6 Cosponsors:
7 Patrice M. Arent
8 Joel K. Briscoe
9 Kim Coleman
10 Rich Cunningham
Susan Duckworth
Justin L. Fawson
Francis D. Gibson
Lynn N. Hemingway
Brad King
David E. Lifferth
Carol Spackman Moss
Angela Romero
Norman K Thurston
13 General Description:
14 This bill amends provisions related to the evaluation of educators and administrators.
15 Highlighted Provisions:
16 This bill:
17 ▸ places restrictions on the use of end-of-level assessment scores for the evaluation
18 and compensation of certain employees; and
19 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
20 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
21 None
22 Other Special Clauses:
23 None
24 Utah Code Sections Affected:
26 53A-8a-405, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2012, Chapter 425
27 53A-8a-409, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 262
28 53A-8a-601, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 262
29 53A-8a-702, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 262
31 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
32 Section 1. Section 53A-8a-405 is amended to read:
33 53A-8a-405. Components of educator evaluation program.
34 An educator evaluation program adopted by a local school board in consultation with a
35 joint committee established in Section 53A-8a-403:
36 (1) shall include the following components:
37 [
38 professional standards for personnel evaluation systems;
39 [
40 each school year; and
41 [
42 [
43 [
44 [
45 [
46 [
47 [
48 [
49 [
50 [
51 [
52 ensure adequate reliability;
53 [
54 [
55 [
56 [
57 [
58 [
59 [
60 performance[
61 (2) may not use end-of-level assessment scores in educator evaluation.
62 Section 2. Section 53A-8a-409 is amended to read:
63 53A-8a-409. State Board of Education to establish a framework for the
64 evaluation of educators.
65 [
66 Act, the State Board of Education shall make rules:
67 [
68 the requirements of Part 3, Employee Evaluations, and this part;
69 [
72 [
73 educators in accordance with the framework established by the State Board of Education no
74 later than the 2015-16 school year.
75 (2) The rules described in Subsection (1) shall prohibit the use of end-of-level
76 assessment scores in educator evaluation.
77 Section 3. Section 53A-8a-601 is amended to read:
78 53A-8a-601. State Board of Education to make rules on performance
79 compensation.
80 (1) [
81 Act, the State Board of Education shall make rules requiring a school district's employee
82 compensation system to be aligned with the district's annual evaluation system described in
83 Section 53A-8a-405.
84 (2) Rules adopted under Subsection (1) shall :
85 (a) establish a timeline for developing and implementing an employee compensation
86 system that is aligned with an annual evaluation system; and
87 (b) provide that beginning no later than the 2016-17 school year:
88 (i) any advancement on an adopted wage or salary schedule:
89 (A) shall be based primarily on an evaluation; and
90 (B) may not be based on end-of-level assessment scores; and
91 (ii) an employee may not advance on an adopted wage or salary schedule if the
92 employee's rating on the most recent evaluation is at the lowest level of an evaluation
93 instrument.
94 Section 4. Section 53A-8a-702 is amended to read:
95 53A-8a-702. Evaluation of school and district administrators.
96 [
97 Act, the State Board of Education shall[
98 for the evaluation of school and district administrators that includes the following components:
99 (a) student achievement indicators emphasizing learning growth and proficiency;
100 (b) the results of an evaluation tool utilized by the local school board that includes
101 input from employees, parents, and students;
102 (c) the effectiveness of evaluating employee performance in a school or district for
103 which the school or district administrator has responsibility; and
104 (d) other factors as determined by a local school board in implementing state law and
105 State Board of Education rules[
106 (2) The rules described in Subsection (1) shall prohibit the use of end-of-level
107 assessment scores in the evaluation of school and district administrators.
108 [
109 implement an evaluation system for school and district administrators in accordance with the
110 framework established by the State Board of Education no later than the 2015-16 school year.