9 Committee Note:
10 The Health and Human Services Interim Committee recommended this bill.
11 General Description:
12 This joint resolution of the Legislature urges actions to promote the interstate sharing of
13 putative father registry information.
14 Highlighted Provisions:
15 This resolution:
16 ▸ urges each state, district, and territory of the United States to enact the Compact for
17 Interstate Sharing of Putative Father Registry Information;
18 ▸ urges the Uniform Law Commission to develop model state laws that promote the
19 interstate sharing of putative father registry information; and
20 ▸ urges Congress to enact legislation that promotes the interstate sharing of putative
21 father registry information, while respecting state control over related public
22 policies.
23 Special Clauses:
24 None
26 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
27 WHEREAS, "putative father" means a man who may be the biological father of a child
28 because the man had a sexual relationship with a woman to whom he is not married;
29 WHEREAS, "putative father registry" means a registry of putative fathers maintained
30 and used by a state as part of its legal process for protecting a putative father's rights;
31 WHEREAS, "state" includes a state, district, or territory of the United States;
32 WHEREAS, because states do not share putative father registry information, a putative
33 father must register with the state in which his child will be born to preserve the putative
34 father's rights;
35 WHEREAS, a putative father may not know in which state his child will be born if the
36 child's mother does not inform him of where she intends to give birth or if she misleads him
37 about where she intends to give birth;
38 WHEREAS, without accurate information about where his child will be born, a
39 putative father does not know in which state he must register to preserve his rights;
40 WHEREAS, the United States Congress has not yet enacted legislation facilitating the
41 interstate sharing of putative father registry information;
42 WHEREAS, Utah has created the Compact for Interstate Sharing of Putative Father
43 Registry Information, which any state, district, or territory of the United States may join by
44 enacting the compact into state law:
45 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
46 urges each state, district, and territory of the United States to enact the Compact for Interstate
47 Sharing of Putative Father Registry Information.
48 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah urges the
49 Uniform Law Commission to develop model state laws that promote the interstate sharing of
50 putative father registry information.
51 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah urges the
52 United States Congress to enact legislation that promotes the interstate sharing of putative
53 father registry information, while respecting state control over related public policies.
54 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the legislative
55 bodies of each state, district, and territory of the United States; the Uniform Law Commission;
56 the Majority Leader of the United States Senate; the Speaker of the United States House of
57 Representatives; and the members of Utah's congressional delegation.
Legislative Review Note
as of 6-4-14 11:16 AM
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel