20 House Building, Utah State Capitol Complex

                                                            March 10, 2015

Members Present:    Rep. LaVar Christensen, Chair

Rep. Merrill Nelson, Vice Chair

Rep. Fred C. Cox

Rep. Bruce Cutler

Rep. Brian M. Greene

Rep. Craig Hall

Rep. Brian S. King

Rep. Curtis Oda

Rep. V. Lowry Snow

Rep. Kevin J. Stratton

Rep. Mark A. Wheatley


Staff Present:            Mr. Gregg Girvan, Policy AnalystMs. Linda Black, Committee Secretary


NOTE:   A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Chair Christensen called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.


S.B. 296          Antidiscrimination and Religious Freedom Amendments (Sen. S. Urquhart)

Chair Christensen invited further comment from the public.


Spoke for the bill:                   Sherrie Park

                                                Gary Thorup, eBay

                                                Marina Lowe, Policy Counsel, ACLU

                                                Robin Fretwell Wilson, Law Professor, University of Illinois


Spoke against the bill:            Scott Bradley

                                                Pastor Dave Mallinak, Berean Baptist Church

                                                Lacey Smith

                                                Colton Bennett


MOTION:     Rep. Stratton moved to pass S.B. 296 out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. Greene and Rep. Oda voting in opposition.

Vice Chair Nelson assumed the chair


S.B. 236          Justice Court Judges Retirement Amendments (Sen. T. Weiler)

Sen. Weiler explained the bill to the committee.

House Judiciary Standing Committee

March 10, 2015

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Spoke to the bill:        Dee Larsen, Utah Retirement Systems


MOTION:     Rep. Cutler moved to pass S.B.236 out favorably. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Christensen, Rep. Hall and Rep. Oda absent for the vote.


S.B. 282          Administrative Law Judge Amendments (Sen. M. Dayton)

Sen. Dayton explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke to the bill:        Amanda Smith, Executive Director, Department of Environmental Quality


Spoke for the bill:       Jeff Hartley, Red Leaf Resources


MOTION:     Rep. Stratton moved to replace S.B. 282 with 1st Substitute S.B. 282. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Christensen and Rep. Oda absent for the vote.


MOTION:     Rep. Stratton moved to pass S.B. 282 out favorably as substituted. The motion passed with Rep. Christensen and Rep. Oda absent for the vote.


H.B. 449         Amendments to Adoptive Studies and Evaluations (Rep. E. Redd)

Rep. Redd explained the bill to the committee.


MOTION:     Rep. Cutler moved to return H.B. 449 to the Rules Committee for Interim Study. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Christensen and Rep. Oda absent for the vote.


H.B. 451         Grand Jury Expansion Amendments (Rep. M. Roberts)

Rep. Roberts explained the bill to the committee.


Spoke to the bill:        Jeff Buhman , Utah County Attorney

                                    Steve Burton, Utah Criminal Defense Lawyers

                                    Paul Boyden, Executive Director, Statewide Area Prosecutors

                                    Rick Schwermer, Executive Director, Administrative Office of the Courts

                                    Connor Boyack, Libertas Institute


Spoke for the bill:       Sim Gill, Salt Lake County District Attorney

House Judiciary Standing Committee

March 10, 2015

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MOTION:     Rep. Greene moved to return H.B. 451 to the Rules Committee for further study during the Interim Session. The motion passed unanimously.


S.B. 257          Antitrust Amendments (Sen. C. Bramble)

Bill was heard and vote was taken in March 9, 2015 meeting.


MOTION:     Rep. Oda moved to adjourn the meeting.

Vice Chair Nelson adjourned the meeting at 4:40 p.m.


LaVar Christensen, Chair