9 General Description:
10 This bill reauthorizes the Health Care Providers Immunity from Liability Act.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ amends the Legislative Oversight and Sunset Act to reauthorize the Health Care
14 Providers Immunity from Liability Act.
15 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
16 None
17 Other Special Clauses:
18 None
19 Utah Code Sections Affected:
21 63I-1-258, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapters 25, 72, and 181
23 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
24 Section 1. Section 63I-1-258 is amended to read:
25 63I-1-258. Repeal dates, Title 58.
26 (1) Title 58, Chapter 13, Health Care Providers Immunity from Liability Act, is
27 repealed July 1, [
28 (2) Title 58, Chapter 15, Health Facility Administrator Act, is repealed July 1, 2015.
29 (3) Title 58, Chapter 20a, Environmental Health Scientist Act, is repealed July 1, 2018.
30 (4) Section 58-37-4.3 is repealed July 1, 2016.
31 (5) Title 58, Chapter 40, Recreational Therapy Practice Act, is repealed July 1, 2023.
32 (6) Title 58, Chapter 41, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Licensing Act, is
33 repealed July 1, 2019.
34 (7) Title 58, Chapter 42a, Occupational Therapy Practice Act, is repealed July 1, 2015.
35 (8) Title 58, Chapter 46a, Hearing Instrument Specialist Licensing Act, is repealed July
36 1, 2023.
37 (9) Title 58, Chapter 47b, Massage Therapy Practice Act, is repealed July 1, 2024.
38 (10) Section 58-69-302.5 is repealed on July 1, 2015.
39 (11) Title 58, Chapter 72, Acupuncture Licensing Act, is repealed July 1, 2017.
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-29-15 3:56 PM
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel