.
3179          (2) For a procurement under Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 13, Part [26] 2, Government
3180     Procurement Private Proposal Program, any delegation by the chief procurement officer under
3181     this section shall be made to the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
3182          Section 42. Section 63G-6a-305 is amended to read:
3183          63G-6a-305. Duty of chief procurement officer in maintaining specifications.
3184          (1) The chief procurement officer may prepare, issue, revise, maintain, and monitor the
3185     use of specifications for each procurement over which the chief procurement officer has
3186     authority.
3187          (2) The chief procurement officer shall obtain expert advice and assistance from
3188     personnel of procurement units in the development of specifications and may delegate in
3189     writing to a procurement unit the authority to prepare and utilize its own specifications.
3190          (3) For a procurement under Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 13, Part [26] 2, Government
3191     Procurement Private Proposal Program, any delegation by the chief procurement officer under
3192     this section shall be made to the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
3193          Section 43. Section 63G-6a-711 is amended to read:

3194          63G-6a-711. Procurement for submitted proposal.
3195          (1) As used in this section:
3196          (a) "Committee" is as defined in Section [63M-1-2602] 63N-13-202.
3197          (b) "Initial proposal" is a proposal submitted by a private entity under Section
3198     [63M-1-2605] 63N-13-205.
3199          (2) After receipt by the chief procurement officer of a copy of an initial proposal from
3200     the committee in accordance with Subsection [63M-1-2606] 63N-13-206(5), including any
3201     comment, suggestion, or modification to the initial proposal, the chief procurement officer
3202     shall initiate a standard procurement process in compliance with this chapter.
3203          (3) The chief procurement officer or designee shall:
3204          (a) review each detailed proposal received in accordance with Title [63M] 63N,
3205     Chapter [1] 13, Part [26] 2, Government Procurement Private Proposal Program; and
3206          (b) submit all detailed proposals that meet the guidelines established under Subsection
3207     [63M-1-2608] 63N-13-208(1) to the committee for review under Section [63M-1-2609]
3208     63N-13-209.
3209          (4) For purposes of this chapter, the Governor's Office of Economic Development is
3210     considered a procurement unit with independent procurement authority for a procurement
3211     under Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 13, Part [26] 2, Government Procurement Private Proposal
3212     Program.
3213          Section 44. Section 63G-19-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1001 is
3214     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 1. Biotechnology Provisions

3217          [63M-1-1001].      63G-19-101. Title -- Definitions.
3218          (1) This chapter is known as "Biotechnology Provisions."
3219          (2) As used in this part, "biotechnology" is:
3220          [(1)] (a) the modification of living organisms by recombinant DNA techniques; and
3221          [(2)] (b) a means to accomplish, through genetic engineering, the same kinds of

3222     modifications accomplished through traditional genetic techniques such as crossbreeding.
3223          Section 45. Section 63G-19-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1002 is
3224     renumbered and amended to read:
3225          [63M-1-1002].      63G-19-102. Confidential information.
3226          (1) A state agency having access under federal law to biotechnology trade secrets and
3227     related confidential information shall manage the trade secrets and related confidential records
3228     as protected records under Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
3229     Management Act.
3230          (2) The records described in this section may be disclosed under the balancing
3231     provisions of Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act, when a
3232     determination is made that disclosure is essential for the protection of the public's health or
3233     environment.
3234          Section 46. Section 63G-19-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1003 is
3235     renumbered and amended to read:
3236          [63M-1-1003].      63G-19-103. Preemption of local regulation.
3237          (1) A county, city, town, or other political subdivision may not regulate the
3238     technological processes relating to the development and use of biotechnologically created
3239     materials and organisms.
3240          (2) This preemption does not affect the powers of a county, city, town, or other
3241     political subdivision, including the power to regulate land use, business, industry, construction,
3242     and public utilities, to protect the public health or environment, or to provide fire protection
3243     and other public safety services.
3244          Section 47. Section 63I-1-263 is amended to read:
3245          63I-1-263. Repeal dates, Titles 63A to 63N.
3246          (1) Section 63A-4-204, authorizing the Risk Management Fund to provide coverage to
3247     any public school district which chooses to participate, is repealed July 1, 2016.
3248          (2) Subsection 63A-5-104(4)(h) is repealed on July 1, 2024.
3249          (3) Section 63A-5-603, State Facility Energy Efficiency Fund, is repealed July 1, 2016.

3250          (4) Title 63C, Chapter 4a, Constitutional and Federalism Defense Act, is repealed July
3251     1, 2018.
3252          (5) Title 63C, Chapter 14, Federal Funds Commission, is repealed July 1, 2018.
3253          (6) Title 63C, Chapter 15, Prison Relocation Commission, is repealed July 1, 2017.
3254          (7) Subsection 63G-6a-1402(7) authorizing certain transportation agencies to award a
3255     contract for a design-build transportation project in certain circumstances, is repealed July 1,
3256     2015.
3257          (8) Title 63H, Chapter 4, Heber Valley Historic Railroad Authority, is repealed July 1,
3258     2020.
3259          (9) The Resource Development Coordinating Committee, created in Section
3260     63J-4-501, is repealed July 1, 2015.
3261          [(15)] (10) The Crime Victim Reparations and Assistance Board, created in Section
3262     63M-7-504, is repealed July 1, 2017.
3263          [(16)] (11) Title 63M, Chapter 11, Utah Commission on Aging, is repealed July 1,
3264     2017.
3265          [(10)] (12) Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 2, Part [4] 2, Enterprise Zone Act, is repealed
3266     July 1, 2018.
3267          [(11)] (13) (a) Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 2, Part [11] 4, Recycling Market
3268     Development Zone Act, is repealed January 1, 2021.
3269          (b) Subject to Subsection [(11)] (13)(c), Sections 59-7-610 and 59-10-1007 regarding
3270     tax credits for certain persons in recycling market development zones, are repealed for taxable
3271     years beginning on or after January 1, 2021.
3272          (c) A person may not claim a tax credit under Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007:
3273          (i) for the purchase price of machinery or equipment described in Section 59-7-610 or
3274     59-10-1007, if the machinery or equipment is purchased on or after January 1, 2021; or
3275          (ii) for an expenditure described in Subsection 59-7-610(1)(b) or 59-10-1007(1)(b), if
3276     the expenditure is made on or after January 1, 2021.
3277          (d) Notwithstanding Subsections [(11)] (13)(b) and (c), a person may carry forward a

3278     tax credit in accordance with Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007 if:
3279          (i) the person is entitled to a tax credit under Section 59-7-610 or 59-10-1007; and
3280          (ii) (A) for the purchase price of machinery or equipment described in Section
3281     59-7-610 or 59-10-1007, the machinery or equipment is purchased on or before December 31,
3282     2020; or
3283          (B) for an expenditure described in Subsection 59-7-610(1)(b) or 59-10-1007(1)(b), the
3284     expenditure is made on or before December 31, 2020.
3285          [(12)] (14) Section [63M-1-3412] 63N-2-512 is repealed on July 1, 2021.
3286          [(13) (a) Section 63M-1-2507, Health Care Compact is repealed on July 1, 2014.]
3287          [(b) (i) The Legislature shall, before reauthorizing the Health Care Compact:]
3288          [(A) direct the Health System Reform Task Force to evaluate the issues listed in
3289     Subsection (13)(b)(ii), and by January 1, 2013, develop and recommend criteria for the
3290     Legislature to use to negotiate the terms of the Health Care Compact; and]
3291          [(B) prior to July 1, 2014, seek amendments to the Health Care Compact among the
3292     member states that the Legislature determines are appropriate after considering the
3293     recommendations of the Health System Reform Task Force.]
3294          [(ii) The Health System Reform Task Force shall evaluate and develop criteria for the
3295     Legislature regarding:]
3296          [(A) the impact of the Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act;]
3297          [(B) whether Utah is likely to be required to implement any part of the Affordable Care
3298     Act prior to negotiating the compact with the federal government, such as Medicaid expansion
3299     in 2014;]
3300          [(C) whether the compact's current funding formula, based on adjusted 2010 state
3301     expenditures, is the best formula for Utah and other state compact members to use for
3302     establishing the block grants from the federal government;]
3303          [(D) whether the compact's calculation of current year inflation adjustment factor,
3304     without consideration of the regional medical inflation rate in the current year, is adequate to
3305     protect the state from increased costs associated with administering a state based Medicaid and

3306     a state based Medicare program;]
3307          [(E) whether the state has the flexibility it needs under the compact to implement and
3308     fund state based initiatives, or whether the compact requires uniformity across member states
3309     that does not benefit Utah;]
3310          [(F) whether the state has the option under the compact to refuse to take over the
3311     federal Medicare program;]
3312          [(G) whether a state based Medicare program would provide better benefits to the
3313     elderly and disabled citizens of the state than a federally run Medicare program;]
3314          [(H) whether the state has the infrastructure necessary to implement and administer a
3315     better state based Medicare program;]
3316          [(I) whether the compact appropriately delegates policy decisions between the
3317     legislative and executive branches of government regarding the development and
3318     implementation of the compact with other states and the federal government; and]
3319          [(J) the impact on public health activities, including communicable disease
3320     surveillance and epidemiology.]
3321          [(14)] (15) (a) Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 2, Part [35] 6, Utah Small Business Jobs
3322     Act, is repealed January 1, 2021.
3323          (b) Section 59-9-107 regarding tax credits against premium taxes is repealed for
3324     calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 2021.
3325          (c) Notwithstanding Subsection [(14)] (15)(b), an entity may carry forward a tax credit
3326     in accordance with Section 59-9-107 if:
3327          (i) the person is entitled to a tax credit under Section 59-9-107 on or before December
3328     31, 2020; and
3329          (ii) the qualified equity investment that is the basis of the tax credit is certified under
3330     Section [63M-1-3503] 63N-2-603 on or before December 31, 2023.
3331          Section 48. Section 63I-2-263 is amended to read:
3332          63I-2-263. Repeal dates, Title 63A to Title 63N.
3333          [(1) Section 63A-1-115 is repealed on July 1, 2014.]

3334          [(2)] (1) Section 63C-9-501.1 is repealed on July 1, 2015.
3335          [(3) Subsection 63J-1-218(3) is repealed on December 1, 2013.]
3336          [(4) Subsection 63J-1-218(4) is repealed on December 1, 2013.]
3337          [(5) Section 63M-1-207 is repealed on December 1, 2014.]
3338          [(6)] (2) Subsection [63M-1-903] 63N-3-103(1)(d) is repealed on July 1, 2015.
3339          [(7) Subsection 63M-1-1406(9) is repealed on January 1, 2015.]
3340          Section 49. Section 63I-4a-102 is amended to read:
3341          63I-4a-102. Definitions.
3342          (1) (a) "Activity" means to provide a good or service.
3343          (b) "Activity" includes to:
3344          (i) manufacture a good or service;
3345          (ii) process a good or service;
3346          (iii) sell a good or service;
3347          (iv) offer for sale a good or service;
3348          (v) rent a good or service;
3349          (vi) lease a good or service;
3350          (vii) deliver a good or service;
3351          (viii) distribute a good or service; or
3352          (ix) advertise a good or service.
3353          (2) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), "agency" means:
3354          (i) the state; or
3355          (ii) an entity of the state including a department, office, division, authority,
3356     commission, or board.
3357          (b) "Agency" does not include:
3358          (i) the Legislature;
3359          (ii) an entity or agency of the Legislature;
3360          (iii) the state auditor;
3361          (iv) the state treasurer;

3362          (v) the Office of the Attorney General;
3363          (vi) the Dairy Commission created in Title 4, Chapter 22, Dairy Promotion Act;
3364          (vii) the Utah Science Center Authority created in Title 63H, Chapter 3, Utah Science
3365     Center Authority;
3366          (viii) the Heber Valley Railroad Authority created in Title 63H, Chapter 4, Heber
3367     Valley Historic Railroad Authority;
3368          (ix) the Utah State Railroad Museum Authority created in Title 63H, Chapter 5, Utah
3369     State Railroad Museum Authority;
3370          (x) the Utah Housing Corporation created in Title 35A, Chapter 8, Part 7, Utah
3371     Housing Corporation Act;
3372          (xi) the Utah State Fair Corporation created in Title 63H, Chapter 6, Utah State Fair
3373     Corporation Act;
3374          (xii) the Workers' Compensation Fund created in Title 31A, Chapter 33, Workers'
3375     Compensation Fund;
3376          (xiii) the Utah State Retirement Office created in Title 49, Chapter 11, Utah State
3377     Retirement Systems Administration;
3378          (xiv) a charter school chartered by the State Charter School Board or a board of
3379     trustees of a higher education institution under Title 53A, Chapter 1a, Part 5, The Utah Charter
3380     Schools Act;
3381          (xv) the Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind created in Title 53A, Chapter 25b,
3382     Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind;
3383          (xvi) an institution of higher education as defined in Section 53B-3-102;
3384          (xvii) the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration created in Title 53C,
3385     Chapter 1, Part 2, School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration;
3386          (xviii) the Utah Communications Authority created in Title 63H, Chapter 7, Utah
3387     Communications Authority Act; or
3388          (xix) the Utah Capital Investment Corporation created in Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1]
3389     6, Part [12] 3, [Utah Venture Capital Enhancement Act] Utah Capital Investment Corporation.

3390          (3) "Agency head" means the chief administrative officer of an agency.
3391          (4) "Board" means the Free Market Protection and Privatization Board created in
3392     Section 63I-4a-202.
3393          (5) "Commercial activity" means to engage in an activity that can be obtained in whole
3394     or in part from a private enterprise.
3395          (6) "Local entity" means:
3396          (a) a political subdivision of the state, including a:
3397          (i) county;
3398          (ii) city;
3399          (iii) town;
3400          (iv) local school district;
3401          (v) local district; or
3402          (vi) special service district;
3403          (b) an agency of an entity described in this Subsection (6), including a department,
3404     office, division, authority, commission, or board; or
3405          (c) an entity created by an interlocal cooperative agreement under Title 11, Chapter 13,
3406     Interlocal Cooperation Act, between two or more entities described in this Subsection (6).
3407          (7) "Private enterprise" means a person that engages in an activity for profit.
3408          (8) "Privatize" means that an activity engaged in by an agency is transferred so that a
3409     private enterprise engages in the activity, including a transfer by:
3410          (a) contract;
3411          (b) transfer of property; or
3412          (c) another arrangement.
3413          (9) "Special district" means:
3414          (a) a local district, as defined in Section 17B-1-102;
3415          (b) a special service district, as defined in Section 17D-1-102; or
3416          (c) a conservation district, as defined in Section 17D-3-102.
3417          Section 50. Section 63J-1-315 is amended to read:

3418          63J-1-315. Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account --
3419     Transfers of Medicaid growth savings -- Base budget adjustments.
3420          (1) As used in this section:
3421          (a) "Department" means the Department of Health created in Section 26-1-4.
3422          (b) "Division" means the Division of Health Care Financing created within the
3423     department under Section 26-18-2.1.
3424          (c) "General Fund revenue surplus" means a situation where actual General Fund
3425     revenues collected in a completed fiscal year exceed the estimated revenues for the General
3426     Fund for that fiscal year that were adopted by the Executive Appropriations Committee of the
3427     Legislature.
3428          (d) "Medicaid growth savings" means the Medicaid growth target minus Medicaid
3429     program expenditures, if Medicaid program expenditures are less than the Medicaid growth
3430     target.
3431          (e) "Medicaid growth target" means Medicaid program expenditures for the previous
3432     year multiplied by 1.08.
3433          (f) "Medicaid program" is as defined in Section 26-18-2.
3434          (g) "Medicaid program expenditures" means total state revenue expended for the
3435     Medicaid program from the General Fund, including restricted accounts within the General
3436     Fund, during a fiscal year.
3437          (h) "Medicaid program expenditures for the previous year" means total state revenue
3438     expended for the Medicaid program from the General Fund, including restricted accounts
3439     within the General Fund, during the fiscal year immediately preceding a fiscal year for which
3440     Medicaid program expenditures are calculated.
3441          (i) "Operating deficit" means that, at the end of the fiscal year, the unassigned fund
3442     balance in the General Fund is less than zero.
3443          (j) "State revenue" means revenue other than federal revenue.
3444          (k) "State revenue expended for the Medicaid program" includes money transferred or
3445     appropriated to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account only to the

3446     extent the money is appropriated for the Medicaid program by the Legislature.
3447          (2) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account to be known as the
3448     Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account.
3449          (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (6), if, at the end of a fiscal year, there is a
3450     General Fund revenue surplus, the Division of Finance shall transfer an amount equal to
3451     Medicaid growth savings from the General Fund to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and
3452     Budget Stabilization Account.
3453          (ii) If the amount transferred is reduced to prevent an operating deficit, as provided in
3454     Subsection (6), the Legislature shall include, to the extent revenue is available, an amount
3455     equal to the reduction as an appropriation from the General Fund to the account in the base
3456     budget for the second fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the reduction was made.
3457          (b) If, at the end of a fiscal year, there is not a General Fund revenue surplus, the
3458     Legislature shall include, to the extent revenue is available, an amount equal to Medicaid
3459     growth savings as an appropriation from the General Fund to the account in the base budget for
3460     the second fiscal year following the fiscal year for which the reduction was made.
3461          (c) Subsections (3)(a) and (3)(b) apply only to the fiscal year in which the department
3462     implements the proposal developed under Section 26-18-405 to reduce the long-term growth in
3463     state expenditures for the Medicaid program, and to each fiscal year after that year.
3464          (4) The Division of Finance shall calculate the amount to be transferred under
3465     Subsection (3):
3466          (a) before transferring revenue from the General Fund revenue surplus to:
3467          (i) the General Fund Budget Reserve Account under Section 63J-1-312; and[;]
3468          (ii) the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account under Section 63J-1-314;
3469          (b) before earmarking revenue from the General Fund revenue surplus to the Industrial
3470     Assistance Account under Section [63M-1-905] 63N-3-106; and
3471          (c) before making any other year-end contingency appropriations, year-end set-asides,
3472     or other year-end transfers required by law.
3473          (5) (a) If, at the close of any fiscal year, there appears to be insufficient money to pay

3474     additional debt service for any bonded debt authorized by the Legislature, the Division of
3475     Finance may hold back from any General Fund revenue surplus money sufficient to pay the
3476     additional debt service requirements resulting from issuance of bonded debt that was
3477     authorized by the Legislature.
3478          (b) The Division of Finance may not spend the hold back amount for debt service
3479     under Subsection (5)(a) unless and until it is appropriated by the Legislature.
3480          (c) If, after calculating the amount for transfer under Subsection (3), the remaining
3481     General Fund revenue surplus is insufficient to cover the hold back for debt service required by
3482     Subsection (5)(a), the Division of Finance shall reduce the transfer to the Medicaid Growth
3483     Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account by the amount necessary to cover the debt service
3484     hold back.
3485          (d) Notwithstanding Subsections (3) and (4), the Division of Finance shall hold back
3486     the General Fund balance for debt service authorized by this Subsection (5) before making any
3487     transfers to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account or any other
3488     designation or allocation of General Fund revenue surplus.
3489          (6) Notwithstanding Subsections (3) and (4), if, at the end of a fiscal year, the Division
3490     of Finance determines that an operating deficit exists and that holding back earmarks to the
3491     Industrial Assistance Account under Section [63M-1-905] 63N-3-106, transfers to the State
3492     Disaster Recovery Restricted Account under Section 63J-1-314, transfers to the General Fund
3493     Budget Reserve Account under Section 63J-1-312, or earmarks and transfers to more than one
3494     of those accounts, in that order, does not eliminate the operating deficit, the Division of
3495     Finance may reduce the transfer to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization
3496     Account by the amount necessary to eliminate the operating deficit.
3497          (7) The Legislature may appropriate money from the Medicaid Growth Reduction and
3498     Budget Stabilization Account only:
3499          (a) if Medicaid program expenditures for the fiscal year for which the appropriation is
3500     made are estimated to be 108% or more of Medicaid program expenditures for the previous
3501     year; and

3502          (b) for the Medicaid program.
3503          (8) The Division of Finance shall deposit interest or other earnings derived from
3504     investment of Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account money into the
3505     General Fund.
3506          Section 51. Section 63J-1-602.4 is amended to read:
3507          63J-1-602.4. List of nonlapsing funds and accounts -- Title 61 through Title 63N.
3508          (1) Funds paid to the Division of Real Estate for the cost of a criminal background
3509     check for a mortgage loan license, as provided in Section 61-2c-202.
3510          (2) Funds paid to the Division of Real Estate for the cost of a criminal background
3511     check for principal broker, associate broker, and sales agent licenses, as provided in Section
3512     61-2f-204.
3513          (3) Certain funds donated to the Department of Human Services, as provided in
3514     Section 62A-1-111.
3515          (4) Appropriations from the National Professional Men's Basketball Team Support of
3516     Women and Children Issues Restricted Account created in Section 62A-1-202.
3517          (5) Certain funds donated to the Division of Child and Family Services, as provided in
3518     Section 62A-4a-110.
3519          (6) Appropriations from the Choose Life Adoption Support Restricted Account created
3520     in Section 62A-4a-608.
3521          (7) Appropriations to the Division of Services for People with Disabilities, as provided
3522     in Section 62A-5-102.
3523          (8) A portion of the funds appropriated to the Utah Seismic Safety Commission, as
3524     provided in Section 63C-6-104.
3525          [(10)] (9) Funds appropriated or collected for publishing the Division of
3526     Administrative Rules' publications, as provided in Section 63G-3-402.
3527          [(11)] (10) The Immigration Act Restricted Account created in Section 63G-12-103.
3528          [(12)] (11) Money received by the military installation development authority, as
3529     provided in Section 63H-1-504.

3530          [(13)] (12) Appropriations to fund the Governor's Office of Economic Development's
3531     Enterprise Zone Act, as provided in Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 2, Part [4] 2, Enterprise Zone
3532     Act.
3533          [(14)] (13) The Motion Picture Incentive Account created in Section [63M-1-1803]
3534     63N-8-103.
3535          [(9)] (14) Certain money payable for commission expenses of the Pete Suazo Utah
3536     Athletic Commission, as provided under Section [63C-11-301] 63N-10-301.
3537          Section 52. Section 63J-4-603 is amended to read:
3538          63J-4-603. Powers and duties of coordinator and office.
3539          (1) The coordinator and the office shall:
3540          (a) make a report to the Constitutional Defense Council created under Section
3541     63C-4a-202 concerning R.S. 2477 rights and other public lands issues under Title 63C, Chapter
3542     4a, Constitutional and Federalism Defense Act;
3543          (b) provide staff assistance to the Constitutional Defense Council created under Section
3544     63C-4a-202 for meetings of the council;
3545          (c) (i) prepare and submit a constitutional defense plan under Section 63C-4a-403; and
3546          (ii) execute any action assigned in a constitutional defense plan;
3547          (d) under the direction of the state planning coordinator, assist in fulfilling the state
3548     planning coordinator's duties outlined in Section 63J-4-401 as those duties relate to the
3549     development of public lands policies by:
3550          (i) developing cooperative contracts and agreements between the state, political
3551     subdivisions, and agencies of the federal government for involvement in the development of
3552     public lands policies;
3553          (ii) producing research, documents, maps, studies, analysis, or other information that
3554     supports the state's participation in the development of public lands policy;
3555          (iii) preparing comments to ensure that the positions of the state and political
3556     subdivisions are considered in the development of public lands policy;
3557          (iv) partnering with state agencies and political subdivisions in an effort to:

3558          (A) prepare coordinated public lands policies;
3559          (B) develop consistency reviews and responses to public lands policies;
3560          (C) develop management plans that relate to public lands policies; and
3561          (D) develop and maintain a statewide land use plan that is based on cooperation and in
3562     conjunction with political subdivisions; and
3563          (v) providing other information or services related to public lands policies as requested
3564     by the state planning coordinator;
3565          (e) facilitate and coordinate the exchange of information, comments, and
3566     recommendations on public lands policies between and among:
3567          (i) state agencies;
3568          (ii) political subdivisions;
3569          (iii) the Office of Rural Development created under Section [63M-1-1602] 63N-4-102;
3570          (iv) the Resource Development Coordinating Committee created under Section
3571     63J-4-501;
3572          (v) School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration created under Section
3573     53C-1-201;
3574          (vi) the committee created under Section 63F-1-508 to award grants to counties to
3575     inventory and map R.S. 2477 rights-of-way, associated structures, and other features; and
3576          (vii) the Constitutional Defense Council created under Section 63C-4a-202;
3577          (f) perform the duties established in Title 9, Chapter 8, Part 3, Antiquities, and Title 9,
3578     Chapter 8, Part 4, Historic Sites;
3579          (g) consistent with other statutory duties, encourage agencies to responsibly preserve
3580     archaeological resources;
3581          (h) maintain information concerning grants made under Subsection (1)(j), if available;
3582          (i) report annually, or more often if necessary or requested, concerning the office's
3583     activities and expenditures to:
3584          (i) the Constitutional Defense Council; and
3585          (ii) the Legislature's Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim

3586     Committee jointly with the Constitutional Defense Council;
3587          (j) make grants of up to 16% of the office's total annual appropriations from the
3588     Constitutional Defense Restricted Account to a county or statewide association of counties to
3589     be used by the county or association of counties for public lands matters if the coordinator,
3590     with the advice of the Constitutional Defense Council, determines that the action provides a
3591     state benefit;
3592          (k) provide staff services to the Snake Valley Aquifer Advisory Council created in
3593     Section 63C-12-103;
3594          (l) coordinate and direct the Snake Valley Aquifer Research Team created in Section
3595     63C-12-107; and
3596          (m) conduct the public lands transfer study and economic analysis required by Section
3597     63J-4-606.
3598          (2) The coordinator and office shall comply with Subsection 63C-4a-203(8) before
3599     submitting a comment to a federal agency, if the governor would be subject to Subsection
3600     63C-4a-203(8) if the governor were submitting the material.
3601          (3) The office may enter into a contract or other agreement with another state agency to
3602     provide information and services related to:
3603          (a) the duties authorized by Title 72, Chapter 3, Highway Jurisdiction and
3604     Classification Act;
3605          (b) legal actions concerning Title 72, Chapter 3, Highway Jurisdiction and
3606     Classification Act, or R.S. 2477 matters; or
3607          (c) any other matter within the office's responsibility.
3608          Section 53. Section 63J-7-102 is amended to read:
3609          63J-7-102. Scope and applicability of chapter.
3610          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), and except as otherwise provided by a statute
3611     superseding provisions of this chapter by explicit reference to this chapter, the provisions of
3612     this chapter apply to each agency and govern each grant received on or after May 5, 2008.
3613          (2) This chapter does not govern:

3614          (a) a grant deposited into a General Fund restricted account;
3615          (b) a grant deposited into a Trust and Agency Fund as defined in Section 51-5-4;
3616          (c) a grant deposited into an Enterprise Fund as defined in Section 51-5-4;
3617          (d) a grant made to the state without a restriction or other designated purpose that is
3618     deposited into the General Fund as free revenue;
3619          (e) a grant made to the state that is restricted only to "education" and that is deposited
3620     into the Education Fund or Uniform School Fund as free revenue;
3621          (f) in-kind donations;
3622          (g) a tax, fees, penalty, fine, surcharge, money judgment, or other money due the state
3623     when required by state law or application of state law;
3624          (h) a contribution made under Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 13, Individual Income Tax
3625     Contribution Act;
3626          (i) a grant received by an agency from another agency or political subdivision;
3627          (j) a grant to the Dairy Commission created in Title 4, Chapter 22, Dairy Promotion
3628     Act;
3629          (k) a grant to the Utah Science Center Authority created in Title 63H, Chapter 3, Utah
3630     Science Center Authority;
3631          (l) a grant to the Heber Valley Railroad Authority created in Title 63H, Chapter 4,
3632     Heber Valley Historic Railroad Authority;
3633          (m) a grant to the Utah State Railroad Museum Authority created in Title 63H, Chapter
3634     5, Utah State Railroad Museum Authority;
3635          (n) a grant to the Utah Housing Corporation created in Title 35A, Chapter 8, Part 7,
3636     Utah Housing Corporation Act;
3637          (o) a grant to the Utah State Fair Corporation created in Title 63H, Chapter 6, Utah
3638     State Fair Corporation Act;
3639          (p) a grant to the Workers' Compensation Fund created in Title 31A, Chapter 33,
3640     Workers' Compensation Fund;
3641          (q) a grant to the Utah State Retirement Office created in Title 49, Chapter 11, Utah

3642     State Retirement Systems Administration;
3643          (r) a grant to the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration created in Title
3644     53C, Chapter 1, Part 2, School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration;
3645          (s) a grant to the Utah Communications Authority created in Title 63H, Chapter 7,
3646     Utah Communications Authority Act;
3647          (t) a grant to the Medical Education Program created in Section 53B-24-202;
3648          (u) a grant to the Utah Capital Investment Corporation created in Title [63M] 63N,
3649     Chapter [1] 6, Part [12] 3, [Utah Venture Capital Enhancement Act] Utah Capital Investment
3650     Corporation;
3651          (v) a grant to the Utah Charter School Finance Authority created in Section
3652     53A-20b-103;
3653          (w) a grant to the State Building Ownership Authority created in Section 63B-1-304;
3654          (x) a grant to the Utah Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool created in Section
3655     31A-29-104; or
3656          (y) a grant to the Military Installation Development Authority created in Section
3657     63H-1-201.
3658          (3) An agency need not seek legislative review or approval of grants under Part 2,
3659     Grant Approval Requirements, if:
3660          (a) the governor has declared a state of emergency; and
3661          (b) the grant is donated to the agency to assist victims of the state of emergency under
3662     Subsection 53-2a-204(1).
3663          Section 54. Section 63M-2-101 is amended to read:



3667          63M-2-101. Title.
3668          (1) This title is known as "Governor's Programs."
3669          (2) This chapter is known as the "Utah Science Technology and Research Governing

3670     Authority Act."
3671          Section 55. Section 63N-1-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-101 is
3672     renumbered and amended to read:


Part 1. General Provisions

3676          [63M-1-101].      63N-1-101. Title.
3677          (1) This title is known as ["Governor's Programs."] the "Governor's Office of
3678     Economic Development."
3679          (2) This chapter is known as [the "Governor's Office of Economic Development."]
3680     "GOED General Provisions."
3681          Section 56. Section 63N-1-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-102 is
3682     renumbered and amended to read:
3683          [63M-1-102].      63N-1-102. Definitions.
3684          As used in this [chapter] title:
3685          (1) "Board" means the Board of Business and Economic Development[.] created in
3686     Section 63N-1-401.
3687          (2) "Council" means the Governor's Economic Development Coordinating Council
3688     created in Section 63N-1-501.
3689          [(2) "Director"] (3) "Executive director" means the executive director of the office.
3690          [(3)] (4) "Office" or "GOED" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
3691          Section 57. Section 63N-1-201, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-201 is
3692     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 2. Creation of GOED

3694          [63M-1-201].      63N-1-201. Creation of office -- Responsibilities.
3695          (1) There is created the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
3696          (2) The office [shall] is:
3697          (a) [be] responsible for economic development [within] and economic development

3698     planning in the state; and
3699          [(b) perform economic development planning for the state;]
3700          (b) the industrial promotion authority of the state.
3701          (3) The office shall:
3702          [(c)] (a) administer and coordinate [all] state [or] and federal economic development
3703     grant programs [which are, or become available, for economic development];
3704          (b) promote and encourage the economic, commercial, financial, industrial,
3705     agricultural, and civic welfare of the state;
3706          (c) act to create, develop, attract, and retain business, industry, and commerce in the
3707     state;
3708          (d) act to enhance the state's economy;
3709          [(d)] (e) administer [any other] programs over which the office is given administrative
3710     supervision by the governor;
3711          [(e)] (f) submit an annual written report as described in Section [63M-1-206]
3712     63N-1-301; and
3713          [(f)] (g) perform [any] other duties as provided by the Legislature.
3714          (4) In order to perform its duties under this title, the office may:
3715          (a) enter into a contract or agreement with, or make a grant to, a public or private
3716     entity, including a municipality, if the contract or agreement is not in violation of state statute
3717     or other applicable law;
3718          (b) except as provided in Subsection (4)(c), receive and expend funds from a public or
3719     private source for any lawful purpose that is in the state's best interest; and
3720          [(3) The office may] (c) solicit and accept [contributions] a contribution of money,
3721     services, [and] or facilities from [any other source,] a public or private donor, but may not use
3722     the [money] contribution for publicizing the exclusive interest of the donor.
3723          [(4)] (5) Money received under Subsection [(3)] (4)(c) shall be deposited in the
3724     General Fund as dedicated credits of the office.
3725          [(5) (a) The office is recognized as an issuing authority as defined in Subsection

3726     63M-1-3002(7), entitled to issue bonds from the Small Issue Bond Account created in
3727     Subsection 63M-1-3006(1)(c) as a part of the state's private activity bond volume cap
3728     authorized by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and computed under Section 146 of the
3729     code.]
3730          [(b) To promote and encourage the issuance of bonds from the Small Issue Bond
3731     Account for manufacturing projects, the office may:]
3732          [(i) develop campaigns and materials that inform qualified small manufacturing
3733     businesses about the existence of the program and the application process;]
3734          [(ii) assist small businesses in applying for and qualifying for these bonds; or]
3735          [(iii) develop strategies to lower the cost to small businesses of applying for and
3736     qualifying for these bonds, including making arrangements with financial advisors,
3737     underwriters, bond counsel, and other professionals involved in the issuance process to provide
3738     their services at a reduced rate when the division can provide them with a high volume of
3739     applicants or issues.]
3740          (6) (a) The office shall obtain the advice of the board before implementing a change to
3741     a policy, priority, or objective under which the office operates.
3742          (b) Subsection (6)(a) does not apply to the routine administration by the office of
3743     money or services related to the assistance, retention, or recruitment of business, industry, or
3744     commerce in the state.
3745          Section 58. Section 63N-1-202, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-202 is
3746     renumbered and amended to read:
3747          [63M-1-202].      63N-1-202. Executive director of office -- Appointment --
3748     Removal -- Compensation.
3749          (1) The office shall be administered, [directed, controlled,] organized, and managed by
3750     [a] an executive director appointed by the governor.
3751          (2) The executive director serves at the pleasure of the governor.
3752          (3) The salary of the executive director shall be established by the governor within the
3753     salary range fixed by the Legislature in Title 67, Chapter 22, State Officer Compensation.

3754          Section 59. Section 63N-1-203, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-203 is
3755     renumbered and amended to read:
3756          [63M-1-203].      63N-1-203. Powers and duties of executive director.
3757          (1) Unless otherwise expressly provided by statute, the executive director may organize
3758     the office in any appropriate manner, including the appointment of deputy directors of the
3759     office.
3760          (2) The executive director may consolidate personnel and service functions for
3761     efficiency and economy in the office.
3762          [(1)] (3) The executive director, with the approval of the governor[, may]:
3763          (a) may, by following the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal
3764     Funds Procedures Act, seek federal grants, loans, or participation in federal programs;
3765          (b) may enter into a lawful [contracts or agreements with other states, any] contract or
3766     agreement with another state, a chamber of commerce organization, [any] a service club, [and a
3767     private entity pursuant to Section 63M-1-2610] or a private entity; and
3768          (c) shall annually prepare and submit to the governor a budget of the office's financial
3769     requirements.
3770          [(2) If any] (4) With the governor's approval, if a federal program requires the
3771     expenditure of state funds as a condition [to participation by] for the state [in any] to participate
3772     in a fund, property, or service, [with the governor's approval, the director shall expend
3773     whatever funds are necessary out of] the executive director may expend necessary funds from
3774     money provided by the Legislature for the use of the office.
3775          Section 60. Section 63N-1-204, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-205 is
3776     renumbered and amended to read:
3777          [63M-1-205].      63N-1-204. Executive director and the Public Service
3778     Commission.
3779          (1) The executive director or the executive director's designee shall:
3780          (a) become generally informed of significant rate cases and policy proceedings before
3781     the Public Service Commission; and

3782          (b) monitor and study the potential economic development impact of these proceedings
3783     [before the Public Service Commission].
3784          (2) In the discretion of the executive director or the executive director's designee, the
3785     office may appear in [any] a proceeding before the Public Service Commission to testify,
3786     advise, or present argument regarding the economic development impact of [any] a matter that
3787     is the subject of the proceeding.
3788          Section 61. Section 63N-1-301, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-206 is
3789     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 3. GOED Annual Report

3791          [63M-1-206].      63N-1-301. Annual report -- Content -- Format.
3792          (1) The office shall prepare and submit to the governor and the Legislature, by October
3793     1 of each year, an annual written report of the operations, activities, programs, and services of
3794     the office, including the divisions, sections, boards, commissions, councils, and committees
3795     established under this [chapter] title, for the preceding fiscal year.
3796          (2) For each operation, activity, program, or service provided by the office, the annual
3797     report shall include:
3798          (a) a description of the operation, activity, program, or service;
3799          (b) data selected and used by the office to measure progress, performance, and scope of
3800     the operation, activity, program, or service, including summary data;
3801          (c) budget data, including the amount and source of funding, expenses, and allocation
3802     of full-time employees for the operation, activity, program, or service;
3803          (d) historical data from previous years for comparison with data reported under
3804     Subsections (2)(b) and (c);
3805          (e) goals, challenges, and achievements related to the operation, activity, program, or
3806     service;
3807          (f) relevant federal and state statutory references and requirements;
3808          (g) contact information of officials knowledgeable and responsible for each operation,
3809     activity, program, or service; and

3810          (h) other information determined by the office that:
3811          (i) may be needed, useful, or of historical significance; or
3812          (ii) promotes accountability and transparency for each operation, activity, program, or
3813     service with the public and elected officials.
3814          (3) The annual report shall be designed to provide clear, accurate, and accessible
3815     information to the public, the governor, and the Legislature.
3816          (4) The office shall:
3817          (a) submit the annual report in accordance with Section 68-3-14; and
3818          (b) make the annual report, and previous annual reports, accessible to the public by
3819     placing a link to the reports on the office's website.
3820          Section 62. Section 63N-1-401, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-302 is
3821     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 4. Board of Business and Economic Development

3823          [63M-1-302].      63N-1-401. Board of Business and Economic Development --
3824     Membership -- Expenses.
3825          (1) (a) [The board shall consist] There is created within the office the Board of
3826     Business and Economic Development, consisting of 15 members appointed by the governor to
3827     four-year terms of office with the consent of the Senate.
3828          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (1)(a), the governor shall, at the
3829     time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
3830     board members are staggered so that approximately half of the board is appointed every two
3831     years.
3832          (c) The members may not serve more than two full consecutive terms except where the
3833     governor determines that an additional term is in the best interest of the state.
3834          (2) In appointing members of the committee, the governor shall ensure that:
3835          [(2) Not] (a) no more than eight members of the board [may be] are from one political
3836     party[.]; and
3837          [(3) The members shall be representative of all areas of the state.]

3838          (b) members represent a variety of geographic areas and economic interests of the state.
3839          [(4)] (3) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement
3840     shall be appointed for the unexpired term.
3841          [(5)] (4) Eight members of the board constitute a quorum for conducting board
3842     business and exercising board power.
3843          [(6)] (5) The governor shall select one [of the board members as its] board member as
3844     the board's chair.
3845          [(7)] (6) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service,
3846     but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
3847          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
3848          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
3849          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance [pursuant to] under Sections 63A-3-106 and
3850     63A-3-107.
3851          Section 63. Section 63N-1-402, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-303 is
3852     renumbered and amended to read:
3853          [63M-1-303].      63N-1-402. Board duties and powers.
3854          (1) The board shall advise and assist the office to:
3855          (a) promote and encourage the economic, commercial, financial, industrial,
3856     agricultural, and civic welfare of the state;
3857          [(b) do all lawful acts for the development, attraction, and retention of businesses,
3858     industries, and commerce within the state;]
3859          [(c)] (b) promote and encourage the [expansion and retention] development, attraction,
3860     expansion, and retention of businesses, industries, and commerce [located] in the state;
3861          [(d)] (c) support the efforts of local government and regional nonprofit economic
3862     development organizations to encourage expansion or retention of businesses, industries, and
3863     commerce [located] in the state;
3864          [(e) do other acts not specifically enumerated in this chapter, if the acts are for the
3865     betterment of the economy of the state;]

3866          (d) act to enhance the state's economy;
3867          [(f)] (e) work in conjunction with companies and individuals located or doing business
3868     [within] in the state to secure favorable rates, fares, tolls, charges, and classification for
3869     transportation of persons or property by:
3870          (i) railroad;
3871          (ii) motor carrier; or
3872          (iii) other common carriers;
3873          [(g)] (f) recommend policies, priorities, and objectives to the office regarding the
3874     assistance, retention, or recruitment of business, industries, and commerce in the state;
3875          [(h)] (g) recommend how [any money or program administered by the office or its
3876     divisions] the office should administer programs for the assistance, retention, or recruitment of
3877     businesses, industries, and commerce in the state [shall be administered, so that the money or
3878     program is equitably available];
3879          (h) help ensure that economic-development programs are available to all areas of the
3880     state [unless] in accordance with federal [or] and state law [requires or authorizes the
3881     geographic location of a recipient of the money or program to be considered in the distribution
3882     of the money or administration of the program]; and
3883          (i) maintain ethical and conflict of interest standards consistent with those imposed on
3884     a public officer under Title 67, Chapter 16, Utah Public Officers' and Employees' Ethics Act.
3885          (2) The board may:
3886          (a) in [furtherance of the authority granted under] accordance with Subsection
3887     (1)[(f)](e), appear as a party litigant on behalf of [individuals or companies] an individual or a
3888     company located or doing business [within] in the state in [proceedings] a proceeding before a
3889     regulatory [commissions] commission of the state, [other states] another state, or the federal
3890     government [having jurisdiction over such matters]; and
3891          (b) in consultation with the executive director, make, amend, or repeal rules for the
3892     conduct of its business consistent with this part and in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
3893     Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.

3894          Section 64. Section 63N-1-501, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1303 is
3895     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 5. Governor's Economic Development Coordinating Council

3897          [63M-1-1303].      63N-1-501. Governor's Economic Development
3898     Coordinating Council -- Membership -- Expenses.
3899          (1) There is created in the office the Governor's Economic Development Coordinating
3900     Council, [hereafter referred to in this part as the "council",] consisting of the following 11
3901     members:
3902          (a) the executive director, who shall serve as chair of the council;
3903          (b) the chair of the board or the chair's designee;
3904          (c) the chair of the Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority
3905     created in Section 63M-2-301 or the chair's designee;
3906          (d) the chair of the [Utah Rural Development Council] Governor's Rural Partnership
3907     Board created in Section 63C-10-102 or the chair's designee;
3908          (e) the chair of the board of directors of the Utah Capital Investment Corporation
3909     created in Section 63N-6-301 or the chair's designee;
3910          (f) the chair of the Economic Development Corporation of Utah or its successor
3911     organization or the chair's designee;
3912          (g) the chair of the World Trade Center Utah or its successor organization or the chair's
3913     designee; and
3914          (h) four members appointed by the governor, with the [advice and] consent of the
3915     Senate, who have expertise in [the area of] business [or], economic development,
3916     entrepreneurship, or the raising of venture or seed capital for research and business growth.
3917          (2) (a) The four members appointed by the governor may serve for no more than two
3918     consecutive two-year terms.
3919          (b) The governor shall appoint a replacement if a vacancy occurs from the membership
3920     [described] appointed under Subsection (1)(h).
3921          (3) Six members of the council constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting

3922     council business and the action of a majority of a quorum constitutes the action of the council.
3923          (4) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service on
3924     the council, but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
3925          (a) Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107; and
3926          (b) rules made by the Division of Finance [pursuant to] under Sections 63A-3-106 and
3927     63A-3-107.
3928          (5) The office shall provide office space and administrative staff support for the
3929     council.
3930          (6) The council, as a governmental entity, has all the rights, privileges, and immunities
3931     of a governmental entity of the state and its meetings are subject to Title 52, Chapter 4, Open
3932     and Public Meetings Act.
3933          Section 65. Section 63N-1-502, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1304 is
3934     renumbered and amended to read:
3935          [63M-1-1304].      63N-1-502. Council powers and duties.
3936          (1) The council shall:
3937          (a) [coordinate and advise] make recommendations to the governor, the office, and the
3938     board on policies and objectives related to economic development and growth [within] in the
3939     state;
3940          (b) coordinate with state and private entities, including private venture capital and seed
3941     capital firms, to avoid duplication of programs and to increase the availability of venture and
3942     seed capital for research and for the development and growth of new and existing businesses in
3943     the state;
3944          (c) [focus on] give priority to technologies, industries, and geographical areas of the
3945     state in which the state can expand investment and entrepreneurship and stimulate job growth;
3946          (d) [coordinate] develop ideas and strategies to increase national and international
3947     business activities for both the urban and rural areas of the state; and
3948          (e) plan, coordinate, [advise,] or recommend [any other] action that would better the
3949     state's economy.

3950          (2) The council shall annually report its activities to the office for inclusion in the
3951     office's annual written report described in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301.
3952          Section 66. Section 63N-2-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2401 is
3953     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 1. Economic Development Tax Increment Financing

3956          [63M-1-2401].      63N-2-101. Title.
3957          (1) This [part] chapter is known as [the] "Tax Credit Incentives for Economic
3958     Development [Incentives Act]."
3959          (2) This part is known as "Economic Development Tax Increment Financing."
3960          Section 67. Section 63N-2-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2402 is
3961     renumbered and amended to read:
3962          [63M-1-2402].      63N-2-102. Purpose.
3963          (1) The Legislature finds that:
3964          (a) to foster and develop industry in Utah is a public purpose necessary to assure
3965     adequate employment for, and the welfare of, Utah's citizens and the growth of the state's
3966     economy;
3967          (b) Utah loses prospective high paying jobs, new economic growth, and corresponding
3968     incremental new state and local revenues to competing states because of a wide variety of
3969     competing economic incentives offered by those states; and
3970          (c) economic development initiatives and interests of state and local economic
3971     development officials should be aligned and united in the creation of higher paying jobs that
3972     will lift the wage levels of the communities in which those jobs will be created.
3973          (2) This part is enacted to:
3974          (a) foster and develop industry in the state, to provide additional employment
3975     opportunities for Utah's citizens, and to improve the state's economy;
3976          [(a)] (b) address the loss of prospective high paying jobs, the loss of new economic
3977     growth, and the corresponding loss of incremental new state and local revenues [by providing]

3978     to competing states caused by economic incentives offered by those states;
3979          (c) provide tax credits to attract new commercial projects in economic development
3980     zones in the state; and
3981          [(b)] (d) provide a cooperative and unified working relationship between state and
3982     local economic development efforts.
3983          Section 68. Section 63N-2-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2403 is
3984     renumbered and amended to read:
3985          [63M-1-2403].      63N-2-103. Definitions.
3986          As used in this part:
3987          (1) "Business entity" means a person that enters into an agreement with the office to
3988     initiate a new commercial project in Utah that will qualify the person to receive a tax credit
3989     under Section 59-7-614.2 or 59-10-1107.
3990          (2) "Community development and renewal agency" [is] has the same meaning as
3991     defined in Section 17C-1-102.
3992          (3) "Development zone" means an economic development zone created under Section
3993     [63M-1-2404] 63N-2-104.
3994          (4) "High paying jobs" means:
3995          (a) with respect to a business entity, the annual wages of employment positions in a
3996     business entity that compare favorably against the average wage of a community in which the
3997     employment positions will exist;
3998          (b) with respect to a county, the annual wages of employment positions in a new
3999     commercial project within the county that compare favorably against the average wage of the
4000     county in which the employment positions will exist; or
4001          (c) with respect to a city or town, the annual wages of employment positions in a new
4002     commercial project within the city or town that compare favorably against the average wages of
4003     the city or town in which the employment positions will exist.
4004          (5) "Local government entity" means a county, city, or town that enters into an
4005     agreement with the office to have a new commercial project that:

4006          (a) is initiated within the county's, city's, or town's boundaries; and
4007          (b) qualifies the county, city, or town to receive a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.2.
4008          (6) (a) "New commercial project" means an economic development opportunity that
4009     involves new or expanded industrial, manufacturing, distribution, or business services in Utah.
4010          (b) "New commercial project" does not include retail business.
4011          (7) (a) "New incremental jobs" means employment positions that are:
4012          [(a) not shifted from one jurisdiction in the state to another jurisdiction in the state;
4013     and]
4014          [(b)] (i) with respect to a business entity, created in addition to the baseline count of
4015     employment positions that existed within the business entity before the new commercial
4016     project;
4017          (ii) with respect to a county, created as a result of a new commercial project with
4018     respect to which the county or a community development and renewal agency seeks to claim a
4019     tax credit under Section 59-7-614.2; or
4020          (iii) with respect to a city or town, created as a result of a new commercial project with
4021     respect to which the city, town, or a community development and renewal agency seeks to
4022     claim a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.2.
4023          (b) "New incremental jobs" does not include jobs that are shifted from one jurisdiction
4024     in the state to another jurisdiction in the state.
4025          (8) "New state revenues" means:
4026          (a) with respect to a business entity:
4027          (i) incremental new state sales and use tax revenues that a business entity pays under
4028     Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act, as a result of a new commercial project in a
4029     development zone;
4030          (ii) incremental new state tax revenues[, if any,] that a business entity pays as a result
4031     of a new commercial project in a development zone under:
4032          (A) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes;
4033          (B) Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 1, Determination and Reporting of Tax Liability and

4034     Information;
4035          (C) Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 2, Trusts and Estates;
4036          (D) Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 4, Withholding of Tax; [or] and
4037          (E) a combination of Subsections (8)(a)(ii)(A) through (D);
4038          (iii) incremental new state tax revenues paid as individual income taxes under Title 59,
4039     Chapter 10, Part 1, Determination and Reporting of Tax Liability and Information, by
4040     employees of a new or expanded industrial, manufacturing, distribution, or business service
4041     within a new commercial project as evidenced by payroll records that indicate the amount of
4042     employee income taxes withheld and transmitted to the State Tax Commission by the new or
4043     expanded industrial, manufacturing, distribution, or business service within the new
4044     commercial project; or
4045          (iv) a combination of Subsections (8)(a)(i) through (iii); or
4046          (b) with respect to a local government entity:
4047          (i) incremental new state sales and use tax revenues that are collected under Title 59,
4048     Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act, as a result of a new commercial project in a development
4049     zone;
4050          (ii) incremental new state tax revenues[, if any,] that are collected as a result of a new
4051     commercial project in a development zone under:
4052          (A) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes;
4053          (B) Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 1, Determination and Reporting of Tax Liability and
4054     Information;
4055          (C) Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 2, Trusts and Estates;
4056          (D) Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 4, Withholding of Tax; [or] and
4057          (E) a combination of Subsections (8)(b)(ii)(A) through (D);
4058          (iii) incremental new state tax revenues paid as individual income taxes under Title 59,
4059     Chapter 10, Part 1, Determination and Reporting of Tax Liability and Information, by
4060     employees of a new or expanded industrial, manufacturing, distribution, or business service
4061     within a new commercial project as evidenced by payroll records that indicate the amount of

4062     employee income taxes withheld and transmitted to the State Tax Commission by the new or
4063     expanded industrial, manufacturing, distribution, or business service within the new
4064     commercial project; or
4065          (iv) a combination of Subsections (8)(b)(i) through (iii).
4066          [(9) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.]
4067          [(10)] (9) "Significant capital investment" means an amount of at least $10,000,000 to
4068     purchase a capital asset or a fixed asset:
4069          (a) with the primary purpose of the investment to increase a business entity's rate at
4070     which it produces goods based on output per unit of labor;
4071          (b) that represents an expansion of existing [Utah] operations in the state; and
4072          (c) that maintains or increases the business entity's existing [Utah] work force in the
4073     state.
4074          [(11)] (10) "Tax credit" means an economic development tax credit created by Section
4075     59-7-614.2 or 59-10-1107.
4076          [(12)] (11) "Tax credit amount" means the amount the office lists as a tax credit on a
4077     tax credit certificate for a taxable year.
4078          [(13)] (12) "Tax credit certificate" means a certificate issued by the office that:
4079          (a) lists the name of the business entity, local government entity, or community
4080     development and renewal agency to which the office authorizes a tax credit;
4081          (b) lists the business entity's, local government entity's, or community development and
4082     renewal agency's taxpayer identification number;
4083          (c) lists the amount of tax credit that the office authorizes the business entity, local
4084     government entity, or community development and renewal agency for the taxable year; and
4085          (d) may include other information as determined by the office.
4086          Section 69. Section 63N-2-104, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2404 is
4087     renumbered and amended to read:
4088          [63M-1-2404].      63N-2-104. Creation of economic development zones -- Tax
4089     credits -- Assignment of tax credit.

