20 House Building, Utah State Capitol Complex

January 28, 2015

Members Present:                Rep. Kay L. McIff, Chair

                                                Rep. Robert M. Spendlove, Vice Chair

                                                Rep. Stewart Barlow

                                                Rep. Melvin R. Brown

                                                Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck

                                                Rep. Craig Hall

                                                Rep. Sandra Hollins

                                                Rep. Michael S. Kennedy

                                                Rep. Paul Ray

                                                Rep. Edward H. Redd

                                                Rep. Norman K. Thurston

                                                Rep. Raymond P. Ward

Staff Present:                        Mr. Gregg Girvan, Policy Analyst

                                                Ms. Linda Error, House Secretary

NOTE:     A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes

Chair McIff called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.


H.B. 75           Children's Health Insurance Program Amendments (Rep. T. Hawkes)

Rep. Hawkes explained the bill to the committee with the assistance of Emma Chacon, Division of Medicaid and Health Financing, Department of Health.


MOTION:     Rep. Brown moved to pass H.B. 75 out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Ray absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Thurston moved to place H.B. 75 on the consent calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Ray absent for the vote.


H.B. 39           Emergency Placement of Children (Rep. Johnny Anderson)

Rep. Anderson explained the bill to the committee with the assistance of Charri Brummer, Deputy Director, Division of Child and Family Services, Department of Human Services.


MOTION:     Rep. Brown moved to replace H.B. 39 with 1st Substitute H.B. 39, "Emergency Placement of Children." The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Hall and Rep. Ray absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Spendlove moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 39 out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Hall and Rep. Ray absent for the vote.


H.B. 52           Mental Health Professional Practice Amendments (Rep. M. Kennedy)

Rep. Kennedy explained H.B. 52 to the committee with the assistance of Dr. Gray Otis, Utah Mental Health Counselors Association.


MOTION:     Rep. Redd moved to pass H.B. 52 out with a favorable recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Hall absent for the vote.


H.B. 112         Hearing Instrument Specialist Amendments (Rep. G. Froerer)

Rep. Froerer explained H.B. 112 to the committee with the assistance of Dr. Ann Lobdell, Speech and Hearing Clinic, University of Utah. A handout, "HB112 - Hearing Instrument Specialist Amendments," was distributed to the committee.

Spoke for the bill:       M arilyn Call, Director, Utah Division of Services to the Deaf and Hard of                                     Hearing, Utah State Office of Rehabilitation

Peggy Beesley, Audiologist, Veterans Administration Hospital

Donald Lively, citizen

Corey Schafer, citizen

Robyn Traveler, citizen


MOTION:     Rep. Redd moved to pass out H.B. 112 with a favorable recommendation.


MOTION:     Rep. Ray moved to proceed to the next item on the agenda. The motion passed                         unanimously with Rep. Hall and Rep. Ward absent for the vote.


H.B. 76           Insurance Cancellation and Nonrenewal Amendments (Rep. J. Anderegg)


MOTION:     Rep. Brown moved to return H.B. 76 to the Rules Committee with a recommendation that it be assigned to another standing committee. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Hall and Rep. Ward absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Barlow moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Hall and Rep. Ward absent for the vote.

Chair McIff adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m.


Kay L. McIff, Chair