Room 30 House Building, State Capitol Complex

March 9, 2015


Members Present:                     Rep. Johnny Anderson, Chair

Rep. Jacob L. Anderegg, Vice Chair

                                                    Rep. Stewart E. Barlow

                                                    Rep. Kay J. Christoffersson 

                                                    Rep. John Cox

                                                    Rep. Rich Cunningham 


                                                    Rep. Justin L. Fawson

                                                    Rep. Brad King 

Rep. David E. Lifferth

                                                    Rep. Carol Spackman Moss

                                                    Rep. John R. Westwood 


Members Absent:                     Rep. Brad L. Dee

                                                    Rep. Sophia M. DiCaro 


Staff Present:                             Mr. Art L. Hunsaker, Policy Analyst

                                                    Ms. Karen Mitchell, Committee Secretary



Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.



Vice Chair Anderegg called the meeting to order at 4:19 p.m.


MOTION:       Rep. Christofferson moved to approve the minutes of the March 6, 2015, meeting. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Anderson absent for the vote.


H.B. 354           Exempt Vehicle Amendments (Rep. B. R. Cutler)


Rep. Cutler explained the bill to the committee with the assistance of Rich Amon, Department of Administrative Services.


MOTION:       Rep. Anderson moved to replace H.B. 354 with 1st Substitute H.B. 354. The motion passed unanimously.


MOTION:       Rep. Christofferson moved to amend the bill as follows:


Line 85 delete "How's My Driving?" and insert "Contact Number:"



The motion passed unanimously.


MOTION:       Rep. Anderson moved to pass 1st Substitute H.B. 354 out favorably as amended. The motion failed with Rep. Fawson, Rep. Lifferth, Rep. Anderegg, and Rep. Anderson voting in favor.


H.B. 266           Vehicle Towing Amendments (Rep. K. Coleman)


Rep. Coleman explained the bill to the committee with the assistance of Nicole Cottle, West Valley City.


MOTION:       Rep. Anderson moved to return H.B. 266 to the Rules Committee with the recommendation that it be referred to the Transportation Interim Committee for interim study. The motion passed unanimously.


MOTION:       Rep. Westwood moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.


Vice Chair Anderegg adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m.










Rep. Johnny Anderson, Chair