4090          (1) The office, with advice from the board, may create an economic development zone
4091     in the state [that satisfies all of] if the following requirements are satisfied:
4092          (a) the area is zoned commercial, industrial, manufacturing, business park, research
4093     park, or other appropriate use in a community-approved master plan;
4094          (b) the request to create a development zone has [been forwarded to the office after]
4095     first [being] been approved by an appropriate local government entity; and
4096          (c) local incentives have been [committed] or will be committed to be provided within
4097     the area.
4098          (2) (a) By following the procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
4099     Administrative Rulemaking Act, the office shall make rules establishing the [conditions that]
4100     requirements for a business entity or local government entity [shall meet] to qualify for a tax
4101     credit for a new commercial project in a development zone under this part.
4102          (b) The office shall ensure that the [conditions] requirements described in Subsection
4103     (2)(a) include the following [requirements]:
4104          (i) the new commercial project [must be] is within the development zone;
4105          (ii) the new commercial project includes direct investment within the geographic
4106     boundaries of the development zone;
4107          (iii) the new commercial project brings new incremental jobs to Utah;
4108          (iv) the new commercial project includes significant capital investment, the creation of
4109     high paying jobs, [or] significant purchases from Utah vendors and providers, or [any] a
4110     combination of these [three] economic factors;
4111          (v) the new commercial project generates new state revenues; and
4112          (vi) [(A)] a business entity [or], a local government entity [qualifying for the tax
4113     credit], or a community development and renewal agency to which a local government entity
4114     assigns a tax credit under this section, meets the requirements of Section [63M-1-2405; or]
4115     63N-2-105.
4116          [(B) a community development and renewal agency to which a local government entity
4117     assigns a tax credit under this section meets the requirements of Section 63M-1-2405.]

4118          (3) (a) [Subject to the other provisions of this Subsection (3), the office, with advice
4119     from] The office, after consultation with the board, may enter into [an] a written agreement
4120     with a business entity or local government entity authorizing a tax credit to the business entity
4121     or local government entity if the business entity or local government entity meets the [standards
4122     established under Subsection (2)] requirements described in this section.
4123           (b) (i) With respect to [one] a new commercial project, the office may authorize a tax
4124     credit to a business entity or a local government entity, but not both.
4125          (ii) In determining whether to authorize a tax credit with respect to [one] a new
4126     commercial project to a business entity or a local government entity, the office shall authorize
4127     the tax credit in a manner that the office determines will result in providing the most effective
4128     incentive for the new commercial project.
4129          (c) (i) [The] Except as provided in Subsection (3)(c)(ii), the office may not authorize or
4130     commit to authorize a tax credit [if that tax credit] that exceeds:
4131          (A) 50% of the new state revenues from the new commercial project in any given year;
4132     or
4133          (B) 30% of the new state revenues from the new commercial project over the lesser of
4134     the life of a new commercial project or 20 years[, whichever is less].
4135          (ii) [Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(c)(i), the] The office may authorize or commit to
4136     authorize a tax credit not exceeding 60% of new state revenues from the new commercial
4137     project in any given year, if the eligible business entity:
4138          (A) creates a significant number of high paying jobs; and
4139          (B) makes capital expenditures in the state of at least $1,000,000,000.
4140          (d) (i) A local government entity may by resolution assign a tax credit that the office
4141     authorizes to the local government entity to a community development and renewal agency.
4142          (ii) The local government entity shall provide a copy of the resolution described in
4143     Subsection (3)(d)(i) to the office.
4144          (iii) If a local government entity assigns a tax credit to a community development and
4145     renewal agency[: (A)], the written agreement described in [this section] Subsection (3)(a) shall:

4146          [(I)] (A) be among the office, the local government entity, and the community
4147     development and renewal agency; [and]
4148          [(II)] (B) establish[: (Aa)] the obligations of the local government entity and the
4149     community development and renewal agency; and
4150          [(Bb)] (C) establish the extent to which any of the local government entity's obligations
4151     are transferred to the community development and renewal agency[;].
4152          (iv) If a local government entity assigns a tax credit to a community development and
4153     renewal agency:
4154          [(B)] (A) the community development and renewal agency shall retain records as
4155     described in Subsection (4)(d); and
4156          [(C)] (B) a tax credit certificate issued in accordance with Section [63M-1-2406]
4157     63N-2-106 shall list the community development and renewal agency as the name of the
4158     applicant.
4159          (4) [Subject to Subsection (3), the] The office shall ensure that the written agreement
4160     described in Subsection (3):
4161          (a) [details] specifies the requirements that the business entity or local government
4162     entity shall meet to qualify for a tax credit under this part;
4163          (b) specifies the maximum amount of tax credit that the business entity or local
4164     government entity may be authorized for a taxable year and over the life of the new commercial
4165     project;
4166          (c) establishes the length of time the business entity or local government entity may
4167     claim a tax credit;
4168          (d) requires the business entity or local government entity to retain records supporting a
4169     claim for a tax credit for at least four years after the business entity or local government entity
4170     claims a tax credit under this part; and
4171          (e) requires the business entity or local government entity to submit to audits for
4172     verification of the tax credit claimed.
4173          Section 70. Section 63N-2-105, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2405 is

4174     renumbered and amended to read:
4175          [63M-1-2405].      63N-2-105. Qualifications for tax credit -- Procedure.
4176          (1) The office shall certify a business entity's or local government entity's eligibility for
4177     a tax credit as provided in this [section] part.
4178          (2) A business entity or local government entity seeking to receive a tax credit as
4179     provided in this part shall provide the office with:
4180          (a) an application for a tax credit certificate, including a certification, by an officer of
4181     the business entity, of any signature on the application;
4182          (b) (i) for a business entity, documentation of the new state revenues from the business
4183     entity's new commercial project that were paid during the preceding calendar year; or
4184          (ii) for a local government entity, documentation of the new state revenues from the
4185     new commercial project within the area of the local government entity that were paid during
4186     the preceding calendar year;
4187          (c) known or expected detriments to the state or existing businesses in the state;
4188          (d) if a local government entity seeks to assign the tax credit to a community
4189     development and renewal agency [in accordance with] as described in Section [63M-1-2404]
4190     63N-2-104, a statement providing the name and taxpayer identification number of the
4191     community development and renewal agency to which the local government entity seeks to
4192     assign the tax credit;
4193          (e) (i) with respect to a business entity, a document that expressly directs and
4194     authorizes the State Tax Commission to disclose to the office the business entity's returns and
4195     other information that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or
4196     Section 6103, Internal Revenue Code[, to the office];
4197          (ii) with respect to a local government entity that seeks to claim the tax credit:
4198          (A) a document that expressly directs and authorizes the State Tax Commission to
4199     disclose to the office the local government entity's returns and other information that would
4200     otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or Section 6103, Internal
4201     Revenue Code[, to the office]; and

4202          (B) if the new state revenues collected as a result of a new commercial project are
4203     attributable in whole or in part to a new or expanded industrial, manufacturing, distribution, or
4204     business service within a new commercial project within the area of the local government
4205     entity, a document signed by an authorized representative of the new or expanded industrial,
4206     manufacturing, distribution, or business service that:
4207          (I) expressly directs and authorizes the State Tax Commission to disclose to the office
4208     the returns of [that] the new or expanded industrial, manufacturing, distribution, or business
4209     service and other information that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section
4210     59-1-403 or Section 6103, Internal Revenue Code[, to the office]; and
4211          (II) lists the taxpayer identification number of [that] the new or expanded industrial,
4212     manufacturing, distribution, or business service; or
4213          (iii) with respect to a local government entity that seeks to assign the tax credit to a
4214     community development and renewal agency:
4215          (A) a document signed by the members of the governing body of the community
4216     development and renewal agency that expressly directs and authorizes the State Tax
4217     Commission to disclose to the office the returns of the community development and renewal
4218     agency and other information that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section
4219     59-1-403 or Section 6103, Internal Revenue Code[, to the office]; and
4220          (B) if the new state revenues collected as a result of a new commercial project are
4221     attributable in whole or in part to a new or expanded industrial, manufacturing, distribution, or
4222     business service within a new commercial project within the community development and
4223     renewal agency, a document signed by an authorized representative of the new or expanded
4224     industrial, manufacturing, distribution, or business service that:
4225          (I) expressly directs and authorizes the State Tax Commission to disclose to the office
4226     the returns of [that] the new or expanded industrial, manufacturing, distribution, or business
4227     service and other information that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section
4228     59-1-403 or Section 6103, Internal Revenue Code[, to the office]; and
4229          (II) lists the taxpayer identification number of [that] the new or expanded industrial,

4230     manufacturing, distribution, or business service; and
4231          (f) for a business entity only, documentation that the business entity has satisfied the
4232     performance benchmarks outlined in the written agreement described in Subsection
4233     [63M-1-2404(3)(a)] 63N-2-104(3), including:
4234          (i) significant capital investment;
4235          (ii) the creation of high paying jobs;
4236          (iii) significant purchases from Utah vendors and providers; or
4237          (iv) [any combination of Subsections (2)(f)(i), (ii), and (iii)] a combination of these
4238     benchmarks.
4239          (3) (a) The office shall submit the documents described in Subsection (2)(e) to the
4240     State Tax Commission.
4241          (b) Upon receipt of a document described in Subsection (2)(e), the State Tax
4242     Commission shall provide the office with the returns and other information requested by the
4243     office that the State Tax Commission is directed or authorized to provide to the office in
4244     accordance with Subsection (2)(e).
4245          (4) If, after review of the returns and other information provided by the State Tax
4246     Commission, or after review of the ongoing performance of the business entity or local
4247     government entity, the office determines that the returns and other information are inadequate
4248     to provide a reasonable justification for authorizing or continuing a tax credit, the office shall:
4249          (a) (i) deny the tax credit; or
4250          (ii) terminate the agreement described in Subsection [63M-1-2404(3)(a)] 63N-2-104(3)
4251     for failure to meet the performance standards established in the agreement; or
4252          (b) inform the business entity or local government entity that the returns or other
4253     information were inadequate and ask the business entity or local government entity to submit
4254     new documentation.
4255          (5) If after review of the returns and other information provided by the State Tax
4256     Commission, the office determines that the returns and other information provided by the
4257     business entity or local government entity provide reasonable justification for authorizing a tax

4258     credit, the office shall, based upon the returns and other information:
4259          (a) determine the amount of the tax credit to be granted to the business entity, local
4260     government entity, or if the local government entity assigns the tax credit [in accordance with]
4261     as described in Section [63M-1-2404] 63N-2-104, to the community development and renewal
4262     agency to which the local government entity assigns the tax credit;
4263          (b) issue a tax credit certificate to the business entity, local government entity, or if the
4264     local government entity assigns the tax credit [in accordance with] as described in Section
4265     [63M-1-2404] 63N-2-104, to the community development and renewal agency to which the
4266     local government entity assigns the tax credit; and
4267          (c) provide a duplicate copy of the tax credit certificate to the State Tax Commission.
4268          (6) A business entity, local government entity, or community development and renewal
4269     agency may not claim a tax credit unless the business entity, local government entity, or
4270     community development and renewal agency has a tax credit certificate issued by the office.
4271          (7) (a) A business entity, local government entity, or community development and
4272     renewal agency may claim a tax credit in the amount listed on the tax credit certificate on its
4273     tax return.
4274          (b) A business entity, local government entity, or community development and renewal
4275     agency that claims a tax credit under this section shall retain the tax credit certificate in
4276     accordance with Section 59-7-614.2 or 59-10-1107.
4277          Section 71. Section 63N-2-106, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2406 is
4278     renumbered and amended to read:
4279          [63M-1-2406].      63N-2-106. Reports -- Posting monthly and annual reports --
4280     Audit and study of tax credits.
4281          (1) The office shall include the following information in the annual written report
4282     described in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301:
4283          (a) the office's success in attracting new commercial projects to development zones
4284     under this part and the corresponding increase in new incremental jobs;
4285          (b) the estimated amount of tax credit commitments made by the office and the period

4286     of time over which tax credits will be paid;
4287          (c) the economic impact on the state [related to generating] from new state revenues
4288     and [providing] the provision of tax credits under this part;
4289          (d) the estimated costs and economic benefits of the tax credit commitments [that]
4290     made by the office [made];
4291          (e) the actual costs and economic benefits of the tax credit commitments [that] made
4292     by the office [made]; and
4293          (f) tax credit commitments [that] made by the office [made], with the associated
4294     calculation.
4295          (2) [The] Each month, the office shall [monthly] post on its website and on a state
4296     website:
4297          (a) the new tax credit commitments [that] made by the office [made] during the
4298     previous month; and
4299          (b) the estimated costs and economic benefits of those tax credit commitments.
4300          (3) (a) On or before November 1, 2014, and every five years after November 1, 2014,
4301     the office shall:
4302          (i) conduct an audit of the tax credits allowed under Section [63M-1-2405] 63N-2-105;
4303          (ii) study the tax credits allowed under Section [63M-1-2405] 63N-2-105; and
4304          (iii) make recommendations concerning whether the tax credits should be continued,
4305     modified, or repealed.
4306          (b) [An] The audit [under Subsection (3)(a)(i)] shall include an evaluation of:
4307          (i) the cost of the tax credits;
4308          (ii) the purposes and effectiveness of the tax credits; and
4309          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credits.
4310          Section 72. Section 63N-2-107, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2407 is
4311     renumbered and amended to read:
4312          [63M-1-2407].      63N-2-107. Reports of new state revenues, partial rebates,
4313     and tax credits.

4314          (1) Before December 1 of each year, the office shall submit a report to the Governor's
4315     Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst, and the Division
4316     of Finance identifying:
4317          (a) (i) the total estimated amount of new state revenues created from new commercial
4318     projects in [the] development zones; and
4319          (ii) the estimated amount of new state revenues from new commercial projects in [the]
4320     development zones that will be generated from:
4321          (A) sales tax;
4322          (B) income tax; and
4323          (C) corporate franchise and income tax; and
4324          [(b) (i) the total estimated amount of partial rebates as defined in Section 63M-1-2408
4325     that the office projects will be required to be paid in the next fiscal year; and]
4326          [(ii) the estimated amount of partial rebates as defined in Section 63M-1-2408 that are
4327     attributable to:]
4328          [(A) sales tax;]
4329          [(B) income tax; and]
4330          [(C) corporate franchise and income tax; and]
4331          [(c)] (b) the total estimated amount of tax credits that the office projects that business
4332     entities, local government entities, or community development and renewal agencies will
4333     qualify to claim under this part.
4334          (2) By the first business day of each month, the office shall submit a report to the
4335     Governor's Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst, and the
4336     Division of Finance identifying:
4337          (a) each new agreement entered into by the office since the last report;
4338          (b) the estimated amount of new state revenues that will be generated under each
4339     agreement; and
4340          (c) the estimated maximum amount of tax credits that a business entity, local
4341     government entity, or community development and renewal agency could qualify for under

4342     each agreement.
4343          Section 73. Section 63N-2-108, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2409 is
4344     renumbered and amended to read:
4345          [63M-1-2409].      63N-2-108. Expenditure of amounts received by a local
4346     government entity or community development and renewal agency as a tax credit --
4347     Commingling of tax credit amounts with certain other amounts.
4348          (1) Subject to Subsections (2) and (3), a local government entity or community
4349     development and renewal agency may expend amounts the local government entity or
4350     community development and renewal agency receives as a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.2:
4351          (a) for infrastructure, including real property or personal property, if that infrastructure
4352     is related to the new commercial project with respect to which the local government entity or
4353     community development and renewal agency claims the tax credit under Section 59-7-614.2; or
4354          (b) for another economic development purpose related to the new commercial project
4355     with respect to which the local government entity or community development and renewal
4356     agency claims the tax credit under Section 59-7-614.2.
4357          (2) A local government entity may:
4358          (a) commingle amounts the local government entity receives as a tax credit under
4359     Section 59-7-614.2 with amounts the local government entity receives under Title [63M] 63N,
4360     Chapter [1] 3, Part [9] 1, Industrial Assistance [Fund] Account; and
4361          (b) expend the commingled amounts described in Subsection (2)(a) for a purpose
4362     described in Title [63M] 63N, Chapter [1] 3, Part [9] 1, Industrial Assistance [Fund] Account,
4363     if that purpose is related to the new commercial project with respect to which the local
4364     government entity claims the tax credit under Section 59-7-614.2.
4365          (3) A community development and renewal agency may:
4366          (a) commingle amounts the community development and renewal agency receives as a
4367     tax credit under Section 59-7-614.2 with amounts the community development and renewal
4368     agency receives under Title 17C, Chapter 1, Part 4, Tax Increment and Sales Tax; and
4369          (b) expend the commingled amounts described in Subsection (3)(a) for a purpose

4370     described in Title 17C, Chapter 1, Part 4, Tax Increment and Sales Tax, if that purpose is
4371     related to the new commercial project with respect to which the community development and
4372     renewal agency claims the tax credit under Section 59-7-614.2.
4373          Section 74. Section 63N-2-201, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-401 is
4374     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 2. Enterprise Zone Act

4376          [63M-1-401].      63N-2-201. Title.
4377          This part is known as the "Enterprise Zone Act."
4378          Section 75. Section 63N-2-202, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-402 is
4379     renumbered and amended to read:
4380          [63M-1-402].      63N-2-202. Definitions.
4381          As used in this part:
4382          (1) "Business entity" means an entity, sole proprietorship, or individual:
4383          (a) including a claimant, estate, or trust; and
4384          (b) under which or by whom business is conducted or transacted.
4385          (2) "Claimant" means a resident or nonresident person that has:
4386          (a) Utah taxable income as defined in Section 59-7-101; or
4387          (b) state taxable income under Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 1, Determination and
4388     Reporting of Tax Liability and Information.
4389          (3) "County applicant" means the governing authority of a county that meets the
4390     requirements for designation as an enterprise zone under Section [63M-1-404] 63N-2-204.
4391          (4) "Estate" means a nonresident estate or a resident estate that has state taxable
4392     income under Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 2, Trusts and Estates.
4393          (5) "Municipal applicant" means the governing authority of a city or town that meets
4394     the requirements for designation as an enterprise zone under Section [63M-1-404] 63N-2-204.
4395          (6) "New full-time employee position" means a position that has been newly created
4396     and then filled by an employee working at least 30 hours per week:
4397          (a) for a period of not less than six consecutive months; and

4398          (b) where the period ends in the tax year for which the credit is claimed.
4399          (7) "Nonrefundable tax credit" or "tax credit" means a tax credit that a business entity
4400     may:
4401          (a) claim:
4402          (i) as provided by statute; and
4403          (ii) in an amount that does not exceed the business entity's tax liability for a taxable
4404     year under:
4405          (A) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes; or
4406          (B) Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; and
4407          (b) carry forward or carry back:
4408          (i) if allowed by statute; and
4409          (ii) to the extent that the amount of the tax credit exceeds the business entity's tax
4410     liability for a taxable year under:
4411          (A) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes; or
4412          (B) Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
4413          (8) "Tax incentives" or "tax benefits" means the nonrefundable tax credits described in
4414     Section [63M-1-413] 63N-2-213.
4415          (9) "Trust" means a nonresident trust or a resident trust that has state taxable income
4416     under Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 2, Trusts and Estates.
4417          Section 76. Section 63N-2-203, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-403 is
4418     renumbered and amended to read:
4419          [63M-1-403].      63N-2-203. Powers of the office.
4420          The office shall:
4421          (1) monitor the implementation and operation of this part and conduct a continuing
4422     evaluation of the progress made in the enterprise zones;
4423          (2) evaluate an application for designation as an enterprise zone from a county
4424     applicant or a municipal applicant and determine if the applicant qualifies for that designation;
4425          (3) provide technical assistance to county applicants and municipal applicants in

4426     developing applications for designation as enterprise zones;
4427          (4) assist county applicants and municipal applicants designated as enterprise zones in
4428     obtaining assistance from the federal government and agencies of the state;
4429          (5) assist a qualified business entity in obtaining the benefits of an incentive or
4430     inducement program authorized by this part; and
4431          (6) as part of the annual written report described in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-2-301,
4432     prepare an annual evaluation based, in part, on data provided by the State Tax Commission that
4433     evaluates the effectiveness of the program and any suggestions for legislation.
4434          Section 77. Section 63N-2-204, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-404 is
4435     renumbered and amended to read:
4436          [63M-1-404].      63N-2-204. Criteria for designation of enterprise zones --
4437     Application.
4438          (1) A county applicant seeking designation as an enterprise zone shall file an
4439     application with the office that, in addition to complying with the other requirements of this
4440     part:
4441          (a) verifies that the county has a population of not more than 50,000; and
4442          (b) provides clear evidence of the need for development in the county.
4443          (2) A municipal applicant seeking designation as an enterprise zone shall file an
4444     application with the office that, in addition to complying with other requirements of this part:
4445          (a) verifies that the municipality has a population that does not exceed 15,000;
4446          (b) verifies that the municipality is within a county that has a population of not more
4447     than 50,000; and
4448          (c) provides clear evidence of the need for development in the municipality.
4449          (3) An application filed under Subsection (1) or (2) shall be in a form and in
4450     accordance with procedures approved by the office, and shall include the following
4451     information:
4452          (a) a plan developed by the county applicant or municipal applicant that identifies local
4453     contributions meeting the requirements of Section [63M-1-405] 63N-2-205;

4454          (b) the county applicant or municipal applicant has a development plan that outlines:
4455          (i) the types of investment and development within the zone that the county applicant
4456     or municipal applicant expects to take place if the incentives specified in this part are provided;
4457          (ii) the specific investment or development reasonably expected to take place;
4458          (iii) any commitments obtained from businesses;
4459          (iv) the projected number of jobs that will be created and the anticipated wage level of
4460     those jobs;
4461          (v) any proposed emphasis on the type of jobs created, including any affirmative action
4462     plans; and
4463          (vi) a copy of the county applicant's or municipal applicant's economic development
4464     plan to demonstrate coordination between the zone and overall county or municipal goals;
4465          (c) the county applicant's or municipal applicant's proposed means of assessing the
4466     effectiveness of the development plan or other programs within the zone once they have been
4467     implemented within the zone;
4468          (d) any additional information required by the office; and
4469          (e) any additional information the county applicant or municipal applicant considers
4470     relevant to its designation as an enterprise zone.
4471          Section 78. Section 63N-2-205, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-405 is
4472     renumbered and amended to read:
4473          [63M-1-405].      63N-2-205. Qualifying local contributions.
4474          (1) An area may be designated as an enterprise zone only if the county applicant or
4475     municipal applicant agrees to make a qualifying local contribution.
4476          (2) The qualifying local contribution may vary depending on available resources, and
4477     may include such elements as:
4478          (a) simplified procedures for obtaining permits;
4479          (b) dedication of available government grants;
4480          (c) dedication of training funds;
4481          (d) waiver of business license fees;

4482          (e) infrastructure improvements;
4483          (f) private contributions;
4484          (g) utility rate concessions;
4485          (h) small business incubator programs; or
4486          (i) management assistance programs.
4487          Section 79. Section 63N-2-206, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-406 is
4488     renumbered and amended to read:
4489          [63M-1-406].      63N-2-206. Eligibility review.
4490          (1) The office shall:
4491          (a) review and evaluate the applications submitted under Section [63M-1-404]
4492     63N-2-204; and
4493          (b) determine whether each county applicant or municipal applicant is eligible for
4494     designation as an enterprise zone.
4495          (2) (a) The office shall designate enterprise zones.
4496          (b) The office shall consider and evaluate an application using the following criteria:
4497          (i) the pervasiveness of poverty, unemployment, and general distress in the proposed
4498     zone;
4499          (ii) the extent of chronic abandonment, deterioration, or reduction in value of
4500     commercial, industrial, or residential structures in the proposed zone, and the extent of property
4501     tax arrearages in the proposed zone;
4502          (iii) the potential for new investment and economic development in the proposed zone;
4503          (iv) the county applicant's or municipal applicant's proposed use of other state and
4504     federal development funds or programs to increase the probability of new investment and
4505     development occurring;
4506          (v) the extent to which the projected development in the zone will provide employment
4507     to residents of the county and particularly individuals who are unemployed or who are
4508     economically disadvantaged;
4509          (vi) the degree to which the county applicant's or municipal applicant's application

4510     promotes innovative solutions to economic development problems and demonstrates local
4511     initiative; and
4512          (vii) other relevant factors that the office specifies in its recommendation.
4513          Section 80. Section 63N-2-207, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-407 is
4514     renumbered and amended to read:
4515          [63M-1-407].      63N-2-207. Quarterly consideration.
4516          The office shall consider designating enterprise zones quarterly.
4517          Section 81. Section 63N-2-208, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-408 is
4518     renumbered and amended to read:
4519          [63M-1-408].      63N-2-208. Duration of designation.
4520          Each enterprise zone has a duration of five years, at the end of which the county may
4521     reapply for the designation.
4522          Section 82. Section 63N-2-209, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-409 is
4523     renumbered and amended to read:
4524          [63M-1-409].      63N-2-209. Contingent designations.
4525          (1) The office may accept applications for, and may at any time grant, a contingent
4526     designation of any county as an enterprise zone for purposes of seeking a designation of the
4527     county as a federally designated zone.
4528          (2) This designation does not entitle a business operating in that county to the tax
4529     incentives under this part.
4530          Section 83. Section 63N-2-210, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-410 is
4531     renumbered and amended to read:
4532          [63M-1-410].      63N-2-210. Revocation of designations.
4533          (1) The office may revoke the designation of an enterprise zone, if no businesses utilize
4534     the tax incentives during any calendar year.
4535          (2) Prior to that action, the office shall conduct a public hearing to determine reasons
4536     for inactivity and explore possible alternative actions.
4537          Section 84. Section 63N-2-211, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-411 is

4538     renumbered and amended to read:
4539          [63M-1-411].      63N-2-211. Disqualifying transfers.
4540          Except in counties of the first or second class, tax incentives provided by this part are
4541     not available to companies that close or permanently curtail operations in another part of the
4542     state in connection with a transfer of any part of its business operations to an enterprise zone, if
4543     the closure or permanent curtailment is reasonably expected to diminish employment in that
4544     part of the state.
4545          Section 85. Section 63N-2-212, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-412 is
4546     renumbered and amended to read:
4547          [63M-1-412].      63N-2-212. Business entities qualifying for tax incentives.
4548          (1) Except as otherwise provided in Subsection (2), the tax incentives described in this
4549     part are available only to a business entity for which at least 51% of the employees employed at
4550     facilities of the business entity located in the enterprise zone are individuals who, at the time of
4551     employment, reside in:
4552          (a) the county in which the enterprise zone is located; or
4553          (b) an enterprise zone that is immediately adjacent and contiguous to the county in
4554     which the enterprise zone is located.
4555          (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a business entity that has no employees.
4556          Section 86. Section 63N-2-213, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-413 is
4557     renumbered and amended to read:
4558          [63M-1-413].      63N-2-213. State tax credits.
4559          (1) Subject to the limitations of Subsections (2) through (4), the following
4560     nonrefundable tax credits against a tax under Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and
4561     Income Taxes, or Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act, are applicable in an
4562     enterprise zone:
4563          (a) a tax credit of $750 may be claimed by a business entity for each new full-time
4564     employee position created within the enterprise zone;
4565          (b) an additional $500 tax credit may be claimed if the new full-time employee position

4566     created within the enterprise zone pays at least 125% of:
4567          (i) the county average monthly nonagricultural payroll wage for the respective industry
4568     as determined by the Department of Workforce Services; or
4569          (ii) if the county average monthly nonagricultural payroll wage is not available for the
4570     respective industry, the total average monthly nonagricultural payroll wage in the respective
4571     county where the enterprise zone is located;
4572          (c) an additional tax credit of $750 may be claimed if the new full-time employee
4573     position created within the enterprise zone is in a business entity that adds value to agricultural
4574     commodities through manufacturing or processing;
4575          (d) an additional tax credit of $200 may be claimed for two consecutive years for each
4576     new full-time employee position created within the enterprise zone that is filled by an
4577     employee who is insured under an employer-sponsored health insurance program if the
4578     employer pays at least 50% of the premium cost for the year for which the credit is claimed;
4579          (e) a tax credit of 50% of the value of a cash contribution to a private nonprofit
4580     corporation, except that the credit claimed may not exceed $100,000:
4581          (i) that is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal
4582     Revenue Code;
4583          (ii) whose primary purpose is community and economic development; and
4584          (iii) that has been accredited by the Governor's Rural Partnership Board;
4585          (f) a tax credit of 25% of the first $200,000 spent on rehabilitating a building in the
4586     enterprise zone that has been vacant for two years or more; and
4587          (g) an annual investment tax credit of 10% of the first $250,000 in investment, and 5%
4588     of the next $1,000,000 qualifying investment in plant, equipment, or other depreciable
4589     property.
4590          (2) (a) Subject to the limitations of Subsection (2)(b), a business entity claiming tax
4591     credits under Subsections (1)(a) through (d) may claim the tax credits for up to 30 full-time
4592     employee positions per taxable year.
4593          (b) A business entity that received a tax credit for one or more new full-time employee

4594     positions under Subsections (1)(a) through (d) in a prior taxable year may claim a tax credit for
4595     a new full-time employee position in a subsequent taxable year under Subsections (1)(a)
4596     through (d) if:
4597          (i) the business entity has created a new full-time position within the enterprise zone;
4598     and
4599          (ii) the total number of full-time employee positions at the business entity at any point
4600     during the tax year for which the tax credit is being claimed is greater than the number of
4601     full-time employee positions that existed at the business entity at any point during the taxable
4602     year immediately preceding the taxable year for which the credit is being claimed.
4603          (c) Construction jobs are not eligible for the tax credits under Subsections (1)(a)
4604     through (d).
4605          (3) If the amount of a tax credit under this section exceeds a business entity's tax
4606     liability under this chapter for a taxable year, the business entity may carry forward the amount
4607     of the tax credit exceeding the liability for a period that does not exceed the next three taxable
4608     years.
4609          (4) Tax credits under Subsections (1)(a) through (g) may not be claimed by a business
4610     entity primarily engaged in retail trade or by a public utilities business.
4611          (5) A business entity that has no employees:
4612          (a) may not claim tax credits under Subsections (1)(a) through (d); and
4613          (b) may claim tax credits under Subsections (1)(e) through (g).
4614          (6) A business entity may not claim or carry forward a tax credit available under this
4615     part for a taxable year during which the business entity has claimed the targeted business
4616     income tax credit available under Section 63M-1-504.
4617          Section 87. Section 63N-2-214, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-414 is
4618     renumbered and amended to read:
4619          [63M-1-414].      63N-2-214. Annual report.
4620          Each county applicant or municipal applicant designated as an enterprise zone shall
4621     annually report to the office regarding the economic activity that has occurred in the zone

4622     following the designation.
4623          Section 88. Section 63N-2-215, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-415 is
4624     renumbered and amended to read:
4625          [63M-1-415].      63N-2-215. Indian tribes -- Application.
4626          (1) For purposes of this section:
4627          (a) "Indian reservation" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section 9-9-210.
4628          (b) "Indian tribe" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Subsection 9-9-402(6).
4629          (c) "Tribal applicant" means the governing authority of a tribe that meets the
4630     requirements for designation as an enterprise zone under Subsection (2).
4631          (2) Indian tribes may apply for designation of an area within an Indian reservation as an
4632     enterprise zone.
4633          (3) The tribal applicant shall follow the application procedure for a municipal applicant
4634     in this part except for the population requirement in Subsections [63M-1-404] 63N-2-204(2)(a)
4635     and (b).
4636          Section 89. Section 63N-2-301 is enacted to read:
Part 3. Targeted Business Income Tax Credit in an Enterprise Zone

4638          63N-2-301. Title.
4639          This part is known as "Targeted Business Income Tax Credit in an Enterprise Zone."
4640          Section 90. Section 63N-2-302, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-501 is
4641     renumbered and amended to read:
4642          [63M-1-501].      63N-2-302. Definitions.
4643          As used in this part:
4644          (1) "Allocated cap amount" means the total amount of the targeted business income tax
4645     credit that a business applicant is allowed to claim for a taxable year that represents a pro rata
4646     share of the total amount of $300,000 for each fiscal year allowed under Subsection
4647     [63M-1-504] 63N-2-305(2).
4648          (2) "Business applicant" means a business that:
4649          (a) is a:

4650          (i) claimant;
4651          (ii) estate; or
4652          (iii) trust; and
4653          (b) meets the criteria established in Section [63M-1-503] 63N-2-304.
4654          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), "claimant" means a resident or
4655     nonresident person.
4656          (b) "Claimant" does not include an estate or trust.
4657          (4) "Community investment project" means a project that includes one or more of the
4658     following criteria in addition to the normal operations of the business applicant:
4659          (a) substantial new employment;
4660          (b) new capital development; or
4661          (c) a combination of both Subsections (4)(a) and (b).
4662          (5) "Community investment project period" means the total number of years that the
4663     office determines a business applicant is eligible for a targeted business income tax credit for
4664     each community investment project.
4665          (6) "Enterprise zone" means an area within a county or municipality that has been
4666     designated as an enterprise zone by the office under Part [4] 2, Enterprise Zone Act.
4667          (7) "Estate" means a nonresident estate or a resident estate.
4668          (8) "Local zone administrator" means a person:
4669          (a) designated by the governing authority of the county or municipal applicant as the
4670     local zone administrator in an enterprise zone application; and
4671          (b) approved by the office as the local zone administrator.
4672          (9) "Refundable tax credit" or "tax credit" means a tax credit that a claimant, estate, or
4673     trust may claim:
4674          (a) as provided by statute; and
4675          (b) regardless of whether, for the taxable year for which the claimant, estate, or trust
4676     claims the tax credit, the claimant, estate, or trust has a tax liability under:
4677          (i) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes; or

4678          (ii) Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
4679          (10) "Targeted business income tax credit" means a refundable tax credit available
4680     under Section [63M-1-504] 63N-2-305.
4681          (11) "Targeted business income tax credit eligibility form" means a document provided
4682     annually to the business applicant by the office that complies with the requirements of
4683     Subsection [63M-1-504] 63N-2-305(8).
4684          (12) "Trust" means a nonresident trust or a resident trust.
4685          Section 91. Section 63N-2-303, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-502 is
4686     renumbered and amended to read:
4687          [63M-1-502].      63N-2-303. Rulemaking authority.
4688          In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and for
4689     purposes of this [section] part, the office shall make rules:
4690          (1) to determine what constitutes:
4691          (a) substantial new employment;
4692          (b) new capital development; and
4693          (c) a project; and
4694          (2) to establish a formula for determining the allocated cap amount for each business
4695     applicant.
4696          Section 92. Section 63N-2-304, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-503 is
4697     renumbered and amended to read:
4698          [63M-1-503].      63N-2-304. Application for targeted business income tax
4699     credit.
4700          (1) (a) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002, a business applicant
4701     may elect to claim a targeted business income tax credit available under Section [63M-1-504]
4702     63N-2-305 if the business applicant:
4703          (i) is located in:
4704          (A) an enterprise zone; and
4705          (B) a county with:

4706          (I) a population of less than 25,000; and
4707          (II) an unemployment rate that for six months or more of each calendar year is at least
4708     one percentage point higher than the state average;
4709          (ii) meets the requirements of Section [63M-1-412] 63N-2-212;
4710          (iii) provides:
4711          (A) a community investment project within the enterprise zone; and
4712          (B) a portion of the community investment project during each taxable year for which
4713     the business applicant claims the targeted business tax incentive; and
4714          (iv) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, is
4715     not engaged in the following, as defined by the State Tax Commission by rule:
4716          (A) construction;
4717          (B) retail trade; or
4718          (C) public utility activities.
4719          (b) For a taxable year for which a business applicant claims a targeted business income
4720     tax credit available under this part, the business applicant may not claim or carry forward a tax
4721     credit available under Section 59-7-610, 59-10-1007, or [63M-1-413] 63N-2-213.
4722          (2) (a) A business applicant seeking to claim a targeted business income tax credit
4723     under this part shall file an application as provided in Subsection (2)(b) with the local zone
4724     administrator by no later than June 1 of the year in which the business applicant is seeking to
4725     claim a targeted business income tax credit.
4726          (b) The application described in Subsection (2)(a) shall include:
4727          (i) any documentation required by the local zone administrator to demonstrate that the
4728     business applicant meets the requirements of Subsection (1);
4729          (ii) a plan developed by the business applicant that outlines:
4730          (A) if the community investment project includes substantial new employment, the
4731     projected number and anticipated wage level of the jobs that the business applicant plans to
4732     create as the basis for qualifying for a targeted business income tax credit;
4733          (B) if the community investment project includes new capital development, a

4734     description of the capital development the business applicant plans to make as the basis for
4735     qualifying for a targeted business income tax credit; and
4736          (C) a description of how the business applicant's plan coordinates with:
4737          (I) the goals of the enterprise zone in which the business applicant is providing a
4738     community investment project; and
4739          (II) the overall economic development goals of the county or municipality in which the
4740     business applicant is providing a community investment project; and
4741          (iii) any additional information required by the local zone administrator.
4742          (3) (a) The local zone administrator shall:
4743          (i) evaluate an application filed under Subsection (2); and
4744          (ii) determine whether the business applicant is eligible for a targeted business income
4745     tax credit.
4746          (b) If the local zone administrator determines that the business applicant is eligible for
4747     a targeted business income tax credit, the local zone administrator shall:
4748          (i) certify that the business applicant is eligible for the targeted business income tax
4749     credit;
4750          (ii) structure the targeted business income tax credit for the business applicant in
4751     accordance with Section [63M-1-504] 63N-2-305; and
4752          (iii) monitor a business applicant to ensure compliance with this section.
4753          (4) A local zone administrator shall report to the office by no later than June 30 of each
4754     year:
4755          (a) (i) any application approved by the local zone administrator during the last fiscal
4756     year; and
4757          (ii) the information established in Subsections [63M-1-504] 63N-2-305(4)(a) through
4758     (d) for each new business applicant; and
4759          (b) (i) the status of any existing business applicants that the local zone administrator
4760     monitors; and
4761          (ii) any information required by the office to determine the status of an existing

4762     business applicant.
4763          (5) (a) By July 15 of each year, the department shall notify the local zone administrator
4764     of the allocated cap amount that each business applicant that the local zone administrator
4765     monitors is eligible to claim.
4766          (b) By September 15 of each year, the local zone administrator shall notify, in writing,
4767     each business applicant that the local zone administrator monitors of the allocated cap amount
4768     determined by the office under Subsection (5)(a) that the business applicant is eligible to claim
4769     for a taxable year.
4770          Section 93. Section 63N-2-305, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-504 is
4771     renumbered and amended to read:
4772          [63M-1-504].      63N-2-305. Targeted business income tax credit structure --
4773     Duties of the local zone administrator -- Duties of the State Tax Commission.
4774          (1) [For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002, a] A business applicant
4775     that is certified under Subsection [63M-1-503] 63N-2-304(3) and issued a targeted business tax
4776     credit eligibility form by the office under Subsection (8) may claim a refundable tax credit:
4777          (a) against the business applicant's tax liability under:
4778          (i) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes; or
4779          (ii) Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; and
4780          (b) subject to requirements and limitations provided by this part.
4781          (2) The total amount of the targeted business income tax credits allowed under this part
4782     for all business applicants may not exceed $300,000 in any fiscal year.
4783          (3) (a) A targeted business income tax credit allowed under this part for each
4784     community investment project provided by a business applicant may not:
4785          (i) be claimed by a business applicant for more than seven consecutive taxable years
4786     from the date the business applicant first qualifies for a targeted business income tax credit on
4787     the basis of a community investment project;
4788          (ii) be carried forward or carried back;
4789          (iii) exceed $100,000 in total amount for the community investment project period

4790     during which the business applicant is eligible to claim a targeted business income tax credit;
4791     or
4792          (iv) exceed in any year that the targeted business income tax credit is claimed the lesser
4793     of:
4794          (A) 50% of the maximum amount allowed by the local zone administrator; or
4795          (B) the allocated cap amount determined by the office under Subsection [63M-1-503]
4796     63N-2-304(5).
4797          (b) A business applicant may apply to the local zone administrator to claim a targeted
4798     business income tax credit allowed under this part for each community investment project
4799     provided by the business applicant as the basis for its eligibility for a targeted business income
4800     tax credit.
4801          (4) Subject to other provisions of this section, the local zone administrator shall
4802     establish for each business applicant that qualifies for a targeted business income tax credit:
4803          (a) criteria for maintaining eligibility for the targeted business income tax credit that
4804     are reasonably related to the community investment project that is the basis for the business
4805     applicant's targeted business income tax credit;
4806          (b) the maximum amount of the targeted business income tax credit the business
4807     applicant is allowed for the community investment project period;
4808          (c) the time period over which the total amount of the targeted business income tax
4809     credit may be claimed;
4810          (d) the maximum amount of the targeted business income tax credit that the business
4811     applicant will be allowed to claim each year; and
4812          (e) requirements for a business applicant to report to the local zone administrator
4813     specifying:
4814          (i) the frequency of the business applicant's reports to the local zone administrator,
4815     which shall be made at least quarterly; and
4816          (ii) the information needed by the local zone administrator to monitor the business
4817     applicant's compliance with this Subsection (4) or Section [63M-1-503] 63N-2-304 that shall

4818     be included in the report.
4819          (5) In accordance with Subsection (4)(e), a business applicant allowed a targeted
4820     business income tax credit under this part shall report to the local zone administrator.
4821          (6) The amount of a targeted business income tax credit that a business applicant is
4822     allowed to claim for a taxable year shall be reduced by 25% for each quarter in which the office
4823     or the local zone administrator determines that the business applicant has failed to comply with
4824     a requirement of Subsection (3) or Section [63M-1-503] 63N-2-304.
4825          (7) The office or local zone administrator may audit a business applicant to ensure:
4826          (a) eligibility for a targeted business income tax credit; or
4827          (b) compliance with Subsection (3) or Section [63M-1-503] 63N-2-304.
4828          (8) The office shall issue a targeted business income tax credit eligibility form in a
4829     form jointly developed by the State Tax Commission and the office no later than 30 days after
4830     the last day of the business applicant's taxable year showing:
4831          (a) the maximum amount of the targeted business income tax credit that the business
4832     applicant is eligible for that taxable year;
4833          (b) any reductions in the maximum amount of the targeted business income tax credit
4834     because of failure to comply with a requirement of Subsection (3) or Section [63M-1-503]
4835     63N-2-304;
4836          (c) the allocated cap amount that the business applicant may claim for that taxable
4837     year; and
4838          (d) the actual amount of the targeted business income tax credit that the business
4839     applicant may claim for that taxable year.
4840          (9) (a) A business applicant shall retain the targeted business income tax credit
4841     eligibility form provided by the office under this Subsection (9).
4842          (b) The State Tax Commission may audit a business applicant to ensure:
4843          (i) eligibility for a targeted business income tax credit; or
4844          (ii) compliance with Subsection (3) or Section [63M-1-503] 63N-2-304.
4845          Section 94. Section 63N-2-401, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1101 is

4846     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 4. Recycling Market Development Zone Act

4848          [63M-1-1101].      63N-2-401. Title.
4849          This part is known as the "Recycling Market Development Zone Act."
4850          Section 95. Section 63N-2-402, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1102 is
4851     renumbered and amended to read:
4852          [63M-1-1102].      63N-2-402. Definitions.
4853          As used in this part:
4854          (1) "Composting" means the controlled decay of landscape waste or sewage sludge and
4855     organic industrial waste, or a mixture of these, by the action of bacteria, fungi, molds, and other
4856     organisms.
4857          (2) "Postconsumer waste material" means any product generated by a business or
4858     consumer that has served its intended end use, and that has been separated from solid waste for
4859     the purposes of collection, recycling, and disposition and that does not include secondary waste
4860     material.
4861          (3) (a) "Recovered materials" means waste materials and by-products that have been
4862     recovered or diverted from solid waste.
4863          (b) "Recovered materials" does not include those materials and by-products generated
4864     from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process.
4865          (4) (a) "Recycling" means the diversion of materials from the solid waste stream and
4866     the beneficial use of the materials and includes a series of activities by which materials that
4867     would become or otherwise remain waste are diverted from the waste stream for collection,
4868     separation, and processing, and are used as raw materials or feedstocks in lieu of or in addition
4869     to virgin materials in the manufacture of goods sold or distributed in commerce or the reuse of
4870     the materials as substitutes for goods made from virgin materials.
4871          (b) "Recycling" does not include burning municipal solid waste for energy recovery.
4872          (5) "Recycling market development zone" or "zone" means an area designated by the
4873     office as meeting the requirements of this part.

4874          (6) (a) "Secondary waste material" means industrial by-products that go to disposal
4875     facilities and waste generated after completion of a manufacturing process.
4876          (b) "Secondary waste material" does not include internally generated scrap commonly
4877     returned to industrial or manufacturing processes, such as home scrap and mill broke.
4878          (7) "State tax incentives," "tax incentives," or "tax benefits" means the nonrefundable
4879     tax credits available under Sections 59-7-608 and 59-10-1007.
4880          Section 96. Section 63N-2-403, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1103 is
4881     renumbered and amended to read:
4882          [63M-1-1103].      63N-2-403. Duties of the office.
4883          The office shall:
4884          (1) facilitate recycling development zones through state support of county incentives
4885     which encourage development of manufacturing enterprises that use recycling materials
4886     currently collected;
4887          (2) evaluate an application from a county or municipality executive authority to be
4888     designated as a recycling market development zone and determine if the county or municipality
4889     qualifies for that designation;
4890          (3) provide technical assistance to municipalities and counties in developing
4891     applications for designation as a recycling market development zone;
4892          (4) assist counties and municipalities designated as recycling market development
4893     zones in obtaining assistance from the federal government and agencies of the state;
4894          (5) assist a qualified business in obtaining the benefits of an incentive or inducement
4895     program authorized by this part;
4896          (6) monitor the implementation and operation of this part and conduct a continuing
4897     evaluation of the progress made in the recycling market development zone; and
4898          (7) include in the annual written report described in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-2-301,
4899     an evaluation of the effectiveness of the program and recommendations for legislation.
4900          Section 97. Section 63N-2-404, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1104 is
4901     renumbered and amended to read:

4902          [63M-1-1104].      63N-2-404. Criteria for recycling market development zone
4903     -- Application process and fees.
4904          (1) An area may be designated as a recycling market development zone only if:
4905          (a) the county or municipality agrees to make a qualifying local contribution under
4906     Section [63M-1-1105] 63N-2-405; and
4907          (b) the county or municipality provides for postconsumer waste collection for recycling
4908     within the county or municipality.
4909          (2) The executive authority of any municipality or county desiring to be designated as a
4910     recycling market development zone shall:
4911          (a) obtain the written approval of the municipality or county's legislative body; and
4912          (b) file an application with the office demonstrating the county or municipality meets
4913     the requirements of this part.
4914          (3) The application shall be in a form prescribed by the office, and shall include:
4915          (a) a plan developed by the county or municipality that identifies local contributions
4916     meeting the requirements of Section [63M-1-1105] 63N-2-405;
4917          (b) a county or municipality development plan that outlines:
4918          (i) the specific investment or development reasonably expected to take place;
4919          (ii) any commitments obtained from businesses to participate, and in what capacities
4920     regarding recycling markets;
4921          (iii) the county's or municipality's economic development plan and demonstration of
4922     coordination between the zone and the county or municipality in overall development goals;
4923          (iv) zoning requirements demonstrating that sufficient portions of the proposed zone
4924     area are zoned as appropriate for the development of commercial, industrial, or manufacturing
4925     businesses;
4926          (v) the county's or municipality's long-term waste management plan and evidence that
4927     the zone will be adequately served by the plan; and
4928          (vi) the county or municipality postconsumer waste collection infrastructure;
4929          (c) the county's or municipality's proposed means of assessing the effectiveness of the

4930     development plan or other programs implemented within the zone;
4931          (d) state whether within the zone either of the following will be established:
4932          (i) commercial manufacturing or industrial processes that will produce end products
4933     that consist of not less than 50% recovered materials, of which not less than 25% is
4934     postconsumer waste material; or
4935          (ii) commercial composting;
4936          (e) any additional information required by the office; and
4937          (f) any additional information the county or municipality considers relevant to its
4938     designation as a recycling market development zone.
4939          (4) A county or municipality applying for designation as a recycling market
4940     development zone shall pay to the office an application fee determined under Section
4941     63J-1-504.
4942          Section 98. Section 63N-2-405, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1105 is
4943     renumbered and amended to read:
4944          [63M-1-1105].      63N-2-405. Qualifying local contributions.
4945          Qualifying local contributions to the recycling market development zone may vary
4946     depending on available resources, and may include:
4947          (1) simplified procedures for obtaining permits;
4948          (2) dedication of available government grants;
4949          (3) waiver of business license or permit fees;
4950          (4) infrastructure improvements;
4951          (5) private contributions;
4952          (6) utility rate concessions;
4953          (7) suspension or relaxation of locally originated zoning laws or general plans; and
4954          (8) other proposed local contributions as the office finds promote the purposes of this
4955     part.
4956          Section 99. Section 63N-2-406, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1106 is
4957     renumbered and amended to read:

4958          [63M-1-1106].      63N-2-406. Eligibility review.
4959          (1) The office shall:
4960          (a) review and evaluate an application submitted under Section [63M-1-1104]
4961     63N-2-404; and
4962          (b) determine whether the municipality or county is eligible for designation as a
4963     recycling market development zone.
4964          (2) In designating recycling market development zones, the office shall consider:
4965          (a) whether the current waste management practices and conditions of the county or
4966     municipality are favorable to the development of postconsumer waste material markets;
4967          (b) whether the creation of the zone is necessary to assist in attracting private sector
4968     recycling investments to the area; and
4969          (c) the amount of available landfill capacity to serve the zone.
4970          Section 100. Section 63N-2-407, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1107 is
4971     renumbered and amended to read:
4972          [63M-1-1107].      63N-2-407. Quarterly consideration.
4973          The office shall take action quarterly on any application requesting designation as a
4974     recycling market development zone.
4975          Section 101. Section 63N-2-408, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1108 is
4976     renumbered and amended to read:
4977          [63M-1-1108].      63N-2-408. Duration of designation.
4978          A recycling market development zone designation ends five years from the date the
4979     office designates the area as a recycling market development zone, at the end of which the
4980     county or municipality may reapply for the designation.
4981          Section 102. Section 63N-2-409, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1109 is
4982     renumbered and amended to read:
4983          [63M-1-1109].      63N-2-409. Revocation of designations.
4984          (1) The office may revoke the designation of a recycling market development zone if
4985     no businesses utilize the tax incentives during any calendar year.

