This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 11:55 AM by lsjones.
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8 General Description:
9 This bill amends provisions related to the Peer Assistance and Review Program.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ requires the State Board of Education to select at least two school districts to
13 participate in the Peer Assistance and Review Program (PAR Program) Ĥ→ if at least two school
13a districts apply and qualify for the PAR program ←Ĥ ;
14 ▸ amends reporting requirements;
15 ▸ removes the repeal date for the PAR Program; and
16 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
17 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18 This bill appropriates:
19 ▸ to the State Board of Education - State Office of Education - Initiative Programs as
20 an ongoing appropriation:
21 • from the Education Fund, $500,000.
22 Other Special Clauses:
23 None
24 Utah Code Sections Affected:
26 53A-8a-801, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 273
27 53A-8a-802, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 273
28 53A-8a-803, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 273
29 53A-8a-804, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 273
30 63I-2-253, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2015, Chapters 258, 418, and 456
32 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
33 Section 1. Section 53A-8a-801 is amended to read:
34 53A-8a-801. Definitions.
35 As used in this part:
36 [
37 53A-8a-803 and provides assistance and review to teachers assigned to a PAR Program.
38 [
39 employee status.
40 [
41 created according to Section 53A-8a-804.
42 [
43 teacher evaluation and mentoring program created in Section 53A-8a-802.
44 (5) "Teacher" means an individual employed by a school district who:
45 (a) is required to hold an educator license issued by the State Board of Education; and
46 (b) [
47 (6) "Underperforming veteran teacher" means a teacher:
48 (a) who [
49 and
50 (b) whose work has been judged to fall below the school district's standards.
51 Section 2. Section 53A-8a-802 is amended to read:
52 53A-8a-802. PAR Program guidelines -- Report.
53 (1) (a) [
55 (b) A school district that participates in the PAR Program shall, for novice teachers and
56 underperforming veteran teachers:
57 [
59 [
61 [
63 (2) Subject to future budget constraints, the Legislature shall appropriate money [
65 (3) Ĥ→ (a) ←Ĥ The State Board of Education shall:
66 Ĥ→ [
66a develop and
67 implement PAR Programs; and
68 Ĥ→ [
68b Ĥ→ (b) If at least two school districts submit a proposal under Subsection (5) and qualify
68c to receive a grant, the State Board of Education shall award grants to at least two school
68d districts. ←Ĥ
69 (4) In awarding a grant under Subsection (3)(b), the State Board of Education shall
70 consider:
71 (a) [
72 the PAR Program as described in Subsection (1);
73 (b) whether [
74 evaluation system [
75 (c) other criteria as determined by the State Board of Education.
76 (5) To receive a grant, a school district shall submit a proposal to the State Board of
77 Education on how the school district intends to develop and implement a PAR Program, within
78 the specifications of Section 53A-8a-803.
79 (6) A selected school district may use grant money received under this section:
80 (a) to develop and design a PAR Program to fit the needs of the school district, which
81 may include hiring [
82 (b) to fund additional pay or stipends, computers, travel reimbursement, [
83 space for consulting teachers;
84 (c) for program administration and clerical support staff;
85 (d) for stipends for PAR Joint Panel members;
86 (e) to pay substitute teachers for:
87 (i) PAR Joint Panel members to attend meetings; or [
88 (ii) teachers [
89 classes; and
90 (f) for training costs.
91 (7) (a) [
92 Utah Procurement Code, the State Board of Education shall [
94 of the PAR Program on retaining high quality teachers and dismissing ineffective teachers in a
95 timely manner.
96 (b) The State Board of Education shall complete the evaluation described in Subsection
97 (7)(a) once every three years.
98 (c) The board shall report to the Education Interim Committee on the results of the
99 evaluation on or before October 1, 2018, and every three years thereafter.
100 (8) [
101 Act, the State Board of Education shall make rules specifying:
102 (a) procedures for applying for and awarding grants under this part;
103 (b) criteria for awarding grants; and
104 (c) reporting requirements for grantees.
105 Section 3. Section 53A-8a-803 is amended to read:
106 53A-8a-803. Program components.
107 (1) A school district that receives a grant under Section 53A-8a-802 to design and
108 implement a PAR Program, shall use the general guidelines as set forth in this section.
109 (2) A school district's PAR Program shall consist of the following two sections:
110 (a) an induction section for novice teachers; and
111 (b) a remediation section for underperforming veteran teachers.
