Room 450, Capital Building
February 4, 2015
Members Present: Rep. Ken Ivory, Chair
Rep. Steve Handy, Vice Chair
Rep. Patrice Arent
Rep. Scott Chew
Rep. Kay Christofferson
Rep. Becky Edwards
Rep. Keith Grover
Rep. Justin Miller
Rep. Earl Tanner
Members Absent: Rep. Brad Dee
Rep. Keven Stratton
Staff Present: Mr. Richard North, Policy Analyst
Ms. Kathy Gessel, Committee Secretary
Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Chair Ivory called the meeting to order at 3.02 p.m.
H.B. 122 Technology Services Amendments (Rep. A. Romero)
Rep. Romero explained the bill to the committee. "Technology Services Amendments" was distributed to the committee.
Spoke for the bill: Everette Bacon, Division of Services for the Blind
Kirt Manwaring, Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities
Adam Rushforth, Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Dero Gertsch, citizen
Spoke to the bill: David Fletcher, Digital Theater Systems
MOTION: Rep. Arent moved to pass bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. Grover and Rep. Tanner voting in opposition.
H.B. 201 Interlocal Entities Amendments (Rep. M. Nelson)
Rep. Nelson explained the bill to the committee. "Information Sheet for HB 201" was distributed to the committee.
Spoke to the bill: Eric Bauden, Intermountain Power Agency
MOTION: Rep. Christofferson moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed with Rep. Grover absent for the vote.
MOTION: Rep. Handy moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Chair Ivory adjourned the meeting at 3:52 p.m.
Rep. Ken Ivory, Chair