4986          (2) Before revocation of the zone, the office shall conduct a public hearing within a
4987     reasonable distance of the zone to determine reasons for inactivity and explore possible
4988     alternative actions.
4989          Section 103. Section 63N-2-410, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1110 is
4990     renumbered and amended to read:
4991          [63M-1-1110].      63N-2-410. Recycling market development zone credit.
4992          For a taxpayer within a recycling market development zone, there are allowed the
4993     nonrefundable credits against tax as provided by Sections 59-7-610 and 59-10-1007.
4994          Section 104. Section 63N-2-411, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1111 is
4995     renumbered and amended to read:
4996          [63M-1-1111].      63N-2-411. Annual report.
4997          (1) A county or municipality designated as a recycling market development zone shall
4998     report by no later than July 31 of each year to the office regarding the economic activity that
4999     has occurred in the zone following the designation.
5000          (2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
5001     office may make rules providing for the form and content of the annual reports.
5002          Section 105. Section 63N-2-412, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1112 is
5003     renumbered and amended to read:
5004          [63M-1-1112].      63N-2-412. Technology Commercialization and Innovation
5005     Program.
5006          In accordance with [Part 6] Chapter 12, Part 1, State Advisory Council on Science and
5007     Technology, the office may award grants to the Technology Commercialization and Innovation
5008     Program, as defined by Section [63M-1-703] 63N-3-203, to fund development of new
5009     technology for recycling if the program funded is a cooperative effort between the Technology
5010     Commercialization and Innovation Program and one or more recycling market development
5011     zones created under this part.
5012          Section 106. Section 63N-2-501, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3401 is
5013     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 5. New Convention Facility Development Incentives

5015          [63M-1-3401].      63N-2-501. Title.
5016          This part is known as [the] "New Convention Facility Development [Incentive Act]
5017     Incentives."
5018          Section 107. Section 63N-2-502, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3402 is
5019     renumbered and amended to read:
5020          [63M-1-3402].      63N-2-502. Definitions.
5021          As used in this part:
5022          (1) "Agreement" means an agreement described in Section [63M-1-3403] 63N-2-503.
5023          (2) "Commission" means the Utah State Tax Commission.
5024          (3) "Community development and renewal agency" has the same meaning as defined in
5025     Section 17C-1-102.
5026          (4) "Eligibility period" means:
5027          (a) the period that:
5028          (i) begins the date construction of a qualified hotel begins; and
5029          (ii) ends:
5030          (A) for purposes of the state portion, 20 years after the date of initial occupancy of that
5031     qualified hotel; or
5032          (B) for purposes of the local portion, 25 years after the date of initial occupancy of that
5033     hotel; or
5034          (b) as provided in an agreement between the office and a qualified hotel owner or host
5035     local government, a period that:
5036          (i) begins no earlier than the date construction of a qualified hotel begins; and
5037          (ii) is shorter than the period described in Subsection (4)(a).
5038          (5) "Endorsement letter" means a letter:
5039          (a) from the county in which a qualified hotel is located or is proposed to be located;
5040          (b) signed by the county executive; and
5041          (c) expressing the county's endorsement of a developer of a qualified hotel as meeting

5042     all the county's criteria for receiving the county's endorsement.
5043          (6) "Host agency" means the community development and renewal agency of the host
5044     local government.
5045          (7) "Host local government" means:
5046          (a) a county that enters into an agreement with the office for the construction of a
5047     qualified hotel within the unincorporated area of the county; or
5048          (b) a city or town that enters into an agreement with the office for the construction of a
5049     qualified hotel within the boundary of the city or town.
5050          (8) "Hotel property" means a qualified hotel and any property that is included in the
5051     same development as the qualified hotel, including convention, exhibit, and meeting space,
5052     retail shops, restaurants, parking, and other ancillary facilities and amenities.
5053          (9) "Incremental property tax revenue" means the amount of property tax revenue
5054     generated from hotel property that equals the difference between:
5055          (a) the amount of property tax revenue generated in any tax year by all taxing entities
5056     from hotel property, using the current assessed value of the hotel property; and
5057          (b) the amount of property tax revenue that would be generated that tax year by all
5058     taxing entities from hotel property, using a base taxable value of the hotel property as
5059     established by the county in which the hotel property is located.
5060          (10) "Local portion" means:
5061          (a) the portion of new tax revenue that is not the state portion; and
5062          (b) incremental property tax revenue.
5063          (11) "New tax revenue" means:
5064          (a) all new revenue generated from a tax under Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax
5065     Act, on transactions occurring during the eligibility period as a result of the construction of the
5066     hotel property, including purchases made by a qualified hotel owner and its subcontractors;
5067          (b) all new revenue generated from a tax under Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax
5068     Act, on transactions occurring on hotel property during the eligibility period; and
5069          (c) all new revenue generated from a tax under Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax

5070     Act, on transactions by a third-party seller occurring other than on hotel property during the
5071     eligibility period, if:
5072          (i) the transaction is subject to a tax under Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act;
5073     and
5074          (ii) the third-party seller voluntarily consents to the disclosure of information to the
5075     office, as provided in Subsection [63M-1-3405] 63N-2-505(1)(b)(i)(E).
5076          (12) "Public infrastructure" means:
5077          (a) water, sewer, storm drainage, electrical, telecommunications, and other similar
5078     systems and lines;
5079          (b) streets, roads, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, walkways, parking facilities, and public
5080     transportation facilities; and
5081          (c) other buildings, facilities, infrastructure, and improvements that benefit the public.
5082          (13) "Qualified hotel" means a full-service hotel development constructed in the state
5083     on or after July 1, 2014 that:
5084          (a) requires a significant capital investment;
5085          (b) includes at least 85 square feet of convention, exhibit, and meeting space per guest
5086     room; and
5087          (c) is located within 1,000 feet of a convention center that contains at least 500,000
5088     square feet of convention, exhibit, and meeting space.
5089          (14) "Qualified hotel owner" means a person who owns a qualified hotel.
5090          (15) "Review committee" means the independent review committee established under
5091     Section [63M-1-3404] 63N-2-205.
5092          (16) "Significant capital investment" means an amount of at least $200,000,000.
5093          (17) "State portion" means the portion of new tax revenue that is attributable to a tax
5094     imposed under Subsection 59-12-103(2)(a)(i)(A).
5095          (18) "Tax credit" means a tax credit under Section 59-7-616 or 59-10-1110.
5096          (19) "Tax credit applicant" means a qualified hotel owner or host local government
5097     that:

5098          (a) has entered into an agreement with the office; and
5099          (b) pursuant to that agreement, submits an application for the issuance of a tax credit
5100     certificate.
5101          (20) "Tax credit certificate" means a certificate issued by the office that includes:
5102          (a) the name of the tax credit recipient;
5103          (b) the tax credit recipient's taxpayer identification number;
5104          (c) the amount of the tax credit authorized under this part for a taxable year; and
5105          (d) other information as determined by the office.
5106          (21) "Tax credit recipient" means a tax credit applicant that has been issued a tax credit
5107     certificate.
5108          (22) "Third-party seller" means a person who is a seller in a transaction:
5109          (a) occurring other than on hotel property;
5110          (b) that is:
5111          (i) the sale, rental, or lease of a room or of convention or exhibit space or other
5112     facilities on hotel property; or
5113          (ii) the sale of tangible personal property or a service that is part of a bundled
5114     transaction, as defined in Section 59-12-102, with a sale, rental, or lease described in
5115     Subsection (22)(b)(i); and
5116          (c) that is subject to a tax under Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act.
5117          Section 108. Section 63N-2-503, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3403 is
5118     renumbered and amended to read:
5119          [63M-1-3403].      63N-2-503. Agreement for development of new convention
5120     hotel -- Tax credit authorized -- Agreement requirements.
5121          (1) The office, with the board's advice, may enter into an agreement with a qualified
5122     hotel owner or a host local government:
5123          (a) for the development of a qualified hotel; and
5124          (b) to authorize a tax credit:
5125          (i) to the qualified hotel owner or host local government, but not both;

5126          (ii) for a period not to exceed the eligibility period;
5127          (iii) if:
5128          (A) the county in which the qualified hotel is proposed to be located has issued an
5129     endorsement letter endorsing the qualified hotel owner; and
5130          (B) all applicable requirements of this part and the agreement are met; and
5131          (iv) that is reduced by $1,900,000 per year during the first two years of the eligibility
5132     period, as described in Subsection (2)(c).
5133          (2) An agreement shall:
5134          (a) specify the requirements for a tax credit recipient to qualify for a tax credit;
5135          (b) require compliance with the terms of the endorsement letter issued by the county in
5136     which the qualified hotel is proposed to be located;
5137          (c) require the amount of a tax credit listed in a tax credit certificate issued during the
5138     first two years of the eligibility period to be reduced by $1,900,000 per year;
5139          (d) with respect to the state portion of any tax credit that the tax credit recipient may
5140     receive during the eligibility period:
5141          (i) specify the maximum dollar amount that the tax credit recipient may receive,
5142     subject to a maximum of:
5143          (A) for any taxable year, the amount of the state portion of new tax revenue in that
5144     taxable year; and
5145          (B) $75,000,000 in the aggregate for any tax credit recipient during an eligibility
5146     period, calculated as though the two $1,900,000 reductions of the tax credit amount under
5147     Subsection (1)(b)(iv) had not occurred; and
5148          (ii) specify the maximum percentage of the state portion of new tax revenue that may
5149     be used in calculating a tax credit that a tax credit recipient may receive during the eligibility
5150     period for each taxable year and in the aggregate;
5151          (e) establish a shorter period of time than the period described in Subsection
5152     [63M-1-3402] 63N-2-502(5)(a) during which the tax credit recipient may claim a tax credit or
5153     that the host agency may be paid incremental property tax revenue, if the office and qualified

5154     hotel owner or host local government agree to a shorter period of time;
5155          (f) require the tax credit recipient to retain books and records supporting a claim for a
5156     tax credit as required by Section 59-1-1406;
5157          (g) allow the transfer of the agreement to a third party if the third party assumes all
5158     liabilities and responsibilities in the agreement;
5159          (h) limit the expenditure of funds received under a tax credit as provided in Section
5160     [63M-1-3412] 63N-2-512; and
5161          (i) require the tax credit recipient to submit to any audit the office considers
5162     appropriate for verification of any tax credit or claimed tax credit.
5163          Section 109. Section 63N-2-504, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3404 is
5164     renumbered and amended to read:
5165          [63M-1-3404].      63N-2-504. Independent review committee.
5166          (1) In accordance with rules adopted by the office under Section [63M-1-3408]
5167     63N-2-508, the board shall establish a separate, independent review committee to:
5168          (a) review each initial tax credit application submitted under this part for compliance
5169     with the requirements of this part and the agreement; and
5170          (b) consult with the office, as provided in this part.
5171          (2) The review committee shall consist of:
5172          (a) one member appointed by the director to represent the office;
5173          (b) two members appointed by the mayor or chief executive of the county in which the
5174     qualified hotel is located or proposed to be located;
5175          (c) two members appointed by:
5176          (i) the mayor of the municipality in which the qualified hotel is located or proposed to
5177     be located, if the qualified hotel is located or proposed to be located within the boundary of a
5178     municipality; or
5179          (ii) the mayor or chief executive of the county in which the qualified hotel is located or
5180     proposed to be located, in addition to the two members appointed under Subsection (2)(b), if
5181     the qualified hotel is located or proposed to be located outside the boundary of a municipality;

5182          (d) an individual representing the hotel industry, appointed by the Utah Hotel and
5183     Lodging Association;
5184          (e) an individual representing the commercial development and construction industry,
5185     appointed by the president or chief executive officer of the local chamber of commerce;
5186          (f) an individual representing the convention and meeting planners industry, appointed
5187     by the president or chief executive officer of the local convention and visitors bureau; and
5188          (g) one member appointed by the board.
5189          (3) (a) A member serves an indeterminate term and may be removed from the review
5190     committee by the appointing authority at any time.
5191          (b) A vacancy may be filled in the same manner as an appointment under Subsection
5192     (2).
5193          (4) A member of the review committee may not be paid for serving on the review
5194     committee and may not receive per diem or expense reimbursement.
5195          (5) The office shall provide any necessary staff support to the review committee.
5196          Section 110. Section 63N-2-505, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3405 is
5197     renumbered and amended to read:
5198          [63M-1-3405].      63N-2-505. Submission of written application for tax credit
5199     certificate -- Disclosure of tax returns and other information -- Determination of tax
5200     credit application.
5201          (1) For each taxable year for which a tax credit applicant seeks the issuance of a tax
5202     credit certificate, the tax credit applicant shall submit to the office:
5203          (a) a written application for a tax credit certificate;
5204          (b) (i) for an application submitted by a qualified hotel owner:
5205          (A) a certification by the individual signing the application that the individual is duly
5206     authorized to sign the application on behalf of the qualified hotel owner;
5207          (B) documentation of the new tax revenue generated during the preceding year;
5208          (C) a document in which the qualified hotel owner expressly directs and authorizes the
5209     commission to disclose to the office the qualified hotel owner's tax returns and other

5210     information that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or
5211     Section 6103, Internal Revenue Code;
5212          (D) a document in which the qualified hotel's direct vendors, lessees, or subcontractors,
5213     as applicable, expressly direct and authorize the commission to disclose to the office the tax
5214     returns and other information of those vendors, lessees, or subcontractors that would otherwise
5215     be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or Section 6103, Internal Revenue Code;
5216          (E) a document in which a third-party seller expressly and voluntarily directs and
5217     authorizes the commission to disclose to the office the third-party seller's tax returns and other
5218     information that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or
5219     Section 6103, Internal Revenue Code; and
5220          (F) documentation verifying that the qualified hotel owner is in compliance with the
5221     terms of the agreement;
5222          (ii) for an application submitted by a host local government, documentation of the new
5223     tax revenue generated during the preceding year;
5224          (c) if the host local government intends to assign the tax credit sought in the tax credit
5225     application to a community development and renewal agency:
5226          (i) the taxpayer identification number of the community development and renewal
5227     agency; and
5228          (ii) a document signed by the governing body members of the community development
5229     and renewal agency that expressly directs and authorizes the commission to disclose to the
5230     office the agency's tax returns and other information that would otherwise be subject to
5231     confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or Section 6103, Internal Revenue Code; and
5232          (d) a statement provided by an independent certified public accountant, at the tax credit
5233     applicant's expense, attesting to the accuracy of the documentation of new tax revenue.
5234          (2) (a) The office shall submit to the commission the documents described in
5235     Subsections (1)(b)(i)(C), (D), and (E) and (1)(c)(ii) authorizing disclosure of the tax returns and
5236     other information.
5237          (b) Upon receipt of the documents described in Subsection (2)(a), the commission shall

5238     provide to the office the tax returns and other information described in those documents.
5239          (3) If the office determines that the tax returns and other information is inadequate to
5240     validate the issuance of a tax credit certificate, the office shall inform the tax credit applicant
5241     that the tax returns and other information were inadequate and request the tax credit applicant
5242     to submit additional documentation to validate the issuance of a tax credit certificate.
5243          (4) If the office determines that the returns and other information, including any
5244     additional documentation provided under Subsection (3), provide reasonable justification for
5245     the issuance of a tax credit certificate, the office shall:
5246          (a) determine the amount of the tax credit to be listed on the tax credit certificate;
5247          (b) issue a tax credit certificate to the tax credit applicant for the amount of that tax
5248     credit; and
5249          (c) provide a copy of the tax credit certificate to the commission.
5250          Section 111. Section 63N-2-506, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3406 is
5251     renumbered and amended to read:
5252          [63M-1-3406].      63N-2-506. Effect of tax credit certificate -- Retaining tax
5253     credit certificate.
5254          (1) A person may not claim a tax credit unless the office has issued the person a tax
5255     credit certificate.
5256          (2) A tax credit recipient may claim a tax credit in the amount of the tax credit stated in
5257     a tax credit certificate.
5258          (3) A tax credit recipient shall retain the tax credit certificate in accordance with the
5259     requirements of Section 59-1-1406 for retaining books and records.
5260          (4) The amount of a tax credit indicated on a tax credit certificate issued during the
5261     eligibility period may not exceed the amount of eligible new tax revenue generated during the
5262     taxable year preceding the taxable year for which the tax credit certificate is issued.
5263          Section 112. Section 63N-2-507, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3407 is
5264     renumbered and amended to read:
5265          [63M-1-3407].      63N-2-507. Assigning tax credit.

5266          (1) A host local government that enters into an agreement with the office may, by
5267     resolution, assign a tax credit to a community development and renewal agency, in accordance
5268     with rules adopted by the office.
5269          (2) A host local government that adopts a resolution assigning a tax credit under
5270     Subsection (1) shall provide a copy of the resolution to the office and the commission.
5271          Section 113. Section 63N-2-508, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3408 is
5272     renumbered and amended to read:
5273          [63M-1-3408].      63N-2-508. Payment of incremental property tax revenue.
5274          (1) (a) In accordance with rules adopted by the office, a host agency shall be paid
5275     incremental property tax revenue during the eligibility period.
5276          (b) Incremental property tax revenue may be used only for:
5277          (i) the purchase of or payment for, or reimbursement of a previous purchase of or
5278     payment for:
5279          (A) tangible personal property used in the construction of convention, exhibit, or
5280     meeting space on hotel property;
5281          (B) tangible personal property that, upon the construction of hotel property, becomes
5282     affixed to hotel property as real property; or
5283          (C) any labor and overhead costs associated with the construction described in
5284     Subsections (1)(b)(i)(A) and (B);
5285          (ii) public infrastructure; and
5286          (iii) other purposes as approved by the host agency.
5287          (2) A county that collects property tax on hotel property during the eligibility period
5288     shall pay and distribute to the host agency the incremental property tax revenue that the host
5289     agency is entitled to collect under Subsection (1), in the manner and at the time provided in
5290     Section 59-2-1365.
5291          Section 114. Section 63N-2-509, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3409 is
5292     renumbered and amended to read:
5293          [63M-1-3409].      63N-2-509. Rulemaking authority -- Requirements for rules.

5294          (1) The office shall, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
5295     Rulemaking Act, make rules to carry out its responsibilities under this part and to implement
5296     the provisions of this part.
5297          (2) The rules the office makes under Subsection (1) shall:
5298          (a) establish, consistent with this part, the conditions that a tax credit applicant is
5299     required to meet to qualify for a tax credit;
5300          (b) require that a significant capital investment be made in the development of the
5301     hotel property;
5302          (c) require a tax credit applicant to meet all applicable requirements in order to receive
5303     a tax credit certificate;
5304          (d) require that a qualified hotel owner meet the county's requirements to receive an
5305     endorsement letter; and
5306          (e) provide for the establishment of an independent review committee, in accordance
5307     with the requirements of Section [63M-1-3404] 63N-2-504.
5308          Section 115. Section 63N-2-510, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3410 is
5309     renumbered and amended to read:
5310          [63M-1-3410].      63N-2-510. Report by office.
5311          (1) [Before November 1 of each year, the] The office shall [submit a written report to
5312     the Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee of the Legislature, the
5313     Governor's Office of Management and Budget, and the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
5314     describing] include the following information in the office's annual written report described in
5315     Section 63N-1-301:
5316          (a) the state's success in attracting new conventions and corresponding new state
5317     revenue;
5318          (b) the estimated amount of tax credit commitments and the associated calculation
5319     made by the office and the period of time over which tax credits are expected to be paid;
5320          (c) the economic impact on the state related to generating new state revenue and
5321     providing tax credits; and

5322          (d) the estimated and actual costs and economic benefits of the tax credit commitments
5323     that the office made.
5324          [(2) The office shall post the annual report under Subsection (1) on its website and on a
5325     state website.]
5326          [(3)] (2) Upon the commencement of the construction of a qualified hotel, the office
5327     shall send a written notice to the Division of Finance:
5328          (a) referring to the two annual deposits required under Subsection 59-12-103(14); and
5329          (b) notifying the Division of Finance that construction on the qualified hotel has begun.
5330          Section 116. Section 63N-2-511, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3411 is
5331     renumbered and amended to read:
5332          [63M-1-3411].      63N-2-511. Stay Another Day and Bounce Back Fund.
5333          (1) As used in this section:
5334          (a) "Bounce back fund" means the Stay Another Day and Bounce Back Fund, created
5335     in Subsection (2).
5336          (b) "Tourism board" means the Board of Tourism Development created in Section
5337     63M-1-1401.
5338          (2) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the Stay Another
5339     Day and Bounce Back Fund.
5340          (3) The bounce back fund shall:
5341          (a) be administered by the tourism board;
5342          (b) earn interest; and
5343          (c) be funded by:
5344          (i) annual payments under Section 17-31-9 from the county in which a qualified hotel
5345     is located;
5346          (ii) money transferred to the bounce back fund under Section [63M-1-3412]
5347     63N-2-512; and
5348          (iii) any money that the Legislature chooses to appropriate to the bounce back fund.
5349          (4) Interest earned by the bounce back fund shall be deposited into the bounce back

5350     fund.
5351          (5) The tourism board may use money in the bounce back fund to pay for a tourism
5352     program of advertising, marketing, and branding of the state, taking into consideration the
5353     long-term strategic plan, economic trends, and opportunities for tourism development on a
5354     statewide basis.
5355          Section 117. Section 63N-2-512, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3412 is
5356     renumbered and amended to read:
5357          [63M-1-3412].      63N-2-512. Hotel Impact Mitigation Fund.
5358          (1) As used in this section:
5359          (a) "Affected hotel" means a hotel built in the state before July 1, 2014.
5360          (b) "Direct losses" means affected hotels' losses of hotel guest business attributable to
5361     the qualified hotel room supply being added to the market in the state.
5362          (c) "Mitigation fund" means the Hotel Impact Mitigation Fund, created in Subsection
5363     (2).
5364          (2) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the Hotel Impact
5365     Mitigation Fund.
5366          (3) The mitigation fund shall:
5367          (a) be administered by the board;
5368          (b) earn interest; and
5369          (c) be funded by:
5370          (i) payments required to be deposited into the mitigation fund by the Division of
5371     Finance under Subsection 59-12-103(14);
5372          (ii) money required to be deposited into the mitigation fund under Subsection
5373     17-31-9(2) by the county in which a qualified hotel is located; and
5374          (iii) any money deposited into the mitigation fund under Subsection (6).
5375          (4) Interest earned by the mitigation fund shall be deposited into the mitigation fund.
5376          (5) (a) In accordance with office rules, the board shall annually pay up to $2,100,000 of
5377     money in the mitigation fund:

5378          (i) to affected hotels;
5379          (ii) for four consecutive years, beginning 12 months after the date of initial occupancy
5380     of the qualified hotel occurs; and
5381          (iii) to mitigate direct losses.
5382          (b) (i) If the amount the board pays under Subsection (5)(a) in any year is less than
5383     $2,100,000, the board shall pay to the Stay Another Day and Bounce Back Fund, created in
5384     Section [63M-1-3411] 63N-2-511, the difference between $2,100,000 and the amount paid
5385     under Subsection (5)(a).
5386          (ii) The board shall make any required payment under Subsection (5)(b)(i) within 90
5387     days after the end of the year for which a determination is made of how much the board is
5388     required to pay to affected hotels under Subsection (5)(a).
5389          (6) A host local government or qualified hotel owner may make payments to the
5390     Division of Finance for deposit into the mitigation fund.
5391          (7) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
5392     office shall, in consultation with the Utah Hotel and Lodging Association and the county in
5393     which the qualified hotel is located, make rules establishing procedures and criteria governing
5394     payments under Subsection (5)(a) to affected hotels.
5395          Section 118. Section 63N-2-513, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3413 is
5396     renumbered and amended to read:
5397          [63M-1-3413].      63N-2-513. Authorized expenditures of tax credit money.
5398          (1) A tax credit recipient may spend money received as a direct result of the state
5399     portion of a tax credit only for the purchase of or payment for, or reimbursement of a previous
5400     purchase of or payment for:
5401          (a) tangible personal property used in the construction of convention, exhibit, or
5402     meeting space on hotel property;
5403          (b) tangible personal property that, upon the construction of hotel property, becomes
5404     affixed to hotel property as real property; or
5405          (c) any labor and overhead costs associated with the construction described in

5406     Subsections (1)(a) and (b).
5407          (2) A tax credit recipient may spend money received as a direct result of the local
5408     portion of a tax credit only for:
5409          (a) a purpose described in Subsection (1);
5410          (b) public infrastructure; and
5411          (c) other purposes as approved by the host agency.
5412          Section 119. Section 63N-2-601, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3501 is
5413     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 6. Utah Small Business Jobs Act

5415          [63M-1-3501].      63N-2-601. Title.
5416          This part is known as the "Utah Small Business Jobs Act."
5417          Section 120. Section 63N-2-602, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3502 is
5418     renumbered and amended to read:
5419          [63M-1-3502].      63N-2-602. Definitions.
5420          As used in this part:
5421          (1) "Affiliate" means an entity that directly, or indirectly through one or more
5422     intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, the entity
5423     specified.
5424          (2) "Applicable percentage" means:
5425          (a) 0% for the first two credit allowance dates;
5426          (b) 12% for the next three credit allowance dates; and
5427          (c) 11% for the next two credit allowance dates.
5428          (3) "Community Development Financial Institutions Fund" means the fund created in
5429     12 U.S.C. Sec. 4703.
5430          (4) "Credit allowance date" means with respect to a qualified equity investment:
5431          (a) the date on which the qualified equity investment is initially made; and
5432          (b) each of the six anniversary dates of the date described in Subsection (4)(a).
5433          (5) "Federal New Markets Tax Credit Program" means the program created under

5434     Section 45D, Internal Revenue Code.
5435          (6) "Long-term debt security" means a debt instrument issued by a qualified
5436     community development entity:
5437          (a) with an original maturity date of at least seven years from the date of its issuance;
5438     and
5439          (b) with no repayment, amortization, or prepayment features before its original
5440     maturity date.
5441          (7) "Purchase price" means the amount paid to the qualified community development
5442     entity that issues a qualified equity investment for the qualified equity investment that may not
5443     exceed the amount of qualified equity investment authority certified pursuant to Section
5444     [63M-1-3503] 63N-2-603.
5445          (8) (a) "Qualified active low-income community business" is as defined in Section
5446     45D, Internal Revenue Code, and 26 C.F.R. Sec. 1.45D-1, but is limited to those businesses
5447     meeting the United States Small Business Administration size eligibility standards established
5448     in 13 C.F.R. Sec. 121.101-201 at the time the qualified low-income community investment is
5449     made.
5450          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (8)(a), "qualified active low-income community
5451     business" does not include a business that derives or projects to derive 15% or more of its
5452     annual revenue from the rental or sale of real estate, unless the business is controlled by or
5453     under common control with another business if the second business:
5454          (i) does not derive or project to derive 15% or more of its annual revenue from the
5455     rental or sale of real estate; and
5456          (ii) is the primary tenant of the real estate leased from the initial business.
5457          (c) A business is considered a qualified active low-income community business for the
5458     duration of the qualified community development entity's investment in, or loan to, the
5459     business if the qualified community development entity reasonably expects, at the time it
5460     makes the investment or loan, that the business will continue to satisfy the requirements for
5461     being a qualified active low-income community business, other than the United States Small

5462     Business Administration size standards, throughout the entire period of the investment or loan.
5463          (9) (a) "Qualified community development entity" is as defined in Section 45D,
5464     Internal Revenue Code, if the entity has entered into an allocation agreement with the
5465     Community Development Financial Institutions Fund of the United States Treasury
5466     Department with respect to credits authorized by Section 45D, Internal Revenue Code, that
5467     includes Utah within the service area set forth in the allocation agreement.
5468          (b) An entity may not be considered to be controlled by another entity solely as a result
5469     of the entity having made a direct or indirect equity investment in the other entity that earns tax
5470     credits under Section 45D, Internal Revenue Code, or in a similar state program.
5471          (c) "Qualified community development entity" includes a subsidiary community
5472     development entity of a qualified community development entity.
5473          (10) (a) "Qualified equity investment" means an equity investment in, or long-term
5474     debt security issued by, a qualified community development entity that:
5475          (i) is acquired on or after September 2, 2014, at its original issuance solely in exchange
5476     for cash;
5477          (ii) has at least 85% of its cash purchase price used by the qualified community
5478     development entity to make qualified low-income community investments in qualified active
5479     low-income community businesses located in this state by the first anniversary of the initial
5480     credit allowance date; and
5481          (iii) is designated by the qualified community development entity as a qualified equity
5482     investment and is certified by the office pursuant to Section [63M-1-3503] 63N-2-603.
5483          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (10)(a), "qualified equity investment" includes a
5484     qualified equity investment that does not meet the provisions of Subsection (10)(a) if the
5485     investment was a qualified equity investment in the hands of a prior holder.
5486          (11) "Qualified low-income community investment" means a capital or equity
5487     investment in, or a loan to, a qualified active low-income community business, except, with
5488     respect to any one qualified active low-income community business, the maximum amount of
5489     qualified low-income community investments made in such business, on a collective basis with

5490     all of the business's affiliates, with the proceeds of qualified equity investments certified under
5491     Section [63M-1-3503] 63N-2-603 shall be $4,000,000, exclusive of qualified low-income
5492     community investments made with repaid or redeemed qualified low-income community
5493     investments or interest or profits realized on the repaid or redeemed qualified low-income
5494     community investments.
5495          (12) "Tax credit certificate" is a certificate issued by the office under Subsection
5496     [63M-1-3503] 63N-2-603(11) to an entity eligible for a tax credit under Section 59-9-107 that:
5497          (a) lists the name of the entity eligible for a tax credit;
5498          (b) lists the entity's taxpayer identification number;
5499          (c) lists the amount of tax credit that the office determines the entity is eligible for the
5500     calendar year; and
5501          (d) may include other information as determined by the office.
5502          Section 121. Section 63N-2-603, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3503 is
5503     renumbered and amended to read:
5504          [63M-1-3503].      63N-2-603. Certification of qualified equity investments --
5505     Issuance of tax credit related certificates.
5506          (1) (a) A qualified community development entity that seeks to have an equity
5507     investment or long-term debt security certified as a qualified equity investment and as eligible
5508     for tax credits under Section 59-9-107 shall apply to the office.
5509          (b) The office shall begin accepting applications on September 2, 2014.
5510          (c) The qualified community development entity shall include the following in the
5511     qualified community development entity's application:
5512          [(a)] (i) evidence of the applicant's certification as a qualified community development
5513     entity, including evidence of the service area of the applicant that includes this state;
5514          [(b)] (ii) a copy of an allocation agreement executed by the applicant, or its controlling
5515     entity, and the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund;
5516          [(c)] (iii) a certificate executed by an executive officer of the applicant attesting that:
5517          [(i)] (A) the applicant or its controlling entity has received more than one allocation of

5518     qualified equity investment authority under the Federal New Markets Tax Credit Program; and
5519          [(ii)] (B) the allocation agreement submitted with the application remains in effect and
5520     has not been revoked or cancelled by the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund;
5521          [(d)] (iv) a description of the proposed amount, structure, and purchaser of the
5522     qualified equity investment;
5523          [(e)] (v) examples of the types of qualified active low-income businesses in which the
5524     applicant, its controlling entity, or affiliates of its controlling entity have invested under the
5525     Federal New Markets Tax Credit Program, except that when submitting an application an
5526     applicant is not required to identify qualified active low-income community businesses in
5527     which the applicant will invest;
5528          [(f)] (vi) the amount of qualified equity investment authority the applicant agrees to
5529     designate as a federal qualified equity investment under Section 45D, Internal Revenue Code,
5530     including a copy of the screen shot from the Community Development Financial Institutions
5531     Fund's Allocation Tracking System of the applicant's remaining federal qualified equity
5532     investment authority;
5533          [(g)] (vii) if applicable, the refundable performance deposit required by Subsection
5534     63M-1-3506(1);
5535          [(h)] (viii) a copy of a certificate of qualified equity investment authority under another
5536     state's new markets tax credit program; and
5537          [(i)] (ix) evidence that the applicant, its controlling entity, and subsidiary qualified
5538     community development entities of the controlling entity have collectively made at least
5539     $40,000,000 in qualified low-income community investments under the Federal New Markets
5540     Tax Credit Program and other state's new markets tax credit programs with a maximum
5541     qualified low-income community investment size of $4,000,000 per business.
5542          (2) (a) Within 30 days after receipt of a completed application containing the
5543     information set forth in Subsection (1), including, if applicable, the refundable performance
5544     deposit, the office shall grant or deny the application in full or in part.
5545          (b) If the office denies any part of the application, the office shall inform the applicant

5546     of the grounds for the denial. If the applicant provides additional information required by the
5547     office or otherwise completes its application within 15 days of the notice of denial, the
5548     application shall be considered completed as of the original date of submission.
5549          (c) If the applicant fails to provide the information or complete its application within
5550     the 15-day period:
5551          (i) the application is denied;
5552          (ii) the applicant shall resubmit an application in full with a new submission date; and
5553          (iii) the office shall return any refundable performance deposit required by Subsection
5554     [63M-1-3506] 63N-2-606(1).
5555          (3) (a) If the application is complete, the office shall certify the proposed equity
5556     investment or long-term debt security as a qualified equity investment, subject to the limitation
5557     contained in Subsection (6).
5558          (b) The office shall provide written notice of the certification to the qualified
5559     community development entity.
5560          (4) The office shall certify qualified equity investments in the order applications are
5561     received by the office. Applications received on the same day are considered to have been
5562     received simultaneously.
5563          (5) For applications that are complete and received on the same day, the office shall
5564     certify, consistent with remaining qualified equity investment capacity, qualified equity
5565     investments of applicants as follows:
5566          (a) First, the office shall certify applications by applicants that agree to designate
5567     qualified equity investments as federal qualified equity investments in accordance with
5568     Subsection (1)[(f)](c)(vi) in proportionate percentages based upon the ratio of the amount of
5569     qualified equity investments requested in an application to be designated as federal qualified
5570     equity investments to the total amount of qualified equity investments to be designated as
5571     federal qualified equity investments requested in all applications received on the same day.
5572          (b) After complying with Subsection (5)(a), the office shall certify the qualified equity
5573     investments of all other applicants, including the remaining qualified equity investment

5574     authority requested by applicants not designated as federal qualified equity investments in
5575     accordance with Subsection (1)[(f)](c)(vi), in proportionate percentages based upon the ratio of
5576     the amount of qualified equity investments requested in the applications to the total amount of
5577     qualified equity investments requested in all applications received on the same day.
5578          (6) (a) (i) The office shall certify $50,000,000 in qualified equity investments pursuant
5579     to this section.
5580          (ii) If a pending request cannot be fully certified due to this limit, the office shall
5581     certify the portion that may be certified unless the qualified community development entity
5582     elects to withdraw its request rather than receive partial certification.
5583          (b) If a qualified community development entity withdraws its request pursuant to
5584     Subsection (6)(a), the office shall return any refundable performance deposit required by
5585     Subsection [63M-1-3506] 63N-2-606(1).
5586          (c) A partial certification does not decrease the amount of the refundable performance
5587     deposit required under Subsection [63M-1-3506] 63N-2-606(1).
5588          (7) An approved applicant may transfer all or a portion of its certified qualified equity
5589     investment authority to its controlling entity or a subsidiary qualified community development
5590     entity of the controlling entity, provided that the applicant and the transferee notify the office of
5591     the transfer with the notice set forth in Subsection (8) and include with the notice the
5592     information required in the application with respect to the transferee.
5593          (8) (a) Within 45 days of the applicant receiving notice of certification, the qualified
5594     community development entity or any transferee under Subsection (7) shall:
5595          (i) issue the qualified equity investment;
5596          (ii) receive cash in the amount of the certified amount; and
5597          (iii) if applicable, designate the required amount of qualified equity investment
5598     authority as federal qualified equity investments.
5599          (b) The qualified community development entity or transferee under Subsection (7)
5600     shall provide the office with evidence of the receipt of the cash investment and designation of
5601     the qualified equity investment as a federal qualified equity investment within 50 days of the

5602     applicant receiving notice of certification.
5603          (c) The certification under this section lapses and the qualified community
5604     development entity may not issue the qualified equity investment without reapplying to the
5605     office for certification if, within 45 days following receipt of the certification notice, the
5606     qualified community development entity or any transferee under Subsection (7) does not:
5607          (i) receive the cash investment;
5608          (ii) issue the qualified equity investment; and
5609          (iii) if applicable, designate the required amount of qualified equity investment
5610     authority as federal qualified equity investments.
5611          (d) A lapsed certification under this Subsection (8) reverts back to the office and shall
5612     be reissued as follows:
5613          (i) first, pro rata to applicants whose qualified equity investment allocations were
5614     reduced under Subsection (5)(a), if applicable;
5615          (ii) second, pro rata to applicants whose qualified equity investment allocations were
5616     reduced under Subsection (5)(b); and
5617          (iii) after complying with Subsections (8)(d)(i) and (ii), in accordance with the
5618     application process.
5619          (e) (i) The office shall:
5620          (A) calculate an annual fee to be paid by each applicant certified pursuant to
5621     Subsection (3)(a), regardless of the number of transferees under Subsection (7), by dividing
5622     $100,000 by the number of applications certified pursuant to Subsection (3)(a); and
5623          (B) notify each successful applicant of the amount of the annual fee.
5624          (ii) (A) The initial annual fee shall be due and payable to the office with the evidence
5625     of receipt of cash investment set forth in Subsection (8)(b).
5626          (B) After the initial annual fee, an annual fee shall be due and payable to the office
5627     with each report submitted pursuant to Section [63M-1-3510] 63N-2-610.
5628          (iii) An annual fee may not be required once a qualified community development entity
5629     together with all transferees under Subsection (7) have decertified all qualified equity

5630     investments in accordance with Subsection [63M-1-3507] 63N-2-607(2).
5631          (iv) To maintain an aggregate annual fee of $100,000 for all qualified community
5632     development entities, the office shall recalculate the annual fee as needed upon:
5633          (A) the lapse of any certification under Subsection (8)(c);
5634          (B) the recapture of tax credits pursuant to Section [63M-1-3504] 63N-2-604; or
5635          (C) the decertification of qualified equity investments pursuant to Subsection
5636     [63M-1-3507] 63N-2-607(2).
5637          (v) An annual fee collected under this Subsection (8)(e) shall be deposited into the
5638     General Fund as a dedicated credit for use by the office to implement this part.
5639          (9) (a) A qualified community development entity that issues a debt instrument
5640     described in Subsection [63M-1-3502] 63N-2-602(6) may not make cash interest payments on
5641     the debt instrument during the period beginning on the date of issuance and ending on the final
5642     credit allowance date in an amount that exceeds the cumulative operating income, as defined
5643     by regulations adopted under Section 45D, Internal Revenue Code, of the qualified community
5644     development entity for that period before giving effect to the interest expense of the long-term
5645     debt security.
5646          (b) This Subsection (9) does not limit the holder of the debt instrument's ability to
5647     accelerate payments on the debt instrument in situations when the qualified community
5648     development entity has defaulted on covenants designed to ensure compliance with this part or
5649     Section 45D, Internal Revenue Code.
5650          (10) (a) A qualified community development entity that issues qualified equity
5651     investments shall notify the office of the names of the entities that are eligible to use tax credits
5652     under this section and Section 59-9-107:
5653          (i) pursuant to an allocation of tax credits;
5654          (ii) pursuant to a change in allocation of tax credits; or
5655          (iii) due to a transfer of a qualified equity investment.
5656          (b) The office may by rule, made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
5657     Administrative Rulemaking Act, provide for the form and content of the notice required under

5658     this Subsection (10).
5659          (11) (a) An entity may claim a tax credit under Section 59-9-107 against tax liability
5660     under Title 59, Chapter 9, Taxation of Admitted Insurers, if the entity:
5661          (i) makes a qualified equity investment; and
5662          (ii) obtains a tax credit certificate in accordance with Subsection (11)(b).
5663          (b) For each calendar year, beginning with calendar year 2016, an entity is eligible for a
5664     tax credit under this section and Section 59-9-107, the office shall issue to the entity a tax
5665     credit certificate for use after January 1, 2017, and provide the State Tax Commission a copy of
5666     the tax credit certificate.
5667          (c) On each credit allowance date of the qualified equity investment, the entity that
5668     made the qualified equity investment, or the subsequent holder of the qualified equity
5669     investment, may claim a portion of the tax credit during the calendar year that includes the
5670     credit allowance date.
5671          (d) The office shall calculate the tax credit amount and the tax credit amount shall be
5672     equal to the applicable percentage for the credit allowance date multiplied by the purchase
5673     price paid to the qualified community development entity for the qualified equity investment.
5674          (e) A tax credit allowed to a partnership, limited liability company, or S-corporation
5675     shall be allocated to the partners, members, or shareholders of the partnership, limited liability
5676     company, or S-corporation for the partners', members', or shareholders' direct use in accordance
5677     with the provisions of any agreement among the partners, members, or shareholders.
5678          (f) An entity may not sell a tax credit allowed under this section on the open market.
5679          (12) (a) An entity that claims a tax credit under Section 59-9-107 and this section shall
5680     provide the office with a document that expressly directs and authorizes the State Tax
5681     Commission to disclose to the office the entity's tax returns and other information concerning
5682     the entity that are required by the office and that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality
5683     under Section 59-1-403 or Section 6103, Internal Revenue Code[, to the office].
5684          (b) The office shall submit the document described in Subsection (12)(a) to the State
5685     Tax Commission.

5686          (c) Upon receipt of the document described in Subsection (12)(a), the State Tax
5687     Commission shall provide the office with the information requested by the office that the entity
5688     authorized the State Tax Commission to provide to the office in the document described in
5689     Subsection (12)(a).
5690          Section 122. Section 63N-2-604, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3504 is
5691     renumbered and amended to read:
5692          [63M-1-3504].      63N-2-604. Recapture.
5693          (1) The office may recapture a tax credit from an entity that claimed the tax credit
5694     allowed under Section 59-9-107 on a return, if any of the following occur:
5695          (a) If any amount of a federal tax credit available with respect to a qualified equity
5696     investment that is eligible for a tax credit under this part is recaptured under Section 45D,
5697     Internal Revenue Code, the office may recapture the tax credit in an amount that is
5698     proportionate to the federal recapture with respect to the qualified equity investment.
5699          (b) If the qualified community development entity redeems or makes principal
5700     repayment with respect to a qualified equity investment before the seventh anniversary of the
5701     issuance of the qualified equity investment, the office may recapture an amount proportionate
5702     to the amount of the redemption or repayment with respect to the qualified equity investment.
5703          (c) (i) If the qualified community development entity fails to invest an amount equal to
5704     85% of the purchase price of the qualified equity investment in qualified low-income
5705     community investments in Utah within 12 months of the issuance of the qualified equity
5706     investment and maintains at least 85% of the level of investment in qualified low-income
5707     community investments in Utah until the last credit allowance date for the qualified equity
5708     investment, the office may recapture the tax credit.
5709          (ii) For purposes of this part, an investment is considered held by a qualified
5710     community development entity even if the investment has been sold or repaid if the qualified
5711     community development entity reinvests an amount equal to the capital returned to or
5712     recovered by the qualified community development entity from the original investment,
5713     exclusive of any profits realized, in another qualified low-income community investment

5714     within 12 months of the receipt of the capital.
5715          (iii) Periodic amounts received as repayment of principal pursuant to regularly
5716     scheduled amortization payments on a loan that is a qualified low-income community
5717     investment shall be treated as continuously invested in a qualified low-income community
5718     investment if the amounts are reinvested in one or more qualified low-income community
5719     investments by the end of the following calendar year.
5720          (iv) A qualified community development entity is not required to reinvest capital
5721     returned from a qualified low-income community investment after the sixth anniversary of the
5722     issuance of the qualified equity investment, and the qualified low-income community
5723     investment shall be considered held by the qualified community development entity through
5724     the seventh anniversary of the qualified equity investment's issuance.
5725          (d) If a qualified community development entity makes a distribution or debt payment
5726     in violation of Subsection [63M-1-3507] 63N-2-607(1), the office may recapture the tax credit.
5727          (e) If there is a violation of Section [63M-1-3509] 63N-2-609, the office may recapture
5728     the tax credit.
5729          (2) A recaptured tax credit and the related qualified equity investment authority revert
5730     back to the office and shall be reissued:
5731          (a) first, pro rata to applicants whose qualified equity investment allocations were
5732     reduced under Subsection [63M-1-3503] 63N-2-603(5)(a);
5733          (b) second, pro rata to applicants whose qualified equity investment allocations were
5734     reduced under Subsection [63M-1-3503] 63N-2-603(5)(b); and
5735          (c) after complying with Subsections (2)(a) and (b), in accordance with the application
5736     process.
5737          Section 123. Section 63N-2-605, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3505 is
5738     renumbered and amended to read:
5739          [63M-1-3505].      63N-2-605. Notice of noncompliance.
5740          (1) Enforcement of a recapture provision under Subsection [63M-1-3504]
5741     63N-2-604(1) is subject to a six-month cure period.

5742          (2) The office may not recapture a tax credit until the office notifies the qualified
5743     community development entity of noncompliance and affords the qualified community
5744     development entity six months from the date of the notice to cure the noncompliance.
5745          Section 124. Section 63N-2-606, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3506 is
5746     renumbered and amended to read:
5747          [63M-1-3506].      63N-2-606. Refundable performance deposit -- Small
5748     Business Jobs Performance Guarantee Account.
5749          (1) (a) A qualified community development entity that seeks to have an equity
5750     investment or long-term debt security certified as a qualified equity investment and as eligible
5751     for tax credits under Section 59-9-107 shall pay a deposit in the amount of .5% of the amount
5752     of the equity investment or long-term debt security requested in an application to be certified as
5753     a qualified equity investment to the office for deposit into the Small Business Jobs
5754     Performance Guarantee Account.
5755          (b) (i) There is created in the General Fund a restricted account known as the "Small
5756     Business Jobs Performance Guarantee Account" that consists of deposits made under
5757     Subsection (1)(a).
5758          (ii) The Small Business Jobs Performance Guarantee Account does not earn interest.
5759          (iii) At the end of a fiscal year, any amount in the Small Business Jobs Performance
5760     Guarantee Account that a qualified community development entity forfeits under this section is
5761     to be transferred to the General Fund.
5762          (iv) The office shall work with the Division of Finance to ensure that money in the
5763     Small Business Jobs Performance Guarantee Account is properly accounted for at the end of
5764     each fiscal year.
5765          (c) A qualified community development entity shall forfeit the deposit required under
5766     Subsection (1)(a) in its entirety if:
5767          (i) the qualified community development entity and its subsidiary qualified community
5768     development entities fail to issue the total amount of qualified equity investments certified by
5769     the office and receive cash in the total amount certified under Section [63M-1-3503]

5770     63N-2-603; or
5771          (ii) the qualified community development entity or any subsidiary qualified community
5772     development entity that issues a qualified equity investment certified under this part fails to
5773     make qualified low-income community investments in qualified active low-income community
5774     businesses in Utah equal to at least 85% of the purchase price of the qualified equity
5775     investment by the second credit allowance date of such qualified equity investment.
5776          (d) The six-month cure period established under Section [63M-1-3505] 63N-2-605 is
5777     not applicable to the forfeiture of a deposit under Subsection (1)(c).
5778          (2) (a) A deposit required under Subsection (1) shall be paid to the office and held in
5779     the Small Business Jobs Performance Guarantee Account until such time as compliance with
5780     this Subsection (2) is established.
5781          (b) A qualified community development entity may request a refund of the deposit
5782     from the office no sooner than 30 days after the qualified community development entity and
5783     all transferees under Subsection [63M-1-3503] 63N-2-603(7) have invested 85% of the
5784     purchase price of the qualified equity investment authority certified by the office pursuant to
5785     Subsection [63M-1-3503] 63N-2-603(3).
5786          (c) The office has 30 days to comply with the request for a refund or give notice of
5787     noncompliance.
5788          Section 125. Section 63N-2-607, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3507 is
5789     renumbered and amended to read:
5790          [63M-1-3507].      63N-2-607. 150% investment requirement -- Ceasing of
5791     certification.
5792          (1) (a) Once certified under Section [63M-1-3503] 63N-2-603, a qualified equity
5793     investment shall remain certified until all of the requirements of Subsection (2) have been met.
5794          (b) Until such time as the qualified equity investments issued by a qualified community
5795     development entity are no longer certified, the qualified community development entity may
5796     not distribute to its equity holders or make cash payments on long-term debt securities that
5797     have been certified as qualified equity investments in an amount that exceeds the sum of:

5798          (i) the cumulative operating income, as defined by regulations adopted under Section
5799     45D, Internal Revenue Code, earned by the qualified community development entity since
5800     issuance of the qualified equity investment, before giving effect to any interest expense from
5801     long-term debt securities certified as qualified equity investments; and
5802          (ii) 50% of the purchase price of the qualified equity investments issued by the
5803     qualified community development entity.
5804          (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a qualified equity investment ceases
5805     to be certified when:
5806          (a) it is beyond its seventh credit allowance date;
5807          (b) the qualified community development entity issuing the qualified equity investment
5808     has been in compliance with Section [63M-1-3504] 63N-2-604 through its seventh credit
5809     allowance date, including any cures under Section [63M-1-3505] 63N-2-605;
5810          (c) the qualified community development entity issuing such qualified equity
5811     investment has used the cash purchase of such qualified equity investment, together with
5812     capital returned, repaid, or redeemed or profits realized with qualified low-income community
5813     investments, to invest in qualified active low-income community businesses such that the total
5814     qualified low-income community investments made, cumulatively including reinvestments,
5815     exceeds 150% of the qualified equity investment; and
5816          (d) the qualified community development complies with Subsection (4).
5817          (3) For purposes of making the calculation under Subsection (2)(c), qualified
5818     low-income community investments to any one qualified active low-income community
5819     business, on a collective basis with its affiliates, in excess of $4,000,000 may not be included,
5820     unless such investments are made with capital returned or repaid from qualified low-income
5821     community investments made by the qualified community development entity in other
5822     qualified active low-income community businesses or interest earned on or profits realized
5823     from any qualified low-income community investments.
5824          (4) (a) A qualified community development entity shall file a request for ceasing
5825     certification of a qualified equity investment in a form, provided by the office, that establishes

5826     that the qualified community development entity has met the requirements of Subsection (2)
5827     along with evidence supporting the request for ceasing certification.
5828          (b) Subsection (2)(b) shall be considered to be met if no recapture action has been
5829     commenced by the office as of the seventh credit allowance date.
5830          (5) (a) A request for ceasing certification may not be unreasonably denied and the
5831     office shall respond to the request within 30 days of the office receiving the request.
5832          (b) Upon grant of a request for ceasing certification, the qualified community
5833     development entity is no longer subject to Section [63M-1-3510] 63N-2-610.
5834          (c) If the request is denied for any reason, the office has the burden of proof in any
5835     administrative or legal proceeding that follows.
5836          Section 126. Section 63N-2-608, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3508 is
5837     renumbered and amended to read:
5838          [63M-1-3508].      63N-2-608. Limitation on fees.
5839          (1) A qualified community development entity or purchaser of a qualified equity
5840     investment may not pay to any qualified community development entity or affiliate of a
5841     qualified community development entity any fee in connection with any activity under this part
5842     before meeting the requirements of Subsection [63M-1-3507] 63N-2-607(2) with respect to all
5843     qualified equity investments issued by such qualified community development entity and its
5844     affiliates.
5845          (2) Subsection (1) does not prohibit the allocation or distribution of income earned by a
5846     qualified community development entity or purchaser of a qualified equity investment to the
5847     qualified community development entity's or purchaser's equity owners or the payment of
5848     reasonable interest on amounts lent to a qualified community development entity or purchaser
5849     of a qualified equity investment.
5850          Section 127. Section 63N-2-609, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3509 is
5851     renumbered and amended to read:
5852          [63M-1-3509].      63N-2-609. New capital requirement.
5853          (1) A qualified active low-income community business that receives a qualified

5854     low-income community investment from a qualified community development entity that issues
5855     qualified equity investments under this part, or any affiliates of a qualified active low-income
5856     community business, may not directly or indirectly:
5857          (a) own or have the right to acquire an ownership interest in a qualified community
5858     development entity or member or affiliate of a qualified community development entity,
5859     including a holder of a qualified equity investment issued by the qualified community
5860     development entity; or
5861          (b) loan to or invest in a qualified community development entity or member or
5862     affiliate of a qualified community development entity, including a holder of a qualified equity
5863     investment issued by a qualified community development entity when the proceeds of the loan
5864     or investment are directly or indirectly used to fund or refinance the purchase of a qualified
5865     equity investment under this part.
5866          (2) For purposes of this section, a qualified community development entity may not be
5867     considered an affiliate of a qualified active low-income community business solely as a result
5868     of its qualified low-income community investment in the business.
5869          Section 128. Section 63N-2-610, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3510 is
5870     renumbered and amended to read:
5871          [63M-1-3510].      63N-2-610. Reporting.
5872          (1) (a) A qualified community development entity that issues qualified equity
5873     investments shall submit a report to the office within the first five business days after the first
5874     anniversary of the initial credit allowance date that provides documentation as to the
5875     investment of 85% of the purchase price in qualified low-income community investments in
5876     qualified active low-income community businesses located in Utah.
5877          (b) The report shall include:
5878          [(a)] (i) a bank statement of the qualified community development entity evidencing
5879     each qualified low-income community investment; and
5880          [(b)] (ii) evidence that the business was a qualified active low-income community
5881     business at the time of the qualified low-income community investment.

5882          (2) (a) After the initial report under Subsection (1), a qualified community
5883     development entity shall submit an annual report to the office within 60 days of the beginning
5884     of the calendar year during the compliance period. [An]
5885          (b) The annual report is not due before the first anniversary of the initial credit
5886     allowance date.
5887          (c) The annual report shall include the following:
5888          [(a)] (i) the number of employment positions created and retained as a result of
5889     qualified low-income community investments;
5890          [(b)] (ii) the average annual salary of positions described in Subsection (2)[(a)](c)(i);
5891     and
5892          [(c)] (iii) certification from the qualified community development entity that the
5893     grounds for recapture under Section [63M-1-3504] 63N-2-604 have not occurred.
5894          Section 129. Section 63N-2-611, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3511 is
5895     renumbered and amended to read:
5896          [63M-1-3511].      63N-2-611. Revenue impact assessment.
5897          (1) Before making a qualified low-income community investment, a qualified
5898     community development entity shall submit to the office a revenue impact assessment prepared
5899     using a nationally recognized economic development model that demonstrates that the
5900     qualified low-income community investment will have a revenue positive impact on the state
5901     over 10 years against the 58% tax credit utilization over the same 10-year period.
5902          (2) The office [must] shall notify the qualified community development entity within
5903     five business days if the qualified low-income community investment does not have a revenue
5904     positive impact on the state over 10 years against the 58% tax credit utilization over the same
5905     10-year period using the revenue impact assessment submitted.
5906          (3) If the office determines that the revenue impact assessment does not reflect a
5907     revenue positive qualified low-income community investment, the office may waive the
5908     requirement under this section if the office determines that the proposed qualified low-income
5909     community investment will further economic development.