112 (3) The induction section of a school district's PAR Program shall include the
113 following components:
114 (a) a novice teacher is automatically enrolled into the induction section of the PAR
115 Program and assigned a consulting teacher who serves as a mentor;
116 (b) the novice teacher receives help from a consulting teacher in:
117 (i) setting up a classroom[
118 (ii) securing needed supplies[
119 (iii) preparing for classroom management[
120 (iv) reflecting on lessons[
121 (v) getting feedback and support;
122 (c) the consulting teacher assesses the novice teacher's work and reports to the school
123 district's PAR Joint Panel [
124 summative report and evaluation of the novice teacher at the end of the year;
125 (d) the consulting teacher assists the school district's PAR Joint Panel in deciding
126 whether to hire the novice teacher for another year; and
127 (e) the principal retains the right and responsibility for evaluating all teachers for career
128 employment status.
129 (4) The remediation section of a school district's PAR Program shall include the
130 following components:
131 (a) (i) a principal or supervisor recommends an underperforming veteran teacher to the
132 remediation section of the program[
133 (ii) the underperforming veteran teacher may be automatically enrolled in the
134 intervention section of the program in accordance with local school board policy;
135 (b) an underperforming veteran teacher is assigned a consulting teacher who acts as a
136 mentor and initially investigates whether the teacher is[
137 district standards;
138 (c) the consulting teacher mentors the underperforming veteran teacher for a period of
139 time established in accordance with local school board policy; and
140 (d) the underperforming veteran teacher either:
141 (i) meets school district standards after close mentoring[
142 (ii) is dismissed or encouraged to resign because the underperforming veteran teacher
143 rejects help or fails to improve sufficiently despite the consulting teacher's mentoring.
144 (5) Consulting teachers:
145 (a) are chosen through a competitive process by the school district's PAR Joint Panel;
146 (b) (i) are released from regular teaching loads for three to five years; or
147 (ii) are released from regular teaching part-time and serve as consulting teachers
148 part-time;
149 (c) earn regular salary plus an additional stipend for being consulting teachers;
150 (d) are assigned a caseload of teachers to mentor and evaluate, preferably in the same
151 subject and grade level;
152 (e) report on teachers to the school district's PAR Joint Panel; and
153 (f) mentor and evaluate teachers participating in the school district's PAR Program
154 through:
155 (i) scheduled and unscheduled visits;
156 (ii) developing a growth plan with a teacher based on the teacher's strengths and
157 weaknesses;
158 (iii) observing lessons and providing feedback;
159 (iv) helping with lesson planning;
160 (v) providing resources and materials; and
161 (vi) arranging for a participating teacher to observe another [
162 Section 4. Section 53A-8a-804 is amended to read:
163 53A-8a-804. Creation -- Make-up -- Duties of a school district PAR Joint Panel.
164 (1) A school district that receives money to create a PAR Program under Section
165 53A-8a-802 shall create a PAR Joint Panel consisting of an equal number of teacher
166 representatives and school district administrators [
167 (2) A district PAR Joint Panel shall:
168 (a) meet regularly to design the school district's PAR Program;
169 (b) review cases of teachers assigned to the school district's PAR Program and decide
170 whether the school district should continue to employ teachers based on evidence collected by
171 consulting teachers; and
172 (c) select consulting teachers through a competitive process.
173 Section 5. Section 63I-2-253 is amended to read:
174 63I-2-253. Repeal dates -- Titles 53, 53A, and 53B.
175 (1) Section 53A-1-403.5 is repealed July 1, 2017.
176 [
177 [
178 [
179 [
180 [
182 Section 6. Appropriation.
183 Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, for
184 the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016, and ending June 30, 2017, the following sums of money
185 are appropriated from resources not otherwise appropriated, or reduced from amounts
186 previously appropriated, out of the funds or amounts indicated. These sums of money are in
187 addition to amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2017.
188 To State Board of Education -- State Office of Education -- Initiative Programs
189 From Education Fund
190 Schedule of Programs:
191 Peer Assistance and Review $500,000
192 The Legislature intends that:
193 (1) except as provided in Subsection (2), the State Board of Education Ĥ→ :
(a) ←Ĥ use the
194 appropriation described in this section Ĥ→ [
195 created in Section 53A-8a-802 Ĥ→ [
(b) prioritize using the appropriation to expand the Peer Assistance and Review Program to at least one additional school district if at least two school districts submit proposals and qualify for the Peer Assistance and Review Program. ←Ĥ
196 (2) the State Board of Education may use up to $25,000 of the appropriation to contract
197 with an independent evaluator to conduct an evaluation, as required by Subsection
198 53A-8a-802(7); and
199 (3) the appropriation provided in this section be:
200 (a) ongoing; and
201 (b) nonlapsing.
Legislative Review Note
Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel