20 House Building, Utah State Capitol Complex

March 5, 2015


Members Present:                Rep. Robert M. Spendlove, Vice Chair

                                                Rep. Stewart E. Barlow

                                                Rep. Melvin R. Brown

                                                Rep. Rebecca Chavez-Houck

                                                Rep. Craig Hall

                                                Rep. Sandra Hollins

                                                Rep. Michael S. Kennedy

                                                Rep. Paul Ray

                                                Rep. Edward H. Redd

                                                Rep. Norman J. Thurston

                                                Rep. Raymond P. Ward


Members Absent:                 Rep. Kay L. McIff, Chair 

Staff Present:                        Mr. Mark D. Andrews, Policy Analyst

                                                Ms. Linda Black, House Secretary

Note:           A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes

Vice Chair Spendlove called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.


MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to approve the minutes of March 4, 2015. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown and Rep. Ray absent for the vote.


H.B. 433         Primary Care Amendments (Rep. K. Ivory)

Rep. Ivory explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke for the bill:       Justin Kahn, CEO, TruClinic

Michelle McOmber, CEO, Utah Medical Association


MOTION:     Rep. Thurston moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. Brown and Rep. Ray absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Redd moved to place H.B. 433 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed with Rep. Brown and Rep. Ray absent for the vote.


H.B. 391         Utah Death with Dignity Act (Rep. R. Chavez-Houck)

Rep. Chavez-Houck explained the bill to the committee and distributed a handout provided by Melissa Oligario, "In Your Time - On Your Terms."


Spoke for the bill:                   Kathryn Lewis, Registered Nurse (two handouts)

                                                Melissa Oligario

                                                Dr. Anne Palmer, Executive Director, Utah Commission on Aging

                                                Denese Lawrence

Dr. Walter Medlin

Spoke against the bill:            Kristine Eberle, United Families International

                                                Jean Hill, Liaison, Catholic Diocese of Utah

Dr. Louis Moench, Utah Psychiatric Association and Utah Medical Association


MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to send H.B. 391 to the Rules Committee with a recommendation that the bill be referred to interim study. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown and Rep. Ray absent for the vote.


H.B. 427         Post-exposure Blood Testing Amendments (Rep. E. Redd)

Rep. Redd explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke for the bill:       Jack Carruth, Chief, South Salt Lake Police Department

                                    Ryan Mellor, Division Chief, Salt Lake City Fire Department


MOTION:     Rep. Thurston moved to amend H.B. 427 as follows:


1.    Page 2, Lines 37 through 44:   


37   (2) (a) The petitioner may submit by electronic or other means an ex parte request for

38an order authorizing a blood draw from the respondent.

39   (b) {  If the court finds that, on the basis of the information in the ex parte request, the

40petitioner was significantly exposed during the course of performing the petitioner's duties as

41an emergency provider and that there is a reasonable likelihood that there will not be an

42opportunity to obtain a sample at a later date, the court shall issue an order authorizing the

43petitioner to obtain a specimen of the person's blood, and that reasonable force may be used, if

44necessary.  }  The court or magistrate shall issue a warrant authorizing the petitioner to obtain a specimen of the person's blood, and that reasonable force may be used, if necessary, if the court or magistrate finds that:

       (a) the petitioner was significantly exposed during the course of performing the petitioner's duties as an emergency services or first aid provider;

       (b) the respondent has refused consent to the blood draw or is unable to give consent;

       (c) there will not be an opportunity to obtain a sample at a later date; and

       (d) a delay in administering available FDA-approved post-exposure treatment or prophylaxis could result in a lack of effectiveness of the treatment or prophylaxis.  

The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown and Rep. Ray absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to pass H.B. 427 out favorably as amended. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown and Rep. Ray absent for the vote.


H.B. 399         Guardianship of Adult Children with Disabilities (Rep. R. Edwards)


Rep. Edwards explained the bill to the committee


Spoke for the bill:       Laura Anderson

                                   Joyce Dolcourt, Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities


MOTION:     Rep. Ray moved to replace H.B. 399 with 1st Substitute H.B. 399, "Guardianship of Adult Children with Disabilities." The motion passed with Rep. Thurston voting in opposition. Rep. Brown was absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Ray moved to amend the bill as follows:


1.    Page 1, Lines 8 through 11:     



9General Description:

10         This bill {  reducers  }  reduces  the filing fee for guardianships under certain circumstances.

11Highlighted Provisions:


The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Ward moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 399 out favorably as amended. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown absent for the vote.


H.B. 424         Epilepsy Training in Public Schools (Rep. D. Sagers)


Rep. Sagers explained the bill to the committee and provided a handout from the Epilepsy Association of Utah.


Spoke for the bill:       Annette Maughn, President, Epilepsy Association of Utah


Spoke to the bill:        Kathleen Kaufman, Utah Nurses Association


MOTION:     Rep. Ray moved to replace H.B. 424 with 1st Substitute H.B. 424, "Epilepsy Training in Public Schools." The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown and Rep. Thurston absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Ray moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 424 out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. Ward voting in opposition and Rep. Redd and Rep. Thurston absent for the vote.


S.B. 147          Epinephrine Auto-injector Use Expansion (Sen. M. Dayton)


Sen. Dayton explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke for the bill:       Michelle McOmber, CEO, Utah Medical Association


MOTION:     Rep. Barlow moved to pass S.B. 147 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown, Rep. Redd, and Rep. Thurston absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Barlow moved to place S.B 147 on the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Brown, Rep. Redd, and Rep. Thurston absent for the vote.


1st Sub. S.B. 158       Pharmacy Amendments (Sen. E. Vickers)


Sen. Vickers explained the bill to the committee.


MOTION:     Rep. Barlow moved to pass 1st Substitute S.B. 158 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Redd and Rep. Thurston absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Barlow moved to place 1st Substitute S.B. 158 on the Consent Calendar. The motion was withdrawn.


2nd Sub. S.B. 177     Dental Hygienist Practice Amendments (Sen. S. Urquhart)


Sen. Urquhart explained the bill to the committee.


MOTION:     Rep. Ray moved to pass 2nd Substitute S.B. 177 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Kennedy, Rep. Redd, and Rep. Thurston absent for the vote.


H.B. 435         Obesity Report (Rep. E. Hutchings)


The bill was not considered.


1st Sub. H.B. 230      Coverage for Eosinophilic Disorders (Rep. C. Moss)


The bill was not considered.


MOTION:     Rep. Brown moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Kennedy, Rep. Redd, and Rep. Thurston absent for the vote.


Vice Chair Spendlove adjourned the meeting at 6:03 p.m.





Kay L. McIff, Chair