5910          Section 130. Section 63N-2-612, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3512 is
5911     renumbered and amended to read:
5912          [63M-1-3512].      63N-2-612. Scope of part.
5913          This part applies only to a return or report originally due on or after September 2, 2014.
5914          Section 131. Section 63N-2-701, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3101 is
5915     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 7. Alternative Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit Act

5917          [63M-1-3101].      63N-2-701. Title.
5918          This part is known as the "Alternative Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit Act."
5919          Section 132. Section 63N-2-702, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3102 is
5920     renumbered and amended to read:
5921          [63M-1-3102].      63N-2-702. Definitions.
5922          As used in this [section] part:
5923          (1) "Alternative energy" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section 59-12-102.
5924          (2) (a) "Alternative energy entity" means a person that:
5925          (i) conducts business within the state; and
5926          (ii) enters into an agreement with the office that qualifies the person to receive a tax
5927     credit.
5928          (b) "Alternative energy entity" includes a pass-through entity taxpayer, as defined in
5929     Section 59-10-1402, of a person described in Subsection (2)(a).
5930          (3) "Alternative energy manufacturing project" means a project produced by an
5931     alternative energy entity if that project involves:
5932          (a) a new or expanding operation in the state of a new or expanding alternative energy
5933     entity; and
5934          (b) the manufacturing of machinery or equipment used directly in the production of
5935     alternative energy.
5936          (4) "New incremental job within the state" means, with respect to an alternative energy
5937     entity, an employment position that:

5938          (a) did not exist within the state before:
5939          (i) the alternative energy entity entered into an agreement with the office in accordance
5940     with Section [63M-1-3103] 63N-2-703; and
5941          (ii) the alternative energy manufacturing project began;
5942          (b) is not shifted from one location in the state to another location in the state; and
5943          (c) is established to the satisfaction of the office, including by amounts paid or
5944     withheld by the alternative energy entity under Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax
5945     Act.
5946          (5) "New state revenues" means an increased amount of tax revenues generated as a
5947     result of an alternative energy manufacturing project by an alternative energy entity or a new
5948     incremental job within the state under the following:
5949          (a) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes;
5950          (b) Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; and
5951          (c) Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act.
5952          [(6) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.]
5953          [(7)] (6) "Tax credit" means a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.8 or 59-10-1030.
5954          [(8)] (7) "Tax credit applicant" means an alternative energy entity that applies to the
5955     office to receive a tax credit certificate under this part.
5956          [(9)] (8) "Tax credit certificate" means a certificate issued by the office that:
5957          (a) lists the name of the tax credit certificate recipient;
5958          (b) lists the tax credit certificate recipient's taxpayer identification number;
5959          (c) lists the amount of the tax credit certificate recipient's tax credits authorized under
5960     this part for a taxable year; and
5961          (d) includes other information as determined by the office.
5962          [(10)] (9) "Tax credit certificate recipient" means an alternative energy entity that
5963     receives a tax credit certificate for a tax credit in accordance with this part.
5964          Section 133. Section 63N-2-703, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3103 is
5965     renumbered and amended to read:

5966          [63M-1-3103].      63N-2-703. Tax credits.
5967          (1) (a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
5968     the office, with advice from the board, shall make rules establishing standards an alternative
5969     energy entity shall meet to qualify for a tax credit.
5970          (b) Before the office enters into an agreement described in Subsection (2) with an
5971     alternative energy entity, the office shall certify:
5972          (i) that the alternative energy manufacturing project will generate new state revenues;
5973          (ii) the economic life of the alternative energy manufacturing project produced by the
5974     alternative energy entity;
5975          (iii) that local incentives have been committed or will be committed to be provided to
5976     the alternative energy manufacturing project;
5977          (iv) that the alternative energy entity meets the requirements of Section [63M-1-3104]
5978     63N-2-704; and
5979          (v) that the alternative energy entity has received a Certificate of Good Standing from
5980     the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code.
5981          (2) If an alternative energy entity meets the requirements of this part to receive a tax
5982     credit, the office may enter into an agreement with the alternative energy entity to authorize the
5983     tax credit in accordance with Subsection (3).
5984          (3) (a) Subject to Subsections (3)(b) through (d), the office may authorize or commit a
5985     tax credit under this part that may not exceed 100% of new state revenues generated by the
5986     alternative energy manufacturing project.
5987          (b) As determined by the office, the office may authorize or commit a tax credit under
5988     this section for a time period that does not exceed the lesser of:
5989          (i) the economic life of the alternative energy manufacturing project; or
5990          (ii) 20 years.
5991          (c) The office shall consider economic modeling, including the costs and benefits of an
5992     alternative energy manufacturing project to the state and local governments, in determining:
5993          (i) the amount of tax credit to authorize or commit in accordance with Subsection

5994     (3)(a); and
5995          (ii) the time period for which the office will authorize or commit a tax credit in
5996     accordance with Subsection (3)(b).
5997          (d) For a taxable year, a tax credit under this section may not exceed the new state
5998     revenues generated by an alternative energy manufacturing project during that taxable year.
5999          (4) An alternative energy entity that seeks to receive a tax credit or has entered into an
6000     agreement described in Subsection (2) with the office shall:
6001          (a) annually file a report with the office showing the new state revenues generated by
6002     the alternative energy manufacturing project during the taxable year for which the alternative
6003     energy entity seeks to receive a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.8 or 59-10-1030;
6004          (b) submit to an audit for verification of a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.8 or
6005     59-10-1030;
6006          (c) provide the office with information required by the office to certify the economic
6007     life of the alternative energy manufacturing project produced by the alternative energy entity,
6008     which may include a power purchase agreement, a lease, or a permit; and
6009          (d) retain records supporting a claim for a tax credit for at least four years after the
6010     alternative energy entity claims a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.8 or 59-10-1030.
6011          (5) The office shall annually certify the new state revenues generated by an alternative
6012     energy manufacturing project for a taxable year for which an alternative energy entity seeks to
6013     receive a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.8 or 59-10-1030.
6014          Section 134. Section 63N-2-704, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3104 is
6015     renumbered and amended to read:
6016          [63M-1-3104].      63N-2-704. Qualifications for tax credit -- Procedure.
6017          (1) The office, with advice from the board, shall certify an alternative energy entity's
6018     eligibility for a tax credit as provided in this section.
6019          (2) A tax credit applicant shall provide the office with:
6020          (a) an application for a tax credit certificate;
6021          (b) documentation that the tax credit applicant meets the standards and requirements

6022     described in Section [63M-1-3103] 63N-2-703 to the satisfaction of the office for the taxable
6023     year for which the tax credit applicant seeks to claim a tax credit; and
6024          (c) documentation that expressly directs and authorizes the State Tax Commission to
6025     disclose to the office the tax credit applicant's returns and other information concerning the tax
6026     credit applicant that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or
6027     Section 6103, Internal Revenue Code.
6028          (3) (a) The office shall submit the documentation described in Subsection (2)(c) to the
6029     State Tax Commission.
6030          (b) Upon receipt of the documentation described in Subsection (2)(c), the State Tax
6031     Commission shall provide the office with the documentation described in Subsection (2)(c)
6032     requested by the office that the tax credit applicant directed and authorized the State Tax
6033     Commission to provide to the office.
6034          (4) If, after the office reviews the documentation described in Subsections (2) and (3),
6035     the office determines that the documentation supporting the tax credit applicant's claim for a
6036     tax credit is not substantially accurate, the office shall:
6037          (a) deny the tax credit; or
6038          (b) inform the tax credit applicant that the documentation supporting the tax credit
6039     applicant's claim for a tax credit was inadequate and ask the tax credit applicant to submit new
6040     documentation.
6041          (5) If, after the office reviews the documentation described in Subsections (2) and (3),
6042     the office determines that the documentation supporting the tax credit applicant's claim for a
6043     tax credit is substantially accurate, the office shall, on the basis of that documentation:
6044          (a) enter into the agreement described in Section [63M-1-3103] 63N-2-703;
6045          (b) issue a tax credit certificate to the tax credit applicant; and
6046          (c) provide a duplicate copy of the tax credit certificate described in Subsection (5)(b)
6047     to the State Tax Commission.
6048          (6) An alternative energy entity may not claim a tax credit under this part unless the
6049     alternative energy entity is a tax credit certificate recipient.

6050          (7) A tax credit certificate recipient that claims a tax credit shall retain the tax credit
6051     certificate in accordance with Subsection [63M-1-3103] 63N-2-703(4).
6052          Section 135. Section 63N-2-705, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3105 is
6053     renumbered and amended to read:
6054          [63M-1-3105].      63N-2-705. Reporting.
6055          The office shall provide the following information in the annual written report
6056     described in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-2-301:
6057          (1) the office's success in attracting alternative energy manufacturing projects to the
6058     state and the resulting increase in new state revenues under this part;
6059          (2) the amount of tax credits the office has granted or will grant and the time period
6060     during which the tax credits have been or will be granted; and
6061          (3) the economic impact on the state by comparing new state revenues to tax credits
6062     that have been or will be granted under this part.
6063          Section 136. Section 63N-2-801, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2901 is
6064     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 8. Technology and Life Science Economic Development Act

6066          [63M-1-2901].      63N-2-801. Title.
6067          This part is known as the "Technology and Life Science Economic Development Act."
6068          Section 137. Section 63N-2-802, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2902 is
6069     renumbered and amended to read:
6070          [63M-1-2902].      63N-2-802. Definitions.
6071          As used in this part:
6072          [(1) "Board" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development Board of
6073     Directors.]
6074          [(2)] (1) "Claimant" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section 59-10-1002.
6075          [(3)] (2) "Eligible business entity" means a person that:
6076          (a) enters into an agreement with the office in accordance with this part to receive a tax
6077     credit certificate for a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.6 or 59-10-1109;

6078          (b) is:
6079          (i) a life science establishment; or
6080          (ii) described in NAICS Code 334413, Semiconductor and Related Device
6081     Manufacturing, of the 2007 North American Industry Classification System of the federal
6082     Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget;
6083          (c) has at least 50% of its employees in the state for each day of a taxable year the
6084     eligible business entity claims a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.6 or 59-10-1109; and
6085          (d) receives a tax credit certificate from the office in accordance with this part.
6086          [(4)] (3) "Eligible claimant, estate, or trust" means a claimant, estate, or trust that:
6087          (a) enters into an agreement with the office in accordance with this part to receive a tax
6088     credit certificate for a tax credit under Section 59-10-1025; and
6089          (b) receives a tax credit certificate from the office in accordance with this part.
6090          [(5)] (4) "Eligible new state tax revenues" means an increased amount of tax revenues
6091     generated as a result of an eligible product or project by an eligible business entity or a new
6092     incremental job within the state under the following:
6093          (a) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes;
6094          (b) Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act; and
6095          (c) Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act.
6096          [(6)] (5) "Eligible product or project" means any product or project produced by an
6097     eligible business entity that was not produced prior to the date of an agreement with the office
6098     under Section [63M-1-2908] 63N-2-808:
6099          (a) by the eligible business entity; and
6100          (b) within the state.
6101          [(7)] (6) "Life science establishment" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section
6102     59-10-1025.
6103          [(8)] (7) "New incremental job within the state" means, with respect to an eligible
6104     business entity, an employment position that:
6105          (a) did not exist within the state before:

6106          (i) the eligible business entity entered into an agreement with the office in accordance
6107     with this part; and
6108          (ii) the eligible product was produced or the eligible project began;
6109          (b) is not shifted from one location in the state to another location in the state; and
6110          (c) is established to the satisfaction of the office, including by amounts paid or
6111     withheld by the eligible business entity under Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act.
6112          [(9) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.]
6113          [(10)] (8) "Tax credit" means a tax credit under:
6114          (a) Section 59-7-614.6;
6115          (b) Section 59-10-1025; or
6116          (c) Section 59-10-1109.
6117          [(11)] (9) "Tax credit applicant" means a person that applies to the office to receive a
6118     tax credit certificate under this part.
6119          [(12)] (10) "Tax credit certificate" means a certificate issued by the office that:
6120          (a) lists the name of the tax credit certificate recipient;
6121          (b) lists the tax credit certificate recipient's taxpayer identification number;
6122          (c) lists the amount of the tax credit certificate recipient's tax credits authorized under
6123     this part for a taxable year; and
6124          (d) includes other information as determined by the office.
6125          [(13)] (11) "Tax credit certificate recipient" means:
6126          (a) an eligible business entity that receives a tax credit certificate in accordance with
6127     this part for a tax credit under Section 59-7-614.6 or 59-10-1109; or
6128          (b) an eligible claimant, estate, or trust that receives a tax credit certificate in
6129     accordance with this part for a tax credit under Section 59-10-1025.
6130          Section 138. Section 63N-2-803, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2903 is
6131     renumbered and amended to read:
6132          [63M-1-2903].      63N-2-803. Tax credits issued by office.
6133          (1) (a) The office may issue tax credit certificates under this part only to the extent that

6134     the Legislature, by statute, expressly authorizes the office to issue the tax credit certificates
6135     under this part for a fiscal year.
6136          (b) The Legislature intends that a statutory authorization under Subsection (1)(a)
6137     specify:
6138          (i) the total allocation to the tax credits under Sections 59-7-614.6 and 59-10-1109; and
6139          (ii) the allocation to the tax credit under Section 59-10-1025.
6140          (2) For fiscal year 2011-12 only, the office may issue a total of $1,300,000 in tax credit
6141     certificates in accordance with this part.
6142          (3) (a) If the total amount of tax credit certificates the office issues in a fiscal year is
6143     less than the amount of tax credit certificates the office may issue under this part in a fiscal
6144     year, the office may issue the remaining amount of tax credit certificates in a fiscal year after
6145     the fiscal year for which there is a remaining amount of tax credit certificates.
6146          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(c), if the total amount of tax credit certificates
6147     the office issues in a quarter of a fiscal year is less than the amount of tax credit certificates the
6148     office may issue under this part in that quarter, the office may issue the remaining amount of
6149     tax credit certificates in a quarter after the quarter for which there is a remaining amount of tax
6150     credit certificates.
6151          (c) For fiscal year 2011-12 only, if the total amount of tax credit certificates the office
6152     issues in fiscal year 2011-12 is less than the amount of tax credit certificates the office may
6153     issue in tax credit certificates under Subsection (2), the office:
6154          (i) may issue the remaining amount of tax credit certificates in a fiscal year after fiscal
6155     year 2011-12; and
6156          (ii) is not required to allocate the tax credit certificates to any particular quarter.
6157          Section 139. Section 63N-2-804, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2904 is
6158     renumbered and amended to read:
6159          [63M-1-2904].      63N-2-804. Person may not claim or pass through a tax
6160     credit without tax credit certificate.
6161          A person may not claim or pass through a tax credit unless the person has received a tax

6162     credit certificate from the office for the taxable year for which the person claims or passes
6163     through the tax credit.
6164          Section 140. Section 63N-2-805, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2905 is
6165     renumbered and amended to read:
6166          [63M-1-2905].      63N-2-805. Application process.
6167          (1) A tax credit applicant may apply to the office to receive a tax credit certificate by
6168     filing an application with the office:
6169          (a) on or before the quarterly deadline established by the office by rule made in
6170     accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
6171          (b) on a form and in the manner prescribed by the office.
6172          (2) The application shall include:
6173          (a) tax return information as required by the office that is necessary for the office to
6174     determine eligibility for and the amount of a tax credit; and
6175          (b) other documentation as required by the office.
6176          (3) As part of the application required by this section, a tax credit applicant shall sign a
6177     separate document that expressly directs and authorizes the State Tax Commission to disclose
6178     to the office the tax credit certificate recipient's tax returns and other information concerning
6179     the tax credit certificate that:
6180          (a) would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or Section
6181     6103, Internal Revenue Code; and
6182          (b) are necessary for the office to determine eligibility for and the amount of a tax
6183     credit under this part.
6184          (4) Upon receipt of the document described in Subsection (3), the State Tax
6185     Commission shall provide the office with the tax returns and other information requested by
6186     the office that the tax credit applicant directed or authorized the State Tax Commission to
6187     provide to the office, including information necessary to determine eligibility for the amount of
6188     a tax credit.
6189          (5) If the office determines that the information a tax credit applicant provides is

6190     inadequate to provide a reasonable justification for authorizing a tax credit, the office shall:
6191          (a) deny the tax credit; or
6192          (b) inform the tax credit applicant that the information is inadequate and ask the tax
6193     credit applicant to submit new or additional documentation.
6194          Section 141. Section 63N-2-806, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2906 is
6195     renumbered and amended to read:
6196          [63M-1-2906].      63N-2-806. Criteria for tax credits.
6197          (1) A tax credit applicant shall establish as part of the application required by Section
6198     [63M-1-2905] 63N-2-805 that the tax credit applicant:
6199          (a) meets all of the criteria to receive the tax credit for which the tax credit applicant
6200     applies, except for the requirement to obtain a tax credit certificate; and
6201          (b) will provide a long-term economic benefit to the state.
6202          (2) The office may not issue a tax credit certificate to a tax credit applicant that fails to
6203     meet the requirements of Subsection (1)(a).
6204          Section 142. Section 63N-2-807, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2907 is
6205     renumbered and amended to read:
6206          [63M-1-2907].      63N-2-807. Rulemaking authority.
6207          The office shall, by rule, made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
6208     Administrative Rulemaking Act, establish:
6209          (1) criteria to prioritize the issuance of tax credits amongst tax credit applicants in a
6210     manner consistent with this part; and
6211          (2) procedures for documenting the office's application of the criteria described in
6212     Subsection (1).
6213          Section 143. Section 63N-2-808, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2908 is
6214     renumbered and amended to read:
6215          [63M-1-2908].      63N-2-808. Agreement between tax credit applicant and
6216     office -- Tax credit certificate.
6217          (1) (a) Except as provided in Subsection [63M-1-2903] 63N-2-803(3)(b), for each

6218     quarter of a fiscal year after fiscal year 2011-12, the office shall allocate:
6219          (i) 25% of the total amounts made available for allocation in accordance with Section
6220     [63M-1-2903] 63N-2-803 for the tax credits under Sections 59-7-614.6 and 59-10-1109; and
6221          (ii) 25% of the amounts made available for allocation in accordance with Section
6222     [63M-1-2903] 63N-2-803 for the tax credit under Section 59-10-1025.
6223          (b) Subject to the other provisions of this part, the office, with advice from the board,
6224     shall determine quarterly:
6225          (i) the tax credit applicant or applicants to which a tax credit certificate may be
6226     provided; and
6227          (ii) the amount of tax credit a tax credit applicant may receive.
6228          (2) The office, with advice from the board, may enter into an agreement to grant a tax
6229     credit certificate to a tax credit applicant selected in accordance with this part, if the tax credit
6230     applicant meets the conditions established in the agreement and under this part.
6231          (3) The agreement described in Subsection (2) shall:
6232          (a) detail the requirements that the tax credit applicant shall meet prior to receiving a
6233     tax credit certificate;
6234          (b) require the tax credit certificate recipient to retain records supporting a claim for a
6235     tax credit for at least four years after the tax credit certificate recipient claims a tax credit under
6236     this part; and
6237          (c) require the tax credit certificate recipient to submit to audits for verification of the
6238     tax credit claimed, including audits by the office and by the State Tax Commission.
6239          Section 144. Section 63N-2-809, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2909 is
6240     renumbered and amended to read:
6241          [63M-1-2909].      63N-2-809. Issuance of tax credit certificates.
6242          (1) For a tax credit applicant that seeks to claim a tax credit, the office may issue a tax
6243     credit certificate to the tax credit applicant:
6244          (a) for the first taxable year for which the tax credit applicant qualifies for the tax credit
6245     and enters into an agreement with the office;

6246          (b) for two taxable years immediately following the taxable year described in
6247     Subsection (1)(a); and
6248          (c) for the seven taxable years immediately following the last of the two taxable years
6249     described in Subsection (1)(b) if:
6250          (i) the agreement with the office described in Section [63M-1-2908] 63N-2-808
6251     includes a provision that the tax credit applicant will make new capital expenditures of at least
6252     $1,000,000,000 in the state; and
6253          (ii) the tax credit applicant makes new capital expenditures of at least $1,000,000,000
6254     in the state in accordance with the agreement with the office described in Section
6255     [63M-1-2908] 63N-2-808.
6256          (2) The office shall provide a duplicate copy of each tax credit certificate to the State
6257     Tax Commission.
6258          Section 145. Section 63N-2-810, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2910 is
6259     renumbered and amended to read:
6260          [63M-1-2910].      63N-2-810. Reports on tax credit certificates -- Study by
6261     legislative committees.
6262          (1) The office shall include the following information in the annual written report
6263     described in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301:
6264          (a) the total amount listed on tax credit certificates the office issues under this part;
6265          (b) the criteria that the office uses in prioritizing the issuance of tax credits amongst tax
6266     credit applicants under this part; and
6267          (c) the economic impact on the state related to providing tax credits under this part.
6268          (2) (a) On or before November 1, 2016, and every five years after November 1, 2016,
6269     the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee shall:
6270          (i) study the tax credits allowed under Sections 59-7-614.6, 59-10-1025, and
6271     59-10-1109; and
6272          (ii) make recommendations concerning whether the tax credits should be continued,
6273     modified, or repealed.

6274          (b) The study under Subsection (2)(a) shall include an evaluation of:
6275          (i) the cost of the tax credits under Sections 59-7-614.6, 59-10-1025, and 59-10-1109;
6276          (ii) the purposes and effectiveness of the tax credits; and
6277          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credits.
6278          Section 146. Section 63N-2-811, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2911 is
6279     renumbered and amended to read:
6280          [63M-1-2911].      63N-2-811. Reports of tax credits.
6281          (1) Before December 1 of each year, the office shall submit a report to the Governor's
6282     Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst, and the Division
6283     of Finance identifying:
6284          (a) the total amount listed on tax credit certificates the office issues under this part; and
6285          (b) the criteria that the office uses in prioritizing the issuance of tax credits amongst tax
6286     credit applicants.
6287          (2) By the first business day of each month, the office shall submit a report to the
6288     Governor's Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst, and the
6289     Division of Finance identifying:
6290          (a) each new agreement entered into by the office since the last report;
6291          (b) the total amount listed on tax credit certificates the office issues under this part; and
6292          (c) the criteria that the office uses in prioritizing the issuance of tax credits amongst tax
6293     credit applicants.
6294          Section 147. Section 63N-3-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-901 is
6295     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 1. Industrial Assistance Account

6298          [63M-1-901].      63N-3-101. Title -- Purpose.
6299          (1) This chapter is known as "Economic Development Programs."
6300          (2) This part is known as the "Industrial Assistance Account."
6301          (3) The Legislature finds and declares that the fostering and development of industry in

6302     Utah is a state public purpose necessary to assure the welfare of its citizens, the growth of its
6303     economy, and adequate employment for its citizens.
6304          Section 148. Section 63N-3-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-902 is
6305     renumbered and amended to read:
6306          [63M-1-902].      63N-3-102. Definitions.
6307          As used in this part:
6308          (1) "Administrator" means the executive director or the executive director's designee.
6309          [(2) "Board" means the Board of Business and Economic Development.]
6310          [(3)] (2) "Company creating an economic impediment" means a company that
6311     discourages economic development within a reasonable radius of its location because of:
6312          (a) odors;
6313          (b) noise;
6314          (c) pollution;
6315          (d) health hazards; or
6316          (e) other activities similar to those described in Subsections (3)(a) through (d).
6317          [(5)] (3) "Economically disadvantaged rural area" means a geographic area designated
6318     by the board under Section [63M-1-910] 63N-3-111.
6319          (4) "Economic opportunities" means unique business situations or community
6320     circumstances which lend themselves to the furtherance of the economic interests of the state
6321     by providing a catalyst or stimulus to the growth or retention, or both, of commerce and
6322     industry in the state, including retention of companies whose relocation outside the state would
6323     have a significant detrimental economic impact on the state as a whole, regions of the state, or
6324     specific components of the state as determined by the board.
6325          [(6)] (5) "Replacement company" means a company locating its business or part of its
6326     business in a location vacated by a company creating an economic impediment.
6327          [(7)] (6) "Restricted Account" means the restricted account known as the Industrial
6328     Assistance Account created in Section [63M-1-903] 63N-3-103.
6329          [(8)] (7) "Targeted industry" means an industry or group of industries targeted by the

6330     board under Section [63M-1-910] 63N-3-111, for economic development in the state.
6331          Section 149. Section 63N-3-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-903 is
6332     renumbered and amended to read:
6333          [63M-1-903].      63N-3-103. Industrial Assistance Account created -- Uses --
6334     Administrator duties -- Costs.
6335          (1) There is created a restricted account within the General Fund known as the
6336     "Industrial Assistance Account" of which:
6337          (a) up to 50% may be used in economically disadvantaged rural areas;
6338          (b) up to 25% may be used to take timely advantage of economic opportunities as they
6339     arise;
6340          (c) up to 4% may be used to promote business and economic development in rural
6341     areas of the state with the Business Expansion and Retention Initiative; and
6342          (d) up to $3,000,000 may be used for the purpose of incubating technology solutions
6343     related to economic and workforce development.
6344          (2) The administrator shall administer:
6345          (a) the restricted account created under Subsection (1), under the policy direction of the
6346     board; and
6347          (b) the Business Expansion and Retention Initiative for the rural areas of the state.
6348          (3) The administrator may hire appropriate support staff to perform the duties required
6349     under this section.
6350          (4) The cost of administering the restricted account shall be paid from money in the
6351     restricted account.
6352          (5) Interest accrued from investment of money in the restricted account shall remain in
6353     the restricted account.
6354          Section 150. Section 63N-3-104, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-904 is
6355     renumbered and amended to read:
6356          [63M-1-904].      63N-3-104. Rural Fast Track Program -- Creation --
6357     Funding -- Qualifications for program participation -- Awards -- Reports.

6358          (1) (a) There is created the Rural Fast Track Program.
6359          (b) The program is a funded component of the economically disadvantaged rural areas
6360     designation in Subsection [63M-1-903] 63N-3-103(1)(a).
6361          (2) The purpose of the program is to provide an efficient way for small companies in
6362     rural areas of the state to receive incentives for creating high paying jobs in those areas of the
6363     state.
6364          (3) (a) Twenty percent of the unencumbered amount in the Industrial Assistance
6365     Account created in Subsection [63M-1-903] 63N-3-103(1) at the beginning of each fiscal year
6366     shall be used to fund the program.
6367          (b) The 20% referred to in Subsection (3)(a) is not in addition to but is a part of the up
6368     to 50% designation for economically disadvantaged rural areas referred to in Subsection
6369     [63M-1-903] 63N-3-103(1)(a).
6370          (c) If any of the 20% allocation referred to in Subsection (3)(a) has not been used in the
6371     program by the end of the third quarter of each fiscal year, that money may be used for any
6372     other loan, grant, or assistance program offered through the Industrial Assistance Account
6373     during the fiscal year.
6374          (4) (a) To qualify for participation in the program a company shall:
6375          (i) complete and file with the office an application for participation in the program,
6376     signed by an officer of the company;
6377          (ii) be located and conduct its business operations in a county in the state that has:
6378          (A) a population of less than 30,000; and
6379          (B) an average household income of less than $60,000 as reflected in the most recently
6380     available data collected and reported by the United States Census Bureau;
6381          (iii) have been in business in the state for at least two years; and
6382          (iv) have at least two employees.
6383          (b) (i) The office shall verify an applicant's qualifications under Subsection (4)(a).
6384          (ii) The application must be approved by the administrator in order for a company to
6385     receive an incentive or other assistance under this section.

6386          (c) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
6387     administrator may make rules governing:
6388          (i) the content of the application form referred to in Subsection (4)(a)(i);
6389          (ii) who qualifies as an employee under Subsection (4)(a)(iv); and
6390          (iii) the verification procedure referred to in Subsection (4)(b).
6391          (5) (a) The administrator shall make incentive cash awards to small companies under
6392     this section based on the following criteria:
6393          (i) $1,000 for each new incremental job that pays over 110% of the county's average
6394     annual wage;
6395          (ii) $1,250 for each incremental job that pays over 115% of the county's average annual
6396     wage; and
6397          (iii) $1,500 for each incremental job that pays over 125% of the county's average
6398     annual wage.
6399          (b) The administrator shall make a cash award under Subsection (5)(a) when a new
6400     incremental job has been in place for at least 12 months.
6401          (c) The creation of a new incremental job by a company is based on the number of
6402     employees at the company during the previous 24 months.
6403          (d) (i) A small company may also apply for grants, loans, or other financial assistance
6404     under the program to help develop its business in rural Utah and may receive up to $50,000
6405     under the program if approved by the administrator.
6406          (ii) The board must approve a distribution that exceeds the $50,000 cap under
6407     Subsection (5)(d)(i).
6408          (6) The administrator shall make a quarterly report to the board of the awards made by
6409     the administrator under this section and submit a report to the office on the awards and their
6410     impact on economic development in the state's rural areas for inclusion in the office's annual
6411     written report described in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301.
6412          Section 151. Section 63N-3-105, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-906 is
6413     renumbered and amended to read:

6414          [63M-1-906].      63N-3-105. Qualification for assistance.
6415          (1) Except as provided in Section [63M-1-908, 63M-1-909, or 63M-1-909.5]
6416     63N-3-108, 63N-3-109, or 63N-3-110, the administrator shall determine which industries,
6417     companies, and individuals qualify to receive money from the Industrial Assistance Account.
6418     Except as provided by Subsection (2), to qualify for financial assistance from the restricted
6419     account, an applicant shall:
6420          (a) demonstrate to the satisfaction of the administrator that the applicant will expend
6421     funds in Utah with employees, vendors, subcontractors, or other businesses in an amount
6422     proportional with money provided from the restricted account at a minimum ratio of 2 to 1 per
6423     year or other more stringent requirements as established from time to time by the board for a
6424     minimum period of five years beginning with the date the loan or grant was approved;
6425          (b) demonstrate to the satisfaction of the administrator the applicant's ability to sustain
6426     economic activity in the state sufficient to repay, by means of cash or appropriate credits, the
6427     loan provided by the restricted account; and
6428          (c) satisfy other criteria the administrator considers appropriate.
6429          (2) (a) The administrator may exempt an applicant from the requirements of Subsection
6430     (1)(a) or (b) if:
6431          (i) the financial assistance is provided to an applicant for the purpose of locating all or
6432     any portion of its operations to an economically disadvantaged rural area;
6433          (ii) the applicant is part of a targeted industry;
6434          (iii) the applicant is a quasi-public corporation organized under Title 16, Chapter 6a,
6435     Utah Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act, or Title 63E, Chapter 2, Independent Corporations
6436     Act, and its operations, as demonstrated to the satisfaction of the administrator, will provide
6437     significant economic stimulus to the growth of commerce and industry in the state; or
6438          (iv) the applicant is an entity offering an economic opportunity under Section
6439     [63M-1-909] 63N-3-109.
6440          (b) The administrator may not exempt the applicant from the requirement under
6441     Subsection [63M-1-905] 63N-3-106(2)(b) that the loan be structured so that the repayment or

6442     return to the state equals at least the amount of the assistance together with an annual interest
6443     charge.
6444          (3) The administrator shall:
6445          (a) for applicants not described in Subsection (2)(a):
6446          (i) make findings as to whether or not each applicant has satisfied each of the
6447     conditions set forth in Subsection (1); and
6448          (ii) monitor the continued compliance by each applicant with each of the conditions set
6449     forth in Subsection (1) for five years;
6450          (b) for applicants described in Subsection (2)(a), make findings as to whether the
6451     economic activities of each applicant has resulted in the creation of new jobs on a per capita
6452     basis in the economically disadvantaged rural area or targeted industry in which the applicant is
6453     located;
6454          (c) monitor the compliance by each applicant with the provisions of any contract or
6455     agreement entered into between the applicant and the state as provided in Section [63M-1-907]
6456     63N-3-107; and
6457          (d) make funding decisions based upon appropriate findings and compliance.
6458          Section 152. Section 63N-3-106, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-905 is
6459     renumbered and amended to read:
6460          [63M-1-905].      63N-3-106. Loans, grants, and assistance -- Repayment --
6461     Earned credits.
6462          (1) (a) A company that qualifies under Section [63M-1-906] 63N-3-105 may receive
6463     loans, grants, or other financial assistance from the Industrial Assistance Account for expenses
6464     related to establishment, relocation, or development of industry in Utah.
6465          (b) A company creating an economic impediment that qualifies under Section
6466     [63M-1-908] 63N-3-108 may in accordance with this part receive loans, grants, or other
6467     financial assistance from the restricted account for the expenses of the company creating an
6468     economic impediment related to:
6469          (i) relocation to a rural area in Utah of the company creating an economic impediment;

6470     and
6471          (ii) the siting of a replacement company.
6472          (c) An entity offering an economic opportunity that qualifies under Section
6473     [63M-1-909] 63N-3-109 may:
6474          (i) receive loans, grants, or other financial assistance from the restricted account for
6475     expenses related to the establishment, relocation, retention, or development of industry in the
6476     state; and
6477          (ii) include infrastructure or other economic development precursor activities that act
6478     as a catalyst and stimulus for economic activity likely to lead to the maintenance or
6479     enlargement of the state's tax base.
6480          (2) (a) Subject to Subsection (2)(b), the administrator has authority to determine the
6481     structure, amount, and nature of any loan, grant, or other financial assistance from the restricted
6482     account.
6483          (b) Loans made under Subsection (2)(a) shall be structured so the intended repayment
6484     or return to the state, including cash or credit, equals at least the amount of the assistance
6485     together with an annual interest charge as negotiated by the administrator.
6486          (c) Payments resulting from grants awarded from the restricted account shall be made
6487     only after the administrator has determined that the company has satisfied the conditions upon
6488     which the payment or earned credit was based.
6489          (3) (a) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), the administrator may provide for a
6490     system of earned credits that may be used to support grant payments or in lieu of cash
6491     repayment of a restricted account loan obligation.
6492          (ii) The value of the credits described in Subsection (3)(a)(i) shall be based on factors
6493     determined by the administrator, including:
6494          (A) the number of Utah jobs created;
6495          (B) the increased economic activity in Utah; or
6496          (C) other events and activities that occur as a result of the restricted account assistance.
6497          (b) (i) The administrator shall provide for a system of credits to be used to support

6498     grant payments or in lieu of cash repayment of a restricted account loan when loans are made to
6499     a company creating an economic impediment.
6500          (ii) The value of the credits described in Subsection (3)(b)(i) shall be based on factors
6501     determined by the administrator, including:
6502          (A) the number of Utah jobs created;
6503          (B) the increased economic activity in Utah; or
6504          (C) other events and activities that occur as a result of the restricted account assistance.
6505          (4) (a) A cash loan repayment or other cash recovery from a company receiving
6506     assistance under this section, including interest, shall be deposited into the restricted account.
6507          (b) The administrator and the Division of Finance shall determine the manner of
6508     recognizing and accounting for the earned credits used in lieu of loan repayments or to support
6509     grant payments as provided in Subsection (3).
6510          (5) (a) (i) At the end of each fiscal year, the Division of Finance shall set aside the
6511     balance of the General Fund revenue surplus as defined in Section 63J-1-312 after the transfers
6512     of General Fund revenue surplus described in Subsection (5)(b) to the Industrial Assistance
6513     Account in an amount equal to any credit that has accrued under this part.
6514          (ii) The set aside under Subsection (5)(a)(i) shall be capped at $50,000,000, at which
6515     time no subsequent contributions may be made and any interest accrued above the $50,000,000
6516     cap shall be deposited into the General Fund.
6517          (b) The set aside required by Subsection (5)(a) shall be made after the transfer of
6518     surplus General Fund revenue surplus is made:
6519          (i) to the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Restricted Account, as
6520     provided in Section 63J-1-315;
6521          (ii) to the General Fund Budget Reserve Account, as provided in Section 63J-1-312;
6522     and
6523          (iii) to the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account, as provided in Section
6524     63J-1-314.
6525          (c) These credit amounts may not be used for purposes of the restricted account as

6526     provided in this part until appropriated by the Legislature.
6527          Section 153. Section 63N-3-107, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-907 is
6528     renumbered and amended to read:
6529          [63M-1-907].      63N-3-107. Agreements.
6530          The administrator shall enter into agreements with each successful applicant that have
6531     specific terms and conditions for each loan or assistance, including:
6532          (1) repayment schedules;
6533          (2) interest rates;
6534          (3) specific economic activity required to qualify for the loan or assistance or for
6535     repayment credits;
6536          (4) collateral or security, if any; and
6537          (5) other terms and conditions considered appropriate by the administrator.
6538          Section 154. Section 63N-3-108, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-908 is
6539     renumbered and amended to read:
6540          [63M-1-908].      63N-3-108. Financial assistance to companies that create
6541     economic impediments.
6542          (1) (a) The administrator may provide money from the Industrial Assistance Account to
6543     a company creating an economic impediment if that company:
6544          (i) applies to the administrator;
6545          (ii) relocates to a rural area in Utah; and
6546          (iii) meets the qualifications of Subsection (1)(b).
6547          (b) Except as provided by Subsection (2), to qualify for financial assistance from the
6548     restricted account, a company creating an economic impediment shall:
6549          (i) demonstrate to the satisfaction of the administrator that the company creating an
6550     economic impediment, its replacement company, or in the aggregate the company creating the
6551     economic impediment and its replacement company:
6552          (A) will expend funds in Utah with employees, vendors, subcontractors, or other
6553     businesses in an amount proportional with money provided from the restricted account at a

6554     minimum ratio of 2 to 1 per year or other more stringent requirements as established from time
6555     to time by the board for a minimum period of five years beginning with the date the loan or
6556     grant was approved; and
6557          (B) can sustain economic activity in the state sufficient to repay, by means of cash or
6558     appropriate credits, the loan provided by the restricted account; and
6559          (ii) satisfy other criteria the administrator considers appropriate.
6560          (2) (a) The administrator may exempt a company creating an economic impediment
6561     from the requirements of Subsection (1)(b)(i)(A) if:
6562          (i) the financial assistance is provided to a company creating an economic impediment
6563     for the purpose of locating all or any portion of its operations to an economically disadvantaged
6564     rural area; or
6565          (ii) its replacement company is part of a targeted industry.
6566          (b) The administrator may not exempt a company creating an economic impediment
6567     from the requirement under Subsection [63M-1-905] 63N-3-106(2)(b) that the loan be
6568     structured so that the repayment or return to the state equals at least the amount of the
6569     assistance together with an annual interest charge.
6570          (3) The administrator shall:
6571          (a) make findings as to whether or not a company creating an economic impediment,
6572     its replacement company, or both, have satisfied each of the conditions set forth in Subsection
6573     (1);
6574          (b) monitor the compliance by a company creating an economic impediment, its
6575     replacement company, or both, with:
6576          (i) each of the conditions set forth in Subsection (1); and
6577          (ii) any contract or agreement under Section [63M-1-907] 63N-3-107 entered into
6578     between:
6579          (A) the company creating an economic impediment; and
6580          (B) the state; and
6581          (c) make funding decisions based upon appropriate findings and compliance.

6582          Section 155. Section 63N-3-109, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-909 is
6583     renumbered and amended to read:
6584          [63M-1-909].      63N-3-109. Financial assistance to entities offering economic
6585     opportunities.
6586          (1) Subject to the duties and powers of the board under Section [63M-1-303]
6587     63N-1-402, the administrator may provide money from the Industrial Assistance Account to an
6588     entity offering an economic opportunity if that entity:
6589          (a) applies to the administrator; and
6590          (b) meets the qualifications of Subsection (2).
6591          (2) The applicant shall:
6592          (a) demonstrate to the satisfaction of the administrator the nature of the economic
6593     opportunity and the related benefit to the economic well-being of the state by providing
6594     evidence documenting the logical and compelling linkage, either direct or indirect, between the
6595     expenditure of money necessitated by the economic opportunity and the likelihood that the
6596     state's tax base, regions of the state's tax base, or specific components of the state's tax base
6597     will not be reduced but will be maintained or enlarged;
6598          (b) demonstrate how the funding request will act in concert with other state, federal, or
6599     local agencies to achieve the economic benefit;
6600          (c) demonstrate how the funding request will act in concert with free market principles;
6601          (d) in the case of an economic opportunity that includes the retention of jobs,
6602     demonstrate how the potential relocation of jobs outside the state is related to a merger,
6603     acquisition, consolidation, or similar business reason other than the applicant simply requesting
6604     state assistance to remain in the state;
6605          (e) satisfy other criteria the administrator considers appropriate; and
6606          (f) be either:
6607          (i) an entity whose purpose is to exclusively or substantially promote, develop, or
6608     maintain the economic welfare and prosperity of the state as a whole, regions of the state, or
6609     specific components of the state, including:

6610          (A) an entity that is a sports development organization under contract with the state for
6611     sports development and sporting event attraction and related activities that provide an
6612     economic impact or promotional value to the state; or
6613          (B) an entity that implements technology innovation in public schools, including
6614     whole-school one-to-one mobile device technology deployment for the purpose of incubating
6615     technology solutions related to economic and workforce development.
6616          (ii) a company or individual that does not otherwise qualify under Section [63M-1-906]
6617     63N-3-105.
6618          (3) Subject to the duties and powers of the board under Section [63M-1-303]
6619     63N-1-402, the administrator shall:
6620          (a) make findings as to whether an applicant has satisfied each of the conditions set
6621     forth in Subsection (2);
6622          (b) establish benchmarks and timeframes in which progress toward the completion of
6623     the agreed upon activity is to occur;
6624          (c) monitor compliance by an applicant with any contract or agreement entered into by
6625     the applicant and the state as provided by Section [63M-1-907] 63N-3-107; and
6626          (d) make funding decisions based upon appropriate findings and compliance.
6627          Section 156. Section 63N-3-110, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-909.5 is
6628     renumbered and amended to read:
6629          [63M-1-909.5].      63N-3-110. Selection of educational technology provider to
6630     implement whole-school one-to-one mobile device technology deployment plan for
6631     schools.
6632          The board shall select an educational technology provider to develop and implement a
6633     whole-school one-to-one mobile device technology deployment plan for schools in accordance
6634     with the requirements of this part and Section 53A-1-709.
6635          Section 157. Section 63N-3-111, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-910 is
6636     renumbered and amended to read:
6637          [63M-1-910].      63N-3-111. Annual policy considerations.

6638          (1) The board shall determine annually which industries or groups of industries shall be
6639     targeted industries as defined in Section [63M-1-902] 63N-3-102.
6640          (2) In designating an economically disadvantaged rural area, the board shall consider
6641     the average agricultural and nonagricultural wage, personal income, unemployment, and
6642     employment in the area.
6643          (3) In evaluating the economic impact of applications for assistance, the board shall use
6644     an econometric cost-benefit model or models adopted by the Governor's Office of Management
6645     and Budget.
6646          (4) The board may establish:
6647          (a) minimum interest rates to be applied to loans granted that reflect a fair social rate of
6648     return to the state comparable to prevailing market-based rates such as the prime rate, U.S.
6649     Government T-bill rate, or bond coupon rate as paid by the state, adjusted by social indicators
6650     such as the rate of unemployment; and
6651          (b) minimum applicant expense ratios, as long as they are at least equal to those
6652     required under Subsection [63M-1-906] 63N-3-105(1)(a) or [63M-1-908]
6653     63N-3-108(1)(b)(i)(A).
6654          Section 158. Section 63N-3-201, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-701 is
6655     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 2. Technology Commercialization and Innovation Act

6657          [63M-1-701].      63N-3-201. Title.
6658          This part is known as the "Technology Commercialization and Innovation Act."
6659          Section 159. Section 63N-3-202, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-702 is
6660     renumbered and amended to read:
6661          [63M-1-702].      63N-3-202. Purpose.
6662          (1) (a) The Legislature recognizes that the growth of new industry and expansion of
6663     existing industry requires a strong technology base, new ideas, concepts, innovations, and
6664     prototypes.
6665          (b) Growth in industry frequently results from technological innovation generated by

6666     strong research institutions of higher education and by small businesses.
6667          (c) Technical research in Utah's institutions of higher education should be enhanced
6668     and expanded, particularly in those areas targeted by the state for economic development.
6669          (d) Most states enhance their research base by direct funding, usually on a matching
6670     basis.
6671          (e) The purpose of this part is to catalyze and enhance the growth of these technologies
6672     by:
6673          (i) encouraging interdisciplinary research activities in targeted areas;
6674          (ii) facilitating the transition of these technologies out of the higher education
6675     environment into industry where the technologies can be used to enhance job creation; and
6676          (iii) supporting the commercialization of technologies developed by small business to
6677     enhance job creation.
6678          (f) The Legislature recognizes that one source of funding is to match state funds with
6679     federal funds and industrial support to provide and develop new technologies.
6680          (2) The Legislature recommends that the governor consider matching the allocation of
6681     economic development funds for the Technology Commercialization and Innovation Program
6682     with industry and federal grants.
6683          (3) (a) The Legislature recommends that the funds be allocated on a competitive basis:
6684          (i) to the various institutions of higher education in the state;
6685          (ii) to companies working in partnership with institutions of higher education to
6686     commercialize their technologies; and
6687          (iii) to small businesses that are developing promising technologies.
6688          (b) The funds made available should be used to support:
6689          (i) interdisciplinary research in the Technology Commercialization and Innovation
6690     Program in technologies that are considered to have potential for economic development in the
6691     state and to help transition these technologies out of institutions of higher education and into
6692     industry; and
6693          (ii) small businesses in commercializing their promising technologies that have the

6694     potential to increase economic development in the state.
6695          Section 160. Section 63N-3-203, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-703 is
6696     renumbered and amended to read:
6697          [63M-1-703].      63N-3-203. Definitions.
6698          As used in this part:
6699          (1) "Business team consultant" means an experienced technology executive,
6700     entrepreneur, or business person who:
6701          (a) is recruited by the office through a request for proposal process to work directly
6702     with a college or university in the Technology Commercialization and Innovation Program; and
6703          (b) works with the institution to facilitate the transition of its technology into industry
6704     by assisting the institution in developing strategies, including spin out strategies when
6705     appropriate, and go-to-market plans, and identifying and working with potential customers and
6706     partners.
6707          (2) "Direct license" means a written license agreement between a company and a Utah
6708     institution of higher education related to technology developed at the institution of higher
6709     education with the intent of commercializing the technology or facilitating its transition into
6710     industry.
6711          (3) "Institution of higher education" means:
6712          (a) a state institution of higher education as defined in Section 53B-3-102; or
6713          (b) a private institution of higher education in the state accredited by a regional or
6714     national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.
6715          (4) "Licensee" means:
6716          (a) a company that executes or is in the process of executing a direct license; or
6717          (b) a sublicensee of the technology from a direct license.
6718          (5) "Small business" means a business that:
6719          (a) meets the size standards for the business's industry classification as identified by the
6720     United States Small Business Administration in 13 C.F.R. Sec. 121.201;
6721          (b) is organized for profit;

6722          (c) operates primarily within the United States;
6723          (d) has a principal place of business in the state, including a manufacturing or service
6724     location; and
6725          (e) is independently owned and operated.
6726          (6) "Technology Commercialization and Innovation Program" means:
6727          (a) a federal- and industry-supported cooperative research and development program
6728     based at an institution of higher education; or
6729          (b) a federal- and state-supported program for funding technologically innovative small
6730     businesses.
6731          Section 161. Section 63N-3-204, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-704 is
6732     renumbered and amended to read:
6733          [63M-1-704].      63N-3-204. Administration -- Grants and loans.
6734          (1) The [Governor's Office of Economic Development] office shall administer this
6735     part.
6736          (2) (a) (i) The office may award Technology Commercialization and Innovation
6737     Program grants or issue loans under this part to an applicant that is:
6738          (A) an institution of higher education;
6739          (B) a licensee; or
6740          (C) a small business.
6741          (ii) If loans are issued under Subsection (2)(a)(i), the Division of Finance may set up a
6742     fund or account as necessary for the proper accounting of the loans.
6743          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
6744     office shall make rules for a process to determine whether an institution of higher education
6745     that receives a grant under this part must return the grant proceeds or a portion of the grant
6746     proceeds if the technology that is developed with the grant proceeds is licensed to a licensee
6747     that:
6748          (i) does not maintain a manufacturing or service location in the state from which the
6749     licensee or a sublicensee exploits the technology; or

6750          (ii) initially maintains a manufacturing or service location in the state from which the
6751     licensee or a sublicensee exploits the technology, but within five years after issuance of the
6752     license the licensee or sublicensee transfers the manufacturing or service location for the
6753     technology to a location out of the state.
6754          (c) A repayment by an institution of higher education of grant proceeds or a portion of
6755     the grant proceeds may only come from the proceeds of the license established between the
6756     licensee and the institution of higher education.
6757          (d) (i) An applicant that is a licensee or small business that receives a grant under this
6758     part shall return the grant proceeds or a portion of the grant proceeds to the office if the
6759     applicant:
6760          (A) does not maintain a manufacturing or service location in the state from which the
6761     applicant exploits the technology; or
6762          (B) initially maintains a manufacturing or service location in the state from which the
6763     applicant exploits the technology, but within five years after issuance of the grant, the applicant
6764     transfers the manufacturing or service location for the technology to an out-of-state location.
6765          (ii) A repayment by an applicant shall be prorated based on the number of full years the
6766     applicant operated in the state from the date of the awarded grant.
6767          (iii) A repayment by a licensee that receives a grant may only come from the proceeds
6768     of the license to that licensee.
6769          (3) (a) Funding allocations shall be made by the office with the advice of the board.
6770          (b) Each proposal shall receive the best available outside review.
6771          (4) (a) In considering each proposal, the office shall weigh technical merit, the level of
6772     matching funds from private and federal sources, and the potential for job creation and
6773     economic development.
6774          (b) Proposals or consortia that combine and coordinate related research at two or more
6775     institutions of higher education shall be encouraged.
6776          (5) The office shall review the activities and progress of grant recipients on a regular
6777     basis and, as part of the office's annual written report described in Section [63M-1-206]

6778     63N-1-301, report on the accomplishments and direction of the Technology Commercialization
6779     and Innovation Program.
6780          Section 162. Section 63N-3-205, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-705 is
6781     renumbered and amended to read:
6782          [63M-1-705].      63N-3-205. Business team consultants.
6783          (1) The office may enter into work agreements with business team consultants through
6784     a request for proposal process to participate in the Technology Commercialization and
6785     Innovation Program.
6786          (2) Under a work agreement, a business team consultant shall assist a college or
6787     university in facilitating the transition of its technology into industry.
6788          Section 163. Section 63N-3-301, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2701 is
6789     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 3. Utah Business Resource Centers Act

6791          [63M-1-2701].      63N-3-301. Title.
6792          This part is known as the "Utah Business Resource Centers Act."
6793          Section 164. Section 63N-3-302, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2702 is
6794     renumbered and amended to read:
6795          [63M-1-2702].      63N-3-302. Purpose.
6796          The Legislature recognizes that:
6797          (1) the development of and assistance to business in Utah is a state public purpose
6798     necessary to assure the growth of the state's economy and provide adequate employment
6799     opportunities for its citizens;
6800          (2) public colleges and universities in the state hereafter, referred to as "host
6801     institutions," have academic and physical resources that can enhance economic development
6802     within the state through a partnership with the Governor's Office of Economic Development;
6803          (3) state funded economic development agencies, hereafter referred to as "agencies"
6804     could broaden and improve services to business clients through better regional and statewide
6805     coordination;

6806          (4) coordination of business clients needs is best done in the regions where they are
6807     established;
6808          (5) this coordination needs to be done under the direction of one designated state
6809     agency;
6810          (6) an important tool in these coordination efforts will be the development of a data
6811     base to identify, track, and assign agencies to be accountable for clients;
6812          (7) agency accountability can be improved through client tracking and monitoring at
6813     the regional level;
6814          (8) the state has historically experienced a high business start-up rate and has
6815     experienced a commensurate failure rate partially due to lack of coordination and
6816     accountability by state agencies;
6817          (9) the state's economy will continue to improve as state agencies and resources
6818     become more responsive to private business by identifying them, focusing on their needs, and
6819     tracking their progress; and
6820          (10) the governor and the Legislature will benefit from an annual report measuring tax
6821     revenue increases, new job creation, and other economic impact as a result of tracking and
6822     measuring state agencies' performance in the various regions of the state.
6823          Section 165. Section 63N-3-303, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2703 is
6824     renumbered and amended to read:
6825          [63M-1-2703].      63N-3-303. Definitions.
6826          As used in this part, "business resource centers" means entities established by the
6827     Governor's Office of Economic Development in partnership with state public institutions of
6828     higher education as certified resource centers to provide private businesses with one-stop
6829     technical assistance and access to statewide resources and programs, and to identify,
6830     coordinate, track, and measure the impact of business resource programs provided by state
6831     agencies in the various regions of the state.
6832          Section 166. Section 63N-3-304, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2704 is
6833     renumbered and amended to read:

6834          [63M-1-2704].      63N-3-304. Establishment and administration of business
6835     resource centers -- Components.
6836          (1) The [Governor's Office of Economic Development, hereafter referred to in this part
6837     as "the office,"] office shall establish business resource centers in at least four different
6838     geographical regions of the state where host institutions are located and the host institutions
6839     agree to enter into a business resource center partnership with the office.
6840          (2) The office, in partnership with a host institution, shall provide methodology and
6841     oversight for a business resource center.
6842          (3) A host institution shall contribute 50% of a business resource center's operating
6843     costs through cash or in-kind contributions, unless otherwise provided under Subsection
6844     [63M-1-2707] 63N-3-307(7).
6845          (4) The office shall work with the Utah Business Assistance Advisory Board
6846     established under Section [63M-1-2706] 63N-3-306, hereafter referred to in this part as "the
6847     board," to provide operational oversight and coordination of the business resource centers
6848     established under this part.
6849          (5) (a) A business resource center shall work with state agencies in creating methods to
6850     coordinate functions and measure the impact of the efforts provided by the state agencies and
6851     the center.
6852          (b) The host institution, state, local and federal governmental entities,
6853     quasi-governmental entities, and private entities may:
6854          (i) participate in the activities offered by or through a business resource center; and
6855          (ii) provide personnel or other appropriate links to the center.
6856          (c) (i) Other entities that are not initially involved in the establishment of a business
6857     resource center and that are capable of providing supportive services to Utah businesses may
6858     apply to the center to become a provider of services at the center.
6859          (ii) Entities identified in Subsections (5)(a) and (b) shall provide the board with a
6860     service plan, to include funding, which would be made available or supplied to cover the
6861     expenses of their services offered at a business resource center.

6862          (iii) The board shall review each application made under Subsection (5)(c)(i) and make
6863     a recommendation for approval by the office as a precondition for providing the service being
6864     offered.
6865          (6) A business resource center may:
6866          (a) partner with the office, other host institutions, and other entities to develop and
6867     establish web-based access to virtual business resource center services over the Internet to
6868     assist in establishing and growing businesses in the state, particularly in those situations where
6869     traveling to a business resource center site is not practical;
6870          (b) develop a data base and software for:
6871          (i) tracking clients and their progress; and
6872          (ii) tracking responses and services provided by state agencies and evaluating their
6873     effectiveness; and
6874          (c) develop outreach programs and services targeted to business clients in rural areas of
6875     the state.
6876          (7) The office shall include in the annual written report described in Section
6877     [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301, a report on measured performance of economic development
6878     programs offered by or through established business resource centers.
6879          Section 167. Section 63N-3-305, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2705 is
6880     renumbered and amended to read:
6881          [63M-1-2705].      63N-3-305. Duties and responsibilities.
6882          (1) A business resource center shall:
6883          (a) have a director;
6884          (b) be the organization responsible for identifying, tracking, coordinating, and
6885     measuring output of assisted business clients in its region;
6886          (c) develop programs to aid business clients in finding the resources they need;
6887          (d) recruit state funded agencies to locate and establish their programs in the business
6888     center's region;
6889          (e) initiate and encourage business education programs, including programs in

6890     collaboration with public, private, and governmental and educational institutions; and
6891          (f) work with the host institution in providing academic resources, including faculty
6892     and student assistance.
6893          (2) A business resource center shall collaborate with the host institution and state
6894     agencies to:
6895          (a) provide research, development, or training programs for new or existing businesses,
6896     industries, or high technology business located in its region;
6897          (b) assist in providing needs assessment relating to new or existing businesses,
6898     industries, or high technology business in conjunction with other public or private economic
6899     development programs or initiatives;
6900          (c) assist in providing business incubator space or services, or both, if considered
6901     feasible and practical, to clients based on criteria established by the office in consultation with
6902     the board;
6903          (d) work with local business leaders and government officials to help them formulate
6904     and implement sound, coordinated, and measurable economic development programs for their
6905     communities; and
6906          (e) work with local government and other entities in its region in developing and
6907     certifying non-state funded satellite business resource centers.
6908          Section 168. Section 63N-3-306, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2706 is
6909     renumbered and amended to read:
6910          [63M-1-2706].      63N-3-306. Utah Business Assistance Advisory Board --
6911     Creation -- Membership -- Vacancies -- Chairs.
6912          (1) There is created the Utah Business Assistance Advisory Board, composed of at
6913     least 13 members appointed by the executive director of the [Governor's Office of Economic
6914     Development] office.
6915          (2) (a) The executive director shall appoint:
6916          (i) one member from three host institutions of business resource centers on a rotating
6917     basis;

6918          (ii) three members from urban areas in the state;
6919          (iii) two members from rural areas in the state; and
6920          (iv) one member from each host institution of a statewide business service provider.
6921          (b) The executive director may appoint ex officio board members who are sponsors of
6922     or partners with statewide business server providers.
6923          (3) Each board member shall have a background or expertise in any one or all of the
6924     following:
6925          (a) state or local economic development;
6926          (b) business networking, growth, or development;
6927          (c) entrepreneurship;
6928          (d) business management or administration; or
6929          (e) the establishment of partnerships or collaborative efforts with state, local, and
6930     federal agencies and institutions, as well as private entities.
6931          (4) (a) The executive director shall appoint board members for four-year terms.
6932          (b) The board shall, at the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of
6933     terms to ensure that the terms of these members are staggered so that approximately half of the
6934     members are appointed every two years.
6935          (c) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
6936     appointed by the executive director for the unexpired term in the same manner as the vacated
6937     member was chosen.
6938          (5) The board shall elect one of its members as a chair of the board for a two-year term.
6939          (6) The board shall meet at the call of the chair, but at least quarterly.
6940          (7) (a) A majority of the members of the board constitute a quorum.
6941          (b) The action of a majority of a quorum constitutes the action of the board.
6942          (8) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
6943     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
6944          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
6945          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and

6946          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance [pursuant to] under Sections 63A-3-106 and
6947     63A-3-107.
6948          Section 169. Section 63N-3-307, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2707 is
6949     renumbered and amended to read:
6950          [63M-1-2707].      63N-3-307. Duties.
6951          The board shall:
6952          (1) assist the office in providing operational oversight, coordination, and performance
6953     review and provide advice and improve the effectiveness of state-funded business assistance
6954     programs throughout the state as designated by the executive director;
6955          (2) make recommendations to the office on requirements for the requisite certification
6956     of each business resource center and staff at each center by the executive director;
6957          (3) make recommendations to the office for certification of the business plans the
6958     board is required to review under Subsection [63M-1-2704] 63N-3-304(5)(c)(iii);
6959          (4) at the direction of the executive director:
6960          (a) assist the office in providing operational oversight to and coordination of the
6961     business resource centers established under this part; and
6962          (b) work closely with the Governor's Office of Economic Development's Board of
6963     Business and Economic Development;
6964          (5) identify issues and make recommendations to the office regarding programs,
6965     policies, and procedures that could be implemented by:
6966          (a) business resource centers in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities under Section
6967     [63M-1-2705] 63N-3-305; and
6968          (b) state-funded business service providers;
6969          (6) make budget recommendations to the office regarding the operation and staffing of
6970     business resource centers established under this part;
6971          (7) recommend matching fund exceptions under Subsection [63M-1-2704]
6972     63N-3-304(3);
6973          (8) recommend certification of all non-state funded satellite business resource centers;

6974     and
6975          (9) establish metrics to report the performance of economic development output in
6976     each region serviced by a business resource center.
6977          Section 170. Section 63N-3-401, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2201 is
6978     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 4. Transient Room Tax Fund Act

6980          [63M-1-2201].      63N-3-401. Title.
6981          This part is known as the "Transient Room Tax Fund Act."
6982          Section 171. Section 63N-3-402, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2202 is
6983     renumbered and amended to read:
6984          [63M-1-2202].      63N-3-402. Definitions.
6985          As used in this part, "fund" means the Transient Room Tax Fund created by Section
6986     [63M-1-2203] 63N-3-403.
6987          Section 172. Section 63N-3-403, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2203 is
6988     renumbered and amended to read:
6989          [63M-1-2203].      63N-3-403. Transient Room Tax Fund -- Source of revenues
6990     -- Interest -- Expenditure or pledge of revenues.
6991          (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the Transient Room
6992     Tax Fund.
6993          (2) (a) The fund shall be funded by the portion of the sales and use tax described in
6994     Subsection 59-12-301(2).
6995          (b) (i) The fund shall earn interest.
6996          (ii) Any interest earned on fund money shall be deposited into the fund.
6997          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), the executive director shall expend or pledge the
6998     money deposited into the fund:
6999          (i) to mitigate the impacts of traffic and parking relating to a convention facility within
7000     a county of the first class;
7001          (ii) for a purpose listed in Section 17-31-2, except that any requirements in Section

7002     17-31-2 for the expenditure of money do not apply; or
7003          (iii) for a combination of Subsections (3)(a)(i) and (ii).
7004          (b) The executive director may not expend more than $20,000,000 in total to mitigate
7005     the impacts of traffic and parking relating to a convention facility within a county of the first
7006     class.
7007          Section 173. Section 63N-4-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1601 is
7008     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 1. Office of Rural Development

7011          [63M-1-1601].      63N-4-101. Title -- Definitions.
7012          (1) This [part] chapter is known as the "Rural Development Act."
7013          (2) This part is known as the "Office of Rural Development."
7014          [(2)] (3) As used in this part:
7015          (a) "Office" or "GOED" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
7016          (b) "Program" means the Rural Development Program.
7017          Section 174. Section 63N-4-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1602 is
7018     renumbered and amended to read:
7019          [63M-1-1602].      63N-4-102. Rural Development Program -- Supervision by
7020     office.
7021          (1) There is created within the Governor's Office of Economic Development the Office
7022     of Rural Development.
7023          (2) The Office of Rural Development is under the administration and general
7024     supervision of the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
7025          Section 175. Section 63N-4-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1603 is
7026     renumbered and amended to read:
7027          [63M-1-1603].      63N-4-103. Purpose of the Office of Rural Development.
7028          The Office of Rural Development is established to:
7029          (1) foster and support economic development programs and activities for the benefit of

7030     rural counties and communities;
7031          (2) foster and support community, county, and resource management planning
7032     programs and activities for the benefit of rural counties and communities;
7033          (3) foster and support leadership training programs and activities for the benefit of:
7034          (a) rural leaders in both the public and private sectors;
7035          (b) economic development and planning personnel; and
7036          (c) rural government officials;
7037          (4) foster and support efforts to coordinate and focus the technical and other resources
7038     of appropriate institutions of higher education, local governments, private sector interests,
7039     associations, nonprofit organizations, federal agencies, and others, in ways that address the
7040     economic development, planning, and leadership challenges and priorities of rural Utah as
7041     identified in the strategic plan required under Subsection 63C-10-103(1)(b);
7042          (5) work to enhance the capacity of [the Governor's Office of Economic Development]
7043     GOED to address rural economic development, planning, and leadership training challenges
7044     and opportunities by establishing partnerships and positive working relationships with
7045     appropriate public and private sector entities, individuals, and institutions; and
7046          (6) foster government-to-government collaboration and good working relations
7047     between state and rural government regarding economic development and planning issues.
7048          Section 176. Section 63N-4-104, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1604 is
7049     renumbered and amended to read:
7050          [63M-1-1604].      63N-4-104. Duties.
7051          (1) The Office of Rural Development shall:
7052          (a) provide staff support to the Governor's Rural Partnership Board in accordance with
7053     Subsection 63C-10-102(6);
7054          (b) facilitate within [the Governor's Office of Economic Development] GOED the
7055     implementation of the strategic plan prepared under Subsection 63C-10-103(1)(b);
7056          (c) work to enhance the capacity of [the Governor's Office of Economic Development]
7057     GOED to address rural economic development, planning, and leadership training challenges

7058     and opportunities by establishing partnerships and positive working relationships with
7059     appropriate public and private sector entities, individuals, and institutions;
7060          (d) work with the Governor's Rural Partnership Board to coordinate and focus
7061     available resources in ways that address the economic development, planning, and leadership
7062     training challenges and priorities in rural Utah; and
7063          (e) in accordance with economic development and planning policies set by state
7064     government, coordinate relations between:
7065          (i) the state;
7066          (ii) rural governments;
7067          (iii) other public and private groups engaged in rural economic planning and
7068     development; and
7069          (iv) federal agencies.
7070          (2) (a) The Office of Rural Development may:
7071          (i) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
7072     make rules necessary to carry out its duties;
7073          (ii) accept gifts, grants, devises, and property, in cash or in kind, for the benefit of rural
7074     Utah citizens; and
7075          (iii) use those gifts, grants, devises, and property received under Subsection (2)(a)(ii)
7076     for the use and benefit of rural citizens within the state.
7077          (b) All resources received under Subsection (2)(a)(ii) shall be deposited in the General
7078     Fund as dedicated credits to be used as directed in Subsection (2)(a)(iii).
7079          Section 177. Section 63N-4-105, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1605 is
7080     renumbered and amended to read:
7081          [63M-1-1605].      63N-4-105. Program manager.
7082          (1) The executive director of [the Governor's Office of Economic Development]
7083     GOED shall appoint a director for the Office of Rural Development with the approval of the
7084     governor.
7085          (2) The director of the Office of Rural Development shall be a person knowledgeable

7086     in the field of rural economic development and planning and experienced in administration.
7087          (3) Upon change of the executive director of [the Governor's Office of Economic
7088     Development] GOED, the director of the Office of Rural Development may not be dismissed
7089     without cause for at least 180 days.
7090          (4) The director of the Office of Rural Development shall serve as staff to the
7091     Governor's Rural Partnership Board and to the executive committee of the Governor's Rural
7092     Partnership Board in accordance with Subsection 63C-10-102(6).
7093          Section 178. Section 63N-4-106, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1606 is
7094     renumbered and amended to read:
7095          [63M-1-1606].      63N-4-106. Annual report.
7096          [The office] GOED shall include in the annual written report described in Section
7097     [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301, a report of the program's operations and recommendations.
7098          Section 179. Section 63N-4-201, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2001 is
7099     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 2. Business Development for Disadvantaged Rural Communities Act

7101          [63M-1-2001].      63N-4-201. Title.
7102          This part is known as the "Business Development for Disadvantaged Rural
7103     Communities Act."
7104          Section 180. Section 63N-4-202, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2002 is
7105     renumbered and amended to read:
7106          [63M-1-2002].      63N-4-202. Definitions.
7107          As used in this part:
7108          [(1) "Board" means the Board of Business and Economic Development created by
7109     Section 63M-1-301.]
7110          [(2)] (1) "Business incubator expense" means an expense relating to funding a program
7111     that is:
7112          (a) designed to provide business support services and resources to one or more
7113     business entities within a project area during the business entities' early stages of development;

7114     and
7115          (b) determined to be a business incubator by the board.
7116          [(3)] (2) "Business rehabilitation expense" means an expense relating to the renovation
7117     or rehabilitation of an existing building within a project area as determined by the board.
7118          [(4)] (3) "Debt service" means the payment of debt service on a bond issued to pay a:
7119          (a) business rehabilitation expense relating to a project; or
7120          (b) public infrastructure expense relating to a project.
7121          [(5)] (4) "Eligible county" means a county of the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class.
7122          [(6)] (5) "Eligible expense" means an expense:
7123          (a) incurred by an eligible county;
7124          (b) relating to a project; and
7125          (c) that is:
7126          (i) a business incubator expense;
7127          (ii) debt service; or
7128          (iii) a public infrastructure expense.
7129          [(7)] (6) "Project" means an economic development project:
7130          (a) as determined by the board; and
7131          (b) for which an eligible county applies to the board in accordance with this part for a
7132     loan or grant to assist the eligible county in paying an eligible expense.
7133          [(8)] (7) "Project area" means the geographic area within which a project is
7134     implemented by an eligible county.
7135          [(9)] (8) "Public infrastructure expense" means an expense relating to a publicly owned
7136     improvement located within a project area if:
7137          (a) the expense is:
7138          (i) incurred for:
7139          (A) construction;
7140          (B) demolition;
7141          (C) design;

7142          (D) engineering;
7143          (E) an environmental impact study;
7144          (F) environmental remediation; or
7145          (G) rehabilitation; or
7146          (ii) similar to an expense described in Subsection [(9)] (8)(a)(i) as determined by the
7147     board; and
7148          (b) the publicly owned improvement is:
7149          (i) not a building as determined by the board; and
7150          (ii) necessary to support a project as determined by the board.
7151          [(10)] (9) "Publicly owned improvement" means an improvement to real property if:
7152          (a) the real property is owned by:
7153          (i) the United States;
7154          (ii) the state; or
7155          (iii) a political subdivision:
7156          (A) as defined in Section 17B-1-102; and
7157          (B) of the state; and
7158          (b) the improvement relates to:
7159          (i) a sewage system including a system for collection, transport, storage, treatment,
7160     dispersal, effluent use, or discharge;
7161          (ii) a drainage or flood control system, including a system for collection, transport,
7162     diversion, storage, detention, retention, dispersal, use, or discharge;
7163          (iii) a water system including a system for production, collection, storage, treatment,
7164     transport, delivery, connection, or dispersal;
7165          (iv) a highway, street, or road system for vehicular use for travel, ingress, or egress;
7166          (v) a rail transportation system;
7167          (vi) a system for pedestrian use for travel, ingress, or egress;
7168          (vii) a public utility system including a system for electricity, gas, or
7169     telecommunications; or

7170          (viii) a system or device that is similar to a system or device described in Subsections
7171     [(10)] (9)(b)(i) through (vii) as determined by the board.
7172          Section 181. Section 63N-4-203, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2004 is
7173     renumbered and amended to read:
7174          [63M-1-2004].      63N-4-203. Board authority to award a grant or loan to an
7175     eligible county -- Interest on a loan -- Eligible county proposal process -- Process for
7176     awarding a grant or loan.
7177          (1) (a) Subject to the provisions of, and funds made available for, this section,
7178     beginning on July 1, 2005, through June 30, 2015, the board may make an award to an eligible
7179     county of one or more grants or loans to assist in paying an eligible expense relating to a
7180     project.
7181          (b) The total amount of grants and loans that the board may award in accordance with
7182     this section relating to one project is $75,000.
7183          (c) If the board awards a loan to an eligible county in accordance with this section, the
7184     loan shall be subject to interest as provided by the procedures and methods referred to in
7185     Subsection (6).
7186          (2) (a) Before the board may award an eligible county a grant or loan in accordance
7187     with this section, the eligible county shall submit a written proposal to the board in accordance
7188     with Subsection (2)(b).
7189          (b) The proposal described in Subsection (2)(a) shall:
7190          (i) describe the project area;
7191          (ii) describe the characteristics of the project including a description of how the project
7192     will be implemented;
7193          (iii) provide an economic development plan for the project including a description of
7194     any eligible expenses that will be incurred as part of implementing the project;
7195          (iv) describe the characteristics of the community within which the project area is
7196     located;
7197          (v) establish that the community within which the project area is located is a

7198     disadvantaged community on the basis of one or more of the following factors:
7199          (A) median income per capita within the community;
7200          (B) median property tax revenues generated within the community;
7201          (C) median sales and use tax revenues generated within the community; or
7202          (D) unemployment rates within the community;
7203          (vi) demonstrate that there is a need for the project in the community within which the
7204     project area is located;
7205          (vii) describe the short-term and long-term benefits of the project to the community
7206     within which the project area is located;
7207          (viii) demonstrate that there is a need for assistance in paying eligible expenses relating
7208     to the project;
7209          (ix) indicate the amount of any revenues that will be pledged to match any funds the
7210     board may award as a loan or grant under this section; and
7211          (x) indicate whether there is support for the implementation of the project from:
7212          (A) the community within which the project area is located; and
7213          (B) any cities or towns within which the project area is located.
7214          (3) At the request of the board, representatives from an eligible county shall appear
7215     before the board to:
7216          (a) present a proposal submitted to the board in accordance with Subsection (2)(b); and
7217          (b) respond to any questions or issues raised by the board relating to eligibility to
7218     receive a grant or loan under this section.
7219          (4) The board shall:
7220          (a) consider a proposal submitted to the board in accordance with Subsection (2);
7221          (b) make written findings as to whether the proposal described in Subsection (4)(a)
7222     meets the requirements of Subsection (2)(b);
7223          (c) make written findings as to whether to award the eligible county that submitted the
7224     proposal described in Subsection (4)(a) one or more grants or loans:
7225          (i) on the basis of the factors established in Subsection (5);

7226          (ii) in consultation with the director; and
7227          (iii) in accordance with the procedures established for prioritizing which projects may
7228     be awarded a grant or loan by the board under this section;
7229          (d) if the board determines to award an eligible county a grant or loan in accordance
7230     with this section, make written findings in consultation with the director specifying the:
7231          (i) amount of the grant or loan;
7232          (ii) time period for distributing the grant or loan;
7233          (iii) terms and conditions that the eligible county shall meet to receive the grant or
7234     loan;
7235          (iv) structure of the grant or loan; and
7236          (v) eligible expenses for which the eligible county may expend the grant or loan;
7237          (e) if the board determines to award an eligible county a loan in accordance with this
7238     section, make written findings stating:
7239          (i) the method of calculating interest applicable to the loan; and
7240          (ii) procedures for:
7241          (A) applying interest to the loan; and
7242          (B) paying interest on the loan; and
7243          (f) provide the written findings required by Subsections (4)(b) through (e) to the
7244     eligible county.
7245          (5) For purposes of Subsection (4)(c), the board shall consider the following factors in
7246     determining whether to award an eligible county one or more grants or loans authorized by this
7247     part:
7248          (a) whether the project is likely to result in economic development in the community
7249     within which the project area is located;
7250          (b) whether the community within which the project area is located is a disadvantaged
7251     community on the basis of one or more of the following factors:
7252          (i) median income per capita within the community;
7253          (ii) median property tax revenues generated within the community;

7254          (iii) median sales and use tax revenues generated within the community; or
7255          (iv) unemployment rates within the community;
7256          (c) whether there is a need for the project in the community within which the project
7257     area is located;
7258          (d) whether the project is likely to produce short-term and long-term benefits to the
7259     community within which the project area is located;
7260          (e) whether the project would be successfully implemented without the board awarding
7261     a grant or a loan to the eligible county;
7262          (f) whether any revenues will be pledged to match any funds the board may award as a
7263     grant or loan under this section;
7264          (g) whether there is support for the implementation of the project from:
7265          (i) the community within which the project area is located; and
7266          (ii) any cities or towns within which the project area is located; and
7267          (h) any other factor as determined by the board.
7268          (6) The office shall establish procedures:
7269          (a) for prioritizing which projects may be awarded a grant or loan by the board under
7270     this section; and
7271          (b) for loans awarded in accordance with this section:
7272          (i) the methods of calculating interest applicable to the loans; and
7273          (ii) procedures for:
7274          (A) applying interest to the loans; and
7275          (B) paying interest on the loans.
7276          Section 182. Section 63N-4-204, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2005 is
7277     renumbered and amended to read:
7278          [63M-1-2005].      63N-4-204. Agreement between the executive director and an
7279     eligible county -- Failure to meet or violation of a term or condition of an agreement.
7280          (1) Before an eligible county that has been awarded a grant or loan in accordance with
7281     Section [63M-1-2004] 63N-4-203 may receive the grant or loan, the eligible county shall enter

7282     into a written agreement with the executive director.
7283          (2) The written agreement described in Subsection (1):
7284          (a) shall:
7285          (i) specify the amount of the grant or loan;
7286          (ii) specify the time period for distributing the grant or loan;
7287          (iii) specify the terms and conditions that the eligible county shall meet to receive the
7288     grant or loan;
7289          (iv) specify the structure of the grant or loan;
7290          (v) specify the eligible expenses for which the eligible county may expend the grant or
7291     loan;
7292          (vi) if the eligible county has been awarded a loan:
7293          (A) specify the repayment schedule for the loan;
7294          (B) specify the method of calculating interest applicable to the loan; and
7295          (C) specify procedures for:
7296          (I) applying interest to the loan; and
7297          (II) paying interest on the loan; and
7298          (vii) subject to Subsection (3), contain provisions governing the failure to meet or the
7299     violation of a term or condition of the agreement; and
7300          (b) may contain any other provision as determined by the director.
7301          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), and subject to Subsection (3)(c), if an
7302     eligible county fails to meet or violates any provision of the agreement described in Subsection
7303     (2), the board shall impose one or more of the following penalties:
7304          (i) require the eligible county to repay all or a portion of the amount of any grant or
7305     loan the eligible county received in an amount determined by the board;
7306          (ii) provide that an eligible county may not receive any amounts of a grant or loan that
7307     the eligible county has been awarded in accordance with Section [63M-1-2004] 63N-4-203 but
7308     has not received; or
7309          (iii) provide that an eligible county may not be awarded a grant or loan under this part

7310     for a time period determined by the board.
7311          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), the board may waive, reduce, or compromise a
7312     penalty described in Subsection (3)(a) if an eligible county demonstrates that reasonable cause
7313     exists for the eligible county failing to meet or violating a provision of the agreement described
7314     in Subsection (2).
7315          (c) If the board imposes a penalty in accordance with this Subsection (3) on an eligible
7316     county, the board shall provide written notice of the penalty to the eligible county within 10
7317     calendar days after the day on which the board determines to impose the penalty.
7318          Section 183. Section 63N-4-205, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2006 is
7319     renumbered and amended to read:
7320          [63M-1-2006].      63N-4-205. Report on amount of grants and loans, projects,
7321     and outstanding debt.
7322          The board shall annually provide the following information to the office for inclusion in
7323     the office's annual written report described in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301:
7324          (1) the total amount of grants and loans the board awarded to eligible counties under
7325     this part during the fiscal year that ended on the June 30 immediately preceding the November
7326     interim meeting;
7327          (2) a description of the projects with respect to which the board awarded a grant or loan
7328     under this part;
7329          (3) the total amount of outstanding debt service that is being repaid by a grant or loan
7330     awarded under this part;
7331          (4) whether the grants and loans awarded under this part have resulted in economic
7332     development within project areas; and
7333          (5) whether the board recommends:
7334          (a) that the grants and loans authorized by this part should be continued; or
7335          (b) any modifications to this part.
7336          Section 184. Section 63N-5-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3001 is
7337     renumbered and amended to read:


Part 1. Private Activity Bonds

7340          [63M-1-3001].      63N-5-101. Title -- Purpose.
7341          (1) This chapter is known as "Private Activity Bonds."
7342          (2) It is the intent of the Legislature to establish procedures to most effectively and
7343     equitably allocate this state's private activity bond volume cap authorized by the Internal
7344     Revenue Code of 1986 in order to maximize the social and economic benefits to this state.
7345          Section 185. Section 63N-5-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3002 is
7346     renumbered and amended to read:
7347          [63M-1-3002].      63N-5-102. Definitions.
7348          As used in this part:
7349          (1) "Allocated volume cap" means a volume cap for which a certificate of allocation is
7350     in effect or for which bonds have been issued.
7351          (2) "Allotment accounts" means the various accounts created in Section [63M-1-3006]
7352     63N-5-106.
7353          (3) "Board of review" means the Private Activity Bond Review Board created in
7354     Section [63M-1-3003] 63N-5-103.
7355          (4) "Bond" means any obligation for which an allocation of volume cap is required by
7356     the code.
7357          (5) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and any related
7358     Internal Revenue Service regulations.
7359          (6) "Form 8038" means the Department of the Treasury tax form 8038 (OMB No.
7360     1545-0720) or any other federal tax form or other method of reporting required by the
7361     Department of the Treasury under Section 149(e) of the code.
7362          (7) "Issuing authority" means:
7363          (a) any county, city, or town in the state;
7364          (b) any not-for-profit corporation or joint agency, or other entity acting on behalf of
7365     one or more counties, cities, towns, or any combination of these;

7366          (c) the state; or
7367          (d) any other entity authorized to issue bonds under state law.
7368          (8) "State" means the state of Utah and any of its agencies, institutions, and divisions
7369     authorized to issue bonds or certificates under state law.
7370          (9) "Volume cap" means the private activity bond volume cap for the state as computed
7371     under Section 146 of the code.
7372          (10) "Year" means each calendar year.
7373          Section 186. Section 63N-5-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3003 is
7374     renumbered and amended to read:
7375          [63M-1-3003].      63N-5-103. Private Activity Bond Review Board.
7376          (1) There is created within the office the Private Activity Bond Review Board,
7377     composed of the following 11 members [as follows]:
7378          [(a) five ex officio members who are:]
7379          (a) (i) the executive director of the office or the executive director's designee;
7380          [(ii) the director of the Division of Business and Economic Development or the
7381     director's designee;]
7382          (ii) an employee of the office designated by the executive director;
7383          (iii) the state treasurer or the treasurer's designee;
7384          (iv) the chair of the Board of Regents or the chair's designee; and
7385          (v) the chair of the Utah Housing Corporation or the chair's designee; and
7386          (b) six local government members who are:
7387          (i) three elected or appointed county officials, nominated by the Utah Association of
7388     Counties and appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate; and
7389          (ii) three elected or appointed municipal officials, nominated by the Utah League of
7390     Cities and Towns and appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate.
7391          (2) (a) Except as required by Subsection (2)(b), the terms of office for the local
7392     government members of the board of review shall be four-year terms.
7393          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (2)(a), the governor shall, at the

7394     time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
7395     board members are staggered so that approximately half of the board is appointed every two
7396     years.
7397          (c) Members may be reappointed only once.
7398          (3) (a) If a local government member ceases to be an elected or appointed official of
7399     the city or county the member is appointed to represent, that membership on the board of
7400     review terminates immediately and there shall be a vacancy in the membership.
7401          (b) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
7402     appointed within 30 days in the manner of the regular appointment for the unexpired term, and
7403     until his successor is appointed and qualified.
7404          (4) (a) The chair of the board of review is the executive director of the office or the
7405     executive director's designee.
7406          (b) The chair is nonvoting except in the case of a tie vote.
7407          (5) Six members of the board of review constitute a quorum.
7408          (6) Formal action by the board of review requires a majority vote of a quorum.
7409          (7) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
7410     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
7411          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
7412          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
7413          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance [pursuant to] under Sections 63A-3-106 and
7414     63A-3-107.
7415          (8) The chair of the board of review serves as the state official designated under state
7416     law to make certifications required to be made under Section 146 of the code including the
7417     certification required by Section 149(e)(2)(F) of the code.
7418          Section 187. Section 63N-5-104, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3004 is
7419     renumbered and amended to read:
7420          [63M-1-3004].      63N-5-104. Powers, functions, and duties of board of review.
7421          The board of review shall:

7422          (1) make, subject to the limitations of the code, allocations of volume cap to issuing
7423     authorities;
7424          (2) determine the amount of volume cap to be allocated with respect to approved
7425     applications;
7426          (3) maintain a record of all applications filed by issuing authorities under Section
7427     [63M-1-3005] 63N-5-105 and all certificates of allocation issued under Section [63M-1-3007]
7428     63N-5-107;
7429          (4) maintain a record of all bonds issued by issuing authorities during each year;
7430          (5) determine the amount of volume cap to be treated as a carryforward under Section
7431     146(f) of the code and allocate this carryforward to one or more qualified carryforward
7432     purposes;
7433          (6) make available upon reasonable request a certified copy of all or any part of the
7434     records maintained by the board of review under this part or a summary of them, including
7435     information relating to the volume cap for each year and any amounts available for allocation
7436     under this part;
7437          (7) promulgate rules for the allocation of volume cap under this part; and
7438          (8) charge reasonable fees for the performance of duties prescribed by this part,
7439     including application, filing, and processing fees.
7440          Section 188. Section 63N-5-105, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3005 is
7441     renumbered and amended to read:
7442          [63M-1-3005].      63N-5-105. Allocation of volume cap.
7443          (1) (a) Subject to Subsection (1)(b), the volume cap for each year shall be distributed
7444     by the board of review to the various allotment accounts as set forth in Section [63M-1-3006]
7445     63N-5-106.
7446          (b) The board of review may distribute up to 50% of each increase in the volume cap
7447     [that occurs after March 11, 1999,] for use in development that occurs in quality growth areas,
7448     depending upon the board's analysis of the relative need for additional volume cap between
7449     development in quality growth areas and the allotment accounts under Section [63M-1-3006]

7450     63N-5-106.
7451          (2) To obtain an allocation of the volume cap, issuing authorities shall submit to the
7452     board of review an application containing information required by the procedures and
7453     processes of the board of review.
7454          (3) (a) The board of review shall establish criteria for making allocations of volume
7455     cap that are consistent with the purposes of the code and this part.
7456          (b) In making an allocation of volume cap the board of review shall consider the
7457     following:
7458          (i) the principal amount of the bonds proposed to be issued;
7459          (ii) the nature and the location of the project or the type of program;
7460          (iii) the likelihood that the bonds will be sold and the timeframe of bond issuance;
7461          (iv) whether the project or program could obtain adequate financing without an
7462     allocation of volume cap;
7463          (v) the degree to which an allocation of volume cap is required for the project or
7464     program to proceed or continue;
7465          (vi) the social, health, economic, and educational effects of the project or program on
7466     the local community and state as a whole;
7467          (vii) the anticipated economic development created or retained within the local
7468     community and the state as a whole;
7469          (viii) the anticipated number of jobs, both temporary and permanent, created or
7470     retained within the local community and the state as a whole;
7471          (ix) if the project is a residential rental project, the degree to which the residential
7472     rental project:
7473          (A) targets lower income populations; and
7474          (B) is accessible housing; and
7475          (x) whether the project meets the principles of quality growth recommended by the
7476     Quality Growth Commission created under Section 11-38-201.
7477          (4) The board of review shall evidence an allocation of volume cap by issuing a

7478     certificate in accordance with Section [63M-1-3007] 63N-5-107.
7479          (5) (a) From January 1 to June 30, the board shall set aside at least 50% of the Small
7480     Issue Bond Account that may be allocated only to manufacturing projects.
7481          (b) From July 1 to August 15, the board shall set aside at least 50% of the Pool
7482     Account that may be allocated only to manufacturing projects.
7483          Section 189. Section 63N-5-106, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3006 is
7484     renumbered and amended to read:
7485          [63M-1-3006].      63N-5-106. Allotment accounts.
7486          (1) There are created the following allotment accounts:
7487          (a) the Single Family Housing Account, for which eligible issuing authorities are those
7488     authorized under the code and state statute to issue qualified mortgage bonds under Section 143
7489     of the code;
7490          (b) the Student Loan Account, for which eligible issuing authorities are those
7491     authorized under the code and state statute to issue qualified student loan bonds under Section
7492     144(b) of the code;
7493          (c) the Small Issue Bond Account, for which eligible issuing authorities are those
7494     authorized under the code and state statute to issue:
7495          (i) qualified small issue bonds under Section 144(a) of the code;
7496          (ii) qualified exempt facility bonds for qualified residential rental projects under
7497     Section 142(d) of the code; or
7498          (iii) qualified redevelopment bonds under Section 144(c) of the code;
7499          (d) the Exempt Facilities Account, for which eligible issuing authorities are those
7500     authorized under the code and state statute to issue any bonds requiring an allocation of volume
7501     cap other than for purposes described in Subsections (1)(a), (b), or (c);
7502          (e) the Pool Account, for which eligible issuing authorities are those authorized under
7503     the code and state statute to issue any bonds requiring an allocation of volume cap; and
7504          (f) the Carryforward Account, for which eligible issuing authorities are those with
7505     projects or programs qualifying under Section 146(f) of the code.

7506          (2) (a) The volume cap shall be distributed to the various allotment accounts on
7507     January 1 of each year on the following basis:
7508          (i) 42% to the Single Family Housing Account;
7509          (ii) 33% to the Student Loan Account;
7510          (iii) 1% to the Exempt Facilities Account; and
7511          (iv) 24% to the Small Issue Bond Account.
7512          (b) From July 1 to September 30 of each year, the board of review may transfer any
7513     unallocated volume cap from the Exempt Facilities Account or the Small Issue Bond Account
7514     to the Pool Account.
7515          (c) The board of review, upon written notification by the issuing authorities eligible for
7516     volume cap allocation from the Single Family Housing Account or the Student Loan Account
7517     that all or a portion of volume cap distributed into that allotment account will not be used, may
7518     transfer the unused volume cap between the Single Family Housing Account and the Student
7519     Loan Account.
7520          (d) From October 1 to the third Friday of December of each year, the board of review
7521     shall transfer all unallocated volume cap into the Pool Account.
7522          (e) On the third Saturday of December, the board of review shall transfer uncollected
7523     volume cap or allocated volume cap for which bonds have not been issued prior to the third
7524     Saturday of December into the Carryforward Account.
7525          (f) If the authority to issue bonds designated in any allotment account is rescinded by
7526     amendment to the code, the board of review may transfer any unallocated volume cap from that
7527     allotment account to any other allotment account.
7528          Section 190. Section 63N-5-107, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3007 is
7529     renumbered and amended to read:
7530          [63M-1-3007].      63N-5-107. Certificates of allocation.
7531          (1) (a) After an allocation of volume cap for a project or program is approved by the
7532     board of review, the board shall issue a numbered certificate of allocation stating the amount of
7533     the allocation, the allotment account for which the allocation is being made, and the expiration

7534     date of the allocation.
7535          (b) The certificates of allocation shall be mailed to the issuing authority within 10
7536     working days of the date of approval.
7537          (c) No bonds are entitled to any allocation of the volume cap unless the issuing
7538     authority received a certificate of allocation with respect to the bonds.
7539          (d) (i) Certificates of allocation shall remain in effect for a period of 90 days from the
7540     date of approval.
7541          (ii) If bonds for which a certificate has been approved are not issued within the 90-day
7542     period, the certificate of allocation is void and volume cap shall be returned to the applicable
7543     allotment account for reallocation by the board of review.
7544          (2) (a) An issuing authority receiving an allocation of volume cap from the
7545     Carryforward Account shall receive a certificate of allocation similar to the certificates of
7546     allocation described in Subsection (1) from the board of review stating the amount of allocation
7547     from the Carryforward Account that has been allocated to the issuing authority and the
7548     expiration of the allocation.
7549          (b) If in the judgment of the board of review an issuing authority or a person or entity
7550     responsible for a project or program receiving an allocation from the Carryforward Account
7551     does not proceed with diligence in providing for the issuance of the bonds with respect to the
7552     project or program, and because of the lack of diligence the volume cap cannot be used, the
7553     board of review may exclude from its consideration for a given period of time, determined by
7554     the board of review, an application of the issuing authority, person, or entity. The board of
7555     review may, at any time, review and modify its decisions relating to this exclusion.
7556          Section 191. Section 63N-5-108, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3008 is
7557     renumbered and amended to read:
7558          [63M-1-3008].      63N-5-108. Issuing authorities -- Limitations -- Duties.
7559          (1) (a) Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, an issuing authority issuing bonds
7560     without a certificate of allocation issued under Section [63M-1-3007] 63N-5-107, or an issuing
7561     authority issuing bonds after the expiration of a certificate of allocation, is not entitled to an

7562     allocation of the volume cap for those bonds.
7563          (b) An issuing authority issuing bonds in excess of the amount set forth in the related
7564     certificate of allocation is not entitled to an allocation of the volume cap for the excess.
7565          (2) Each issuing authority shall:
7566          (a) advise the board of review, within 15 days after the issuance of bonds, of the
7567     principal amount of bonds issued under each certificate of allocation by delivering to the board
7568     of review a copy of the Form 8038 that was delivered or shall be delivered to the Internal
7569     Revenue Service in connection with the bonds, or, if no Form 8038 is required to be delivered
7570     to the Internal Revenue Service, a completed copy of a Form 8038 prepared for the board of
7571     review with respect to the bonds; and
7572          (b) if all or a stated portion of the bonds for which a certificate of allocation was
7573     received will not be issued, advise the board of review in writing, within 15 days of the earlier
7574     of:
7575          (i) the final decision not to issue all or a stated portion of the bonds; or
7576          (ii) the expiration of the certificate of allocation.
7577          (3) Failure by an issuing authority to notify the board of review under Subsection (2),
7578     including failure to timely deliver a Form 8038, may, in the sole discretion of the board of
7579     review, result in the issuing authority being denied further consideration of applications.
7580          Section 192. Section 63N-5-109, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3009 is
7581     renumbered and amended to read:
7582          [63M-1-3009].      63N-5-109. Procedures -- Adjudicative proceedings.
7583          The board of review shall comply with the procedures and requirements of Title 63G,
7584     Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, in its adjudicative proceedings.
7585          Section 193. Section 63N-5-110 is enacted to read:
7586          63N-5-110. Duties of office.
7587          (1) The office is recognized as an issuing authority as defined in Section 63N-5-102,
7588     entitled to issue bonds from the Small Issue Bond Account created in Subsection
7589     63N-5-106(1)(c) as a part of the state's private activity bond volume cap authorized by the

7590     Internal Revenue Code and computed under Section 146, Internal Revenue Code.
7591          (2) To promote and encourage the issuance of bonds from the Small Issue Bond
7592     Account for manufacturing projects, the office may:
7593          (a) develop campaigns and materials that inform qualified small manufacturing
7594     businesses about the existence of the program and the application process;
7595          (b) assist small businesses in applying for and qualifying for these bonds; and
7596          (c) develop strategies to lower the cost to small businesses of applying for and
7597     qualifying for these bonds, including making arrangements with financial advisors,
7598     underwriters, bond counsel, and other professionals involved in the issuance process to provide
7599     their services at a reduced rate when the division can provide them with a high volume of
7600     applicants or issues.
7601          Section 194. Section 63N-6-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1201 is
7602     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

7605          [63M-1-1201].      63N-6-101. Title.
7606          This [part] chapter is known as the "Utah Venture Capital Enhancement Act."
7607          Section 195. Section 63N-6-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1202 is
7608     renumbered and amended to read:
7609          [63M-1-1202].      63N-6-102. Findings -- Purpose.
7610          (1) The Legislature finds that:
7611          (a) fundamental changes have occurred in national and international financial markets
7612     and in the state's financial markets;
7613          (b) a critical shortage of seed and venture capital resources exists in the state, and that
7614     shortage is impairing the growth of commerce in the state;
7615          (c) a need exists to increase the availability of venture equity capital for emerging,
7616     expanding, and restructuring enterprises in Utah, including enterprises in the life sciences,
7617     advanced manufacturing, and information technology;

7618          (d) increased venture equity capital investments in emerging, expanding, and
7619     restructuring enterprises in Utah will:
7620          (i) create new jobs in the state; and
7621          (ii) help to diversify the state's economic base; and
7622          (e) a well-trained work force is critical for the maintenance and development of Utah's
7623     economy.
7624          (2) This part is enacted to:
7625          (a) mobilize private investment in a broad variety of venture capital partnerships in
7626     diversified industries and locales;
7627          (b) retain the private-sector culture of focusing on rate of return in the investing
7628     process;
7629          (c) secure the services of the best managers in the venture capital industry, regardless
7630     of location;
7631          (d) facilitate the organization of the Utah fund of funds to seek private investments and
7632     to serve as a catalyst in those investments by offering state incentives for private persons to
7633     make investments in the Utah fund of funds;
7634          (e) enhance the venture capital culture and infrastructure in the state so as to increase
7635     venture capital investment within the state and to promote venture capital investing within the
7636     state;
7637          (f) accomplish the purposes referred to in Subsections (2)(a) through (e) in a manner
7638     that would maximize the direct economic impact for the state; and
7639          (g) authorize the issuance and use of contingent tax credits to accomplish the purposes
7640     referred to in Subsections (2)(a) through (e) while protecting the interests of the state by
7641     limiting the manner in which contingent tax credits are issued, registered, transferred, claimed
7642     as an offset to the payment of state income tax, and redeemed.
7643          Section 196. Section 63N-6-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1203 is
7644     renumbered and amended to read:
7645          [63M-1-1203].      63N-6-103. Definitions.

7646          As used in this part:
7647          (1) "Board" means the Utah Capital Investment Board.
7648          (2) "Certificate" means a contract between the board and a designated investor under
7649     which a contingent tax credit is available and issued to the designated investor.
7650          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), "claimant" means a resident or
7651     nonresident person.
7652          (b) "Claimant" does not include an estate or trust.
7653          (4) "Commitment" means a written commitment by a designated purchaser to purchase
7654     from the board certificates presented to the board for redemption by a designated investor.
7655     Each commitment shall state the dollar amount of contingent tax credits that the designated
7656     purchaser has committed to purchase from the board.
7657          (5) "Contingent tax credit" means a contingent tax credit issued under this part that is
7658     available against tax liabilities imposed by Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and
7659     Income Taxes, or Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act, if there are insufficient
7660     funds in the redemption reserve and the board has not exercised other options for redemption
7661     under Subsection [63M-1-1220] 63N-6-408(3)(b).
7662          (6) "Corporation" means the Utah Capital Investment Corporation created under
7663     Section [63M-1-1207] 63N-6-301.
7664          (7) "Designated investor" means:
7665          (a) a person who makes a private investment; or
7666          (b) a transferee of a certificate or contingent tax credit.
7667          (8) "Designated purchaser" means:
7668          (a) a person who enters into a written undertaking with the board to purchase a
7669     commitment; or
7670          (b) a transferee who assumes the obligations to make the purchase described in the
7671     commitment.
7672          (9) "Estate" means a nonresident estate or a resident estate.
7673          (10) "Person" means an individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation,

7674     association, organization, business trust, estate, trust, or any other legal or commercial entity.
7675          (11) "Private investment" means:
7676          (a) an equity interest in the Utah fund of funds; or
7677          (b) a loan to the Utah fund of funds initiated before July 1, 2014, including a loan
7678     refinanced on or after July 1, 2014, that was originated before July 1, 2014.
7679          (12) "Redemption reserve" means the reserve established by the corporation to
7680     facilitate the cash redemption of certificates.
7681          (13) "Taxpayer" means a taxpayer:
7682          (a) of an investor; and
7683          (b) if that taxpayer is a:
7684          (i) claimant;
7685          (ii) estate; or
7686          (iii) trust.
7687          (14) "Trust" means a nonresident trust or a resident trust.
7688          (15) "Utah fund of funds" means a limited partnership or limited liability company
7689     established under Section [63M-1-1213] 63N-6-401 in which a designated investor purchases
7690     an equity interest.
7691          Section 197. Section 63N-6-201, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1204 is
7692     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 2. Utah Capital Investment Board

7694          [63M-1-1204].      63N-6-201. Utah Capital Investment Board.
7695          (1) There is created within the office the Utah Capital Investment Board to exercise the
7696     powers conferred by this part.
7697          (2) The purpose of the board is to mobilize venture equity capital for investment in a
7698     manner that will result in a significant potential to create jobs and to diversify and stabilize the
7699     economy of the state.
7700          (3) In the exercise of its powers and duties, the board is considered to be performing an
7701     essential public purpose.

7702          Section 198. Section 63N-6-202, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1205 is
7703     renumbered and amended to read:
7704          [63M-1-1205].      63N-6-202. Board members -- Meetings -- Expenses.
7705          (1) (a) The board shall consist of the following five members:
7706          (i) the state treasurer;
7707          (ii) the director or the director's designee; and
7708          (iii) three members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Senate.
7709          (b) The three members appointed by the governor shall serve four-year staggered terms
7710     with the initial terms of the first three members to be four years for one member, three years for
7711     one member, and two years for one member.
7712          (c) The governor shall appoint members of the board based on demonstrated expertise
7713     and competence in:
7714          (i) the supervision of investment managers;
7715          (ii) the fiduciary management of investment funds; or
7716          (iii) the management and administration of tax credit allocation programs.
7717          (2) When a vacancy occurs in the membership of the board for any reason, the vacancy
7718     shall be:
7719          (a) filled in the same manner as the appointment of the original member; and
7720          (b) for the unexpired term of the board member being replaced.
7721          (3) Appointed members of the board may not serve more than two full consecutive
7722     terms except when the governor determines that an additional term is in the best interest of the
7723     state.
7724          (4) (a) Four members of the board constitute a quorum for conducting business and
7725     exercising board power.
7726          (b) If a quorum is present, the action of a majority of members present is the action of
7727     the board.
7728          (5) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
7729     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:

7730          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
7731          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
7732          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance [according to] under Sections 63A-3-106 and
7733     63A-3-107.
7734          (6) The board and its members are considered to be a governmental entity with all of
7735     the rights, privileges, and immunities of a governmental entity of the state, including all of the
7736     rights and benefits conferred under Title 63G, Chapter 7, Governmental Immunity Act of Utah.
7737          (7) Meetings of the board, except to the extent necessary to protect the information
7738     identified in Subsection [63M-1-1224] 63N-6-412(3), are subject to Title 52, Chapter 4, Open
7739     and Public Meetings Act.
7740          Section 199. Section 63N-6-203, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1206 is
7741     renumbered and amended to read:
7742          [63M-1-1206].      63N-6-203. Board duties and powers.
7743          (1) The board shall:
7744          (a) establish criteria and procedures for the allocation and issuance of contingent tax
7745     credits to designated investors by means of certificates issued by the board, provided that a
7746     contingent tax credit may not be issued unless the Utah fund of funds:
7747          (i) first agrees to treat the amount of the tax credit redeemed by the state as a loan from
7748     the state to the Utah fund of funds; and
7749          (ii) agrees to repay the loan upon terms and conditions established by the board;
7750          (b) establish criteria and procedures for assessing the likelihood of future certificate
7751     redemptions by designated investors, including:
7752          (i) criteria and procedures for evaluating the value of investments made by the Utah
7753     fund of funds; and
7754          (ii) the returns from the Utah fund of funds;
7755          (c) establish criteria and procedures for registering and redeeming contingent tax
7756     credits by designated investors holding certificates issued by the board;
7757          (d) establish a target rate of return or range of returns for the investment portfolio of

7758     the Utah fund of funds;
7759          (e) establish criteria and procedures governing commitments obtained by the board
7760     from designated purchasers including:
7761          (i) entering into commitments with designated purchasers; and
7762          (ii) drawing on commitments to redeem certificates from designated investors;
7763          (f) have power to:
7764          (i) expend funds;
7765          (ii) invest funds;
7766          (iii) issue debt and borrow funds;
7767          (iv) enter into contracts;
7768          (v) insure against loss; and
7769          (vi) perform any other act necessary to carry out its purpose; and
7770          (g) make, amend, and repeal rules for the conduct of its affairs, consistent with this part
7771     and in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
7772          (2) (a) All rules made by the board under Subsection (1)(g) are subject to review by the
7773     Legislative Management Committee:
7774          (i) whenever made, modified, or repealed; and
7775          (ii) in each even-numbered year.
7776          (b) Subsection (2)(a) does not preclude the legislative Administrative Rules Review
7777     Committee from reviewing and taking appropriate action on any rule made, amended, or
7778     repealed by the board.
7779          (3) (a) The criteria and procedures established by the board for the allocation and
7780     issuance of contingent tax credits shall:
7781          (i) include the contingencies that must be met for a certificate and its related tax credits
7782     to be:
7783          (A) issued by the board;
7784          (B) transferred by a designated investor; and
7785          (C) redeemed by a designated investor in order to receive a contingent tax credit; and

7786          (ii) tie the contingencies for redemption of certificates to:
7787          (A) the targeted rates of return and scheduled redemptions of equity interests purchased
7788     by designated investors in the Utah fund of funds; and
7789          (B) the scheduled principal and interest payments payable to designated investors that
7790     have made loans initiated before July 1, 2014, including a loan refinanced on or after July 1,
7791     2014, that was originated before July 1, 2014, to the Utah fund of funds.
7792          (b) The board may not issue contingent tax credits under this part before July 1, 2004.
7793          (4) (a) The board may charge a placement fee to the Utah fund of funds for the
7794     issuance of a certificate and related contingent tax credit to a designated investor.
7795          (b) The fee shall:
7796          (i) be charged only to pay for reasonable and necessary costs of the board; and
7797          (ii) not exceed .5% of the private investment of the designated investor.
7798          (5) The board's criteria and procedures for redeeming certificates:
7799          (a) shall give priority to the redemption amount from the available funds in the
7800     redemption reserve; and
7801          (b) to the extent there are insufficient funds in the redemption reserve to redeem
7802     certificates, shall grant the board the option to redeem certificates:
7803          (i) by certifying a contingent tax credit to the designated investor; or
7804          (ii) by making demand on designated purchasers consistent with the requirements of
7805     Section [63M-1-1221] 63N-6-409.
7806          (6) (a) The board shall, in consultation with the corporation, publish on or before
7807     September 1 an annual report of the activities conducted by the Utah fund of funds, and submit
7808     the report to the governor; the Business, Economic Development, and Labor Appropriations
7809     Subcommittee; the Business and Labor Interim Committee; and the Retirement and
7810     Independent Entities Committee.
7811          (b) The annual report shall:
7812          (i) be designed to provide clear, accurate, and accessible information to the public, the
7813     governor, and the Legislature;

7814          (ii) include a copy of the audit of the Utah fund of funds described in Section
7815     [63M-1-1217] 63N-6-405;
7816          (iii) include a detailed balance sheet, revenue and expenses statement, and cash flow
7817     statement;
7818          (iv) include detailed information regarding new fund commitments made during the
7819     year, including the amount of money committed;
7820          (v) include the net annual rate of return of the Utah fund of funds for the reported year,
7821     and the net rate of return from the inception of the Utah fund of funds, after accounting for all
7822     expenses, including administrative and financing costs;
7823          (vi) include detailed information regarding:
7824          (A) realized gains from investments and any realized losses; and
7825          (B) unrealized gains and any unrealized losses based on the net present value of
7826     ongoing investments;
7827          (vii) include detailed information regarding all yearly expenditures, including:
7828          (A) administrative, operating, and financing costs;
7829          (B) aggregate compensation information separated by full- and part-time employees,
7830     including benefit and travel expenses; and
7831          (C) expenses related to the allocation manager;
7832          (viii) include detailed information regarding all funding sources for administrative,
7833     operations, and financing expenses, including expenses charged by or to the Utah fund of
7834     funds, including management and placement fees;
7835          (ix) review the progress of the investment fund allocation manager in implementing its
7836     investment plan and provide a general description of the investment plan;
7837          (x) for each individual fund that the Utah fund of funds is invested in that represents at
7838     least 5% of the net assets of the Utah fund of funds, include the name of the fund, the total
7839     value of the fund, the fair market value of the Utah fund of funds' investment in the fund, and
7840     the percentage of the total value of the fund held by the Utah fund of funds;
7841          (xi) include the number of companies in Utah where an investment was made from a

7842     fund that the Utah fund of funds is invested in, and provide an aggregate count of new full-time
7843     employees in the state added by all companies where investments were made by funds that the
7844     Utah fund of funds is invested in;
7845          (xii) include an aggregate total value for all funds the Utah fund of funds is invested in,
7846     and an aggregate total amount of money invested in the state by the funds the Utah fund of
7847     funds is invested in;
7848          (xiii) describe any redemption or transfer of a certificate issued under this part;
7849          (xiv) include actual and estimated potential appropriations the Legislature will be
7850     required to provide as a result of redeemed certificates or tax credits during the following five
7851     years;
7852          (xv) include an evaluation of the state's progress in accomplishing the purposes stated
7853     in Section [63M-1-1202] 63N-6-102; and
7854          (xvi) be directly accessible to the public via a link from the main page of the Utah fund
7855     of fund's website.
7856          (c) The annual report may not identify a specific designated investor who has redeemed
7857     or transferred a certificate.
7858          Section 200. Section 63N-6-301, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1207 is
7859     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 3. Utah Capital Investment Corporation

7861          [63M-1-1207].      63N-6-301. Utah Capital Investment Corporation -- Powers
7862     and purposes.
7863          (1) (a) There is created an independent quasi-public nonprofit corporation known as the
7864     Utah Capital Investment Corporation.
7865          (b) The corporation:
7866          (i) may exercise all powers conferred on independent corporations under Section
7867     63E-2-106;
7868          (ii) is subject to the prohibited participation provisions of Section 63E-2-107; and
7869          (iii) is subject to the other provisions of Title 63E, Chapter 2, Independent

7870     Corporations Act, except as otherwise provided in this part.
7871          (c) The corporation shall file with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code:
7872          (i) articles of incorporation; and
7873          (ii) any amendment to its articles of incorporation.
7874          (d) In addition to the articles of incorporation, the corporation may adopt bylaws and
7875     operational policies that are consistent with this chapter.
7876          (e) Except as otherwise provided in this part, this part does not exempt the corporation
7877     from the requirements under state law which apply to other corporations organized under Title
7878     63E, Chapter 2, Independent Corporations Act.
7879          (2) The purposes of the corporation are to:
7880          (a) organize the Utah fund of funds;
7881          (b) select a venture capital investment fund allocation manager to make venture capital
7882     fund investments by the Utah fund of funds;
7883          (c) negotiate the terms of a contract with the venture capital investment fund allocation
7884     manager;
7885          (d) execute the contract with the selected venture capital investment fund manager on
7886     behalf of the Utah fund of funds;
7887          (e) receive funds paid by designated investors for the issuance of certificates by the
7888     board for private investment in the Utah fund of funds;
7889          (f) receive investment returns from the Utah fund of funds; and
7890          (g) establish the redemption reserve to be used by the corporation to redeem
7891     certificates.
7892          (3) The corporation may not:
7893          (a) exercise governmental functions;
7894          (b) have members;
7895          (c) pledge the credit or taxing power of the state or any political subdivision of the
7896     state; or
7897          (d) make its debts payable out of any money except money of the corporation.

7898          (4) The obligations of the corporation are not obligations of the state or any political
7899     subdivision of the state within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitations,
7900     but are obligations of the corporation payable solely and only from the corporation's funds.
7901          (5) The corporation may:
7902          (a) engage consultants and legal counsel;
7903          (b) expend funds;
7904          (c) invest funds;
7905          (d) issue debt and borrow funds;
7906          (e) enter into contracts;
7907          (f) insure against loss;
7908          (g) hire employees; and
7909          (h) perform any other act necessary to carry out its purposes.
7910          Section 201. Section 63N-6-302, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1208 is
7911     renumbered and amended to read:
7912          [63M-1-1208].      63N-6-302. Incorporator -- Appointment committee.
7913          (1) To facilitate the organization of the corporation, the executive director or the
7914     executive director's designee shall serve as the incorporator as provided in Section 16-6a-201.
7915          (2) To assist in the organization of the corporation, the Utah Board of Business and
7916     Economic Development shall appoint three individuals to serve on an appointment committee.
7917          (3) The appointment committee shall:
7918          (a) elect the initial board of directors of the corporation;
7919          (b) exercise due care to assure that persons elected to the initial board of directors have
7920     the requisite financial experience necessary in order to carry out the duties of the corporation as
7921     established in this part, including in areas related to:
7922          (i) venture capital investment;
7923          (ii) investment management; and
7924          (iii) supervision of investment managers and investment funds; and
7925          (c) terminate its existence upon the election of the initial board of directors of the

7926     corporation.
7927          (4) The office shall assist the incorporator and the appointment committee in any
7928     manner determined necessary and appropriate by the incorporator and appointment committee
7929     in order to administer this section.
7930          Section 202. Section 63N-6-303, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1209 is
7931     renumbered and amended to read:
7932          [63M-1-1209].      63N-6-303. Board of directors.
7933          (1) The initial board of directors of the corporation shall consist of five members.
7934          (2) The persons elected to the initial board of directors by the appointment committee
7935     shall include persons who have an expertise, as considered appropriate by the appointment
7936     committee, in the areas of:
7937          (a) the selection and supervision of investment managers;
7938          (b) fiduciary management of investment funds; and
7939          (c) other areas of expertise as considered appropriate by the appointment committee.
7940          (3) After the election of the initial board of directors, vacancies in the board of
7941     directors of the corporation shall be filled by election by the remaining directors of the
7942     corporation.
7943          (4) (a) Board members shall serve four-year terms, except that of the five initial
7944     members:
7945          (i) two shall serve four-year terms;
7946          (ii) two shall serve three-year terms; and
7947          (iii) one shall serve a two-year term.
7948          (b) Board members shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified and may
7949     serve successive terms.
7950          (c) A majority of the board members may remove a board member for cause.
7951          (d) (i) The board shall select a chair by majority vote.
7952          (ii) The chair's term is for one year.
7953          (5) Three members of the board are a quorum for the transaction of business.

7954          (6) Members of the board of directors:
7955          (a) are subject to any restrictions on conflicts of interest specified in the organizational
7956     documents of the corporation; and
7957          (b) may have no interest in any:
7958          (i) venture capital investment fund allocation manager selected by the corporation
7959     under this part; or
7960          (ii) investments made by the Utah fund of funds.
7961          (7) Directors of the corporation:
7962          (a) shall be compensated for direct expenses and mileage; and
7963          (b) may not receive a director's fee or salary for service as directors.
7964          Section 203. Section 63N-6-304, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1210 is
7965     renumbered and amended to read:
7966          [63M-1-1210].      63N-6-304. Investment manager.
7967          (1) After incorporation, the corporation shall conduct a national solicitation for
7968     investment plan proposals from qualified venture capital investment fund allocation managers
7969     for the raising and investing of capital by the Utah fund of funds in accordance with the
7970     requirements of this part.
7971          (2) Any proposed investment plan shall address the applicant's:
7972          (a) level of:
7973          (i) experience; and
7974          (ii) quality of management;
7975          (b) investment philosophy and process;
7976          (c) probability of success in fund-raising;
7977          (d) prior investment fund results; and
7978          (e) plan for achieving the purposes of this part.
7979          (3) The selected venture capital investment fund allocation manager shall have
7980     substantial, successful experience in the design, implementation, and management of seed and
7981     venture capital investment programs and in capital formation.

7982          (4) The corporation shall only select a venture capital investment fund allocation
7983     manager:
7984          (a) with demonstrated expertise in the management and fund allocation of investments
7985     in venture capital funds; and
7986          (b) considered best qualified to:
7987          (i) invest the capital of the Utah fund of funds; and
7988          (ii) generate the amount of capital required by this part.
7989          Section 204. Section 63N-6-305, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1211 is
7990     renumbered and amended to read:
7991          [63M-1-1211].      63N-6-305. Management fee -- Additional financial
7992     assistance.
7993          (1) The corporation may charge a management fee on assets under management in the
7994     Utah fund of funds.
7995          (2) The fee shall:
7996          (a) be in addition to any fee charged to the Utah fund of funds by the venture capital
7997     investment fund allocation manager selected by the corporation; and
7998          (b) be charged only to pay for reasonable and necessary costs of the corporation.
7999          (3) The corporation may apply for and, when qualified, receive financial assistance
8000     from the Industrial Assistance Account under [Title 63M,] Chapter [1] 3, Part [9] 1, Industrial
8001     Assistance Account, and under rules made by the Board of Business and Economic
8002     Development in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
8003     to help establish the program authorized under this part.
8004          Section 205. Section 63N-6-306, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1212 is
8005     renumbered and amended to read:
8006          [63M-1-1212].      63N-6-306. Dissolution.
8007          (1) Upon the dissolution of the Utah fund of funds, the corporation shall be liquidated
8008     and dissolved.
8009          (2) Upon dissolution or privatization of the corporation, any assets owned by the

8010     corporation shall be distributed to one or more Utah nonprofit tax exempt organizations to be
8011     designated by the Legislature for the purposes listed in Section [63M-1-1202] 63N-6-102 as
8012     provided in Title 63E, Chapter 1, Independent Entities Act.
8013          Section 206. Section 63N-6-401, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1213 is
8014     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 4. Utah Fund of Funds

8016          [63M-1-1213].      63N-6-401. Organization of Utah fund of funds.
8017          (1) The corporation shall organize the Utah fund of funds.
8018          (2) The Utah fund of funds shall make investments in private seed and venture capital
8019     partnerships or entities in a manner and for the following purposes:
8020          (a) to encourage the availability of a wide variety of venture capital in the state;
8021          (b) to strengthen the economy of the state;
8022          (c) to help business in the state gain access to sources of capital;
8023          (d) to help build a significant, permanent source of capital available to serve the needs
8024     of businesses in the state; and
8025          (e) to accomplish all these benefits in a way that minimizes the use of contingent tax
8026     credits.
8027          (3) The Utah fund of funds shall be organized:
8028          (a) as a limited partnership or limited liability company under Utah law having the
8029     corporation as the general partner or manager;
8030          (b) to provide for equity interests for designated investors which provide for a
8031     designated scheduled rate of return and a scheduled redemption in accordance with rules made
8032     by the board pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
8033          (c) to provide for loans by or the issuance of debt obligations to designated investors
8034     which provide for designated payments of principal, interest, or interest equivalent in
8035     accordance with rules made by the board pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
8036     Administrative Rulemaking Act.
8037          (4) Public money may not be invested in the Utah fund of funds.

8038          Section 207. Section 63N-6-402, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1214 is
8039     renumbered and amended to read:
8040          [63M-1-1214].      63N-6-402. Compensation from the Utah fund of funds to
8041     the corporation -- Redemption reserve.
8042          (1) The corporation shall be compensated for its involvement in the Utah fund of funds
8043     through the payment of the management fee described in Section [63M-1-1211] 63N-6-305.
8044          (2) Before any returns may be reinvested in the Utah fund of funds:
8045          (a) any returns shall be paid to designated investors, including the repayment by the
8046     Utah fund of funds of any outstanding loans;
8047          (b) any returns in excess of those payable to designated investors shall be deposited in
8048     the redemption reserve and held by the corporation as a first priority reserve for the redemption
8049     of certificates;
8050          (c) any returns received by the corporation from investment of amounts held in the
8051     redemption reserve shall be added to the redemption reserve until it has reached a total of
8052     $250,000,000; and
8053          (d) if at the end of a calendar year the redemption reserve exceeds the $250,000,000
8054     limitation referred to in Subsection (2)(c), the corporation may reinvest the excess in the Utah
8055     fund of funds.
8056          (3) Funds held by the corporation in the redemption reserve shall be invested in
8057     accordance with Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act.
8058          Section 208. Section 63N-6-403, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1215 is
8059     renumbered and amended to read:
8060          [63M-1-1215].      63N-6-403. Investments by Utah fund of funds.
8061          (1) The Utah fund of funds shall invest funds:
8062          (a) principally in high-quality venture capital funds managed by investment managers
8063     who have:
8064          (i) made a commitment to equity investments in businesses located within the state;
8065     and

8066          (ii) have committed to maintain a physical presence within the state;
8067          (b) in private venture capital funds and not in direct investments in individual
8068     businesses; and
8069          (c) in venture capital funds with experienced managers or management teams with
8070     demonstrated expertise and a successful history in the investment of venture capital funds.
8071          (2) (a) The Utah fund of funds shall give priority to investments in private seed and
8072     venture capital partnerships and entities that have demonstrated a commitment to the state as
8073     evidenced by:
8074          (i) the investments they have made in Utah-based entities;
8075          (ii) the correspondent relationships they have established with Utah-based venture
8076     capital funds; or
8077          (iii) the commitment they have made to expand the reach of expertise within the state
8078     by adding additional investment areas of expertise.
8079          (b) The manager of the Utah fund of funds may waive the priorities under Subsection
8080     (2)(a) only if necessary to achieve the targeted investment returns required to attract designated
8081     investors.
8082          (3) The Utah fund of funds may invest funds in a newly created venture capital fund
8083     only if the managers or management team of the fund have the experience, expertise, and a
8084     successful history in the investment of venture capital funds as described in Subsection (1)(c).
8085          (4) (a) An investment or investments by the Utah fund of funds in any venture capital
8086     fund may comprise no more than 20% of the total committed capital in the venture capital
8087     fund.
8088          (b) (i) No more than 50% of the funds invested by the Utah fund of funds may be made
8089     with venture capital entities with offices in the state established prior to July 1, 2002.
8090          (ii) The restriction under Subsection (4)(b)(i) shall remain in place until three
8091     additional venture capital entities open new offices in the state.
8092          Section 209. Section 63N-6-404, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1216 is
8093     renumbered and amended to read:

8094          [63M-1-1216].      63N-6-404. Powers of Utah fund of funds.
8095          (1) The Utah fund of funds may:
8096          (a) engage consultants and legal counsel;
8097          (b) expend funds;
8098          (c) invest funds;
8099          (d) issue debt and borrow funds;
8100          (e) enter into contracts;
8101          (f) insure against loss;
8102          (g) hire employees;
8103          (h) issue equity interests to designated investors that have purchased equity interest
8104     certificates from the board; and
8105          (i) perform any other act necessary to carry out its purposes.
8106          (2) (a) The Utah fund of funds shall engage a venture capital investment fund
8107     allocation manager.
8108          (b) The compensation paid to the fund manager shall be in addition to the management
8109     fee paid to the corporation under Section [63M-1-1211] 63N-6-305.
8110          (3) The Utah fund of funds may:
8111          (a) open and manage bank and short-term investment accounts as considered necessary
8112     by the venture capital investment fund allocation manager; and
8113          (b) expend money to secure investment ratings for investments by designated investors
8114     in the Utah fund of funds.
8115          Section 210. Section 63N-6-405, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1217 is
8116     renumbered and amended to read:
8117          [63M-1-1217].      63N-6-405. Annual audits.
8118          (1) Each calendar year, an audit of the activities of the Utah fund of funds shall be
8119     made as described in this section.
8120          (2) (a) The audit shall be conducted by:
8121          (i) the state auditor; or

8122          (ii) an independent auditor engaged by the state auditor.
8123          (b) An independent auditor used under Subsection (2)(a)(ii) must have no business,
8124     contractual, or other connection to:
8125          (i) the corporation; or
8126          (ii) the Utah fund of funds.
8127          (3) The corporation shall pay the costs associated with the annual audit.
8128          (4) The annual audit report shall:
8129          (a) be delivered to:
8130          (i) the corporation; and
8131          (ii) the board;
8132          (b) include a valuation of the assets owned by the Utah fund of funds as of the end of
8133     the reporting year;
8134          (c) include an opinion regarding the accuracy of the information provided in the annual
8135     report described in Subsection [63M-1-1206] 63N-6-203(6); and
8136          (d) be completed on or before September 1 for the previous calendar year so that it may
8137     be included in the annual report described in Section [63M-1-1206] 63N-6-203.
8138          Section 211. Section 63N-6-406, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1218 is
8139     renumbered and amended to read:
8140          [63M-1-1218].      63N-6-406. Certificates and contingent tax credits.
8141          (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
8142     board, in consultation with the State Tax Commission, shall make rules governing the form,
8143     issuance, transfer, and redemption of certificates.
8144          (2) The board's issuance of certificates and related contingent tax credits to designated
8145     investors is subject to the following:
8146          (a) the aggregate outstanding certificates may not exceed a total of:
8147          (i) $150,000,000 of contingent tax credits used as collateral or a guarantee on loans for
8148     the debt-based financing of investments in the Utah fund of funds, including a loan refinanced
8149     using debt- or equity-based financing as described in Subsection (2)(e); and

8150          (ii) $75,000,000 used as a guarantee on equity investments in the Utah fund of funds;
8151          (b) the board shall issue a certificate contemporaneously with an investment in the
8152     Utah fund of funds by a designated investor;
8153          (c) the board shall issue contingent tax credits in a manner that not more than
8154     $20,000,000 of contingent tax credits for each $100,000,000 increment of contingent tax
8155     credits may be redeemable in a fiscal year;
8156          (d) the credits are certifiable if there are insufficient funds in the redemption reserve to
8157     make a cash redemption and the board does not exercise its other options under Subsection
8158     [63M-1-1220] 63N-6-408(3)(b);
8159          (e) the board may not issue additional certificates as collateral or a guarantee on a loan
8160     for the debt-based financing of investments in the Utah fund of funds that is initiated after July
8161     1, 2014, except for a loan refinanced using debt- or equity-based financing on or after July 1,
8162     2014, that was originated before July 1, 2014;
8163          (f) after July 1, 2014, and on or before December 31, 2017, the board may issue
8164     certificates that represent a guarantee of no more than 100% of the principal of each equity
8165     investment in the Utah fund of funds; and
8166          (g) the board may not issue certificates after December 31, 2017.
8167          (3) In determining the maximum limits in Subsections (2)(a)(i) and (ii) and the
8168     $20,000,000 limitation for each $100,000,000 increment of contingent tax credits in Subsection
8169     (2)(c):
8170          (a) the board shall use the cumulative amount of scheduled aggregate returns on
8171     certificates issued by the board to designated investors;
8172          (b) certificates and related contingent tax credits that have expired may not be
8173     included; and
8174          (c) certificates and related contingent tax credits that have been redeemed shall be
8175     included only to the extent of tax credits actually allowed.
8176          (4) Contingent tax credits are subject to the following:
8177          (a) a contingent tax credit may not be redeemed except by a designated investor in

8178     accordance with the terms of a certificate from the board;
8179          (b) a contingent tax credit may not be redeemed prior to the time the Utah fund of
8180     funds receives full payment from the designated investor for the certificate;
8181          (c) a contingent tax credit shall be claimed for a tax year that begins during the
8182     calendar year maturity date stated on the certificate;
8183          (d) an investor who redeems a certificate and the related contingent tax credit shall
8184     allocate the amount of the contingent tax credit to the taxpayers of the investor based on the
8185     taxpayer's pro rata share of the investor's earnings; and
8186          (e) a contingent tax credit shall be claimed as a refundable credit.
8187          (5) In calculating the amount of a contingent tax credit:
8188          (a) the board shall certify a contingent tax credit only if the actual return, or payment of
8189     principal and interest for a loan initiated before July 1, 2014, including a loan refinanced on or
8190     after July 1, 2014, that was originated before July 1, 2014, to the designated investor is less
8191     than that targeted at the issuance of the certificate;
8192          (b) the amount of the contingent tax credit for a designated investor with an equity
8193     interest may not exceed the difference between the actual principal investment of the
8194     designated investor in the Utah fund of funds and the aggregate actual return received by the
8195     designated investor and any predecessor in interest of the initial equity investment and interest
8196     on the initial equity investment;
8197          (c) the rates, whether fixed rates or variable rates, shall be determined by a formula
8198     stipulated in the certificate; and
8199          (d) the amount of the contingent tax credit for a designated investor with an
8200     outstanding loan to the Utah fund of funds initiated before July 1, 2014, including a loan
8201     refinanced on or after July 1, 2014, that was originated before July 1, 2014, shall be equal to
8202     the amount of any principal, interest, or interest equivalent unpaid at the redemption of the loan
8203     or other obligation, as stipulated in the certificate.
8204          (6) The board shall clearly indicate on the certificate:
8205          (a) the targeted return on the invested capital, if the private investment is an equity

8206     interest;
8207          (b) the payment schedule of principal, interest, or interest equivalent, if the private
8208     investment is a loan initiated before July 1, 2014, including a loan refinanced on or after July 1,
8209     2014, that was originated before July 1, 2014;
8210          (c) the amount of the initial private investment;
8211          (d) the calculation formula for determining the scheduled aggregate return on the initial
8212     equity investment, if applicable; and
8213          (e) the calculation formula for determining the amount of the contingent tax credit that
8214     may be claimed.
8215          (7) Once money is invested by a designated investor, a certificate:
8216          (a) is binding on the board; and
8217          (b) may not be modified, terminated, or rescinded.
8218          (8) Funds invested by a designated investor for a certificate shall be paid to the
8219     corporation for placement in the Utah fund of funds.
8220          (9) The State Tax Commission may, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
8221     Administrative Rulemaking Act, and in consultation with the board, make rules to help
8222     implement this section.
8223          Section 212. Section 63N-6-407, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1219 is
8224     renumbered and amended to read:
8225          [63M-1-1219].      63N-6-407. Transfer and registration of certificates.
8226          (1) A certificate and the related contingent tax credit may be transferred by the
8227     designated investor.
8228          (2) The board, in conjunction with the State Tax Commission, shall develop:
8229          (a) a system for registration of any certificate and related contingent tax credit issued or
8230     transferred under this part; and
8231          (b) a system that permits verification that:
8232          (i) any contingent tax credit claimed is valid; and
8233          (ii) any transfers of the certificate and related contingent tax credit are made in

8234     accordance with the requirements of this part.
8235          (3) A certificate or contingent tax credit issued or transferred under this part may not be
8236     considered a security under Title 61, Chapter 1, Utah Uniform Securities Act.
8237          Section 213. Section 63N-6-408, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1220 is
8238     renumbered and amended to read:
8239          [63M-1-1220].      63N-6-408. Redemption of certificates.
8240          (1) If a designated investor elects to redeem a certificate, the certificate shall be
8241     presented to the board for redemption no later than June 30 of the calendar year maturity date
8242     stated on the certificate.
8243          (2) Upon presentment to the board, it shall determine and certify the amount of the
8244     contingent tax credit that may be claimed by the designated investor based on:
8245          (a) the limitations in Section [63M-1-1218] 63N-6-406; and
8246          (b) rules made by the board in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
8247     Administrative Rulemaking Act.
8248          (3) (a) If there are sufficient funds in the redemption reserve, the board shall direct the
8249     corporation to make a cash redemption of the certificate.
8250          (b) If there are insufficient funds in the redemption reserve, the board may elect to
8251     redeem the certificate:
8252          (i) by certifying a contingent tax credit to the designated investor; or
8253          (ii) by making demand on designated purchasers to purchase certificates in accordance
8254     with Section [63M-1-1221] 63N-6-409.
8255          (4) The board shall certify to the State Tax Commission the contingent tax credit which
8256     can be claimed by the designated investor with respect to the redemption of the certificate.
8257          (5) The board shall cancel all redeemed certificates.
8258          Section 214. Section 63N-6-409, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1221 is
8259     renumbered and amended to read:
8260          [63M-1-1221].      63N-6-409. Use of commitments to redeem certificates.
8261          (1) The board may elect to draw on a commitment to redeem a certificate from a

8262     designated investor.
8263          (2) If the board makes an election under Subsection (1), it shall:
8264          (a) inform the designated purchaser of the amount of the contingent tax credit that must
8265     be purchased from the board;
8266          (b) specify the date on which the purchase must be consummated; and
8267          (c) use the funds delivered to the board by the designated purchaser to redeem the
8268     certificate from the designated investor.
8269          (3) The board has discretion in determining which commitment or commitments and
8270     what portion of those commitments to use to redeem certificates.
8271          (4) The contingent tax credits acquired by a designated purchaser under this section are
8272     subject to Section [63M-1-1218] 63N-6-406.
8273          Section 215. Section 63N-6-410, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1222 is
8274     renumbered and amended to read:
8275          [63M-1-1222].      63N-6-410. Powers and effectiveness.
8276          (1) This [part] chapter may not be construed as a restriction or limitation upon any
8277     power which the board might otherwise have under any other law of this state and the
8278     provisions of this [part] chapter are cumulative to those powers.
8279          (2) This [part] chapter shall be construed to provide a complete, additional, and
8280     alternative method for performing the duties authorized and shall be regarded as supplemental
8281     and additional powers to those conferred by any other laws.
8282          (3) The provisions of any contract entered into by the board or the Utah fund of funds
8283     may not be compromised, diminished, invalidated, or affected by the:
8284          (a) level, timing, or degree of success of the Utah fund of funds or the investment funds
8285     in which the Utah fund of funds invests; or
8286          (b) extent to which the investment funds are:
8287          (i) invested in Utah venture capital projects; or
8288          (ii) successful in accomplishing any economic development objectives.
8289          Section 216. Section 63N-6-411, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1223 is

8290     renumbered and amended to read:
8291          [63M-1-1223].      63N-6-411. Permissible investments.
8292          Investments by designated investors in the Utah fund of funds are permissible
8293     investments under applicable laws of the state for:
8294          (1) state-chartered banks;
8295          (2) state-chartered credit unions;
8296          (3) state-chartered industrial banks; and
8297          (4) domestic insurance companies.
8298          Section 217. Section 63N-6-412, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1224 is
8299     renumbered and amended to read:
8300          [63M-1-1224].      63N-6-412. Exemption from certain statutes.
8301          (1) Except as otherwise provided in this part, the corporation is exempt from statutes
8302     governing state agencies, as provided in Section 63E-2-109.
8303          (2) The corporation is exempt from:
8304          (a) Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act; and
8305          (b) Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act.
8306          (3) The board is exempt from the requirement to report fund performance of venture
8307     firms and private equity firms set forth in Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access
8308     and Management Act.
8309          Section 218. Section 63N-7-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1401 is
8310     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 1. Board of Tourism Development

8313          [63M-1-1401].      63N-7-101. Board of Tourism Development.
8314          (1) This chapter is known as "Tourism Development."
8315          [(1)] (2) There is created within the office the Board of Tourism Development.
8316          [(2)] (3) The board shall advise the office on the office's planning, policies, and
8317     strategies and on trends and opportunities for tourism development that may exist in the

8318     various areas of the state.
8319          [(3)] (4) The board shall perform other duties as required by Section [63M-1-1403]
8320     63N-7-103.
8321          Section 219. Section 63N-7-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1402 is
8322     renumbered and amended to read:
8323          [63M-1-1402].      63N-7-102. Members -- Meetings -- Expenses.
8324          (1) (a) The board shall consist of 13 members appointed by the governor to four-year
8325     terms [of office] with the consent of the Senate.
8326          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (1)(a), the governor shall, at the
8327     time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
8328     board members are staggered so that approximately half of the board is appointed every two
8329     years.
8330          (2) The members may not serve more than two full consecutive terms unless the
8331     governor determines that an additional term is in the best interest of the state.
8332          (3) Not more than seven members of the board may be of the same political party.
8333          (4) (a) The members shall be representative of:
8334          (i) all areas of the state with six being appointed from separate geographical areas as
8335     provided in Subsection (4)(b); and
8336          (ii) a diverse mix of business ownership or executive management of tourism related
8337     industries.
8338          (b) The geographical representatives shall be appointed as follows:
8339          (i) one member from Salt Lake, Tooele, or Morgan County;
8340          (ii) one member from Davis, Weber, Box Elder, Cache, or Rich County;
8341          (iii) one member from Utah, Summit, Juab, or Wasatch County;
8342          (iv) one member from Carbon, Emery, Grand, Duchesne, Daggett, or Uintah County;
8343          (v) one member from San Juan, Piute, Wayne, Garfield, or Kane County; and
8344          (vi) one member from Washington, Iron, Beaver, Sanpete, Sevier, or Millard County.
8345          (c) The tourism industry representatives of ownership or executive management shall

8346     be appointed as follows:
8347          (i) one member from ownership or executive management of the lodging industry, as
8348     recommended by the lodging industry for the governor's consideration;
8349          (ii) one member from ownership or executive management of the restaurant industry,
8350     as recommended by the restaurant industry for the governor's consideration;
8351          (iii) one member from ownership or executive management of the ski industry, as
8352     recommended by the ski industry for the governor's consideration; and
8353          (iv) one member from ownership or executive management of the motor vehicle rental
8354     industry, as recommended by the motor vehicle rental industry for the governor's consideration.
8355          (d) One member shall be appointed at large from ownership or executive management
8356     of business, finance, economic policy, or the academic media marketing community.
8357          (e) One member shall be appointed from the Utah Tourism Industry Coalition as
8358     recommended by the coalition for the governor's consideration.
8359          (f) One member shall be appointed to represent the state's counties as recommended by
8360     the Utah Association of Counties for the governor's consideration.
8361          (g) (i) The governor may choose to disregard a recommendation made for a board
8362     member under Subsections (4)(c), (e), and (f).
8363          (ii) The governor shall request additional recommendations if recommendations are
8364     disregarded under Subsection (4)(g)(i).
8365          (5) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
8366     appointed for the unexpired term from the same geographic area or industry representation as
8367     the member whose office was vacated.
8368          (6) Seven members of the board constitute a quorum for conducting board business and
8369     exercising board powers.
8370          (7) The governor shall select one of the board members as chair and one of the board
8371     members as vice chair, each for a four-year term as recommended by the board for the
8372     governor's consideration.
8373          (8) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but

8374     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
8375          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
8376          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
8377          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance [pursuant to] under Sections 63A-3-106 and
8378     63A-3-107.
8379          (9) The board shall meet monthly or as often as the board determines to be necessary at
8380     various locations throughout the state.
8381          (10) Members who may have a potential conflict of interest in consideration of fund
8382     allocation decisions shall identify the potential conflict prior to voting on the issue.
8383          (11) (a) The board shall determine attendance requirements for maintaining a
8384     designated board seat.
8385          (b) If a board member fails to attend according to the requirements established
8386     pursuant to Subsection (11)(a), the board member shall be replaced upon written certification
8387     from the board chair or vice chair to the governor.
8388          (c) A replacement appointed by the governor under Subsection (11)(b) shall serve for
8389     the remainder of the board member's unexpired term.
8390          (12) The board's office shall be in Salt Lake City.
8391          Section 220. Section 63N-7-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1403 is
8392     renumbered and amended to read:
8393          [63M-1-1403].      63N-7-103. Board duties.
8394          (1) The board shall:
8395          (a) have authority to approve a tourism program of out-of-state advertising, marketing,
8396     and branding, taking into account the long-term strategic plan, economic trends, and
8397     opportunities for tourism development on a statewide basis, as a condition of the distribution of
8398     funds to the office from the Tourism Marketing Performance Account under Section
8399     [63M-1-1406] 63N-7-301;
8400          (b) have authority to approve a tourism program of advertising, marketing, and
8401     branding of the state, taking into account the long-term strategic plan, economic trends, and

8402     opportunities for tourism development on a statewide basis, as a condition of the distribution of
8403     money to the office from the Stay Another Day and Bounce Back Account, created in Section
8404     [63M-1-3411] 63N-2-511;
8405          (c) review the office programs for coordination and integration of advertising and
8406     branding themes to be used whenever possible in all office programs, including recreational,
8407     scenic, historic, and tourist attractions of the state at large;
8408          (d) encourage and assist in coordination of the activities of persons, firms, associations,
8409     corporations, civic groups, and governmental agencies engaged in publicizing, developing, and
8410     promoting the scenic attractions and tourist advantages of the state; and
8411          (e) (i) advise the office in establishing a Cooperative Program from the money in the
8412     Tourism Marketing Performance Account under Section [63M-1-1406] 63N-7-301 for use by
8413     cities, counties, nonprofit destination marketing organizations, and similar public entities for
8414     the purpose of supplementing money committed by these entities for advertising and promotion
8415     to and for out-of-state residents to attract them to visit sites advertised by and attend events
8416     sponsored by these entities;
8417          (ii) the Cooperative Program shall be allocated 20% of the revenues appropriated to the
8418     office from the Tourism Marketing Performance Account;
8419          (iii) the office, with approval from the board, shall establish eligibility, advertising, and
8420     timing requirements and criteria and provide for an approval process for applications;
8421          (iv) an application from an eligible applicant to receive money from the Cooperative
8422     Program must be submitted on or before the appropriate date established by the office; and
8423          (v) Cooperative Program money not used in each fiscal year shall be returned to the
8424     Tourism Marketing Performance Account.
8425          (2) The board may:
8426          (a) solicit and accept contributions of money, services, and facilities from any other
8427     sources, public or private and shall use these funds for promoting the general interest of the
8428     state in tourism; and
8429          (b) establish subcommittees for the purpose of assisting the board in an advisory role

8430     only.
8431          (3) The board may not, except as otherwise provided in Subsection (1)(a), make policy
8432     related to the management or operation of the office.
8433          Section 221. Section 63N-7-201, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1404 is
8434     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 2. Powers and Duties of Office

8436          [63M-1-1404].      63N-7-201. Powers and duties of office related to tourism
8437     development plan -- Annual report and survey.
8438          (1) The office shall:
8439          (a) be the tourism development authority of the state;
8440          (b) develop a tourism advertising, marketing, and branding program for the state;
8441          (c) receive approval from the Board of Tourism Development under Subsection
8442     [63M-1-1403] 63N-7-103(1)(a) before implementing the out-of-state advertising, marketing,
8443     and branding campaign;
8444          (d) develop a plan to increase the economic contribution by tourists visiting the state;
8445          (e) plan and conduct a program of information, advertising, and publicity relating to the
8446     recreational, scenic, historic, and tourist advantages and attractions of the state at large; and
8447          (f) encourage and assist in the coordination of the activities of persons, firms,
8448     associations, corporations, travel regions, counties, and governmental agencies engaged in
8449     publicizing, developing, and promoting the scenic attractions and tourist advantages of the
8450     state.
8451          (2) Any plan provided for under Subsection (1) shall address, but not be limited to,
8452     enhancing the state's image, promoting Utah as a year-round destination, encouraging
8453     expenditures by visitors to the state, and expanding the markets where the state is promoted.
8454          (3) The office shall:
8455          (a) conduct a regular and ongoing research program to identify statewide economic
8456     trends and conditions in the tourism sector of the economy; and
8457          (b) include in the annual written report described in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301, a

8458     report on the economic efficiency of the advertising and branding campaigns conducted under
8459     this part.
8460          Section 222. Section 63N-7-202, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1405 is
8461     renumbered and amended to read:
8462          [63M-1-1405].      63N-7-202. Agreements with other governmental entities.
8463          The office may enter into agreements with state or federal agencies to accept services,
8464     quarters, or facilities as a contribution in carrying out the duties and functions of the office.
8465          Section 223. Section 63N-7-301, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1406 is
8466     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 3. Tourism Marketing Performance Account

8468          [63M-1-1406].      63N-7-301. Tourism Marketing Performance Account.
8469          (1) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the Tourism
8470     Marketing Performance Account.
8471          (2) The account shall be administered by the office for the purposes listed in
8472     Subsection (5).
8473          (3) (a) The account shall earn interest.
8474          (b) All interest earned on account money shall be deposited into the account.
8475          (4) The account shall be funded by appropriations made to the account by the
8476     Legislature in accordance with this section.
8477          (5) The director shall use account money appropriated to the office to pay for the
8478     statewide advertising, marketing, and branding campaign for promotion of the state as
8479     conducted by the office.
8480          (6) (a) For a fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 2007, the office shall annually
8481     allocate 10% of the account money appropriated to the office to a sports organization for
8482     advertising, marketing, branding, and promoting Utah in attracting sporting events into the
8483     state.
8484          (b) The sports organization shall:
8485          (i) provide an annual written report to the office that gives a complete accounting of

8486     the use of money the sports organization receives under this Subsection (6); and
8487          (ii) partner with the office to promote the state and to encourage economic growth in
8488     the state.
8489          (c) For purposes of this Subsection (6), "sports organization" means an organization
8490     that is:
8491          (i) exempt from federal income taxation in accordance with Section 501(c)(3), Internal
8492     Revenue Code; and
8493          (ii) created to foster national and international sports competitions in the state,
8494     including competitions related to Olympic sports, and to promote and encourage sports tourism
8495     throughout the state, including advertising, marketing, branding, and promoting Utah for the
8496     purpose of attracting sporting events into the state.
8497          (7) Money deposited into the account shall consist of a legislative appropriation from
8498     the cumulative sales and use tax revenue increases identified in Subsection (8), plus any
8499     appropriation made by the Legislature.
8500          (8) (a) In fiscal years 2006 through 2019, a portion of the state sales and use tax
8501     revenues determined under this Subsection (8) shall be certified as a set-aside for the account
8502     by the State Tax Commission and reported to the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
8503          (b) The State Tax Commission shall determine the set-aside under this Subsection (8)
8504     in each fiscal year by applying the following formula: if the increase in the state sales and use
8505     tax revenues derived from the retail sales of tourist-oriented goods and services, in the fiscal
8506     year two years prior to the fiscal year in which the set-aside is to be made for the account, is at
8507     least 3% over the state sales and use tax revenues derived from the retail sales of
8508     tourist-oriented goods and services generated in the fiscal year three years prior to the fiscal
8509     year in which the set-aside is to be made, an amount equal to 1/2 of the state sales and use tax
8510     revenues generated above the 3% increase shall be calculated by the commission and set aside
8511     by the state treasurer for appropriation to the account.
8512          (c) The total money appropriated to the account in any fiscal year under Subsections
8513     (8)(a) and (b) may not exceed the amount in the account under this section in the fiscal year

8514     immediately preceding the current fiscal year by more than $3,000,000.
8515          (d) As used in this Subsection (8), "sales of tourist-oriented goods and services" are
8516     those sales by businesses registered with the State Tax Commission under the following codes
8517     of the 1997 North American Industry Classification System of the federal Executive Office of
8518     the President, Office of Management and Budget:
8519          (i) NAICS Code 453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers;
8520          (ii) NAICS Code 481 Passenger Air Transportation;
8521          (iii) NAICS Code 487 Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation;
8522          (iv) NAICS Code 711 Performing Arts, Spectator Sports and Related Industries;
8523          (v) NAICS Code 712 Museums, Historical Sites and Similar Institutions;
8524          (vi) NAICS Code 713 Amusement, Gambling and Recreation Industries;
8525          (vii) NAICS Code 721 Accommodations;
8526          (viii) NAICS Code 722 Food Services and Drinking Places;
8527          (ix) NAICS Code 4483 Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Stores;
8528          (x) NAICS Code 4853 Taxi and Limousine Service;
8529          (xi) NAICS Code 4855 Charter Bus;
8530          (xii) NAICS Code 5615 Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services;
8531          (xiii) NAICS Code 44611 Pharmacies and Drug Stores;
8532          (xiv) NAICS Code 45111 Sporting Goods Stores;
8533          (xv) NAICS Code 45112 Hobby Toy and Game Stores;
8534          (xvi) NAICS Code 45121 Book Stores and News Dealers;
8535          (xvii) NAICS Code 445120 Convenience Stores without Gas Pumps;
8536          (xviii) NAICS Code 447110 Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores;
8537          (xix) NAICS Code 447190 Other Gasoline Stations;
8538          (xx) NAICS Code 532111 Passenger Car Rental; and
8539          (xxi) NAICS Code 532292 Recreational Goods Rental.
8540          (e) The Division of Finance shall for each fiscal year transfer the first $6,000,000 of
8541     ongoing money in the account to the General Fund.

8542          Section 224. Section 63N-8-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1801 is
8543     renumbered and amended to read:

8545          [63M-1-1801].      63N-8-101. Title -- Purpose.
8546          (1) This chapter is known as "Motion Picture Incentives."
8547          [(1)] (2) The Legislature finds that:
8548          (a) the state's natural beauty, scenic wonders, and diverse topography provide a variety
8549     of magnificent settings from which the motion picture industry can choose to film part or all of
8550     major or independent motion pictures, made-for-television movies, and television series;
8551          (b) the state has an abundance of resources, including a skilled and able workforce, the
8552     required infrastructure, and a friendly and hospitable populace that have been instrumental in
8553     the filming of hundreds of successful motion pictures and several television series; and
8554          (c) further development of the motion picture industry in Utah is a state public purpose
8555     that will significantly impact growth in the state's economy and contribute to the fiscal well
8556     being of the state and its people.
8557          [(2)] (3) The purpose of this [part] chapter is to:
8558          (a) encourage the use of Utah as a site for the production of motion pictures, television
8559     series, and made-for-television movies;
8560          (b) provide financial incentives to the film industry so that Utah might compete
8561     successfully with other states and countries for filming locations; and
8562          (c) help develop a strong motion picture industry presence in the state that will
8563     contribute substantially to improving the state's economy.
8564          Section 225. Section 63N-8-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1802 is
8565     renumbered and amended to read:
8566          [63M-1-1802].      63N-8-102. Definitions.
8567          As used in this [part] chapter:
8568          [(1) "Board" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development Board.]
8569          [(2)] (1) "Digital media company" means a company engaged in the production of a

8570     digital media project.
8571          [(3)] (2) "Digital media project" means all or part of a production of interactive
8572     entertainment or animated production that is produced for distribution in commercial or
8573     educational markets, which shall include projects intended for Internet or wireless distribution.
8574          [(4)] (3) "Dollars left in the state" means expenditures made in the state for a
8575     state-approved production, including:
8576          (a) an expenditure that is subject to:
8577          (i) a corporate franchise or income tax under Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise
8578     and Income Taxes;
8579          (ii) an individual income tax under Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act;
8580     and
8581          (iii) a sales and use tax under Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act,
8582     notwithstanding any sales and use tax exemption allowed by law; or
8583          (iv) a combination of Subsections [(4)] (3)(a)(i), (ii), and (iii);
8584          (b) payments made to a nonresident only to the extent of the income tax paid to the
8585     state on the payments, the amount of per diems paid in the state, and other direct
8586     reimbursements transacted in the state; and
8587          (c) payments made to a payroll company or loan-out corporation that is registered to do
8588     business in the state, only to the extent of the amount of withholding under Section 59-10-402.
8589          [(5)] (4) "Loan-out corporation" means a corporation owned by one or more artists that
8590     provides services of the artists to a third party production company.
8591          [(6)] (5) "Motion picture company" means a company engaged in the production of:
8592          (a) motion pictures;
8593          (b) television series; or
8594          (c) made-for-television movies.
8595          [(7)] (6) "Motion picture incentive" means either a cash rebate from the Motion Picture
8596     Incentive Account or a refundable tax credit under Section 59-7-614.5 or 59-10-1108.
8597          [(8)] (7) "New state revenues" means:

8598          (a) incremental new state sales and use tax revenues generated as a result of a digital
8599     media project that a digital media company pays under Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax
8600     Act;
8601          (b) incremental new state tax revenues that a digital media company pays as a result of
8602     a digital media project under:
8603          (i) Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise and Income Taxes;
8604          (ii) Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 1, Determination and Reporting of Tax Liability and
8605     Information;
8606          (iii) Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 2, Trusts and Estates;
8607          (iv) Title 59, Chapter 10, Part 4, Withholding of Tax; or
8608          (v) a combination of Subsections [(8)] (7)(b)(i), (ii), (iii), and (iv);
8609          (c) incremental new state revenues generated as individual income taxes under Title
8610     59, Chapter 10, Part 1, Determination and Reporting of Tax Liability and Information, paid by
8611     employees of the new digital media project as evidenced by payroll records from the digital
8612     media company; or
8613          (d) a combination of Subsections [(8)] (7)(a), (b), and (c).
8614          [(9) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.]
8615          [(10)] (8) "Payroll company" means a business entity that handles the payroll and
8616     becomes the employer of record for the staff, cast, and crew of a motion picture production.
8617          [(11)] (9) "Refundable tax credit" means a refundable motion picture tax credit
8618     authorized under Section [63M-1-1803] 63N-8-103 and claimed under Section 59-7-614.5 or
8619     59-10-1108.
8620          [(12)] (10) "Restricted account" means the Motion Picture Incentive Account created in
8621     Section [63M-1-1803] 63N-8-103.
8622          [(13)] (11) "State-approved production" means a production under Subsections [(3)]
8623     (2) and [(6)] (5) that is:
8624          (a) approved by the office and ratified by the board; and
8625          (b) produced in the state by a motion picture company.

8626          [(14)] (12) "Tax credit amount" means the amount the office lists as a tax credit on a
8627     tax credit certificate for a taxable year.
8628          [(15)] (13) "Tax credit certificate" means a certificate issued by the office that:
8629          (a) lists the name of the applicant;
8630          (b) lists the applicant's taxpayer identification number;
8631          (c) lists the amount of tax credit that the office awards the applicant for the taxable
8632     year; and
8633          (d) may include other information as determined by the office.
8634          Section 226. Section 63N-8-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1803 is
8635     renumbered and amended to read:
8636          [63M-1-1803].      63N-8-103. Motion Picture Incentive Account created --
8637     Cash rebate incentives -- Refundable tax credit incentives.
8638          (1) (a) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the
8639     Motion Picture Incentive Account, which the office shall use to provide cash rebate incentives
8640     for state-approved productions by a motion picture company.
8641          (b) All interest generated from investment of money in the restricted account shall be
8642     deposited in the restricted account.
8643          (c) The restricted account shall consist of an annual appropriation by the Legislature.
8644          (d) The office shall:
8645          (i) with the advice of the board, administer the restricted account; and
8646          (ii) make payments from the restricted account as required under this section.
8647          (e) The cost of administering the restricted account shall be paid from money in the
8648     restricted account.
8649          (2) (a) A motion picture company or digital media company seeking disbursement of
8650     an incentive allowed under an agreement with the office shall follow the procedures and
8651     requirements of this Subsection (2).
8652          (b) The motion picture company or digital media company shall provide the office with
8653     a report identifying and documenting the dollars left in the state or new state revenues

8654     generated by the motion picture company or digital media company for its state-approved
8655     production, including any related tax returns by the motion picture company, payroll company,
8656     digital media company, or loan-out corporation under Subsection (2)(d).
8657          (c) For a motion picture company, an independent certified public accountant shall:
8658          (i) review the report submitted by the motion picture company; and
8659          (ii) attest to the accuracy and validity of the report, including the amount of dollars left
8660     in the state.
8661          (d) The motion picture company, digital media company, payroll company, or loan-out
8662     corporation shall provide the office with a document that expressly directs and authorizes the
8663     State Tax Commission to disclose the entity's tax returns and other information concerning the
8664     entity that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or Section
8665     6103, Internal Revenue Code, to the office.
8666          (e) The office shall submit the document described in Subsection (2)(d) to the State
8667     Tax Commission.
8668          (f) Upon receipt of the document described in Subsection (2)(d), the State Tax
8669     Commission shall provide the office with the information requested by the office that the
8670     motion picture company, digital media company, payroll company, or loan-out corporation
8671     directed or authorized the State Tax Commission to provide to the office in the document
8672     described in Subsection (2)(d).
8673          (g) Subject to Subsection (3), for a motion picture company the office shall:
8674          (i) review the report from the motion picture company described in Subsection (2)(b)
8675     and verify that it was reviewed by an independent certified public accountant as described in
8676     Subsection (2)(c); and
8677          (ii) based upon the certified public accountant's attestation under Subsection (2)(c),
8678     determine the amount of the incentive that the motion picture company is entitled to under its
8679     agreement with the office.
8680          (h) Subject to Subsection (3), for a digital media company, the office shall:
8681          (i) ensure the digital media project results in new state revenue; and

8682          (ii) based upon review of new state revenue, determine the amount of the incentive that
8683     a digital media company is entitled to under its agreement with the office.
8684          (i) Subject to Subsection (3), if the incentive is in the form of a cash rebate, the office
8685     shall pay the incentive from the restricted account to the motion picture company,
8686     notwithstanding Subsections 51-5-3(23)(b) and 63J-1-104(4)(c).
8687          (j) If the incentive is in the form of a refundable tax credit under Section 59-7-614.5 or
8688     59-10-1108, the office shall:
8689          (i) issue a tax credit certificate to the motion picture company or digital media
8690     company; and
8691          (ii) provide a duplicate copy of the tax credit certificate to the State Tax Commission.
8692          (k) A motion picture company or digital media company may not claim a motion
8693     picture tax credit under Section 59-7-614.5 or 59-10-1108 unless the motion picture company
8694     or digital media company has received a tax credit certificate for the claim issued by the office
8695     under Subsection (2)(j)(i).
8696          (l) A motion picture company or digital media company may claim a motion picture
8697     tax credit on its tax return for the amount listed on the tax credit certificate issued by the office.
8698          (m) A motion picture company or digital media company that claims a tax credit under
8699     Subsection (2)(l) shall retain the tax credit certificate and all supporting documentation in
8700     accordance with Subsection [63M-1-1804] 63N-8-104(6).
8701          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), the office may issue $6,793,700 in tax credit
8702     certificates under this part in a fiscal year.
8703          (b) If the office does not issue tax credit certificates in a fiscal year totaling the amount
8704     authorized under Subsection (3)(a), it may carry over that amount for issuance in subsequent
8705     fiscal years.
8706          Section 227. Section 63N-8-104, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1804 is
8707     renumbered and amended to read:
8708          [63M-1-1804].      63N-8-104. Motion picture incentives -- Standards to qualify
8709     for an incentive -- Limitations -- Content of agreement between office and motion picture

8710     company or digital media company.
8711          (1) In addition to the requirements for receiving a motion picture incentive as set forth
8712     in this part, the office, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
8713     Rulemaking Act, shall make rules establishing:
8714          (a) the standards that a motion picture company or digital media company must meet to
8715     qualify for the motion picture incentive; and
8716          (b) criteria for determining the amount of the incentive.
8717          (2) The office shall ensure that those standards include the following:
8718          (a) an incentive may only be issued for a state approved production by a motion picture
8719     company or digital media company;
8720          (b) financing has been obtained and is in place for the production; and
8721          (c) the economic impact of the production on the state represents new incremental
8722     economic activity in the state as opposed to existing economic activity.
8723          (3) With respect to a digital media project, the office shall consider economic
8724     modeling, including the costs and benefits of the digital media project to state and local
8725     governments in determining the motion picture incentive amount.
8726          (4) The office may also consider giving preference to a production that stimulates
8727     economic activity in rural areas of the state or that has Utah content, such as recognizing that
8728     the production was made in the state or uses Utah as Utah in the production.
8729          (5) (a) The office, with advice from the board, may enter into an agreement with a
8730     motion picture company or digital media company that meets the standards established under
8731     this section and satisfies the other qualification requirements under this part.
8732          (b) Subject to Subsection [63M-1-1803] 63N-8-103(3), the office may commit or
8733     authorize a motion picture incentive:
8734          (i) to a motion picture company of up to 20% of the dollars left in the state by the
8735     motion picture company, and a motion picture company can receive an additional 5%, not to
8736     exceed 25% of the dollars left in the state by the motion picture company if the company
8737     fulfills certain requirements determined by the office including:

8738          (A) employing a significant percentage of cast and crew from Utah;
8739          (B) highlighting the state of Utah and the Utah Film Commission in the motion picture
8740     credits; or
8741          (C) other promotion opportunities as agreed upon by the office and the motion picture
8742     company; and
8743          (ii) to a digital media company, if the incentive does not exceed 100% of the new state
8744     revenue less the considerations under Subsection (3), but not to exceed 20% of the dollars left
8745     in the state by the digital media company.
8746          (c) A cash rebate incentive from the Motion Picture Incentive Restricted Account may
8747     not exceed $500,000 per state approved production for a motion picture project.
8748          (d) The office may not give a cash rebate incentive from the Motion Picture Incentive
8749     Restricted Account for a digital media project.
8750          (6) The office shall ensure that the agreement entered into with a motion picture
8751     company or digital media company under Subsection (5)(a):
8752          (a) details the requirements that the motion picture company or digital media company
8753     must meet to qualify for an incentive under this part;
8754          (b) specifies:
8755          (i) the nature of the incentive; and
8756          (ii) the maximum amount of the motion picture incentive that the motion picture
8757     company or digital media company may earn for a taxable year and over the life of the
8758     production;
8759          (c) establishes the length of time over which the motion picture company or digital
8760     media company may claim the motion picture incentive;
8761          (d) requires the motion picture company or digital media company to retain records
8762     supporting its claim for a motion picture incentive for at least four years after the motion
8763     picture company or digital media company claims the incentive under this part; and
8764          (e) requires the motion picture company or digital media company to submit to audits
8765     for verification of the claimed motion picture incentive.

8766          Section 228. Section 63N-8-105, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-1805 is
8767     renumbered and amended to read:
8768          [63M-1-1805].      63N-8-105. Annual report.
8769          The office shall include the following information in the annual written report described
8770     in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301:
8771          (1) the office's success in attracting within-the-state production of television series,
8772     made-for-television movies, and motion pictures, including feature films and independent
8773     films;
8774          (2) the amount of incentive commitments made by the office under this part and the
8775     period of time over which the incentives will be paid; and
8776          (3) the economic impact on the state related to:
8777          (a) dollars left in the state; and
8778          (b) providing motion picture incentives under this part.
8779          Section 229. Section 63N-9-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3301 is
8780     renumbered and amended to read:

8782          [63M-1-3301].      63N-9-101. Title.
8783          This [part] chapter is known as the "Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation [Office Act]."
8784          Section 230. Section 63N-9-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3302 is
8785     renumbered and amended to read:
8786          [63M-1-3302].      63N-9-102. Definitions.
8787          As used in this [part] chapter:
8788          (1) "Director" means the director of the outdoor recreation office.
8789          (2) "Executive director" means the executive director of [the Governor's Office of
8790     Economic Development created in Section 63M-1-201] GOED.
8791          (3) ["Office"] "Outdoor recreation office" means the Utah Office of Outdoor
8792     Recreation [Office] created in Section [63M-1-3304] 63N-9-104.
8793          Section 231. Section 63N-9-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3303 is

8794     renumbered and amended to read:
8795          [63M-1-3303].      63N-9-103. Policy.
8796          It is the declared policy of the state that outdoor recreation is vital to a diverse economy
8797     and a healthy community.
8798          Section 232. Section 63N-9-104, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3304 is
8799     renumbered and amended to read:
8800          [63M-1-3304].      63N-9-104. Creation of office and appointment of director --
8801     Purposes of office.
8802          (1) There is created within the Governor's Office of Economic Development [an] the
8803     Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation [Office].
8804          (2) (a) The executive director shall appoint a director of the outdoor recreation office.
8805          (b) The director shall report to the executive director and may appoint staff.
8806          (3) The purposes of the office are to:
8807          (a) coordinate outdoor recreation policy, management, and promotion:
8808          (i) among state and federal agencies and local government entities in the state; and
8809          (ii) with the Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office created in Section 63J-4-602, if
8810     public land is involved;
8811          (b) promote economic development by:
8812          (i) coordinating with outdoor recreation stakeholders;
8813          (ii) improving recreational opportunities; and
8814          (iii) recruiting outdoor recreation business;
8815          (c) recommend to the governor and Legislature policies and initiatives to enhance
8816     recreational amenities and experiences in the state and help implement those policies and
8817     initiatives;
8818          (d) develop data regarding the impacts of outdoor recreation in the state; and
8819          (e) promote the health and social benefits of outdoor recreation, especially to young
8820     people.
8821          Section 233. Section 63N-9-105, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3305 is

8822     renumbered and amended to read:
8823          [63M-1-3305].      63N-9-105. Duties of director.
8824          (1) The director shall:
8825          (a) assure that the purposes outlined in Subsection [63M-1-3304] 63N-9-104(3) are
8826     fulfilled; and
8827          (b) organize and provide administrative oversight to the outdoor recreation office staff.
8828          (2) By following the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal
8829     Funds Procedures Act, the outdoor recreation office may:
8830          (a) seek federal grants or loans;
8831          (b) seek to participate in federal programs; and
8832          (c) in accordance with applicable federal program guidelines, administer federally
8833     funded outdoor recreation programs.
8834          (3) For purposes of administering this part, the outdoor recreation office may make
8835     rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
8836          Section 234. Section 63N-9-106, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3306 is
8837     renumbered and amended to read:
8838          [63M-1-3306].      63N-9-106. Annual report.
8839          The executive director shall include in the annual written report described in Section
8840     [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301, a report from the director on the activities of the outdoor recreation
8841     office.
8842          Section 235. Section 63N-10-101, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-101 is
8843     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

8846          [63C-11-101].      63N-10-101. Title.
8847          This chapter is known as the "Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission Act."
8848          Section 236. Section 63N-10-102, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-102 is
8849     renumbered and amended to read:

8850          [63C-11-102].      63N-10-102. Definitions.
8851          As used in this chapter:
8852          (1) "Bodily injury" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section 76-1-601.
8853          (2) "Boxing" means the sport of attack and defense using the fist, which is covered by
8854     an approved boxing glove.
8855          (3) (a) "Club fighting" means any contest of unarmed combat, whether admission is
8856     charged or not, where:
8857          (i) the rules of the contest are not approved by the commission;
8858          (ii) a licensed physician or osteopath approved by the commission is not in attendance;
8859          (iii) a correct HIV negative test regarding each contestant has not been provided to the
8860     commission;
8861          (iv) the contest is not conducted in accordance with commission rules; or
8862          (v) the contestants are not matched by the weight standards established in accordance
8863     with Section 63C-11-316.
8864          (b) "Club fighting" does not include sparring if:
8865          (i) it is conducted for training purposes;
8866          (ii) no tickets are sold to spectators;
8867          (iii) no concessions are available for spectators;
8868          (iv) protective clothing, including protective headgear, a mouthguard, and a protective
8869     cup, is worn; and
8870          (v) for boxing, 16 ounce boxing gloves are worn.
8871          (4) "Commission" means the Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission created by this
8872     chapter.
8873          (5) "Contest" means a live match, performance, or exhibition involving two or more
8874     persons engaged in unarmed combat.
8875          (6) "Contestant" means an individual who participates in a contest.
8876          (7) "Designated commission member" means a member of the commission designated
8877     to:

8878          (a) attend and supervise a particular contest; and
8879          (b) act on the behalf of the commission at a contest venue.
8880          (8) "Director" means the director appointed by the commission.
8881          (9) "Elimination unarmed combat contest" means a contest where:
8882          (a) a number of contestants participate in a tournament;
8883          (b) the duration is not more than 48 hours; and
8884          (c) the loser of each contest is eliminated from further competition.
8885          (10) "Exhibition" means an engagement in which the participants show or display their
8886     skills without necessarily striving to win.
8887          (11) "Judge" means an individual qualified by training or experience to:
8888          (a) rate the performance of contestants;
8889          (b) score a contest; and
8890          (c) determine with other judges whether there is a winner of the contest or whether the
8891     contestants performed equally, resulting in a draw.
8892          (12) "Licensee" means an individual licensed by the commission to act as a:
8893          (a) contestant;
8894          (b) judge;
8895          (c) manager;
8896          (d) promoter;
8897          (e) referee;
8898          (f) second; or
8899          (g) other official established by the commission by rule.
8900          (13) "Manager" means an individual who represents a contestant for the purpose of:
8901          (a) obtaining a contest for a contestant;
8902          (b) negotiating terms and conditions of the contract under which the contestant will
8903     engage in a contest; or
8904          (c) arranging for a second for the contestant at a contest.
8905          (14) "Promoter" means a person who engages in producing or staging contests and

8906     promotions.
8907          (15) "Promotion" means a single contest or a combination of contests that:
8908          (a) occur during the same time and at the same location; and
8909          (b) is produced or staged by a promoter.
8910          (16) "Purse" means any money, prize, remuneration, or any other valuable
8911     consideration a contestant receives or may receive for participation in a contest.
8912          (17) "Referee" means an individual qualified by training or experience to act as the
8913     official attending a contest at the point of contact between contestants for the purpose of:
8914          (a) enforcing the rules relating to the contest;
8915          (b) stopping the contest in the event the health, safety, and welfare of a contestant or
8916     any other person in attendance at the contest is in jeopardy; and
8917          (c) acting as a judge if so designated by the commission.
8918          (18) "Round" means one of a number of individual time periods that, taken together,
8919     constitute a contest during which contestants are engaged in a form of unarmed combat.
8920          (19) "Second" means an individual who attends a contestant at the site of the contest
8921     before, during, and after the contest in accordance with contest rules.
8922          (20) "Serious bodily injury" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section 76-1-601.
8923          (21) "Total gross receipts" means the amount of the face value of all tickets sold to a
8924     particular contest plus any sums received as consideration for holding the contest at a particular
8925     location.
8926          (22) "Ultimate fighting" means a live contest, whether or not an admission fee is
8927     charged, in which:
8928          (a) contest rules permit contestants to use a combination of boxing, kicking, wrestling,
8929     hitting, punching, or other combative contact techniques;
8930          (b) contest rules incorporate a formalized system of combative techniques against
8931     which a contestant's performance is judged to determine the prevailing contestant;
8932          (c) contest rules divide nonchampionship contests into three equal and specified rounds
8933     of no more than five minutes per round with a rest period of one minute between each round;

8934          (d) contest rules divide championship contests into five equal and specified rounds of
8935     no more than five minutes per round with a rest period of one minute between each round; and
8936          (e) contest rules prohibit contestants from:
8937          (i) using anything that is not part of the human body, except for boxing gloves, to
8938     intentionally inflict serious bodily injury upon an opponent through direct contact or the
8939     expulsion of a projectile;
8940          (ii) striking a person who demonstrates an inability to protect himself from the
8941     advances of an opponent;
8942          (iii) biting; or
8943          (iv) direct, intentional, and forceful strikes to the eyes, groin area, Adam's apple area of
8944     the neck, and the rear area of the head and neck.
8945          (23) (a) "Unarmed combat" means boxing or any other form of competition in which a
8946     blow is usually struck which may reasonably be expected to inflict bodily injury.
8947          (b) "Unarmed combat" does not include a competition or exhibition between
8948     participants in which the participants engage in simulated combat for entertainment purposes.
8949          (24) "Unlawful conduct" means organizing, promoting, or participating in a contest
8950     which involves contestants that are not licensed under this chapter.
8951          (25) "Unprofessional conduct" means:
8952          (a) entering into a contract for a contest in bad faith;
8953          (b) participating in any sham or fake contest;
8954          (c) participating in a contest pursuant to a collusive understanding or agreement in
8955     which the contestant competes in or terminates the contest in a manner that is not based upon
8956     honest competition or the honest exhibition of the skill of the contestant;
8957          (d) engaging in an act or conduct that is detrimental to a contest, including any foul or
8958     unsportsmanlike conduct in connection with a contest;
8959          (e) failing to comply with any limitation, restriction, or condition placed on a license;
8960          (f) striking of a downed opponent by a contestant while the contestant remains on the
8961     contestant's feet, unless the designated commission member or director has exempted the

8962     contest and each contestant from the prohibition on striking a downed opponent before the start
8963     of the contest;
8964          (g) after entering the ring or contest area, penetrating an area within four feet of an
8965     opponent by a contestant, manager, or second before the commencement of the contest; or
8966          (h) as further defined by rules made by the commission under Title 63G, Chapter 3,
8967     Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
8968          (26) "White-collar contest" means a contest conducted at a training facility where no
8969     alcohol is served in which:
8970          (a) for boxing:
8971          (i) neither contestant is or has been a licensed contestant in any state or an amateur
8972     registered with USA Boxing, Inc.;
8973          (ii) no cash prize, or other prize valued at greater than $35, is awarded;
8974          (iii) protective clothing, including protective headgear, a mouthguard, a protective cup,
8975     and for a female contestant a chestguard, is worn;
8976          (iv) 16 ounce boxing gloves are worn;
8977          (v) the contest is no longer than three rounds of no longer than three minutes each;
8978          (vi) no winner or loser is declared or recorded; and
8979          (vii) the contestants do not compete in a cage; and
8980          (b) for ultimate fighting:
8981          (i) neither contestant is or has been a licensed contestant in any state or an amateur
8982     registered with USA Boxing, Inc.;
8983          (ii) no cash prize, or other prize valued at greater than $35, is awarded;
8984          (iii) protective clothing, including a protective mouthguard and a protective cup, is
8985     worn;
8986          (iv) downward elbow strikes are not allowed;
8987          (v) a contestant is not allowed to stand and strike a downed opponent;
8988          (vi) a closed-hand blow to the head is not allowed while either contestant is on the
8989     ground;

8990          (vii) the contest is no longer than three rounds of no longer than three minutes each;
8991     and
8992          (viii) no winner or loser is declared or recorded.
8993          Section 237. Section 63N-10-201, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-201 is
8994     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 2. Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission

8996          [63C-11-201].      63N-10-201. Commission -- Creation -- Appointments --
8997     Terms -- Expenses -- Quorum.
8998          (1) There is created within the [Governor's Office of Economic Development] office
8999     the Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission consisting of five members.
9000          (2) (a) The governor shall appoint three commission members.
9001          (b) The president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of Representatives shall
9002     each appoint one commission member.
9003          (c) The commission members may not be licensees under this chapter.
9004          (d) A member of the commission serving on June 30, 2009, shall continue as a member
9005     of the commission until the expiration of the member's term then existing, or until the
9006     expiration of any subsequent term to which the member is appointed.
9007          (3) (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b), as terms of current members expire, the
9008     governor, president, or speaker, respectively, shall appoint each new member or reappointed
9009     member to a four-year term.
9010          (b) The governor shall, at the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length
9011     of the governor's appointees' terms to ensure that the terms of members are staggered so that
9012     approximately half of the commission is appointed every two years.
9013          (c) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
9014     appointed for the unexpired term.
9015          (d) If a commission member fails or refuses to fulfill the responsibilities and duties of a
9016     commission member, including the attendance at commission meetings, the governor,
9017     president, or speaker, respectively, with the approval of the commission, may remove the

9018     commission member and replace the member in accordance with this section.
9019          (4) (a) A majority of the commission members constitutes a quorum.
9020          (b) A majority of a quorum is sufficient authority for the commission to act.
9021          (5) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
9022     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
9023          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
9024          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
9025          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance [pursuant to] under Sections 63A-3-106 and
9026     63A-3-107.
9027          (6) The commission shall annually designate one of its members to serve as chair for a
9028     one-year period.
9029          Section 238. Section 63N-10-202, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-202 is
9030     renumbered and amended to read:
9031          [63C-11-202].      63N-10-202. Commission powers and duties.
9032          (1) The commission shall:
9033          (a) purchase and use a seal;
9034          (b) adopt rules for the administration of this chapter in accordance with Title 63G,
9035     Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
9036          (c) prepare all forms of contracts between sponsors, licensees, promoters, and
9037     contestants; and
9038          (d) hold hearings relating to matters under its jurisdiction, including violations of this
9039     chapter or rules made under this chapter.
9040          (2) The commission may subpoena witnesses, take evidence, and require the
9041     production of books, papers, documents, records, contracts, recordings, tapes, correspondence,
9042     or other information relevant to an investigation if the commission or its designee considers it
9043     necessary.
9044          Section 239. Section 63N-10-203, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-203 is
9045     renumbered and amended to read:

9046          [63C-11-203].      63N-10-203. Commission director.
9047          (1) The commission shall employ a director, who may not be a member of the
9048     commission, to conduct the commission's business.
9049          (2) The director serves at the pleasure of the commission.
9050          Section 240. Section 63N-10-204, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-204 is
9051     renumbered and amended to read:
9052          [63C-11-204].      63N-10-204. Inspectors.
9053          (1) The commission may appoint one or more official representatives to be designated
9054     as inspectors, who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission.
9055          (2) Each inspector must receive from the commission a card authorizing that inspector
9056     to act as an inspector for the commission.
9057          (3) An inspector may not promote or sponsor any contest.
9058          (4) Each inspector may receive a fee approved by the commission for the performance
9059     of duties under this chapter.
9060          Section 241. Section 63N-10-205, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-205 is
9061     renumbered and amended to read:
9062          [63C-11-205].      63N-10-205. Affiliation with other commissions.
9063          The commission may affiliate with any other state, tribal, or national boxing
9064     commission or athletic authority.
9065          Section 242. Section 63N-10-301, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-301 is
9066     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 3. Licensing

9068          [63C-11-301].      63N-10-301. Licensing.
9069          (1) A license is required for a person to act as or to represent that the person is:
9070          (a) a promoter;
9071          (b) a manager;
9072          (c) a contestant;
9073          (d) a second;

9074          (e) a referee;
9075          (f) a judge; or
9076          (g) another official established by the commission by rule.
9077          (2) The commission shall issue to a person who qualifies under this chapter a license in
9078     the classifications of:
9079          (a) promoter;
9080          (b) manager;
9081          (c) contestant;
9082          (d) second;
9083          (e) referee;
9084          (f) judge; or
9085          (g) another official who meets the requirements established by rule under Subsection
9086     (1)(g).
9087          (3) [(a)] All money collected [pursuant to] under this section and Sections
9088     [63C-11-304, 63C-11-307, 63C-11-310, and 63C-11-313] 63N-10-304, 63N-10-307,
9089     63N-10-310, and 63N-10-313 shall be retained as dedicated credits to pay for commission
9090     expenses.
9091          [(b) All money available to the commission under Subsection (3)(a) to pay for
9092     commission expenses is nonlapsing for fiscal year 2009-10 only.]
9093          (4) Each applicant for licensure as a promoter shall:
9094          (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the commission;
9095          (b) pay the fee determined by the commission under Section 63J-1-504;
9096          (c) provide to the commission evidence of financial responsibility, which shall include
9097     financial statements and other information that the commission may reasonably require to
9098     determine that the applicant or licensee is able to competently perform as and meet the
9099     obligations of a promoter in this state;
9100          (d) make assurances that the applicant:
9101          (i) is not engaging in illegal gambling with respect to sporting events or gambling with

9102     respect to the promotions the applicant is promoting;
9103          (ii) has not been found in a criminal or civil proceeding to have engaged in or
9104     attempted to engage in any fraud or misrepresentation in connection with a contest or any other
9105     sporting event; and
9106          (iii) has not been found in a criminal or civil proceeding to have violated or attempted
9107     to violate any law with respect to a contest in any jurisdiction or any law, rule, or order relating
9108     to the regulation of contests in this state or any other jurisdiction;
9109          (e) acknowledge in writing to the commission receipt, understanding, and intent to
9110     comply with this chapter and the rules made under this chapter; and
9111          (f) if requested by the commission or the director, meet with the commission or the
9112     director to examine the applicant's qualifications for licensure.
9113          (5) Each applicant for licensure as a contestant shall:
9114          (a) be not less than 18 years of age at the time the application is submitted to the
9115     commission;
9116          (b) submit an application in a form prescribed by the commission;
9117          (c) pay the fee established by the commission under Section 63J-1-504;
9118          (d) provide a certificate of physical examination, dated not more than 60 days prior to
9119     the date of application for licensure, in a form provided by the commission, completed by a
9120     licensed physician and surgeon certifying that the applicant is free from any physical or mental
9121     condition that indicates the applicant should not engage in activity as a contestant;
9122          (e) make assurances that the applicant:
9123          (i) is not engaging in illegal gambling with respect to sporting events or gambling with
9124     respect to a contest in which the applicant will participate;
9125          (ii) has not been found in a criminal or civil proceeding to have engaged in or
9126     attempted to have engaged in any fraud or misrepresentation in connection with a contest or
9127     any other sporting event; and
9128          (iii) has not been found in a criminal or civil proceeding to have violated or attempted
9129     to violate any law with respect to contests in any jurisdiction or any law, rule, or order relating

9130     to the regulation of contests in this state or any other jurisdiction;
9131          (f) acknowledge in writing to the commission receipt, understanding, and intent to
9132     comply with this chapter and the rules made under this chapter; and
9133          (g) if requested by the commission or the director, meet with the commission or the
9134     director to examine the applicant's qualifications for licensure.
9135          (6) Each applicant for licensure as a manager or second shall:
9136          (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the commission;
9137          (b) pay a fee determined by the commission under Section 63J-1-504;
9138          (c) make assurances that the applicant:
9139          (i) is not engaging in illegal gambling with respect to sporting events or gambling with
9140     respect to a contest in which the applicant is participating;
9141          (ii) has not been found in a criminal or civil proceeding to have engaged in or
9142     attempted to have engaged in any fraud or misrepresentation in connection with a contest or
9143     any other sporting event; and
9144          (iii) has not been found in a criminal or civil proceeding to have violated or attempted
9145     to violate any law with respect to a contest in any jurisdiction or any law, rule, or order relating
9146     to the regulation of contests in this state or any other jurisdiction;
9147          (d) acknowledge in writing to the commission receipt, understanding, and intent to
9148     comply with this chapter and the rules made under this chapter; and
9149          (e) if requested by the commission or director, meet with the commission or the
9150     director to examine the applicant's qualifications for licensure.
9151          (7) Each applicant for licensure as a referee or judge shall:
9152          (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the commission;
9153          (b) pay a fee determined by the commission under Section 63J-1-504;
9154          (c) make assurances that the applicant:
9155          (i) is not engaging in illegal gambling with respect to sporting events or gambling with
9156     respect to a contest in which the applicant is participating;
9157          (ii) has not been found in a criminal or civil proceeding to have engaged in or

9158     attempted to have engaged in any fraud or misrepresentation in connection with a contest or
9159     any other sporting event; and
9160          (iii) has not been found in a criminal or civil proceeding to have violated or attempted
9161     to violate any law with respect to contests in any jurisdiction or any law, rule, or order relating
9162     to the regulation of contests in this state or any other jurisdiction;
9163          (d) acknowledge in writing to the commission receipt, understanding, and intent to
9164     comply with this chapter and the rules made under this chapter;
9165          (e) provide evidence satisfactory to the commission that the applicant is qualified by
9166     training and experience to competently act as a referee or judge in a contest; and
9167          (f) if requested by the commission or the director, meet with the commission or the
9168     director to examine the applicant's qualifications for licensure.
9169          (8) The commission may make rules concerning the requirements for a license under
9170     this chapter, that deny a license to an applicant for the violation of a crime that, in the
9171     commission's determination, would have a material affect on the integrity of a contest held
9172     under this chapter.
9173          (9) (a) A licensee serves at the pleasure, and under the direction, of the commission
9174     while participating in any way at a contest.
9175          (b) A licensee's license may be suspended, or a fine imposed, if the licensee does not
9176     follow the commission's direction at an event or contest.
9177          Section 243. Section 63N-10-302, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-302 is
9178     renumbered and amended to read:
9179          [63C-11-302].      63N-10-302. Term of license -- Expiration -- Renewal.
9180          (1) The commission shall issue each license under this chapter in accordance with a
9181     renewal cycle established by rule.
9182          (2) At the time of renewal, the licensee shall show satisfactory evidence of compliance
9183     with renewal requirements established by rule by the commission.
9184          (3) Each license automatically expires on the expiration date shown on the license
9185     unless the licensee renews it in accordance with the rules established by the commission.

9186          Section 244. Section 63N-10-303, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-303 is
9187     renumbered and amended to read:
9188          [63C-11-303].      63N-10-303. Grounds for denial of license -- Disciplinary
9189     proceedings -- Reinstatement.
9190          (1) The commission shall refuse to issue a license to an applicant and shall refuse to
9191     renew or shall revoke, suspend, restrict, place on probation, or otherwise act upon the license of
9192     a licensee who does not meet the qualifications for licensure under this chapter.
9193          (2) The commission may refuse to issue a license to an applicant and may refuse to
9194     renew or may revoke, suspend, restrict, place on probation, issue a public or private reprimand
9195     to, or otherwise act upon the license of any licensee if:
9196          (a) the applicant or licensee has engaged in unlawful or unprofessional conduct, as
9197     defined by statute or rule under this chapter;
9198          (b) the applicant or licensee has been determined to be mentally incompetent for any
9199     reason by a court of competent jurisdiction; or
9200          (c) the applicant or licensee is unable to practice the occupation or profession with
9201     reasonable skill and safety because of illness, drunkenness, excessive use of drugs, narcotics,
9202     chemicals, or any other type of material, or as a result of any other mental or physical
9203     condition, when the licensee's condition demonstrates a threat or potential threat to the public
9204     health, safety, or welfare, as determined by a ringside physician or the commission.
9205          (3) Any licensee whose license under this chapter has been suspended, revoked, or
9206     restricted may apply for reinstatement of the license at reasonable intervals and upon
9207     compliance with any conditions imposed upon the licensee by statute, rule, or terms of the
9208     license suspension, revocation, or restriction.
9209          (4) The commission may issue cease and desist orders:
9210          (a) to a licensee or applicant who may be disciplined under Subsection (1) or (2); and
9211          (b) to any person who otherwise violates this chapter or any rules adopted under this
9212     chapter.
9213          (5) (a) The commission may impose an administrative fine for acts of unprofessional or

9214     unlawful conduct under this chapter.
9215          (b) An administrative fine under this Subsection (5) may not exceed $2,500 for each
9216     separate act of unprofessional or unlawful conduct.
9217          (c) The commission shall comply with Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
9218     Procedures Act, in any action to impose an administrative fine under this chapter.
9219          (d) The imposition of a fine under this Subsection (5) does not affect any other action
9220     the commission or department may take concerning a license issued under this chapter.
9221          (6) (a) The commission may not take disciplinary action against any person for
9222     unlawful or unprofessional conduct under this chapter, unless the commission initiates an
9223     adjudicative proceeding regarding the conduct within four years after the conduct is reported to
9224     the commission, except under Subsection (6)(b).
9225          (b) The commission may not take disciplinary action against any person for unlawful
9226     or unprofessional conduct more than 10 years after the occurrence of the conduct, unless the
9227     proceeding is in response to a civil or criminal judgment or settlement and the proceeding is
9228     initiated within one year following the judgment or settlement.
9229          (7) (a) Notwithstanding Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, the
9230     following may immediately suspend the license of a licensee at such time and for such period
9231     that the following believes is necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the licensee,
9232     another licensee, or the public:
9233          (i) the commission;
9234          (ii) a designated commission member; or
9235          (iii) if a designated commission member is not present, the director.
9236          (b) The commission shall establish by rule appropriate procedures to invoke the
9237     suspension and to provide a suspended licensee a right to a hearing before the commission with
9238     respect to the suspension within a reasonable time after the suspension.
9239          Section 245. Section 63N-10-304, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-304 is
9240     renumbered and amended to read:
9241          [63C-11-304].      63N-10-304. Additional fees for license of promoter --

9242     Dedicated credits -- Promotion of contests -- Annual exemption of showcase event.
9243          (1) In addition to the payment of any other fees and money due under this chapter,
9244     every promoter shall pay a license fee determined by the commission and established in rule.
9245          [(a)] (2) License fees collected under this Subsection [(1)(a)] (2) from professional
9246     boxing contests or exhibitions shall be retained by the commission as a dedicated credit to be
9247     used by the commission to award grants to organizations that promote amateur boxing in the
9248     state and cover commission expenses.
9249          [(b) Money available to the commission for awarding grants to organizations that
9250     promote amateur boxing in the state and covering commission expenses is nonlapsing for fiscal
9251     year 2009-10 only.]
9252          [(2)] (3) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
9253     Act, the commission shall adopt rules:
9254          (a) governing the manner in which applications for grants under Subsection [(1)] (2)
9255     may be submitted to the commission; and
9256          (b) establishing standards for awarding grants under Subsection [(1)] (2) to
9257     organizations which promote amateur boxing in the state.
9258          [(3)] (4) (a) For the purpose of creating a greater interest in contests in the state, the
9259     commission may exempt from the payment of license fees under this section one contest or
9260     exhibition in each calendar year, intended as a showcase event.
9261          (b) The commission shall select the contest or exhibition to be exempted based on
9262     factors which include:
9263          (i) attraction of the optimum number of spectators;
9264          (ii) costs of promoting and producing the contest or exhibition;
9265          (iii) ticket pricing;
9266          (iv) committed promotions and advertising of the contest or exhibition;
9267          (v) rankings and quality of the contestants; and
9268          (vi) committed television and other media coverage of the contest or exhibition.
9269          Section 246. Section 63N-10-305, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-305 is

9270     renumbered and amended to read:
9271          [63C-11-305].      63N-10-305. Jurisdiction of commission.
9272          (1) (a) The commission has the sole authority concerning direction, management,
9273     control, and jurisdiction over all contests or exhibitions of unarmed combat to be conducted,
9274     held, or given within this state.
9275          (b) A contest or exhibition may not be conducted, held, or given within this state
9276     except in accordance with this chapter.
9277          (2) Any contest involving a form of unarmed self-defense must be conducted pursuant
9278     to rules for that form which are approved by the commission before the contest is conducted,
9279     held, or given.
9280          (3) (a) An area not less than six feet from the perimeter of the ring shall be reserved for
9281     the use of:
9282          (i) the designated commission member;
9283          (ii) other commission members in attendance;
9284          (iii) the director;
9285          (iv) commission employees;
9286          (v) officials;
9287          (vi) licensees participating or assisting in the contest; and
9288          (vii) others granted credentials by the commission.
9289          (b) The promoter shall provide security at the direction of the commission or
9290     designated commission member to secure the area described in Subsection (3)(a).
9291          (4) The area described in Subsection (3), the area in the dressing rooms, and other
9292     areas considered necessary by the designated commission member for the safety and welfare of
9293     a licensee and the public shall be reserved for the use of:
9294          (a) the designated commission member;
9295          (b) other commission members in attendance;
9296          (c) the director;
9297          (d) commission employees;

9298          (e) officials;
9299          (f) licensees participating or assisting in the contest; and
9300          (g) others granted credentials by the commission.
9301          (5) The promoter shall provide security at the direction of the commission or
9302     designated commission member to secure the areas described in Subsections (3) and (4).
9303          (6) (a) The designated commission member may direct the removal from the contest
9304     venue and premises, of any individual whose actions:
9305          (i) are disruptive to the safe conduct of the contest; or
9306          (ii) pose a danger to the safety and welfare of the licensees, the commission, or the
9307     public, as determined by the designated commission member.
9308          (b) The promoter shall provide security at the direction of the commission or
9309     designated commission member to effectuate a removal under Subsection (6)(a).
9310          Section 247. Section 63N-10-306, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-306 is
9311     renumbered and amended to read:
9312          [63C-11-306].      63N-10-306. Club fighting prohibited.
9313          (1) Club fighting is prohibited.
9314          (2) Any person who publicizes, promotes, conducts, or engages in a club fighting
9315     match is:
9316          (a) guilty of a class A misdemeanor as provided in Section 76-9-705; and
9317          (b) subject to license revocation under this chapter.
9318          Section 248. Section 63N-10-307, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-307 is
9319     renumbered and amended to read:
9320          [63C-11-307].      63N-10-307. Approval to hold contest or promotion -- Bond
9321     required.
9322          (1) An application to hold a contest or multiple contests as part of a single promotion
9323     shall be made by a licensed promoter to the commission on forms provided by the commission.
9324          (2) The application shall be accompanied by a contest fee determined by the
9325     commission under Section 63J-1-505.

9326          (3) (a) The commission may approve or deny approval to hold a contest or promotion
9327     permitted under this chapter.
9328          (b) Provisional approval under Subsection (3)(a) shall be granted upon a determination
9329     by the commission that:
9330          (i) the promoter of the contest or promotion is properly licensed;
9331          (ii) a bond meeting the requirements of Subsection (6) has been posted by the promoter
9332     of the contest or promotion; and
9333          (iii) the contest or promotion will be held in accordance with this chapter and rules
9334     made under this chapter.
9335          (4) (a) Final approval to hold a contest or promotion may not be granted unless the
9336     commission receives, not less than seven days before the day of the contest with 10 or more
9337     rounds:
9338          (i) proof of a negative HIV test performed not more than 180 days before the day of the
9339     contest for each contestant;
9340          (ii) a copy of each contestant's federal identification card;
9341          (iii) a copy of a signed contract between each contestant and the promoter for the
9342     contest;
9343          (iv) a statement specifying the maximum number of rounds of the contest;
9344          (v) a statement specifying the site, date, and time of weigh-in; and
9345          (vi) the name of the physician selected from among a list of registered and
9346     commission-approved ringside physicians who shall act as ringside physician for the contest.
9347          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), the commission may approve a contest or
9348     promotion if the requirements under Subsection (4)(a) are not met because of unforeseen
9349     circumstances beyond the promoter's control.
9350          (5) Final approval for a contest under 10 rounds in duration may be granted as
9351     determined by the commission after receiving the materials identified in Subsection (4) at a
9352     time determined by the commission.
9353          (6) An applicant shall post a surety bond or cashier's check with the commission in the

9354     greater of $10,000 or the amount of the purse, providing for forfeiture and disbursement of the
9355     proceeds if the applicant fails to comply with:
9356          (a) the requirements of this chapter; or
9357          (b) rules made under this chapter relating to the promotion or conduct of the contest or
9358     promotion.
9359          Section 249. Section 63N-10-308, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-308 is
9360     renumbered and amended to read:
9361          [63C-11-308].      63N-10-308. Rules for the conduct of contests.
9362          (1) The commission shall adopt rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
9363     Administrative Rulemaking Act, for the conduct of contests in the state.
9364          (2) The rules shall include:
9365          (a) authority for:
9366          (i) stopping contests; and
9367          (ii) impounding purses with respect to contests when there is a question with respect to
9368     the contest, contestants, or any other licensee associated with the contest; and
9369          (b) reasonable and necessary provisions to ensure that all obligations of a promoter
9370     with respect to any promotion or contest are paid in accordance with agreements made by the
9371     promoter.
9372          (3) (a) The commission may, in its discretion, exempt a contest and each contestant
9373     from the definition of unprofessional conduct found in Subsection [63C-11-102]
9374     63N-10-102(25)(f) after:
9375          (i) a promoter requests the exemption; and
9376          (ii) the commission considers relevant factors, including:
9377          (A) the experience of the contestants;
9378          (B) the win and loss records of each contestant;
9379          (C) each contestant's level of training; and
9380          (D) any other evidence relevant to the contestants' professionalism and the ability to
9381     safely conduct the contest.

9382          (b) The commission's hearing of a request for an exemption under this Subsection (3)
9383     is an informal adjudicative proceeding under Section 63G-4-202.
9384          (c) The commission's decision to grant or deny a request for an exemption under this
9385     Subsection (3) is not subject to agency review under Section 63G-4-301.
9386          Section 250. Section 63N-10-309, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-309 is
9387     renumbered and amended to read:
9388          [63C-11-309].      63N-10-309. Medical examinations and drug tests.
9389          (1) The commission shall adopt rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
9390     Administrative Rulemaking Act, for medical examinations and drug testing of contestants,
9391     including provisions under which contestants shall:
9392          (a) produce evidence based upon competent laboratory examination that they are HIV
9393     negative as a condition of participating as a contestant in any contest;
9394          (b) be subject to random drug testing before or after participation in a contest, and
9395     sanctions, including barring participation in a contest or withholding a percentage of any purse,
9396     that shall be placed against a contestant testing positive for alcohol or any other drug that in the
9397     opinion of the commission is inconsistent with the safe and competent participation of that
9398     contestant in a contest;
9399          (c) be subject to a medical examination by the ringside physician not more than 30
9400     hours before the contest to identify any physical ailment or communicable disease that, in the
9401     opinion of the commission or designated commission member, are inconsistent with the safe
9402     and competent participation of that contestant in the contest; and
9403          (d) be subject to medical testing for communicable diseases as considered necessary by
9404     the commission to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the licensees and the public.
9405          (2) (a) Medical information concerning a contestant shall be provided by the contestant
9406     or medical professional or laboratory.
9407          (b) A promoter or manager may not provide to or receive from the commission medical
9408     information concerning a contestant.
9409          Section 251. Section 63N-10-310, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-310 is

9410     renumbered and amended to read:
9411          [63C-11-310].      63N-10-310. Contests.
9412          (1) Except as provided in Section 63C-11-317, a licensee may not participate in an
9413     unarmed combat contest within a predetermined time after another unarmed combat contest, as
9414     prescribed in rules made by the commission.
9415          (2) During the period of time beginning 60 minutes before the beginning of a contest,
9416     the promoter shall demonstrate the promoter's compliance with the commission's security
9417     requirements to all commission members present at the contest.
9418          (3) The commission shall establish fees in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 to be
9419     paid by a promoter for the conduct of each contest or event composed of multiple contests
9420     conducted under this chapter.
9421          Section 252. Section 63N-10-311, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-311 is
9422     renumbered and amended to read:
9423          [63C-11-311].      63N-10-311. Ringside physician.
9424          (1) The commission shall maintain a list of ringside physicians who hold a Doctor of
9425     Medicine (MD) degree and are registered with the commission as approved to act as a ringside
9426     physician and meet the requirements of Subsection (2).
9427          (2) (a) The commission shall appoint a registered ringside physician to perform the
9428     duties of a ringside physician at each contest held [pursuant to] under this chapter.
9429          (b) The promoter of a contest shall pay a fee determined by the commission by rule to
9430     the commission for a ringside physician.
9431          (3) An applicant for registration as a ringside physician shall:
9432          (a) submit an application for registration;
9433          (b) provide the commission with evidence of the applicant's licensure to practice
9434     medicine in the state; and
9435          (c) satisfy minimum qualifications established by the department by rule.
9436          (4) A ringside physician at attendance at a contest:
9437          (a) may stop the contest at any point if the ringside physician determines that a

9438     contestant's physical condition renders the contestant unable to safely continue the contest; and
9439          (b) works under the direction of the commission.
9440          Section 253. Section 63N-10-312, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-312 is
9441     renumbered and amended to read:
9442          [63C-11-312].      63N-10-312. Contracts.
9443          Before a contest is held, a copy of the signed contract or agreement between the
9444     promoter of the contest and each contestant shall be filed with the commission. Approval of
9445     the contract's terms and conditions shall be obtained from the commission as a condition
9446     precedent to the contest.
9447          Section 254. Section 63N-10-313, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-313 is
9448     renumbered and amended to read:
9449          [63C-11-313].      63N-10-313. Withholding of purse.
9450          (1) The commission, the director, or any other agent authorized by the commission
9451     may order a promoter to withhold any part of a purse or other money belonging or payable to
9452     any contestant, manager, or second if, in the judgment of the commission, director, or other
9453     agent:
9454          (a) the contestant is not competing honestly or to the best of the contestant's skill and
9455     ability or the contestant otherwise violates any rules adopted by the commission or any of the
9456     provisions of this chapter; or
9457          (b) the manager or second violates any rules adopted by the commission or any of the
9458     provisions of this chapter.
9459          (2) This section does not apply to any contestant in a wrestling exhibition who appears
9460     not to be competing honestly or to the best of the contestant's skill and ability.
9461          (3) Upon the withholding of any part of a purse or other money pursuant to this section,
9462     the commission shall immediately schedule a hearing on the matter, provide adequate notice to
9463     all interested parties, and dispose of the matter as promptly as possible.
9464          (4) If it is determined that a contestant, manager, or second is not entitled to any part of
9465     that person's share of the purse or other money, the promoter shall pay the money over to the

9466     commission.
9467          Section 255. Section 63N-10-314, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-314 is
9468     renumbered and amended to read:
9469          [63C-11-314].      63N-10-314. Penalty for unlawful conduct.
9470          A person who engages in any act of unlawful conduct, as defined in Section
9471     [63C-11-102] 63N-10-102, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
9472          Section 256. Section 63N-10-315, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-315 is
9473     renumbered and amended to read:
9474          [63C-11-315].      63N-10-315. Exemptions.
9475          This chapter does not apply to:
9476          (1) any amateur contest or exhibition of unarmed combat conducted by or participated
9477     in exclusively by:
9478          (a) a school accredited by the Utah Board of Education;
9479          (b) a college or university accredited by the United States Department of Education; or
9480          (c) any association or organization of a school, college, or university described in
9481     Subsections (1)(a) and (b), when each participant in the contests or exhibitions is a bona fide
9482     student in the school, college, or university;
9483          (2) any contest or exhibition of unarmed combat conducted in accordance with the
9484     standards and regulations of USA Boxing, Inc.; or
9485          (3) a white-collar contest.
9486          Section 257. Section 63N-10-316, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-316 is
9487     renumbered and amended to read:
9488          [63C-11-316].      63N-10-316. Contest weights and classes -- Matching
9489     contestants.
9490          (1) The commission shall make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
9491     Administrative Rulemaking Act, establishing boxing contest weights and classes consistent
9492     with those adopted by the Association of Boxing Commissions.
9493          (2) The commission shall make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah

9494     Administrative Rulemaking Act, establishing contest weights and classes for unarmed combat
9495     that is not boxing.
9496          (3) (a) As to any unarmed combat contest, a contestant may not fight another contestant
9497     who is outside of the contestant's weight classification.
9498          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (3)(a), the commission may permit a contestant to
9499     fight another contestant who is outside of the contestant's weight classification.
9500          (4) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(b), as to any unarmed combat contest:
9501          (a) a contestant who has contracted to participate in a given weight class may not be
9502     permitted to compete if the contestant is not within that weight class at the weigh-in; and
9503          (b) a contestant may have two hours to attempt to gain or lose not more than three
9504     pounds in order to be reweighed.
9505          (5) (a) As to any unarmed combat contest, the commission may not allow a contest in
9506     which the contestants are not fairly matched.
9507          (b) Factors in determining if contestants are fairly matched include:
9508          (i) the win-loss record of the contestants;
9509          (ii) the weight differential between the contestants;
9510          (iii) the caliber of opponents for each contestant;
9511          (iv) each contestant's number of fights; and
9512          (v) previous suspensions or disciplinary actions of the contestants.
9513          Section 258. Section 63N-10-317, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-317 is
9514     renumbered and amended to read:
9515          [63C-11-317].      63N-10-317. Elimination contests -- Conduct of contests --
9516     Applicability of provisions -- Limitations on license -- Duration of contests -- Equipment
9517     -- Limitations on contests.
9518          (1) An elimination unarmed combat contest shall be conducted under the supervision
9519     and authority of the commission.
9520          (2) Except as otherwise provided in this section and except as otherwise provided by
9521     specific statute, the provisions of this chapter pertaining to boxing apply to an elimination

9522     unarmed combat contest.
9523          (3) (a) All contests in an elimination unarmed combat contest shall be no more than
9524     three rounds in duration.
9525          (b) A round of unarmed combat in an elimination unarmed combat contest shall:
9526          (i) be no more than one minute in duration; or
9527          (ii) be up to three minutes in duration if there is only a single round.
9528          (c) A period of rest following a round shall be no more than one minute in duration.
9529          (4) A contestant:
9530          (a) shall wear gloves approved by the commission; and
9531          (b) shall wear headgear approved by the commission, the designated commission
9532     member, or the director if a designated commission member is not present.
9533          (5) A contestant may participate in more than one contest, but may not participate in
9534     more than a total of seven rounds in the entire tournament.
9535          Section 259. Section 63N-10-318, which is renumbered from Section 63C-11-318 is
9536     renumbered and amended to read:
9537          [63C-11-318].      63N-10-318. Commission rulemaking.
9538          The commission may make rules governing the conduct of a contest held under this
9539     chapter to protect the health and safety of licensees and members of the public.
9540          Section 260. Section 63N-11-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2501 is
9541     renumbered and amended to read:

9543          [63M-1-2501].      63N-11-101. Title.
9544          This [part] chapter is known as the "Health System Reform Act."
9545          Section 261. Section 63N-11-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2502 is
9546     renumbered and amended to read:
9547          [63M-1-2502].      63N-11-102. Definitions.
9548          As used in this [part, "office"] chapter, "consumer health office" means the Office of
9549     Consumer Health Services created in Section [63M-1-2504] 63N-11-104.

9550          Section 262. Section 63N-11-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2503 is
9551     renumbered and amended to read:
9552          [63M-1-2503].      63N-11-103. Duties related to health system reform.
9553          The Governor's Office of Economic Development shall coordinate the efforts of the
9554     Office of Consumer Health Services, the Department of Health, the Insurance Department, and
9555     the Department of Workforce Services to assist the Legislature with developing the state's
9556     strategic plan for health system reform described in Section [63M-1-2505] 63N-11-105.
9557          Section 263. Section 63N-11-104, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2504 is
9558     renumbered and amended to read:
9559          [63M-1-2504].      63N-11-104. Creation of Office of Consumer Health Services
9560     -- Duties.
9561          (1) There is created within the Governor's Office of Economic Development the Office
9562     of Consumer Health Services.
9563          (2) The consumer health office shall:
9564          (a) in cooperation with the Insurance Department, the Department of Health, and the
9565     Department of Workforce Services, and in accordance with the electronic standards developed
9566     under Sections 31A-22-635 and [63M-1-2506] 63N-11-107, create a Health Insurance
9567     Exchange that:
9568          (i) provides information to consumers about private and public health programs for
9569     which the consumer may qualify;
9570          (ii) provides a consumer comparison of and enrollment in a health benefit plan posted
9571     on the Health Insurance Exchange; and
9572          (iii) includes information and a link to enrollment in premium assistance programs and
9573     other government assistance programs;
9574          (b) contract with one or more private vendors for:
9575          (i) administration of the enrollment process on the Health Insurance Exchange,
9576     including establishing a mechanism for consumers to compare health benefit plan features on
9577     the exchange and filter the plans based on consumer preferences;

9578          (ii) the collection of health insurance premium payments made for a single policy by
9579     multiple payers, including the policyholder, one or more employers of one or more individuals
9580     covered by the policy, government programs, and others; and
9581          (iii) establishing a call center in accordance with Subsection (4);
9582          (c) assist employers with a free or low cost method for establishing mechanisms for the
9583     purchase of health insurance by employees using pre-tax dollars;
9584          (d) establish a list on the Health Insurance Exchange of insurance producers who, in
9585     accordance with Section 31A-30-209, are appointed producers for the Health Insurance
9586     Exchange;
9587          (e) include in the annual written report described in Section [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301, a
9588     report on the operations of the Health Insurance Exchange required by this chapter; and
9589          (f) in accordance with Subsection (3), provide a form to a small employer that certifies:
9590          (i) that the small employer offered a qualified health plan to the small employer's
9591     employees; and
9592          (ii) the period of time within the taxable year in which the small employer maintained
9593     the qualified health plan coverage.
9594          (3) The form required by Subsection (2)(f) shall be provided to a small employer if:
9595          (a) the small employer selected a qualified health plan on the small employer health
9596     exchange created by this section; or
9597          (b) (i) the small employer selected a health plan in the small employer market that is
9598     not offered through the exchange created by this section; and
9599          (ii) the issuer of the health plan selected by the small employer submits to the office, in
9600     a form and manner required by the office:
9601          (A) an affidavit from a member of the American Academy of Actuaries stating that
9602     based on generally accepted actuarial principles and methodologies the issuer's health plan
9603     meets the benefit and actuarial requirements for a qualified health plan under PPACA as
9604     defined in Section 31A-1-301; and
9605          (B) an affidavit from the issuer that includes the dates of coverage for the small

9606     employer during the taxable year.
9607          (4) A call center established by the consumer health office:
9608          (a) shall provide unbiased answers to questions concerning exchange operations, and
9609     plan information, to the extent the plan information is posted on the exchange by the insurer;
9610     and
9611          (b) may not:
9612          (i) sell, solicit, or negotiate a health benefit plan on the Health Insurance Exchange;
9613          (ii) receive producer compensation through the Health Insurance Exchange; and
9614          (iii) be designated as the default producer for an employer group that enters the Health
9615     Insurance Exchange without a producer.
9616          (5) The consumer health office:
9617          (a) may not:
9618          (i) regulate health insurers, health insurance plans, health insurance producers, or
9619     health insurance premiums charged in the exchange;
9620          (ii) adopt administrative rules, except as provided in Section [63M-1-2506]
9621     63N-11-107; or
9622          (iii) act as an appeals entity for resolving disputes between a health insurer and an
9623     insured;
9624          (b) may establish and collect a fee for the cost of the exchange transaction in
9625     accordance with Section 63J-1-504 for:
9626          (i) processing an application for a health benefit plan;
9627          (ii) accepting, processing, and submitting multiple premium payment sources;
9628          (iii) providing a mechanism for consumers to filter and compare health benefit plans in
9629     the exchange based on consumer preferences; and
9630          (iv) funding the call center; and
9631          (c) shall separately itemize the fee established under Subsection (5)(b) as part of the
9632     cost displayed for the employer selecting coverage on the exchange.
9633          Section 264. Section 63N-11-105, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2505 is

9634     renumbered and amended to read:
9635          [63M-1-2505].      63N-11-105. Strategic plan for health system reform.
9636          The state's strategic plan for health system reform shall include consideration of the
9637     following:
9638          (1) legislation necessary to allow a health insurer in the state to offer one or more
9639     health benefit plans that:
9640          (a) allow an individual to purchase a policy for individual or family coverage, with or
9641     without employer contributions, and keep the policy even if the individual changes
9642     employment;
9643          (b) incorporate rating practices and issue practices that will sustain a viable insurance
9644     market and provide affordable health insurance products for the most purchasers;
9645          (c) are based on minimum required coverages that result in a lower premium than most
9646     current health insurance products;
9647          (d) include coverage for immunizations, screenings, and other preventive health
9648     services;
9649          (e) encourage cost-effective use of health care systems;
9650          (f) minimize risk-skimming insurance benefit designs;
9651          (g) maximize the use of federal and state income tax policies to allow for payment of
9652     health insurance products with tax-exempt funds;
9653          (h) may include other innovative provisions that may lower the costs of health
9654     insurance products;
9655          (i) may incorporate innovative consumer-driven provisions, including:
9656          (i) an exemption from selected state health insurance laws and regulations;
9657          (ii) a range of benefit and cost sharing provisions tailored to the health status, financial
9658     capacity, and preferences of individual consumers; and
9659          (iii) varying the amount of cost sharing for a service based on where the service falls
9660     along a continuum of care ranging from preventive care to purely elective care; and
9661          (j) encourage employers to allow their employees greater control of the employee's

9662     health care benefits by providing tax-exempt defined contributions for the purchase of health
9663     insurance by either the employer or the employee;
9664          (2) current rating and issue practices by health insurers and changes that may be
9665     necessary to achieve the goals of Subsection (1)(b);
9666          (3) methods to decrease cost shifting from the uninsured and under-insured to the
9667     insured, health care providers and taxpayers, including:
9668          (a) eligibility and benefit levels for entitlement programs;
9669          (b) reimbursement rates for entitlement programs; and
9670          (c) the Utah Premium Partnership for Health Insurance Program and the Children's
9671     Health Insurance Program's enrollment and benefit policies, and whether those policies provide
9672     appropriate and effective coverage for children;
9673          (4) providing public employees an option that gives them greater control of their health
9674     care benefits through a system of defined contributions for insurance policies;
9675          (5) giving public employees access to an option that provides individually selected and
9676     owned policies;
9677          (6) encouraging the use of health care quality measures and the adoption of best
9678     practice protocols by health care providers for the benefit of consumers, health care providers,
9679     and third party payers;
9680          (7) providing some protection from liability for health care providers who follow best
9681     practice protocols;
9682          (8) promoting personal responsibility through:
9683          (a) obtaining health insurance;
9684          (b) achieving self reliance;
9685          (c) making healthy choices; and
9686          (d) encouraging healthy behaviors and lifestyles to the full extent allowed by the
9687     Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act;
9688          (9) studying the costs and benefits associated with:
9689          (a) different forms of mandates for individual responsibility; and

9690          (b) potential enforcement mechanisms for individual responsibility;
9691          (10) (a) increasing the number of affordable health insurance policies available to a
9692     person responsible for obtaining health insurance under Subsection (8)(a) by creating a system
9693     of subsidies and Medicaid waivers that bring more people into the private insurance market;
9694     and
9695          (b) funding subsidies to support bringing more people into the private insurance
9696     market, which may include:
9697          (i) imposing assessments on:
9698          (A) health care facilities;
9699          (B) health care providers;
9700          (C) health care services; and
9701          (D) health insurance products; or
9702          (ii) relying on other funding sources;
9703          (11) investigating and applying for Medicaid waivers that will promote the use of
9704     private sector health insurance;
9705          (12) identifying federal barriers to state health system reform and seeking collaborative
9706     solutions to those barriers;
9707          (13) maximizing the use of pre-tax dollars for health insurance premium payments;
9708          (14) requiring employers in the state to adopt mechanisms that allow an employee to
9709     use tax-exempt earnings, other than pre-tax contributions by the employer, to purchase a health
9710     insurance product;
9711          (15) extending a preference under the state procurement code for bidders who offer
9712     goods or services to the state if the bidder provides health insurance benefits or a defined
9713     contribution for health insurance to the bidder's employees; and
9714          (16) requiring insurers to accept premium payments from multiple sources, including
9715     state-funded subsidies.
9716          Section 265. Section 63N-11-106, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2505.5 is
9717     renumbered and amended to read:

9718          [63M-1-2505.5].      63N-11-106. Reporting on federal health reform --
9719     Prohibition of individual mandate.
9720          (1) The Legislature finds that:
9721          (a) the state has embarked on a rigorous process of implementing a strategic plan for
9722     health system reform [pursuant to] under Section [63M-1-2505] 63N-11-105;
9723          (b) the health system reform efforts for the state were developed to address the unique
9724     circumstances within Utah and to provide solutions that work for Utah;
9725          (c) Utah is a leader in the nation for health system reform which includes:
9726          (i) developing and using health data to control costs and quality; and
9727          (ii) creating a defined contribution insurance market to increase options for employers
9728     and employees; and
9729          (d) the federal government proposals for health system reform:
9730          (i) infringe on state powers;
9731          (ii) impose a uniform solution to a problem that requires different responses in
9732     different states;
9733          (iii) threaten the progress Utah has made towards health system reform; and
9734          (iv) infringe on the rights of citizens of this state to provide for their own health care
9735     by:
9736          (A) requiring a person to enroll in a third party payment system;
9737          (B) imposing fines, penalties, and taxes on a person who chooses to pay directly for
9738     health care rather than use a third party payer;
9739          (C) imposing fines, penalties, and taxes on an employer that does not meet federal
9740     standards for providing health care benefits for employees; and
9741          (D) threatening private health care systems with competing government supported
9742     health care systems.
9743          (2) (a) For purposes of this section:
9744          (i) "Implementation" includes adopting or changing an administrative rule, applying for
9745     or spending federal grant money, issuing a request for proposal to carry out a requirement of

9746     PPACA, entering into a memorandum of understanding with the federal government regarding
9747     a provision of PPACA, or amending the state Medicaid plan.
9748          (ii) "PPACA" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section 31A-1-301.
9749          (b) A department or agency of the state may not implement any part of PPACA unless,
9750     prior to implementation, the department or agency reports in writing, and, if practicable, in
9751     person if requested, to the Legislature's Business and Labor Interim Committee, the Health
9752     Reform Task Force, or the legislative Executive Appropriations Committee in accordance with
9753     Subsection (2)(d).
9754          (c) The Legislature may pass legislation specifically authorizing or prohibiting the
9755     state's compliance with, or participation in provisions of PPACA.
9756          (d) The report required under Subsection (2)(b) shall include:
9757          (i) the specific federal statute or regulation that requires the state to implement a
9758     provision of PPACA;
9759          (ii) whether PPACA has any state waiver or options;
9760          (iii) exactly what PPACA requires the state to do, and how it would be implemented;
9761          (iv) who in the state will be impacted by adopting the federal reform provision, or not
9762     adopting the federal reform provision;
9763          (v) what is the cost to the state or citizens of the state to implement the federal reform
9764     provision;
9765          (vi) the consequences to the state if the state does not comply with PPACA;
9766          (vii) the impact, if any, of the PPACA requirements regarding:
9767          (A) the state's protection of a health care provider's refusal to perform an abortion on
9768     religious or moral grounds as provided in Section 76-7-306; and
9769          (B) abortion insurance coverage restrictions provided in Section 31A-22-726.
9770          (3) (a) The state shall not require an individual in the state to obtain or maintain health
9771     insurance as defined in PPACA, regardless of whether the individual has or is eligible for
9772     health insurance coverage under any policy or program provided by or through the individual's
9773     employer or a plan sponsored by the state or federal government.

9774          (b) The provisions of this title may not be used to facilitate the federal PPACA
9775     individual mandate or to hold an individual in this state liable for any penalty, assessment, fee,
9776     or fine as a result of the individual's failure to procure or obtain health insurance coverage.
9777          (c) This section does not apply to an individual who voluntarily applies for coverage
9778     under a state administered program pursuant to Title XIX or Title XXI of the Social Security
9779     Act.
9780          Section 266. Section 63N-11-107, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2506 is
9781     renumbered and amended to read:
9782          [63M-1-2506].      63N-11-107. Health benefit plan information on Health
9783     Insurance Exchange -- Insurer transparency.
9784          (1) (a) The consumer health office shall adopt administrative rules in accordance with
9785     Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, that establish uniform electronic
9786     standards for insurers, employers, brokers, consumers, and vendors to use when transmitting or
9787     receiving information, uniform applications, waivers of coverage, or payments to, or from, the
9788     Health Insurance Exchange.
9789          (b) The administrative rules adopted by the consumer health office shall:
9790          (i) promote an efficient and consumer friendly process for shopping for and enrolling
9791     in a health benefit plan offered on the Health Insurance Exchange; and
9792          (ii) if appropriate, as determined by the consumer health office, comply with standards
9793     adopted at the national level.
9794          (2) The consumer health office shall assist the risk adjuster board created under Title
9795     31A, Chapter 42, Defined Contribution Risk Adjuster Act, and carriers participating in the
9796     defined contribution market on the Health Insurance Exchange with the determination of when
9797     an employer is eligible to participate in the Health Insurance Exchange under Title 31A,
9798     Chapter 30, Part 2, Defined Contribution Arrangements.
9799          (3) (a) The consumer health office shall create an advisory board to advise the
9800     exchange concerning the operation of the exchange, the consumer experience on the exchange,
9801     and transparency issues.

9802          (b) The advisory board shall have the following members:
9803          (i) two health producers who are appointed producers with the Health Insurance
9804     Exchange;
9805          (ii) two representatives from community-based, non-profit organizations;
9806          (iii) one representative from an employer that participates in the defined contribution
9807     market on the Health Insurance Exchange;
9808          (iv) up to four representatives from insurers who participate in the defined contribution
9809     market of the Health Insurance Exchange;
9810          (v) one representative from the Insurance Department; and
9811          (vi) one representative from the Department of Health.
9812          (c) Members of the advisory board shall serve without compensation.
9813          (4) The consumer health office shall post or facilitate the posting, on the Health
9814     Insurance Exchange, of the information required by this section and Section 31A-22-635 and
9815     links to websites that provide cost and quality information from the Department of Health Data
9816     Committee or neutral entities with a broad base of support from the provider and payer
9817     communities.
9818          Section 267. Section 63N-12-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-601 is
9819     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 1. State Advisory Council on Science and Technology

9822          [63M-1-601].      63N-12-101. Title -- Purpose.
9823          (1) This chapter is known as "Science and Education Programs."
9824          (2) This part is known as the "State Advisory Council on Science and Technology."
9825          (3) The purpose of this part is to establish an advisory council on science and
9826     technology to assist in the development of programs, communication, and use of science and
9827     technology in governmental organizations in the state.
9828          Section 268. Section 63N-12-102, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-602 is
9829     renumbered and amended to read:

9830          [63M-1-602].      63N-12-102. Definition of terms.
9831          As used in this part:
9832          (1) "Adviser" means the state science adviser appointed under this part.
9833          (2) "Council" means the State Advisory Council on Science and Technology created
9834     under this part.
9835          [(3) "Director" means the governor's director for economic development.]
9836          Section 269. Section 63N-12-103, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-603 is
9837     renumbered and amended to read:
9838          [63M-1-603].      63N-12-103. Creation.
9839          There is created the State Advisory Council on Science and Technology within the
9840     Governor's Office of Economic Development, which shall perform the functions and duties
9841     provided in this part.
9842          Section 270. Section 63N-12-104, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-604 is
9843     renumbered and amended to read:
9844          [63M-1-604].      63N-12-104. Members -- Appointment -- Terms --
9845     Qualifications -- Vacancies -- Chair and vice chair -- Executive secretary -- Executive
9846     committee -- Quorum -- Expenses.
9847          (1) The council comprises the following nonvoting members or their designees:
9848          (a) the adviser;
9849          (b) the executive director of the Department of Natural Resources;
9850          (c) the executive director of the Department of Heritage and Arts;
9851          (d) the executive director of the Department of Health;
9852          (e) the executive director of the Department of Environmental Quality;
9853          (f) the commissioner of agriculture and food;
9854          (g) the commissioner of higher education;
9855          (h) the state planning coordinator; and
9856          (i) the executive director of the Department of Transportation.
9857          (2) The governor may appoint other voting members, not to exceed 12.

9858          (3) (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b), as terms of current council members
9859     expire, the governor shall appoint each new member or reappointed member to a four-year
9860     term.
9861          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the governor shall, at the
9862     time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
9863     council members are staggered so that approximately half of the council is appointed every two
9864     years.
9865          (4) The governor shall consider all institutions of higher education in the state in the
9866     appointment of council members.
9867          (5) The voting members of the council shall be experienced or knowledgeable in the
9868     application of science and technology to business, industry, or public problems and have
9869     demonstrated their interest in and ability to contribute to the accomplishment of the purposes of
9870     this part.
9871          (6) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
9872     appointed for the unexpired term.
9873          (7) (a) Each year the council shall select from its membership a chair and a vice chair.
9874          (b) The chair and vice chair shall hold office for one year or until a successor is
9875     appointed and qualified.
9876          (8) The adviser serves as executive secretary of the council.
9877          (9) An executive committee shall be established consisting of the chair, vice chair, and
9878     the adviser.
9879          (10) (a) In order to conduct business matters of the council at regularly convened
9880     meetings, a quorum consisting of a simple majority of the total voting membership of the
9881     council is required.
9882          (b) All matters of business affecting public policy require not less than a simple
9883     majority of affirmative votes of the total membership.
9884          (11) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
9885     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:

9886          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
9887          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
9888          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance [pursuant to] under Sections 63A-3-106 and
9889     63A-3-107.
9890          Section 271. Section 63N-12-105, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-605 is
9891     renumbered and amended to read:
9892          [63M-1-605].      63N-12-105. Duties and powers.
9893          (1) The council shall:
9894          (a) encourage the use of science and technology in the administration of state and local
9895     government;
9896          (b) develop programs whereby state agencies and the several public and private
9897     institutions of higher education and technical colleges within the state may assist business and
9898     industry in the utilization of science and technology;
9899          (c) further communication between agencies of federal, state, and local government
9900     who wish to utilize science and technology;
9901          (d) develop programs of cooperation on matters of science and technology between:
9902          (i) state and local government agencies;
9903          (ii) the several public and private institutions of higher education and technical
9904     colleges within the state; and
9905          (iii) business and industry within the state; or
9906          (iv) any combination of these;
9907          (e) provide a means whereby government, business, industry, and higher education
9908     may be represented in the formulation and implementation of state policies and programs on
9909     matters of science and technology;
9910          (f) review, catalog, and compile the research and development uses by the state
9911     universities of the revenue derived from mineral lease funds on state and federal lands;
9912          (g) submit an annual report to the office regarding the expenditure and utilization of
9913     these mineral lease funds for inclusion in the office's annual written report described in Section

9914     [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301;
9915          (h) make recommendations to the Legislature on the further uses of these mineral lease
9916     funds in order to stimulate research and development directed toward the more effective
9917     utilization of the state's natural resources; and
9918          (i) prepare and submit, before November 1, an annual written report to the governor
9919     and the Legislature.
9920          (2) The council may:
9921          (a) in accordance with Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures Act, apply for,
9922     receive, and disburse funds, contributions, or grants from whatever source for the purposes set
9923     forth in this part;
9924          (b) employ, compensate, and prescribe the duties and powers of those individuals,
9925     subject to the provisions of this part relating to the adviser, necessary to execute the duties and
9926     powers of the council; and
9927          (c) enter into contracts for the purposes of this part.
9928          Section 272. Section 63N-12-106, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-606 is
9929     renumbered and amended to read:
9930          [63M-1-606].      63N-12-106. Adviser -- Duties and powers.
9931          (1) The adviser shall be appointed by the governor.
9932          (2) The adviser shall be experienced or knowledgeable in the application of science
9933     and technology to business, industry, or public problems and shall have demonstrated interest
9934     in or ability to contribute to the accomplishment of the purposes of this part.
9935          (3) The adviser shall be compensated pursuant to the wage and salary classification
9936     plan for appointed officers of the state currently in effect.
9937          (4) (a) The adviser shall have those duties and powers the council assigns.
9938          (b) The adviser, with the advice of the council, may enter into contracts and
9939     agreements and may incur expenses necessary to fulfill the purposes of this part.
9940          (5) The adviser shall be administratively responsible to the executive director of the
9941     office.

9942          Section 273. Section 63N-12-107, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-607 is
9943     renumbered and amended to read:
9944          [63M-1-607].      63N-12-107. Request for information.
9945          All departments, divisions, boards, commissions, agencies, institutions, and all other
9946     instrumentalities of the state shall, upon request of the council, provide the council with any
9947     information that these instrumentalities have concerning research in science and technology.
9948          Section 274. Section 63N-12-108, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-608 is
9949     renumbered and amended to read:
9950          [63M-1-608].      63N-12-108. Science education program.
9951          (1) (a) There is established an informal science and technology education program
9952     within the [Governor's Office of Economic Development] office.
9953          (b) The state science advisor shall act as the [executive] director of the program.
9954          (c) The State Advisory Council on Science and Technology shall advise the program,
9955     including:
9956          (i) approving all money expended by the science and technology education program;
9957          (ii) approving all operations of the program; and
9958          (iii) making policies and procedures to govern the program.
9959          (2) The program may:
9960          (a) provide informal science and technology-based education to elementary and
9961     secondary students;
9962          (b) expose public education students to college level science and technology
9963     disciplines; and
9964          (c) provide other informal promotion of science and technology education in the state.
9965          Section 275. Section 63N-12-201 is enacted to read:
Part 2. STEM Action Center

9967          63N-12-201. Title.
9968          This part is known as the "STEM Action Center."
9969          Section 276. Section 63N-12-202, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3201 is

9970     renumbered and amended to read:
9971          [63M-1-3201].      63N-12-202. Definitions.
9972          As used in this part:
9973          (1) "Board" means the STEM Action Center Board created in Section [63M-1-3202]
9974     63N-12-203.
9975          (2) "Educator" has the same meaning as defined in Section 53A-6-103.
9976          (3) "High quality professional development" means professional development that
9977     meets high quality standards developed by the State Board of Education.
9978          (4) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
9979          (5) "Provider" means a provider, selected by staff of the board and staff of the Utah
9980     State Board of Education, on behalf of the board:
9981          (a) through a request for proposals process; or
9982          (b) through a direct award or sole source procurement process for a pilot described in
9983     Section [63M-1-3205] 63N-12-206.
9984          (6) "STEM" means science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
9985          (7) "STEM Action Center" means the center described in Section [63M-1-3204]
9986     63N-12-205.
9987          Section 277. Section 63N-12-203, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3202 is
9988     renumbered and amended to read:
9989          [63M-1-3202].      63N-12-203. STEM Action Center Board creation --
9990     Membership.
9991          (1) There is created the STEM Action Center Board within the office, composed of the
9992     following members:
9993          (a) six private sector members who represent business, appointed by the governor;
9994          (b) the state superintendent of public instruction or the state superintendent of public
9995     instruction's designee;
9996          (c) the commissioner of higher education or the commissioner of higher education's
9997     designee;

9998          (d) one member appointed by the governor;
9999          (e) a member of the State Board of Education, chosen by the chair of the State Board of
10000     Education;
10001          (f) the executive director of the [Governor's Office of Economic Development] office
10002     or the executive [director of the Governor's Office of Economic Development's] director's
10003     designee;
10004          (g) the president of the Utah College of Applied Technology or the president of the
10005     Utah College of Applied Technology's designee; and
10006          (h) one member who has a degree in engineering and experience working in a
10007     government military installation, appointed by the governor.
10008          (2) (a) The private sector members appointed by the governor in Subsection (1)(a) shall
10009     represent a business or trade association whose primary focus is science, technology, or
10010     engineering.
10011          (b) Except as required by Subsection (2)(c), members appointed by the governor shall
10012     be appointed to four-year terms.
10013          (c) The length of terms of the members shall be staggered so that approximately half of
10014     the committee is appointed every two years.
10015          (d) The members may not serve more than two full consecutive terms except where the
10016     governor determines that an additional term is in the best interest of the state.
10017          (e) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
10018     appointed for the unexpired term.
10019          (3) Attendance of a simple majority of the members constitutes a quorum for the
10020     transaction of official committee business.
10021          (4) Formal action by the committee requires a majority vote of a quorum.
10022          (5) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, but
10023     may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
10024          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
10025          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and

10026          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance [pursuant to] under Sections 63A-3-106 and
10027     63A-3-107.
10028          (6) The governor shall select the chair of the board to serve a one-year term.
10029          (7) The executive director of the [Governor's Office of Economic Development] office
10030     or the executive [director of the Governor's Office of Economic Development's] director's
10031     designee shall serve as the vice chair of the board.
10032          Section 278. Section 63N-12-204, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3203 is
10033     renumbered and amended to read:
10034          [63M-1-3203].      63N-12-204. STEM Action Center Board -- Duties.
10035          (1) The board shall:
10036          (a) establish a STEM Action Center to:
10037          (i) coordinate STEM activities in the state among the following stakeholders:
10038          (A) the State Board of Education;
10039          (B) school districts and charter schools;
10040          (C) the State Board of Regents;
10041          (D) institutions of higher education;
10042          (E) parents of home-schooled students; and
10043          (F) other state agencies;
10044          (ii) align public education STEM activities with higher education STEM activities; and
10045          (iii) create and coordinate best practices among public education and higher education;
10046          (b) with the consent of the Senate, appoint [an executive] a director to oversee the
10047     administration of the STEM Action Center;
10048          (c) select a physical location for the STEM Action Center;
10049          (d) strategically engage industry and business entities to cooperate with the board:
10050          (i) to support high quality professional development and provide other assistance for
10051     educators and students; and
10052          (ii) to provide private funding and support for the STEM Action Center;
10053          (e) give direction to the STEM Action Center and the providers selected through a

10054     request for proposals process pursuant to this part; and
10055          (f) work to meet the following expectations:
10056          (i) that at least 50 educators are implementing best practice learning tools in
10057     classrooms per each product specialist or manager working with the STEM Action Center;
10058          (ii) performance change in student achievement in each classroom working with a
10059     STEM Action Center product specialist or manager; and
10060          (iii) that students from at least 50 high schools participate in the STEM competitions,
10061     fairs, and camps described in Subsection [63M-1-3204] 63N-12-205(2)(d).
10062          (2) The board may:
10063          (a) enter into contracts for the purposes of this part;
10064          (b) apply for, receive, and disburse funds, contributions, or grants from any source for
10065     the purposes set forth in this part;
10066          (c) employ, compensate, and prescribe the duties and powers of individuals necessary
10067     to execute the duties and powers of the board;
10068          (d) prescribe the duties and powers of the STEM Action Center providers; and
10069          (e) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
10070     make rules to administer this part.
10071          (3) The board may establish a foundation to assist in:
10072          (a) the development and implementation of the programs authorized under this part to
10073     promote STEM education; and
10074          (b) implementation of other STEM education objectives described in this part.
10075          (4) A foundation established by the board under Subsection (3):
10076          (a) may solicit and receive contributions from a private organization for STEM
10077     education objectives described in this part;
10078          (b) shall comply with Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act;
10079          (c) does not have power or authority to incur contractual obligations or liabilities that
10080     constitute a claim against public funds;
10081          (d) may not exercise executive or administrative authority over the programs or other

10082     activities described in this part, except to the extent specifically authorized by the board;
10083          (e) shall provide the board with information detailing transactions and balances of
10084     funds managed for the board; and
10085          (f) may not:
10086          (i) engage in lobbying activities;
10087          (ii) attempt to influence legislation; or
10088          (iii) participate in any campaign activity for or against:
10089          (A) a political candidate; or
10090          (B) an initiative, referendum, proposed constitutional amendment, bond, or any other
10091     ballot proposition submitted to the voters.
10092          (5) Money donated to a foundation established under Subsection (3) may be accounted
10093     for in an expendable special revenue fund.
10094          Section 279. Section 63N-12-205, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3204 is
10095     renumbered and amended to read:
10096          [63M-1-3204].      63N-12-205. STEM Action Center.
10097          (1) As funding allows, the board shall:
10098          (a) establish a STEM Action Center;
10099          (b) ensure that the STEM Action Center:
10100          (i) is accessible by the public; and
10101          (ii) includes the components described in Subsection (2);
10102          (c) work cooperatively with the State Board of Education to:
10103          (i) further STEM education; and
10104          (ii) ensure best practices are implemented as described in Sections [63M-1-3205]
10105     63N-12-206 and [63M-1-3206] 63N-12-207; and
10106          (d) engage private entities to provide financial support or employee time for STEM
10107     activities in schools in addition to what is currently provided by private entities.
10108          (2) As funding allows, the [executive] director of the STEM Action Center shall:
10109          (a) support high quality professional development for educators regarding STEM

10110     education;
10111          (b) ensure that the STEM Action Center acts as a research and development center for
10112     STEM education through a request for proposals process described in Section [63M-1-3205]
10113     63N-12-206;
10114          (c) review and acquire STEM education related materials and products for:
10115          (i) high quality professional development;
10116          (ii) assessment, data collection, analysis, and reporting; and
10117          (iii) public school instruction;
10118          (d) facilitate participation in interscholastic STEM related competitions, fairs, camps,
10119     and STEM education activities;
10120          (e) engage private industry in the development and maintenance of the STEM Action
10121     Center and STEM Action Center projects;
10122          (f) use resources to bring the latest STEM education learning tools into public
10123     education classrooms;
10124          (g) identify at least 10 best practice innovations used in Utah that have resulted in at
10125     least 80% of students performing at grade level in STEM areas;
10126          (h) identify best practices being used outside the state and, as appropriate, develop and
10127     implement selected practices through a pilot program;
10128          (i) identify:
10129          (i) learning tools for kindergarten through grade 6 identified as best practices; and
10130          (ii) learning tools for grades 7 through 12 identified as best practices;
10131          (j) provide a Utah best practices database, including best practices from public
10132     education, higher education, the Utah Education and Telehealth Network, and other STEM
10133     related entities;
10134          (k) keep track of the following items related to the best practices database described in
10135     Subsection (2)(j):
10136          (i) how the best practices database is being used; and
10137          (ii) how many individuals are using the database, including the demographics of the

10138     users, if available;
10139          (l) as appropriate, join and participate in a national STEM network;
10140          (m) identify performance changes linked to use of the best practices database described
10141     in Subsection (2)(j);
10142          (n) work cooperatively with the State Board of Education to designate schools as
10143     STEM schools, where the schools have agreed to adopt a plan of STEM implementation in
10144     alignment with criteria set by the State Board of Education and the board;
10145          (o) support best methods of high quality professional development for STEM
10146     education in kindergarten through grade 12, including methods of high quality professional
10147     development that reduce cost and increase effectiveness, to help educators learn how to most
10148     effectively implement best practice learning tools in classrooms;
10149          (p) recognize a high school's achievement in the STEM competitions, fairs, and camps
10150     described in Subsection (2)(d);
10151          (q) send student results from STEM competitions, fairs, and camps described in
10152     Subsection (2)(d) to media and ask the media to report on them;
10153          (r) develop and distribute STEM information to parents of students being served by the
10154     STEM Action Center;
10155          (s) support targeted high quality professional development for improved instruction in
10156     STEM education, including:
10157          (i) improved instructional materials that are dynamic and engaging for students;
10158          (ii) use of applied instruction; and
10159          (iii) introduction of other research-based methods that support student achievement in
10160     STEM areas; and
10161          (t) ensure that an online college readiness assessment tool be accessible by:
10162          (i) public education students; and
10163          (ii) higher education students.
10164          (3) The board may prescribe other duties for the STEM Action Center in addition to
10165     the responsibilities described in this section.

10166          (4) (a) The [executive] director shall track and compare the student performance of
10167     students participating in a STEM Action Center program to all other similarly situated students
10168     in the state, in the following STEM related activities, at the beginning and end of each year:
10169          (i) public education high school graduation rates;
10170          (ii) the number of students taking a remedial mathematics course at an institution of
10171     higher education described in Section 53B-2-101;
10172          (iii) the number of students who graduate from a Utah public school and begin a
10173     postsecondary education program; and
10174          (iv) the number of students, as compared to all similarly situated students, who are
10175     performing at grade level in STEM classes.
10176          (b) The State Board of Education and the State Board of Regents shall provide
10177     information to the board to assist the board in complying with the requirements of Subsection
10178     (4)(a) if allowed under federal law.
10179          Section 280. Section 63N-12-206, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3205 is
10180     renumbered and amended to read:
10181          [63M-1-3205].      63N-12-206. Acquisition of STEM education related
10182     instructional technology program -- Research and development of education related
10183     instructional technology through a pilot program.
10184          (1) For purposes of this section:
10185          (a) "Pilot" means a pilot of the program.
10186          (b) "Program" means the STEM education related instructional technology program
10187     created in Subsection (2).
10188          (2) (a) There is created the STEM education related instructional technology program
10189     to provide public schools the STEM education related instructional technology described in
10190     Subsection (3).
10191          (b) On behalf of the board, the staff of the board and the staff of the State Board of
10192     Education shall collaborate and may select one or more providers, through a request for
10193     proposals process, to provide STEM education related instructional technology to school

10194     districts and charter schools.
10195          (c) On behalf of the board, the staff of the board and the staff of the State Board of
10196     Education shall consider and may accept an offer from a provider in response to the request for
10197     proposals described in Subsection (2)(b) even if the provider did not participate in a pilot
10198     described in Subsection (5).
10199          (3) The STEM education related instructional technology shall:
10200          (a) support mathematics instruction for students in:
10201          (i) kindergarten though grade 6; or
10202          (ii) grades 7 and 8; or
10203          (b) support mathematics instruction for secondary students to prepare the secondary
10204     students for college mathematics courses.
10205          (4) In selecting a provider for STEM education related instructional technology to
10206     support mathematics instruction for the students described in Subsection (3)(a), the board shall
10207     consider the following criteria:
10208          (a) the technology contains individualized instructional support for skills and
10209     understanding of the core standards in mathematics;
10210          (b) the technology is self-adapting to respond to the needs and progress of the learner;
10211     and
10212          (c) the technology provides opportunities for frequent, quick, and informal assessments
10213     and includes an embedded progress monitoring tool and mechanisms for regular feedback to
10214     students and teachers.
10215          (5) Before issuing a request for proposals described in Subsection (2), on behalf of the
10216     board, the staff of the board and the staff of the State Board of Education shall collaborate and
10217     may:
10218          (a) conduct a pilot of the program to test and select providers for the program;
10219          (b) select at least two providers through a direct award or sole source procurement
10220     process for the purpose of conducting the pilot; and
10221          (c) select schools to participate in the pilot.

10222          (6) (a) A contract with a provider for STEM education related instructional technology
10223     may include professional development for full deployment of the STEM education related
10224     instructional technology.
10225          (b) No more than 10% of the money appropriated for the program may be used to
10226     provide professional development related to STEM education related instructional technology
10227     in addition to the professional development described in Subsection (6)(a).
10228          Section 281. Section 63N-12-207, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3206 is
10229     renumbered and amended to read:
10230          [63M-1-3206].      63N-12-207. Distribution of STEM education instructional
10231     technology to schools.
10232          (1) Subject to legislative appropriations, on behalf of the board, the staff of the board
10233     and the staff of the State Board of Education shall collaborate and shall:
10234          (a) distribute STEM education related instructional technology described in Section
10235     [63M-1-3205] 63N-12-206 to school districts and charter schools; and
10236          (b) provide related professional development to the school districts and charter schools
10237     that receive STEM education related instructional technology.
10238          (2) A school district or charter school may apply to the board, through a competitive
10239     process, to receive STEM education related instructional technology from the board.
10240          (3) A school district or charter school that receives STEM education related
10241     instructional technology as described in this section shall provide the school district's or charter
10242     school's own computer hardware.
10243          Section 282. Section 63N-12-208, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3207 is
10244     renumbered and amended to read:
10245          [63M-1-3207].      63N-12-208. Report to Legislature and the State Board of
10246     Education.
10247          (1) The board shall report the progress of the STEM Action Center, including the
10248     information described in Subsection (2), to the following groups once each year:
10249          (a) the Education Interim Committee;

10250          (b) the Public Education Appropriations Subcommittee;
10251          (c) the State Board of Education; and
10252          (d) the office for inclusion in the office's annual written report described in Section
10253     [63M-1-206] 63N-1-301.
10254          (2) The report described in Subsection (1) shall include information that demonstrates
10255     the effectiveness of the program, including:
10256          (a) the number of educators receiving high quality professional development;
10257          (b) the number of students receiving services from the STEM Action Center;
10258          (c) a list of the providers selected pursuant to this part;
10259          (d) a report on the STEM Action Center's fulfilment of its duties described in Section
10260     [63M-1-3204] 63N-12-205; and
10261          (e) student performance of students participating in a STEM Action Center program as
10262     collected in Subsection [63M-1-3204] 63N-12-205(4).
10263          Section 283. Section 63N-12-209, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3208 is
10264     renumbered and amended to read:
10265          [63M-1-3208].      63N-12-209. STEM education endorsements and incentive
10266     program.
10267          (1) The State Board of Education shall collaborate with the STEM Action Center to:
10268          (a) develop STEM education endorsements; and
10269          (b) create and implement financial incentives for:
10270          (i) an educator to earn an elementary or secondary STEM education endorsement
10271     described in Subsection (1)(a); and
10272          (ii) a school district or a charter school to have STEM endorsed educators on staff.
10273          (2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
10274     State Board of Education shall make rules to establish how a STEM education endorsement
10275     incentive described in Subsection (1)[(a)] will be valued on a salary scale for educators.
10276          Section 284. Section 63N-12-210, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3209 is
10277     renumbered and amended to read:

10278          [63M-1-3209].      63N-12-210. Acquisition of STEM education high quality
10279     professional development.
10280          (1) The STEM Action Center shall, through a request for proposals process, select
10281     technology providers for the purpose of providing a STEM education high quality professional
10282     development application.
10283          (2) The high quality professional development application described in Subsection (1)
10284     shall:
10285          (a) allow the State Board of Education, a school district, or a school to define the
10286     application's input and track results of the high quality professional development;
10287          (b) allow educators to access automatic tools, resources, and strategies;
10288          (c) allow educators to work in online learning communities, including giving and
10289     receiving feedback via uploaded video;
10290          (d) track and report data on the usage of the components of the application's system
10291     and the relationship to improvement in classroom instruction;
10292          (e) include video examples of highly effective STEM education teaching that:
10293          (i) cover a cross section of grade levels and subjects;
10294          (ii) under the direction of the State Board of Education, include videos of highly
10295     effective Utah STEM educators; and
10296          (iii) contain tools to help educators implement what they have learned; and
10297          (f) allow for additional STEM education video content to be added.
10298          (3) In addition to the high quality professional development application described in
10299     Subsections (1) and (2), the STEM Action Center may create STEM education hybrid or
10300     blended high quality professional development that allows for face-to-face applied learning.
10301          Section 285. Section 63N-12-211, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3210 is
10302     renumbered and amended to read:
10303          [63M-1-3210].      63N-12-211. STEM education middle school applied science
10304     initiative.
10305          (1) The STEM Action Center shall develop an applied science initiative for students in

10306     grades 7 and 8 that includes:
10307          (a) a STEM applied science curriculum with instructional materials;
10308          (b) STEM hybrid or blended high quality professional development that allows for
10309     face-to-face applied learning; and
10310          (c) hands-on tools for STEM applied science learning.
10311          (2) The STEM Action Center may, through a request for proposals process, select a
10312     consultant to assist in developing the initiative described in Subsection (1).
10313          Section 286. Section 63N-12-212, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-3211 is
10314     renumbered and amended to read:
10315          [63M-1-3211].      63N-12-212. High school STEM education initiative.
10316          (1) Subject to legislative appropriations, after consulting with State Board of Education
10317     staff, the STEM Action Center shall award grants to school districts and charter schools to fund
10318     STEM related certification for high school students.
10319          (2) (a) A school district or charter school may apply for a grant from the STEM Action
10320     Center, through a competitive process, to fund the school district's or charter school's STEM
10321     related certification training program.
10322          (b) A school district's or charter school's STEM related certification training program
10323     shall:
10324          (i) prepare high school students to be job ready for available STEM related positions of
10325     employment; and
10326          (ii) when a student completes the program, result in the student gaining a nationally
10327     industry-recognized employer STEM related certification.
10328          (3) A school district or charter school may partner with one or more of the following to
10329     provide a STEM related certification program:
10330          (a) a Utah College of Applied Technology college campus;
10331          (b) Salt Lake Community College;
10332          (c) Snow College; or
10333          (d) a private sector employer.

10334          Section 287. Section 63N-13-101, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2101 is
10335     renumbered and amended to read:

Part 1. Procurement Assistance

10338          [63M-1-2101].      63N-13-101. Title -- Projects to assist companies to secure
10339     new business with federal, state, and local governments.
10340          (1) This chapter is known as "Procurement Programs."
10341          [(1)] (2) The Legislature recognizes that:
10342          (a) many Utah companies provide products and services which are routinely procured
10343     by a myriad of governmental entities at all levels of government, but that attempting to
10344     understand and comply with the numerous certification, registration, proposal, and contract
10345     requirements associated with government procurement often raises significant barriers for
10346     those companies with no government contracting experience;
10347          (b) the costs associated with obtaining a government contract for products or services
10348     often prevent most small businesses from working in the governmental procurement market;
10349          (c) currently a majority of federal procurement opportunities are contracted to
10350     businesses located outside of the state;
10351          (d) the Governor's Office of Economic Development currently administers programs
10352     and initiatives that help create and grow companies in Utah and recruit companies to Utah
10353     through the use of state employees, public-private partnerships, and contractual services; and
10354          (e) there exists a significant opportunity for Utah companies to secure new business
10355     with federal, state, and local governments.
10356          [(2)] (3) The office, through its executive director:
10357          (a) shall manage and direct the administration of state and federal programs and
10358     initiatives whose purpose is to procure federal, state, and local governmental contracts;
10359          (b) may require program accountability measures; and
10360          (c) may receive and distribute legislative appropriations and public and private grants
10361     for projects and programs that:

10362          (i) are focused on growing Utah companies and positively impacting statewide
10363     revenues by helping these companies secure new business with federal, state, and local
10364     governments;
10365          (ii) provide guidance to Utah companies interested in obtaining new business with
10366     federal, state, and local governmental entities;
10367          (iii) would facilitate marketing, business development, and expansion opportunities for
10368     Utah companies in cooperation with the Governor's Office of Economic Development's
10369     Procurement Technical Assistance Center Program and with public, nonprofit, or private sector
10370     partners such as local chambers of commerce, trade associations, or private contractors as
10371     determined by the office's director to successfully match Utah businesses with government
10372     procurement opportunities; and
10373          (iv) may include the following components:
10374          (A) recruitment, individualized consultation, and an introduction to government
10375     contracting;
10376          (B) specialized contractor training for companies located in Utah;
10377          (C) a Utah contractor matching program for government requirements;
10378          (D) experienced proposal and bid support; and
10379          (E) specialized support services.
10380          [(3)] (4) (a) The office, through its executive director, shall make any distribution
10381     referred to in Subsection [(2)] (3) on a semiannual basis.
10382          (b) A recipient of money distributed under this section shall provide the office with a
10383     set of standard monthly reports, the content of which shall be determined by the office to
10384     include at least the following information:
10385          (i) consultive meetings with Utah companies;
10386          (ii) seminars or training meetings held;
10387          (iii) government contracts awarded to Utah companies;
10388          (iv) increased revenues generated by Utah companies from new government contracts;
10389          (v) jobs created;

10390          (vi) salary ranges of new jobs; and
10391          (vii) the value of contracts generated.
10392          Section 288. Section 63N-13-201, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2601 is
10393     renumbered and amended to read:
Part 2. Government Procurement Private Proposal Program

10395          [63M-1-2601].      63N-13-201. Title.
10396          This part is known as the "Government Procurement Private Proposal Program."
10397          Section 289. Section 63N-13-202, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2602 is
10398     renumbered and amended to read:
10399          [63M-1-2602].      63N-13-202. Definitions.
10400          As used in this part:
10401          (1) "Affected department" means, as applicable, the Board of Education or the
10402     Department of Technology Services.
10403          (2) "Board" means the Board of Business and Economic Development created under
10404     Section [63M-1-301] 63N-1-401.
10405          (3) "Board of Education" means the Utah State Board of Education.
10406          (4) "Chief procurement officer" means the chief procurement officer appointed under
10407     Section 63G-6a-302.
10408          (5) "Committee" means the proposal review committee created under Section
10409     [63M-1-2604] 63N-13-204.
10410          (6) "Day" means a calendar day.
10411          [(7) "Director" is as defined in Section 63M-1-102.]
10412          [(8)] (7) "Executive Appropriations Committee" means the Legislature's Executive
10413     Appropriations Committee.
10414          [(9)] (8) "Information technology" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section
10415     63F-1-102.
10416          [(10) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development created under
10417     Section 63M-1-201.]

10418          [(11)] (9) "Private entity" means a person submitting a proposal under this part for the
10419     purpose of entering into a project.
10420          [(12)] (10) "Project" means the subject of a proposal or an agreement for the
10421     procurement or disposal of:
10422          (a) information technology or telecommunications products or services; or
10423          (b) supplies or services for or on behalf of the Department of Technology Services or
10424     the Board of Education.
10425          [(13)] (11) "Proposal" means an unsolicited offer by a private entity to undertake a
10426     project, including an initial proposal under Section [63M-1-2605] 63N-13-205 and a detailed
10427     proposal under Section [63M-1-2608] 63N-13-208.
10428          [(14)] (12) "Services" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
10429          [(15)] (13) "Supplies" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
10430          [(16)] (14) "Telecommunications" [is] has the same meaning as defined in Section
10431     63F-1-102.
10432          Section 290. Section 63N-13-203, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2603 is
10433     renumbered and amended to read:
10434          [63M-1-2603].      63N-13-203. Government Procurement Private Proposal
10435     Program -- Proposals -- Rulemaking.
10436          (1) There is created within the office the Government Procurement Private Proposal
10437     Program.
10438          (2) In accordance with this part, the board may:
10439          (a) accept a proposal for a project;
10440          (b) solicit comments, suggestions, and modifications to a project in accordance with
10441     Section 63G-6a-711; and
10442          (c) make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
10443     Rulemaking Act, establishing requirements, including time limits for any action required by the
10444     affected department, a directly affected state entity or school district, or the Governor's Office
10445     of Management and Budget, for the procurement of a project to the extent not governed by

10446     Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah Procurement Code.
10447          Section 291. Section 63N-13-204, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2604 is
10448     renumbered and amended to read:
10449          [63M-1-2604].      63N-13-204. Committee for reviewing proposals --
10450     Appointment -- Accepting or rejecting a proposal.
10451          (1) The executive director shall appoint a committee composed of members of the
10452     board to review and evaluate a proposal submitted in accordance with this part.
10453          (2) The executive director shall determine the number of board members that constitute
10454     a committee.
10455          (3) The committee shall, at all times, consist of less than a quorum of the members of
10456     the board, as established under Section [63M-1-301] 63N-1-401.
10457          (4) A committee member shall serve on the committee until:
10458          (a) replaced by the executive director; or
10459          (b) the committee member ceases to be a member of the board.
10460          (5) The executive director may fill a vacancy among voting members on the
10461     committee.
10462          (6) The committee shall include the following nonvoting members in addition to the
10463     members appointed under Subsection (1):
10464          (a) a member of the Senate, appointed by the president of the Senate; and
10465          (b) a member of the House of Representatives, appointed by the speaker of the House
10466     of Representatives, who may not be from the same political party as the member of the Senate
10467     appointed under Subsection (6)(a).
10468          (7) (a) A vacancy among legislative members appointed under Subsection (6) shall be
10469     filled by the president of the Senate or the speaker of the House of Representatives,
10470     respectively.
10471          (b) At the time of appointment or reappointment, the president of the Senate and the
10472     speaker of the House of Representatives shall consult to ensure that the legislative members
10473     appointed under Subsection (6) are not members of the same political party.

10474          (8) A committee member is subject to Title 67, Chapter 16, Utah Public Officers' and
10475     Employees' Ethics Act, and any additional requirement established by the board in accordance
10476     with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
10477          (9) The committee shall inform a private entity of the committee's decision to approve
10478     or reject a proposal in writing.
10479          (10) If the committee, in its sole discretion, accepts a proposal, the proposal shall be
10480     evaluated under this part.
10481          (11) If the committee, in its sole discretion, rejects a proposal, the committee shall
10482     notify the private entity of the reason for the rejection and shall return any remaining portion of
10483     the fee required under Section [63M-1-2612] 63N-13-212.
10484          Section 292. Section 63N-13-205, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2605 is
10485     renumbered and amended to read:
10486          [63M-1-2605].      63N-13-205. Initial proposal -- Requirements.
10487          (1) In accordance with this part, a private entity may at any time submit to the
10488     committee an initial proposal for a project.
10489          (2) An initial proposal shall include:
10490          (a) a conceptual description of the project;
10491          (b) a description of the economic benefit of the project to the state and the affected
10492     department;
10493          (c) information concerning the products, services, and supplies currently being
10494     provided by the state, that are similar to the project;
10495          (d) an estimate of the following costs associated with the project:
10496          (i) design;
10497          (ii) implementation;
10498          (iii) operation and maintenance; and
10499          (iv) any other related project cost; and
10500          (e) the name and address of a person who may be contacted for further information
10501     concerning the initial proposal.

10502          (3) A private entity submitting an initial proposal under this section shall pay the fee
10503     required by Section [63M-1-2612] 63N-13-212 when the initial proposal is submitted.
10504          (4) An initial proposal submitted under this section is a protected record under Title
10505     63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act, until the chief
10506     procurement officer initiates a procurement process in accordance with Section 63G-6a-711.
10507          (5) The board shall make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
10508     Administrative Rulemaking Act, detailing the portions of an initial proposal that remain
10509     protected after the chief procurement officer initiates a procurement process.
10510          Section 293. Section 63N-13-206, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2606 is
10511     renumbered and amended to read:
10512          [63M-1-2606].      63N-13-206. Review of initial proposal -- Affected
10513     department review.
10514          (1) The committee shall review and evaluate an initial proposal submitted in
10515     accordance with:
10516          (a) this part; and
10517          (b) any rule established by the board under Section [63M-1-2603] 63N-13-203.
10518          (2) If the committee, in its sole discretion, determines to proceed with the project, the
10519     committee shall submit a copy of the initial proposal to:
10520          (a) the affected department; and
10521          (b) the Governor's Office of Management and Budget.
10522          (3) (a) An affected department, directly affected state entity, and school district
10523     receiving a copy of the initial proposal under Subsection (2) or (4) shall review the initial
10524     proposal and provide the committee with any comment, suggestion, or modification to the
10525     project.
10526          (b) After receiving an initial proposal, the Governor's Office of Management and
10527     Budget shall prepare an economic feasibility report containing:
10528          (i) information concerning the economic feasibility and effectiveness of the project
10529     based upon competent evidence;

10530          (ii) a dollar amount representing the total estimated fiscal impact of the project to the
10531     affected department and the state; and
10532          (iii) any other matter the committee requests or is required by the board by rule.
10533          (4) In reviewing an initial proposal, the affected department shall share the initial
10534     proposal with any other state entity or school district that will be directly affected if the
10535     proposal is ultimately adopted, if the confidentiality of the initial proposal is maintained.
10536          (5) If the committee determines to proceed with the project, the committee shall submit
10537     a copy of the initial proposal, including any comment, suggestion, or modification to the initial
10538     proposal, to:
10539          (a) the chief procurement officer in accordance with Section 63G-6a-711; and
10540          (b) the Executive Appropriations Committee, for informational purposes.
10541          (6) Before taking any action under Subsection (5), the committee shall consider:
10542          (a) any comment, suggestion, or modification to the initial proposal submitted in
10543     accordance with Subsection (3);
10544          (b) the extent to which the project is practical, efficient, and economically beneficial to
10545     the state and the affected department;
10546          (c) the economic feasibility report prepared by the Governor's Office of Management
10547     and Budget; and
10548          (d) any other reasonable factor identified by the committee or required by the board by
10549     rule.
10550          Section 294. Section 63N-13-207, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2607 is
10551     renumbered and amended to read:
10552          [63M-1-2607].      63N-13-207. Acceptance of initial proposal -- Obtaining
10553     detailed proposals.
10554          (1) If an initial proposal is accepted under Section [63M-1-2606] 63N-13-206, the
10555     chief procurement officer shall:
10556          (a) take action under Section 63G-6a-711 to initiate a procurement process to obtain
10557     one or more detailed proposals using information from portions of the initial proposal that are

10558     not protected records under Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
10559     Management Act;
10560          (b) consult with the committee during the procurement process; and
10561          (c) submit all detailed proposals that meet the guidelines established under Subsection
10562     [63M-1-2608] 63N-13-208(1), including the detailed proposal submitted by the private entity
10563     that submitted the initial proposal for the project, to:
10564          (i) the committee; and
10565          (ii) the Governor's Office of Management and Budget.
10566          (2) The office is considered the purchasing agency for a procurement process initiated
10567     under this part.
10568          Section 295. Section 63N-13-208, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2608 is
10569     renumbered and amended to read:
10570          [63M-1-2608].      63N-13-208. Detailed proposal -- Requirements --
10571     Cooperation of affected department.
10572          (1) A detailed proposal submitted in response to a procurement process initiated under
10573     Section [63M-1-2607] 63N-13-207 shall include:
10574          (a) a conceptual description of the project, including the scope of the work;
10575          (b) a description of the economic benefit of the project to the state and the affected
10576     department;
10577          (c) an estimate of the design, implementation, operation, maintenance, or other costs
10578     associated with the project;
10579          (d) information concerning the information technology or telecommunication product
10580     and service or other supply or service currently provided by the state that is similar to the
10581     project being proposed, if applicable;
10582          (e) a statement setting forth the private entity's general plan for financing the project,
10583     including any appropriation by the Legislature or other public money and, if applicable, the
10584     sources of the private entity's funds and identification of any dedicated revenue source or
10585     proposed debt or equity investment on behalf of the private entity;

10586          (f) the name and address of the person who may be contacted for further information
10587     concerning the detailed proposal;
10588          (g) a statement describing the private entity's experience with other similar projects and
10589     a description of why the private entity is best qualified for the project; and
10590          (h) any other information:
10591          (i) reasonably requested by the affected department or the committee, or required by
10592     the board by rule; or
10593          (ii) that the private entity considers necessary or appropriate to complete or describe
10594     the detailed proposal.
10595          (2) To assist each private entity in preparing a detailed proposal:
10596          (a) the affected department shall provide each private entity with access to all
10597     information, records, documents, and reports related to the proposal and the project that are
10598     designated public records under Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
10599     Management Act; and
10600          (b) the affected department and the committee shall cooperate with each private entity
10601     to assist the private entity in the development of a detailed proposal that is:
10602          (i) practical;
10603          (ii) efficient; and
10604          (iii) economically beneficial to the state and the affected department.
10605          (3) The committee or any private entity may choose to terminate the development of
10606     the detailed proposal at any time before the submission of the detailed proposal to the chief
10607     procurement officer under Section 63G-6a-711.
10608          Section 296. Section 63N-13-209, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2609 is
10609     renumbered and amended to read:
10610          [63M-1-2609].      63N-13-209. Receipt of detailed proposals -- Economic
10611     feasibility report -- Acceptance of a detailed proposal.
10612          (1) If the committee, in its sole discretion, determines that a detailed proposal does not
10613     substantially meet the guidelines established under Subsection [63M-1-2608] 63N-13-208(1),

10614     the committee may elect not to review the detailed proposal.
10615          (2) (a) After receiving a detailed proposal, the Governor's Office of Management and
10616     Budget shall update the economic feasibility report prepared under Section [63M-1-2606]
10617     63N-13-206.
10618          (b) A detailed proposal that is to be reviewed by the committee shall be submitted to
10619     the affected department, a directly affected state entity, and a directly affected school district
10620     for comment or suggestion.
10621          (3) In determining which, if any, of the detailed proposals to accept, in addition to the
10622     proposal evaluation criteria, the committee shall consider the following factors:
10623          (a) any comment, suggestion, or modification offered in accordance with Subsection
10624     [63M-1-2606] 63N-13-206(3) or Subsection (2)(b);
10625          (b) the economic feasibility report updated in accordance with Subsection (2)(a);
10626          (c) the source of funding and any resulting constraint necessitated by the funding
10627     source;
10628          (d) any alternative funding proposal;
10629          (e) the extent to which the project is practical, efficient, and economically beneficial to
10630     the state and the affected department; and
10631          (f) any other reasonable factor identified by the committee or required by the board by
10632     rule.
10633          (4) (a) If the committee accepts a detailed proposal, the accepted detailed proposal
10634     shall be submitted to the board for approval.
10635          (b) If the affected department or a directly affected state entity or school district
10636     disputes the detailed proposal approved by the board, the Governor's Office of Management
10637     and Budget shall consider the detailed proposal and any comment, suggestion, or modification
10638     and determine whether to proceed with a project agreement.
10639          (c) If there is no funding for a project that is the subject of a detailed proposal and the
10640     committee determines to proceed with the project, the office shall submit a report to the
10641     Governor's Office of Management and Budget and the Executive Appropriations Committee

10642     detailing the position of the board, the affected department, a directly affected state entity or
10643     school district.
10644          (5) A detailed proposal received from a private entity other than the private entity that
10645     submitted the initial proposal may not be accepted in place of the detailed proposal offered by
10646     the private entity that submitted the initial proposal solely because of a lower cost if the lower
10647     cost is within the amount of the fee paid by the private entity that submitted the initial proposal
10648     for review of the initial proposal.
10649          Section 297. Section 63N-13-210, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2610 is
10650     renumbered and amended to read:
10651          [63M-1-2610].      63N-13-210. Project agreement.
10652          (1) If the board accepts the detailed proposal, the executive director shall:
10653          (a) prepare a project agreement in consultation with the affected department and any
10654     other state entity directly impacted by the detailed proposal; and
10655          (b) enter into the project agreement with the private entity.
10656          (2) A project agreement shall be signed by the executive director, the affected
10657     department, a directly affected state entity or school district, and the private entity.
10658          (3) A project agreement shall include provisions concerning:
10659          (a) the scope of the project;
10660          (b) the pricing method of the project;
10661          (c) the executive director's or the state's ability to terminate for convenience or for
10662     default, and any termination compensation to be paid to the private entity, if applicable;
10663          (d) the ability to monitor performance under the project agreement;
10664          (e) the appropriate limits of liability;
10665          (f) the appropriate transition of services, if applicable;
10666          (g) the exceptions from applicable rules and procedures for the implementation and
10667     administration of the project by the affected department, if any;
10668          (h) the clauses and remedies applicable to state contracts under Title 63G, Chapter 6a,
10669     Part 12, Contracts and Change Orders; and

10670          (i) any other matter reasonably requested by the committee or required by the board by
10671     rule.
10672          (4) A copy of the signed project agreement shall be submitted to:
10673          (a) the affected department; and
10674          (b) the Executive Appropriations Committee.
10675          (5) A project agreement is considered a contract under Title 63G, Chapter 6a, Utah
10676     Procurement Code.
10677          (6) The affected department shall implement and administer the project agreement in
10678     accordance with rules made under Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
10679     except as modified by the project agreement under Subsection (3)(g).
10680          Section 298. Section 63N-13-211, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2611 is
10681     renumbered and amended to read:
10682          [63M-1-2611].      63N-13-211. Advisory committee.
10683          (1) The executive director may appoint an advisory committee comprised of:
10684          (a) representatives of:
10685          (i) the affected department for the proposal;
10686          (ii) a directly affected state entity or school district;
10687          (iii) the Department of Human Resource Management; and
10688          (iv) the Division of Risk Management;
10689          (b) members of the public; and
10690          (c) other members.
10691          (2) A member of an advisory committee may not receive compensation or benefits for
10692     the member's service, but may receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
10693          (a) Section 63A-3-106;
10694          (b) Section 63A-3-107; and
10695          (c) rules made by the Division of Finance [pursuant to] under Sections 63A-3-106 and
10696     63A-3-107.
10697          (3) An advisory committee appointed in accordance with Subsection (1) may not

10698     participate in the final decision-making of the committee or the board.
10699          (4) The staff, any outside consultant, and any advisory subcommittee shall:
10700          (a) provide the committee and the board with professional services, including
10701     architectural, engineering, legal, and financial services, to develop rules and guidelines to
10702     implement the program described in this part; and
10703          (b) assist the committee and the board in:
10704          (i) reviewing and commenting on initial proposals;
10705          (ii) reviewing and commenting on detailed proposals; and
10706          (iii) preparing and negotiating the terms of any project agreement.
10707          Section 299. Section 63N-13-212, which is renumbered from Section 63M-1-2612 is
10708     renumbered and amended to read:
10709          [63M-1-2612].      63N-13-212. Private Proposal Expendable Special Revenue
10710     Fund -- Fees.
10711          (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund within the office called the
10712     Private Proposal Expendable Special Revenue Fund.
10713          (2) Money collected from the payment of a fee required by this part shall be deposited
10714     in the Private Proposal Expendable Special Revenue Fund.
10715          (3) The board or the committee may use the money in the Private Proposal Expendable
10716     Special Revenue Fund to offset:
10717          (a) the expense of hiring staff and engaging any outside consultant to review a proposal
10718     under this part; and
10719          (b) any expense incurred by the Governor's Office of Management and Budget or the
10720     affected department in the fulfillment of its duties under this part.
10721          (4) The board shall establish a fee in accordance with Section 63J-1-504 for:
10722          (a) reviewing an initial proposal;
10723          (b) reviewing any detailed proposal; and
10724          (c) preparing any project agreement.
10725          (5) The board may waive the fee established under Subsection (4) if the board

10726     determines that it is:
10727          (a) reasonable; and
10728          (b) in the best interest of the state.
10729          Section 300. Section 79-4-1103 is amended to read:
10730          79-4-1103. Governor's duties -- Priority of federal property.
10731          (1) During a fiscal emergency, the governor shall:
10732          (a) if financially practicable, work with the federal government to open and maintain
10733     the operation of one or more national parks, national monuments, national forests, and national
10734     recreation areas in the state, in the order established under this section; and
10735          (b) report to the speaker of the House and the president of the Senate on the need, if
10736     any, for additional appropriations to assist the division in opening and operating one or more
10737     national parks, national monuments, national forests, and national recreation areas in the state.
10738          (2) The director of the Outdoor Recreation Office, created in Section [63M-1-3304]
10739     63N-9-104, in consultation with the executive director of the Governor's Office of Economic
10740     Development, shall determine, by rule, the priority of national parks, national monuments,
10741     national forests, and national recreation areas in the state.
10742          (3) In determining the priority described in Subsection (2), the director of the Outdoor
10743     Recreation Office shall consider the:
10744          (a) economic impact of the national park, national monument, national forest, or
10745     national recreation area in the state; and
10746          (b) recreational value offered by the national park, national monument, national forest,
10747     or national recreation area.
10748          (4) The director of the Outdoor Recreation Office shall:
10749          (a) report the priority determined under Subsection (2) to the Natural Resources,
10750     Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee by November 30, 2014; and
10751          (b) annually review the priority set under Subsection (2) to determine whether the
10752     priority list should be amended.
10753          Section 301. Repealer.

10754          This bill repeals:
10755          Section 63M-1-204, Organization of office -- Jurisdiction of director.
10756          Section 63M-1-207, Daylight saving time study.
10757          Section 63M-1-301, Board of Business and Economic Development.
10758          Section 63M-1-304, Governor's Office of Economic Development -- Powers and
10759     duties of office -- Consulting with board on funds or services provided by office.
10760          Section 63M-1-801, Creation of shared foreign sales corporations.
10761          Section 63M-1-802, Management fees.
10762          Section 63M-1-1301, Title.
10763          Section 63M-1-1302, Purpose.
10764          Section 63M-1-1901, Military installation projects for economic development --
10765     Funding -- Criteria -- Dispersal -- Report.
10766          Section 63M-1-2408, Transition clause -- Renegotiation of agreements -- Payment
10767     of partial rebates.